Tangentially related, there's this copper mining museum in BC (1) in what used to be one of these corporate towns where you lived and died. They do a quick demo of the equipments they used back in the day, in a pre cut hole. Even with your hands on your hears it's painful, teeth chattering - and they don't even really hit the rock.
People working in there weren't wearing any sort of hearing protection and became deaf within months. And after introducing pressured air driven equipment, they were all dying in a few years from silicosis. Until someone added water spraying to precipitate the dust into mud (wherein their issue became to fiddle caked in mud all day long in the dark, which I guess is an improvement over certain death). Which happened years later.
Thinking about the kind of life they had terrorizes me. I don't get how, for the longest time, people were fine with that. I mean no judgement on the workers, they probably didn't have a choice - but the people sending them in probably saw them as kettle.
Makes you think about the sort of progress in worker protection that was made since then. But also this kind of story reveals how people are still ready to profiteer from such deadly practices, if given the opportunity.
Today the leading cause of death is heart disease. In that era it was infectious disease. You could have a cushy job doing numbers work in a city and still die of tuberculosis from being in close quarters. People were fine with it because everything was terrible.
In the century between the 1850s and 1950s we went from not even having radio communications or the germ theory of disease to building nuclear submarines and fiber optic data networks.
Once we had penicillin and cities stopped dumping raw sewage into the water supply, people started to have better options and these kinds of businesses had to improve safety to attract workers.
If you had to choose between the job you have now and the ones they had then, how much more would they have to pay you to get you to choose the latter? More than it costs for the safety equipment, right? So they started installing it.
Then governments passed laws requiring it because politicians are adept at taking credit for good things that were about to happen regardless.
Yeah, the operators of company towns were violent pricks who didn't much like it that workers increasingly had better options than to die in a mine. That didn't change the economics though. Neither did committing violence against them, which was not only already illegal even then but also wildly unpopular.
There's nothing better for workers than a competitive market. What's the boss going to do when the workers have the option to quit and get a better job somewhere else?
Get legislation passed like “right to work”, conspire with other business leaders to suppress worker wages/benefits, make striking illegal, etc etc etc.
"Right to work" is not going to stop anyone from quitting if some other job provides better working conditions.
The only reason you need to strike is if there isn't any other employer offering better terms that you can go work for instead. Otherwise you can just threaten to quit unless they meet your terms and actually do it if they don't.
Conspiracies only work if the market is concentrated enough; if there are ten thousand employers and it's easy to start a new one then you're not going to be able to hold together a secret illegal cartel.
None of those actually work in a competitive market.
The market can de-competitiveize itself through non-compete agreements, intellectual property laws, and other barriers to entry. The competitiveness occurs around the "ruleset", which shifts around according to the regulatory environment.
The government tends to default to supporting strikebreaking(and still generally does in any era, including this one) because industrialists, financiers and politicians share lines of mutual support: legal ownership of intangibles like a corporation acts as an alternative to feudal fiefdoms and warlords, in that it's less destructive and lets complex processes evolve.
Corporations are very effective at putting taxable assets on the books, which allows a more complex state bureaucracy, so politicians end up wanting the support of business for government power and expenditures. Financiers want their thumb on the scale, for the winners they picked to continue winning, rather than to run off and form a competitor. And the industrialists themselves, though they are often at the forefront of the most dramatic reorganizations, tend to get stuck in equilibriums where either they're the evil monopolist, or someone else is. Once you arrive at the equilibrium, the elite players lose their dynamism and are pressured to stay within the existing trends or lose their place.
Thus when the Pinkertons or their modern counterparts come in, the officials shrug and say "business as usual, business as usual". The system convulses when it becomes a riot and property is destroyed because that weakens the whole premise: less capital to deploy, fewer assets to tax, failure to return on investment. And people out of a job, but if they were rioting it may have been a crummy job. It creates a shock that can break the equilibrium and enable a different deployment of labor and capital in a new technological environment. That's essentially why the industrial era has so many short, distinct periods and upheavals within it; the sausage is being made, though it's ugly to witness.
> The market can de-competitiveize itself through non-compete agreements, intellectual property laws, and other barriers to entry. The competitiveness occurs around the "ruleset", which shifts around according to the regulatory environment.
What you're getting at is that market competition can be destroyed through regulatory capture. But now you're making the case for regulatory form and anti-trust rather than some kind of labor laws, which was kind of what I was getting at to begin with.
Trying to regulate an artificial monopoly is a fool's errand, not least because if they have the political influence to capture regulators and retain their monopoly then they can also interfere with the passage or enforcement of anything that benefits workers at their expense. So all efforts should be directed to breaking them into tiny, tiny pieces none of which have enough power to capture the government.
Free market competition rarely develops without regulation and/or government/public oversight.
With no external control businesses tend to form cartels and/or adopt practices and regulations that are more hostile towards both consumers and workers than what governments can come up to.
On average anyway. Of course there markets and goods which are somewhat immune to this and exceptionally incompetent governments which can do significantly more harm than good.
> With no external control businesses tend to form cartels and/or adopt practices and regulations that are more hostile towards both consumers and workers than what governments can come up to.
Cartels are generally a result of government regulation, because they require something to be creating a barrier to entry that prevents new entrants from breaking the cartel.
You can also have cartels enforced by e.g. acts of violence or vandalizing competitors who won't join the cartel, but who claims that non-consensual violence or property damage shouldn't be illegal?
If you encounter an uncompetitive market in practice then you clearly have some kind of a regulatory failure, but the answer in these cases is not to pass more laws to mitigate the consequences of insufficient competition, it's to address whatever is causing the market to be uncompetitive.
> Cartels are generally a result of government regulation,
They are often the result of companies bribing or otherwise coopting the government to enact those regulations.
> You can also have cartels enforced by e.g. acts of violence or vandalizing competitors
Or you could just abuse your dominant position by preventing your suppliers or retailers from doing business with your competitors, outright buying them, running them out of business by temporarily dumping your prices etc. these are all both more effective and more realistic options than outright violence.
> but the answer in these cases is not to pass more laws to mitigate the consequences of insufficient competition,
Having corrupt and incompetent governments leads to bad outcomes. That’s not particularly insightful nor does it automatically discredit any form of regulation.
> it's to address whatever is causing the market to be uncompetitive.
You’re certainly right. Sometimes this can be accomplished by reducing restrictions and sometimes by introducing additional laws. We should also take into account that unregulated markets are hardly ever competitive.
> They are often the result of companies bribing or otherwise coopting the government to enact those regulations.
Which is the thing that does this:
> automatically discredit any form of regulation.
The default assumption is that a proposed regulation benefits powerful interests, because powerful interests are the ones who can have regulations enacted.
That doesn't mean it's a violation of the laws of physics for a regulation to do something good, but if you open the US Code to a random page it's not what you'd expect to find, and if someone proposes a new rule they should be viewed with skepticism.
> Or you could just abuse your dominant position by preventing your suppliers or retailers from doing business with your competitors, outright buying them, running them out of business by temporarily dumping your prices etc. these are all both more effective and more realistic options than outright violence.
These also require the market to already be uncompetitive. If there are a thousand suppliers and retailers, you have to be able to strongarm them all or your competitor can just use any that you can't. If there aren't regulations creating a market barrier to entry then new competitors can form and you have to buy them out for more than they make in the market which in turn is more than their entry cost, but if you do this then it's profitable to keep creating new competitors to make you buy until you run out of money. You can sell at a loss but with low barriers to entry now customers or retailers can go into competition with you just to force you to keep doing that forever and lower their own costs.
Also notably such things have been anti-trust violations for a hundred years or so without requiring any new legislation (and this is still a useful check when some other regulations have caused a market to already be uncompetitive or have high barriers to entry).
> Sometimes this can be accomplished by reducing restrictions and sometimes by introducing additional laws.
But many of the laws proposed to address problems caused by a lack of competition are not even attempts to restore competition. They're commonly attempts to mitigate the damage caused by the lack of it. And these laws typically make it harder rather than easier to actually restore competition, because regulatory overhead favors large conglomerates with legal departments, reduces the flexibility that could allow new challengers to find a niche or is just literally drafted by the incumbents to create a regulatory moat.
> We should also take into account that unregulated markets are hardly ever competitive.
There is no such thing as unregulated markets. Governments at a minimum enforce contracts and property rights, and then must do so in a way that doesn't enable market consolidation, e.g. by not enforcing contracts for the formation of a cartel or allowing one entity to buy all of the land in a city.
But regulations should be directed to pricing major externalities and promoting competition rather than trying to micromanage a society made rotten by other rules that make markets uncompetitive.
That is also what happened to the luddites. Adopt technology or the police will arrest you with loaded guns and you go to prison or get hanged. This part is left out to make the Luddites look foolish and technological progress the hero of the story.
> Adopt technology or the police will arrest you with loaded guns and you go to prison or get hanged
That really not true. Nobody forced them to adopt anything (in a literal way). It’s just that automated factories could produce more faster while paying their workers much less since they didn’t require skilled craftsmen.
Also artisans generally used a guild/cartel model which artificially constricted supply which inflated their incomes.
> out to make the Luddites look foolish and technological progress the hero of the story.
I thought it was pretty obvious to everyone that they were breaking machines because they eliminated demand for high skilled/high pay labour?
It is perfectly possible in a competitive market to have terrible work conditions. While the average conditions tend to improve over time, not all workers are in a good bargain position viz-a-viz employees. There are information assymetries, transaction costs for changing jobs, short-term biases, market failures and a lot of other issues in the real world.
This view also assumes that skills are perfectly replaceable, that there's no cost for requalifying for another profession, and that this is instantaneous or that people have some magical way to offset the opportunity costs of requalification while they train for another job.
The problem nowadays (and this is not exclusive to HN, although it is especially salient here) is that people like to fall between two ideological extremes: Either that the government is a inherently neutral and benign all powerful institution 100% of the time, or that free markets always exist, and are always pareto-efficient and that governments action is always some sort of rent-seeking parasite.
In the real world things are a lot more complicated. Not every thing can be solved with the heavy hand of government, neither the market itself is always able to reach the most humane solution. Politics is still needed, and we haven't reached the end of History.
> This view also assumes that skills are perfectly replaceable, that there's no cost for requalifying for another profession, and that this is instantaneous or that people have some magical way to offset the opportunity costs of requalification while they train for another job.
It does not assume any of these things. The cost of switching jobs is not required to be zero. What it does is provide a ceiling for what the existing employer can get away with.
They may be able to get away with paying you 5% below market or subjecting you to an inflexible schedule and it isn't worth changing jobs to one that doesn't do that, but if they try to make you use equipment that will kill you then you just walk right out the door.
Moreover, this is why a competitive market is important -- if you're qualified to be a steel worker but the steel industry is a monopoly, you can always learn to be an aircraft mechanic, but that takes time. Whereas if the steel industry has 10,000 companies in it, you go and work for one of the others using your existing skill set. Which reduces what employers can get away with.
> Then governments passed laws requiring it because politicians are adept at taking credit for good things that were about to happen regardless
With this attitude we’d still be driving with leaded gas, living in lead painting rooms with asbestos roofs and spraying ozone layer destroying aerosols amongst a bunch of other things.
The mechanism you described only really works with short term safety issues. If it takes years or decades for health problems to develop neither workers nor their employers tend to be particularly bothered about solving them.
> The mechanism you described only really works with short term safety issues.
The mechanism I described works for employment issues, because employees can choose not to take a job and more dangerous jobs carry a risk premium that both employers and employees have the incentive to reduce when reasonable safety measures are available.
With leaded gasoline and CFCs the victims have no option to refuse, and it's completely legitimate to prohibit harms and risks imposed on other people without their consent.
For some reason you’re making the assumption that most employees are as capable of estimating this premium as well as their employers and/or that it’s even possible to estimate this risk in advance?
If it's not possible to estimate the risk in advance then how is the legislature supposed to do it? If only the employers and not the employees know of the risk then who is going to advocate for a law? And in the latter case the employer would presumably have liability for knowingly exposing people to something harmful without informing them of the risk.
They were enforcing some laws and doing so selectively.
Striking workers were usually on the wrong side of the law though because they were using coercion and force to make every worker to participate in strikes (they could hardly work any other way without laws restricting “right to work”)
> they could hardly work any other way without laws restricting “right to work”
Well sure they could. The workers who agree with the strike go on strike and if that's enough of them to put pressure on the employers to meet their demands, their demands get met.
If it isn't, you've failed to convince your fellow workers that the light is worth the candle and if you don't want to work under the terms that they do, you can go work for someone else.
This is mainly a problem when there is no other someone else to work for, but now you're back to anti-trust rather than labor laws.
> that's enough of them to put pressure on the employers to meet their demands, their demands get met.
Or your employers can hire some thugs to disperse you and the other strikers. When you resist the governor will just use that as a justification to send in the national guard to “maintain law and order”. At least that’s how it often worked in the good old days..
> Well sure they could.
In an imaginary world maybe. In a society with no safety nets and and where any meaningful accumulation of savings is infeasible? Not so much.
> you can go work for someone else.
Under the same conditions. Labor has an inherently weaker bargaining position (due to certain pretty obvious factors) compared to business owners. Unless you have some external regulation or societal pressure and employers are behaving fully rationally (i.e. maximizing profits) that will always be the case for the majority of the workforce.
> Or your employers can hire some thugs to disperse you and the other strikers.
Now we're back to "everyone agrees that violence should be illegal."
> In a society with no safety nets and and where any meaningful accumulation of savings is infeasible? Not so much.
But then what difference does it make if you go on strike with 75% of the other workers or 100%? Either way the boss just waits two weeks until you all need to buy food.
Which still assumes that the employer is a monopoly. Otherwise you go on strike by taking some gig work in the meantime, which maybe sucks, maybe even sucks more than your current job, but it lets you make rent for as long as it takes for the employer to feel the need to meet your terms.
> Labor has an inherently weaker bargaining position (due to certain pretty obvious factors) compared to business owners. Unless you have some external regulation or societal pressure and employers are behaving fully rationally (i.e. maximizing profits) that will always be the case for the majority of the workforce.
There is no law requiring employers to pay anyone more than minimum wage and yet >98% of people make more than minimum wage. What explains this other than that employers have to compete with each other for labor?
Historically, it feels like laws compelling the government to act for the rights of workers has a mixed record.
There's a stronger record of laws preventing a government from acting against workers and ones permitting workers to take matters into their own hands.
> Thinking about the kind of life they had terrorizes me. I don't get how, for the longest time, people were fine with that.
A non-trivial number of these mine workers were arrested on trumped up charges like "vagrancy" for not having a job or "trespassing" for walking along a railroad. They would often be sold to companies as convict lease (cheap) labor. Essentially slave labor long after the Civil War since the 13th Amendment has the slavery loophole where it's allowed as long as you're convicted of a crime.
This disproportionately affected freed slaves in the South but was an issue for everyone everywhere since it introduced a profit motive to manufactured charges and inflated sentences. The extent that it predominantly affected Black folks and poor white folks had a lot to do with public sentiment not doing anything about it for a very long time.
To a not-small-enough extent, the same conditions exist today where labor can be coerced for little to no pay among the prison population, many of whom have been threatened with obscenely long sentences being shortened by accepting plea deals even when innocent or with extenuating circumstances. For-profit prisons often make the situation worse by further incentivizing incarceration on a larger scale.
> Makes you think about the sort of progress in worker protection that was made since then. But also this kind of story reveals how people are still ready to profiteer from such deadly practices, if given the opportunity.
It’s not just people “profiteering” though? The story mentions workers standing at Home Depot. These are ordinary homeowners hiring these shops to custom cut countertops for them. It’s not some mega-corp mass-manufacturing counter tops.
And now half the people who should be trying to put a stop to it are instead talking about how we need low skill, low education foreign workers that can easily be exploited to keep consumer prices low.
Oh yeah absolutely, but being a shareholder in there? I mean it's always easy to judge people whose context you don't know, but I think you can draw a line and this is past it
We can still draw those lines today, but mostly ignore them. Such as the nets around Foxconn factories, slave labor used to create chocolate, lithium mining, etc. Not nearly as dramatic as what those copper mine workers went through, but still quite bad.
"Nearly half of the workers suffering silicosis in the UCLA and UCSF study said their workplaces were using water to control dust. Roughly a quarter said they always had respiratory protection. Fazio said studies have found that in many shops, dust is so thick in the air that respirators cannot filter out a sufficient amount.
Metzger argued that the kind of sophisticated and costly measures that would be needed to reliably protect workers cutting engineered stone are not economically plausible in an industry where immigrant workers typically labor in small shops and are often paid in cash. Engineered stone "is too dangerous to be used safely," he said. "If there’s any industrial product that should be banned, this is the product.""
All this thanks to synthetic stone - important note for countertops owners, if you want to make sure you don't support the product
>dust is so thick in the air that respirators cannot filter out a sufficient amount
This is not a technology problem, this is an 1880s "Safety devices are too expensive problem" along with paid under the table workers problem. All kinds of other industries manufacture 'dangerous' products with regulations that protect the workers. Housing and agriculture are both industries that do not and fight ever further for anti-regulations to protect the workers even less.
Removing the availability of cheap labor by providing more worker rights, and less/no criminalization of undocumented immigrants alongside an h1b reform would do wonders for the general health of this society.
Nobody is against cheap workers paying taxes. They’re against undocumented workers getting paid under the table and unfairly competing with documented workers that have to pay taxes and thus are more expensive. Gotta solve the documentation problem one way or another.
Once illegal immigrants gain citizenship and essentially basic civil rights (being a criminal federally isn't really freedom no matter if your state is sort of cool about it or not) they will no longer be willing to work in these conditions. They don't report or sue now due to their status, people fear deportation and it's often used as a threat by business owners and housewives employing cleaners and nannies.
Observing public discourse regarding illegal immigration offers great insight into how the Overtone window works and how it can be pushed in any direction by elite-owned media. What is essentially illegal is now being called undocumented. It blows my mind. I had to go over a lot of hoops to be allowed to move to and work in Switzerland. It's the right of the host to set the rules and enforce them. If you don't intend to respect that and still come you're doing something illegal.
And I've been an expat in multiple countries for the majority of my life. Undocumented just means you broke the law to get in. This is illegall. Let's call a spade a spade.
Because being “undocumented” isn’t actually “illegal”.
Heck undocumented is a bad term too on its own but for other reasons.
Being in the US without a right to be in it, is a civil matter. Not criminal. It hasn’t been a criminal matter, and there are actually proponents of making it a criminal matter because then these folks would get actual representation in court.
Second, even if being in the US without the right to be in it becomes a criminal matter, you are still innocent until proven guilty. There are thousands of people who may not be able to produce evidence that they have a right to live in the US.
What Switzerland does has no place in this discussion either.
Anyway now that you know illegal is a factually wrong term, are you going to stop using it?
> What Switzerland does has no place in this discussion either.
I'm from EU; most countries here will require you to go through some legal process to become eligible to live and work there if you're from outside of EU. This is absolutely normal and expected.
Your argumentation is not only wrong, it would be impossible to maintain peace if crossing the border without any authorization was allowed. Can you imagine the number of Russian spies and saboteurs Poland would have to deal with if the borders were just open to everybody? It would be lunacy to allow that.
> Anyway now that you know illegal is a factually wrong term, are you going to stop using it?
It's not factually wrong. In most places in the world it's literally illegal to cross the border without a visa or other permit. You will get detained and expelled for doing that; and for a good reason.
That you might not like it and prefer to call it some other term doesn't change anything.
Russian spies are literally already within the American political system.
We weren’t able to stop spies during the height of the Cold War. We won’t now. Emotional arguments that point at a random unsubstantiated threat doesn’t actually help this discussion.
Switzerland isn’t relevant in this discussion because we’re talking about the US. They’re not nearly in the same situation or league to be compared.
And again, illegal is really mainly for criminal matters. Not civil. You can keep using whatever word you want but calling it a conspiracy that “big media” is doing is just plain wrong.
It's amazing how you avoid all the points I'm making. I've been in discussions like this too many times. There's no value in dragging it any more at this point. Thank you for your comments, but I'd rather put my energy into more constructive discourse.
The word “illegal” applies to both civil and criminal matters. The presumption of innocence doesn’t apply to civil matters. More importantly, labels generally refer to actual facts. You can talk in general about “speeders” or “shoplifters” though obviously the police would have to prove any individual person accused of those things was in fact doing so.
Paradoxically there is probably no other developed country where finding work as an un undocumented illegal immigrant is easier than in the US. While immigration laws there are very strict by western standards.
How are you going to have “more worker rights” when your workforce is desperate, poorly educated immigrants who come from countries with no labor or workplace safety protections? Counter cutting is a custom business—these aren’t mega corps you can easily regulate. Did you know that this was even a problem until you read this article? Do you think do gooders can be everywhere to observe this sort of thing and bring it to the authorities? Do you think legislators are going to care about this issue when it only affects undocumented immigrants who can’t vote? (Or are you suggesting that people should be able to vote the minute they come over the border?)
There is a deep and fundamental link between having a native born workforce that is educated in this country and socialized to expect certain minimum standards, and the ability to legislate and enforce increased worker protections.
They already have legal protections for this. The problem is the workforce is poorly educated immigrants who, who are fleeing desperate circumstances and have different expectations compared to native born Americans. They’re much less likely to strike to demand better conditions when they’re just grateful things are better than in back home.
A friend is in the countertop business in Florida. We just transitioned his shop to primarily rely on refurbed FANUC robotics performing the heavy lifting and cutting ops to prevent these health hazards (as he’s the one doing the cutting). Work areas are operated in lazy negative pressure with work atmosphere filtered prior to exhaust out of the building.
Regulation is the only way to prevent labor from being treated as disposable by these businesses, regardless of the status of these workers.
It seems that the synthetic stone is not the cause, but highlighting the problem: poor enforcement of safety standards and inadequate PPE provided to workers.
Just because there's more silica doesn't mean that it's suddenly unsafe whereas cutting granite is safe. Even drywall or cutting concrete you're supposed to wear PPE.
It never leaves your lungs though. In the last 20 years we went from "dust masks are for wimps" to "wow not wearing PPE is terrible". One small silver lining of covid is that even relatively oblivious home owners even wear PPE for small projects now. Smoking OR inhaling large amounts of dust might not kill you, but both are bound to make you miserable later in life. There is already a steep drop off in lung cancer deaths, peaking in the early 1990s. Right now we're down to about 1930s level despite having nearly triple the population.
You can buy a cheap yet very comfortable 5000 or 7000 series respirator from 3M for about $20 and the "pink pancake" P100 filters are another $12. If you're a hobbyist those ought to last you a year, maybe even 5 depending on what you're cutting. I do metalwork as a hobby and I can definitely feel it in my lungs (and taste it) the next day if the garage door is shut and I forgot to wear the respirator.
Cutting cement boards with a diamond blade is pretty god-awful for your lungs. On the order of few years.
Effects depend on the particle geometry.
But as a general rule of thumb: if it's biologically inert and tough enough to stick around for awhile... it'll just stay in your lungs. E.g. fiberglass, cement, rock, paint.
I wear a respirator a LOT more these days than I did when I was younger.
Anything that contains silica... which includes concrete, practically anything stone based. This has nothing to do with this material being particularly dangerous above and beyond what is expected with any material cutting. You should not be cutting anything at the industrial scale without proper PPE.
The materials are a second order effect. Undoubtedly breathing granite, soapstone or whatever dust isn't good for you either. Maybe it just takes longer to kill you.
I think the issue is that people are opting for "engineered stone" over wooden laminate which doesn't have the same issue.
So whether it is engineered or natural stone the problem is that stone cutting has dust that needs to be dealt with. But the emerging issue is that with the rising popularity of engineered stone, a higher percentage of countertops overall are hazardous to cut.
Isn't soapstone closely related to asbestos? I'd expect it to produce the same type of powder that makes asbestos so dangerous (and on top of silicosis it can give you mesothelioma)
Or why pick any straws unless you have a medical condition that prevents you from just drinking.
We typically order water to drink in restaurants and when it gets to the table, the servers almost always toss some straws on the table. If we say we don’t want them or if we mention when ordering that we don’t want straws, we get looks like we must be some weirdos. Why automatically push straws for everyone?
Only time I want straws is when the drink is too thick to drink by tipping the glass. Like chocolate with quite alot of cream as decoration or some smoothies. Soda with too much ice crush ... just have too much ice.
I find it quite strange for adults to drink with straws. It is a child thing in my world.
This is basically cultural. In my home country straws are basically something small kids use. There are just a few beverages where a straw really adds some value, like some alcoholic drinks with plenty of floating stuff and milk-shakes.
If anything, straws make some stuff TOO easy, like drinking loads of soda while driving, and this is not good for you.
I think that a lot of problems could be solved by people just consuming less of some stuffs, instead of trying to find a technical solution to the present problems of consuming some of that stuff.
I'd like to know as well. When my parents remodeled their kitchen they got some kind of simulated granite aggregate made of recycled material that I believe was fully heatproof and held up very well over the years. But did somebody get silicosis in the process?
They might have, you have no way of knowing whether the factory in which they were made used PPE or not. If they were cheap, probably not, if they were expensive, maybe, or maybe the manufacturer was just pocketing more profit.
Most of these aren’t made in a “factory.” Because countertops are heavy and pretty much all custom sized and shaped, they’re being made in small scale local businesses.
According to this podcast, Cass Sunstein, co-author of Nudge, used his economist-oriented federal government department to delay and block legislated regulation related to protection for silicosis during the Obama administration. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/if-books-could-kill/id...
I was interested, but also didn't want to scrub through a podcast. Summary:
Cass Sunstein was the administer of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. The OIRA is given the remit to review drafted rules (ie regulations) that various federal agencies want to enact. The OIRA is supposed to perform an external cost-benefit analysis of the proposed regulations. OIRA is suppose to turn around rulings in 90 days.
While Cass Sunstein was administrator (2009 to 2012), various pieces of regulation were submitted for review, and ended up being reviewed for ~3+ years. Examples include:
* Requiring rear-view cameras (submitted for review in 2011, regulation finally passed in 2014 with a 2018 deadline for compliance)
* The silicosis workplace safety regulations (as mentioned - submitted in 2011, finally passed review in 2013)
* Coal ash handling regulations (from the EPA) delayed from 2009 to 2014
For the specific case of silicosis specifically, it doesn't appear that the OIRA ended up blocking the regulation, though it certainly slowed it down.
It is worth noting that these delays continued after Sunstein left office, and there's certainly evidence of OIRA significantly delaying review processes prior to Suntein's term as administrator.
Thank you for collecting this. A couple years to draft & study some proposed regulation doesn't seem that heinous to me. It would make sense to not hastily publish a regulation that will last decades without really considering it and its effects well. They can be a source of lawsuits, and I would assume, you want it to be effective which can take some study.
These are regulations that have already been studied extensively at the agency level. OIRA’s cost-benefit analysis is a second layer of review on top of that.
It’d be interesting to see a cost-benefit analysis of OIRA’s cost-benefit analysis. All the delays aren’t free.
The refusal of politicians to mandate motorcycle helmets for car drivers and pedestrians needlessly increases the number of humans dying as well.
Since the article is referring to "83 cases among countertop workers identified across the state [of California] since 2019", it's almost certain helmets would save more lives than anything you do about engineered stone. So what's the excuse there?
There are already regulations requiring ppe and ventilation that aren't followed, they are already dying despite regulations.
I'm not saying that we need more delays. I'm also not saying that there isn't room for more regulation here, but just slapping any poorly considered regulation down may not solve the problem.
Jeez - Sunstein has such great work in legal scholarship, but I guess power corrupts?
Even more surprising to me was Sunstein and his wife Samantha Power attending Henry Kissinger's birthday party after Power previously published a book basically pinning 150,000 deaths in Cambodia directly on him. They knew this guy is basically a war criminal and still went to celebrate his birthday.
The US has no war criminals, because no court in the world would dare to prosecute Americans for war crimes, the ICC tried once, didn't end well for them. So relax, Kissinger is one of the good guys.
One strange thing the older among us are pretty sure to notice is how in average the tech industry worker moved from a quasi-hippie political point of view towards boot-licking default.
In the old slashdot times, such a comment would probably have +5 insightful badge attached, here in HN in 2023, it is downvoted to hell.
Not long ago, we had our countertop replaced (from quartz to granite). They ended up having to make a cut in it while it was sitting in our kitchen. Our home was in a cloud of dust for several hours, and when the dust finally settled a day later, every surface imaginable was covered in dust.
I’m pretty sure none of them wore masks when doing this. I honestly didn’t think to wear a mask either (since they weren’t and never really even warned us how bad it would be), but fortunately we were behind closed doors most of the time the particles were in the air.
Fortunately it was a granite countertop and not quartz. But I still can’t imagine that stuff is good to breathe on a recurring basis, and it still amazes me that they were fairly casual about the whole thing.
My guess is the industry just isn’t educating workers about the risks.
> Fortunately it was a granite countertop and not quartz.
Granites are primarily composed of feldspar and quartz, which are both primarily composed of silica. Silica is the thing that causes silicosis, and when that granite was cut it was clouds of silica dust that covered your home.
You were no more safe in that granite dust than you would have been in quartz dust.
Not sure I agree/understand, but it seems like if I’m inhaling 2x the poison over the same amount of time, that has exactly 2x the impact/risk on your health.
This isn’t the same as something like a virus, where it’s more binary.
To be clear, I’m not arguing to prove I’m right (because I’m certainly not an expert and am open to being wrong), I’m trying to understand more about how particle inhalation can have varying risks (or not) based on density.
TFA article says the stuff gets in your lungs and stays there. Are you trying to figure out whether you should wear protection for x% silica containing materials? Seems like a fool's errand.
Not at all, I actually wear a mask when just sweeping the garage. :) I certainly think there should be regulation requiring masks in industries like this — and I will definitely wear a mask the next time I’m around any sort of countertop dust.
I’m mostly just curious about the science, and whether/why it is more binary than I’m understanding, vs. just taking some random HN strangers’ words.
Silica particles won't disolve in water, it's like breathing broken glass, and that's the main problem not limited to silica, but breathing ANY particle that harms your organs.
Lots of things don’t dissolve in water but are still effectively contained by water. That said, I wonder what happens to the water being used for this purpose. If it isn’t treated/disposed of somehow, I could see it evaporating and allowing the dust to become airborne again. If this is in a permanent shop environment, it might explain the apparent lack of effectiveness of this solution.
Don't worry about it. You were exposed to a very small amount a single time. It's the repeated exposure day after day that kills people. Saying that, yeah it's not nice. But the single exposure to dust isn't going to hurt you.
When I do sand blasting a have a little box I do it in. With windows. I wonder why they don't have such an arrangement for the bench cutting. No matter the health hazard, it doesn't sound economical to cover a whole kitchen in dust for a two feet cut.
I bet there is a product that could be used, however I'm sure the installers think it's "just one more thing to carry around" when the faucet hole cut only takes a few minutes.
Sure, but is only more work to carry around the cover-thing, if you don't have to clean up the mess.
I quick search on Amazon for "Stone Cutting Dust Cover" gave plenty of cheap looking clear plastics covers with a hole for a vacuum cleaner. I bet there are pro variants available of those.
surprised they cut it dry. i just had to add 2 holes to my granite countertop. used a “well” guide that also has water in it. it’s meant to keep the cutting edge cool but also there was no dust to speak of
Just a comment, but pulmonary fibrosis is terrible. People don't know that often damage to your lungs cannot be reversed. I survived two major lung infections and over a year later still have issues climbing lots of stairs or steep hills that were easy before. I mean I dont have fibrosis (that would be an immediate death sentence) but it's crazy how scaring and damage in the lungs just happens and that part of your lung is just useless now. It's just with fibrosis, the scarring never ends and subsumes both your lungs and thus you die.
People have an attitude (somewhat helpful) that you can always get will yourself to recovery or "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" and all that, but severe damage to your lungs really has no treatment. Essentially your body just adapts to the reduced function by being more efficient or by changes in behavior (like walking slower). That lung capacity is lost for good.
And it's not like it hasnt been known for a long time how dangerous silica can be. I worked in a chemical manufacturing plant as an engineering intern in the 80s, at a plant that made marine coatings. One of the products contained silica as an ingredient. The precautions that went into the production of that product were crazy, workers entering the area had to wear what amounted to space suits with full respirators. I vividly recall putting these suits on any time we had to do any work in that production area.
We have this problem in Australia too. I am glad at least that people are starting to wake up to the silicosis risk though, because you can also release silica dust cutting or drilling through bricks, cutting or polishing concrete etc. and you often see tradies take almost no precautions...
The only precaution required is to use wet cutting and grinding. A wet process works better in every way except it uses more water.
There is tons of decisions about factory equipment where there is a trade off between safety and the environment. Factory managers often joke about how various scrubbing equipment has OSHA on one side, and the EPA on the other. It is critical that the culture prioritizes safety above all else.
Not surprised. Back in my artist days, the studio I rented was in a building with a countertop business on the first floor. The extent of their safety measures were blowing the dust out into the back alley. Most workers rarely, if ever wore masks, and the inside of the shop was absolutely covered in dust. The dust would make it up to me on the second floor, everything in my studio would accumulate a thin layer just a week or so after cleaning.
Wasn’t great but the rent was cheap, until it wasn’t
> everything in my studio would accumulate a thin layer just a week or so after cleaning
I wish I ONLY had to clean the surfaces once a week.
In my country and city unfortunately -- even though I dont live near a major road or construction site -- dust is everywhere. Within 24 hours or less of wiping clean, you can see a visible layer of dust on any horizontal surface in home.
This seems largely similar to worker protections for welding... the proper protection is essentially heavy shop ventilation and full respirators (which, good ones cost something like $1500).
I suspect the problem is that welding related disease/problems show up quite quickly in most cases, and welding tends to be a higher paid industry. More room for margin on PPE and workers have higher demands.
I just am astounded, horrified. The answer to abusive management is simply rebalance power. The answer to abusive markets is pay more (Edit: better supply chain ledgers)
Just horrified
re supply chains - the simple way to stop sales of any product is a shelf market like this: "The product X was manufactured by the small child who last month was mutilates by a factory accident. Nice picture. our product has the following verified supply chain. but it's more expensive. your choice of course"
Correct me if I'm wrong, but does a respirator not solve this problem? The article and many comments here seem to blame people wanting cheap countertops as either part or all of the issue, but if it's safe to cut them with a respirator or wet saw, the focus should be on making companies give their workers respirators/wet saws and enforce their use.
We in Ukraine have really large number of people with this problem, but mostly from coal industry.
Actually, it is possible to transplant lung, but sure, this is not solution of real problem, people for some reason cannot fulfill safety considerations.
In reality, what I seen myself, in such cases, all adequate people work with respirator or gas mask, they are now extremely affordable.
And yes, I many times hear, they feel discomfort, it is usually really hot in coal mine, so people frequently take off mask, and for short moment of slight comfort, sacrifice their health.
Unfortunately, after covid I understand them. Yes, psychology don't like wear mask, even when it is not really limiting breath.
I few times have to just sit in mask for 2-4 hours, this was extremely hard.
But who is going to make the dangers known to potential and currently employed workers? Companies can sieve through people until they find someone desperate enough or oblivious to the danger and they could not even be aware they're throwing their lives away. And the respirators are going to be in a locker that you have to sign off on each time you want to use them and to do that you have to ask your superior who would try to put you down verbally. I witnessed this model myself while working intermittently at a refuse processing plant that services a pretty big city. The work entailed manually sorting through garbage on a conveyor belt and cutting open any sealed trash bags, taking any plastic, metal, paper and rot out of it manually and into the chutes.
There's not as much difference as you say. The NJ page says
> New Jersey law (N.J.S.A. 34:5-182) requires that employers
provide workers with full-face air-purifying respirators when
engineering controls cannot be used. Use of respirators should
be part of a complete respiratory protection program.
While the CA page says
Respirators should only be used:
• As a last resort for
protection when local
exhaust ventilation or
water controls are not
feasible or do not
adequately control
employee airborne
• Where exposures
exceed the permissible
exposure limit (50 μg/m3,
8-hour TWA) while installing or implementing feasible
engineering and work practice controls.
• When the employee is in a regulated area.
I.e., both say that other measures must be applied first.
I worked in a countertop factory around 25 years ago and every single tool/station used wet cutting. Why on earth would workers be doing this work without water?
From Google "......Silicosis is the oldest known occupational lung disease. Ancient Greeks were familiar with lung disease in quarry workers (Hippocrates) and the fact that ..... "
Amazing this issue has not been addressed - starting with education - maythis material needs to be banned ????
I have a friend in this business and his workers always wear N95 masks and his machines are sprayed with water to greatly reduce the dust particles in the air.
If workers refuse to wear masks, then whose fault is this?! If employers do not provide the PPE necessary of this job, then they should be sued and put in jail! My friend was buying 3M N95 masks before COVID-19 at extremely low prices in small quantities - somewhere between $.50 and $.70 a piece. So, everybody can calculate the "savings" those cruel employers do - a lot less than $50/mo/employee!
There are so many Latino workers in Southern California who do not wear PPE for a variety of reasons. For example, all those leaf blowers not only breathe in gas for hours, but they also inhale dust and mold! And nobody seems to care about them! My city of Irvine for years was pretending they want to enforce the switch to electrical leaf blowers as based on numerous studies, 2-stroke engines pollute the air of California a lot more than all cars together, but have done nothing! If I don't run and close all my windows, my house gets filled with gas for literally minutes and then it's really hard to get rid of those toxic fumes! This madness should stop!
The same applies to many other workers! There's the law, but nobody seems to care to enforce it!
> If workers refuse to wear masks, then whose fault is this?!
It doesn't matter whose fault it is; it remains the employers responsibility to ensure that it does not happen, if necessary by dismissing the worker concerned.
Just saw today a worker in a cloud of soil dust with a machine that, I guess, breaks the hardened soil - right next to a busy road. Anyway, next article would be about these workers getting Candida auris.
Anyway, do you expect their employer to watch them all the time when they work? If they have passed instruction and cannot be supervised all the time, then it's employees fault.
Of course the employee is at fault but the employer also has a responsibility to ensure that such employees do not repeat such behaviour. I expect employers to be aware of how well their employees do the job and to take appropriate action when the behaviour fails to meet the relevant standards.
We can't put all the burden on the employer. At the end of the day, nobody could possibly care more about your health than you yourself. If people ignore risks knowingly, then it's their own personal fault.
American Standard has a large factory in my homeland Bulgaria and people from my hometown commute more than an hour and such commute in Bulgaria is rare, but they do it for the good salary. Although the factory passes EU regulations, which I honestly doubt due to the huge level of corruption and widespread respiratory health issues of workers.
So, everybody knows that they will get sick if they work there long enough, yet, they do it, because of the money and job security!
So, sometimes, even when people know the risks, they still harm themselves for money!
I'm pretty sure that the employer would, or at least could, be held liable here in Norway and in the UK.
> So, sometimes, even when people know the risks, they still harm themselves for money!
In many places this is not really a free choice because alternatives that do not harm one's health do not exist or demand qualifications that the prospective employee does not have. Requiring the employer to police this raises the standard everywhere and the employees would no longer have to make that trade off.
Yes, but not really. There are piles of industry around the world that deal with silica and don't have workers dying left and right. There are also piles of industries that do have workers dying left and right.
The difference is not in the danger of the materials.
The difference is supplying safety equipment and having a culture that demands the use of it.
Definitely an OSHA requirement, but there's no guarantee that 1) management supports the necessary supplies, checks, reminders, actions, etc or 2) workers want to wear the respirators/masks in general. On top of that, inspectors may be instructed (depending on inspection management, training, etc) that the water based dust suppression is good enough. Even if they want to see masks, management and workers may only implement them during inspections. Adherence to rules is necessary for rules to do anything anywere, ever.
Even though there are whistle-blower protection laws, they aren't good enough. No-one should fear risking their job when they stand up for their own health.
Management on the other hand should enforce masks as a means to avoid liability.
What should happen is if someone sees it they call 911 and the cops show up. Followed by the county permit inspector. And then the owner gets arrested and the job site shut down for 6-12 months. Seriously that's what happened at friends workplace when an electrician got fried working on a live 440 volt panel. Don't see why a counter top shop should be treated any different.
Have you ever wore a respirator? Not a mask (which all already uncomfortable to wear all day), but the full respirator which is what is needed for this dust. I've done it for an hour when working with chemicals (different filter from dust, but otherwise the same) and I was glad to get it off.it is hard to blame someone for not wanting to wear them all day. They still should.
If you need to wear a respirator all day i'm told the most comfortable is an air supply and dragging a hose behind you.
I have a wood shop, I wear a respirator constantly unless I've got the doors open and the fans on and I'm not going to be doing more than a one-off cut that afternoon. A properly fitted 3M 6800-series full-face respirator is pretty comfortable even for long periods and while wearing glasses. A 6200-series half-mask is even more comfortable, though a little awkward with glasses.
The only problem is that a 6800-series costs $200, plus probably $30 a month in P100 cartridges given the level of particulates in the air, and that's more than these companies think their workers' lives are worth.
I've got a 3M full-face respirator as well, and I agree. I've worn it with P100 filters for 8+ hours (minus breaks to drink water) doing hard work in uncomfortable conditions many times, and never found the respirator to be a burden.
They're a little pricey up front, but I figured it was cheap overall compared to the long-term costs of using something less effective. Having eye protection integrated as well is ideal, since it never fogs up.
I got one of their FF400 face shield respirators to do lead paint removal and spent dozens of hours in unconditioned spaces with a tyvek suit. They are extremely well designed and never fog because the inhaled air passes first through the face mask area and then through one-way valves into the mouth/nose section and is exhausted downward at the front of the mouth/nose area.
I used it during the beginning of COVID to protect myself up until I was vaccinated and went for about 18 months before getting infected. Definitely got some odd looks at Costco.
Maybe you are meaning for medical staff? Yeah there's a fully unfiltered exhaust stream blowing downwards.
I too am a proponent of proper half face respirators (7500 here), and they are quite comfortable compared to the various disposable solutions, but I'd still acknowledge that wearing one does carry some discomfort. Not enough to make me want to get silicosis instead, but also not so little that I can confidently say I'm happy wearing it for 8 hours.
What's your solution for the full face with glasses? The spectacle kit looks like it's a frame that you need to get custom lenses put into. The few times I've worn mine (FF-400) I've just suffered the extra ear pressure, but it's not great. It's also a size too small because it was what was in stock at the start of Covid when nobody knew wtf was going to happen, but I don't see that increasing one size would change much. I plan to eventually trying to form a custom thing to hold a regular pair of glasses.
And have you really found the P100 cartridges need to be discarded every few weeks? The only things I've found say that particulate filters only need to be discarded when they become difficult to breathe through, and I've never actually reached that point.
Wearing a respirator mask is substantially more pleasant when you're just farting around your hobby shop (and only when the temperature is pleasant or cool), than it is when you're actually working at a productivity level expected of laborers, with heavy stone, in an industrial workshop, no matter the temperature and humidity.
Try spending an hour in your shop constantly lugging heavy tools and wood around wearing that respirator on a humid 80 degree day, then you can be smug and waggle your finger at laborers for not protecting themselves.
I mentioned the wood shop because I have expended considerably more energy in that shop and also in researching how to do so safely, but I've owned a property management company and personally I've done two house remodels where I did most of the demolition (and most things that weren't framing or plumbing) myself. I don't like to do it, but I am no stranger to spending hours at a stretch working in a half-mask, over my head, in Some Weather, in crawlspaces, attics, and basements.
Yes, I'm extremely fortunate that I can pay for help when needed, but I do quite a lot of my own work. So, if you're going to invent a guy to be mad at, maybe you should pick a softer target.
FWIW, I'm not a professional, but I've worn a full-face respirator while spending entire days working in extremely hot crawlspaces, demo'ing and removing heavy antique cast iron drain pipe, running a wet saw for large-format tile, etc.
I'm just one datapoint, but my assumption would be that if it's truly too much of a burden, their employer should be buying better respirators and/or filters.
A key insight into things like this is that many regulations are like speed limits: loosely enforced. Sometimes because it is too hard to inspect every shop handling dangerous materials.
In cases like these you have to ban the dangerous material, or essentially kill the market for the products that use it.
BTW, I'm not sure how solid granite, soapstone, marble, etc. would be any better. Maybe my 30 year old totally fake Corian is back in style. But for the microplastics from scrubbing it?
The silica content varies significantly based on the stone being cut. Engineered stone is apparently like 90%+ silica, with the rest being binders. Granite is apparently ~10-45% silica, while marble has a negligible amount.
The pamphlet said that in one study, a marble shop performing dry grinding (no wetting, nor other engineering controls) had airborne silica levels of 39-45 ug/m3, while a granite shop which also did not use engineering controls say 89-460ug/m3.
how big do you have to be to get an actual OSHA inspection? I've worked in lost of small and medium shops of various kinds and the local fire department will show an interest sometimes, but I've never heard of anyone getting involved with OSHA for any reason.
They do, just like the ATF requires all sorts of record-keeping for gun sales and the EPA has rules about disposal of chemicals and the IRS has all sorts of tax regulations.
However, all three organizations have been subject to decades of budgetary cuts/freezes/criticism by republican lawmakers and thus have a fraction of the inspectors they should.
The way republicans have functioned for a few decades (after realizing that legislatively trying to kill the ATF, EPA, OSHA, etc is unpopular) is to hamstring the budget for those departments, tie up leadership appointments as much as possible, and then in hearings shout about how ineffective the agencies are.
It's like starving someone and then criticizing them for being lazy and inactive.
The same technique is used to attack social services. WIC, a food stamp program for mothers with infants and children, requires yearly "certification" which involves in-person interviews at offices that few and far between, often not public transit accessible, and so on. How is a mother who is so poor she needs WIC (and thus may not even have a car) supposed to afford to take a day off from work and travel to an office so someone can verify that her child still exists?
Compare that to other government programs that benefit the wealthy and corporations. Do people writing off luxury cars, entire homes, and bizjets have to show up at a regional IRS office (annually) to have their records audited, proving that the luxury property is actually being used for business purposes and they're entitled to a writeoff (or being given use of said property without paying taxes on it)?
I suspect that stone dust generally will be found to be similarly harmful to asbestos.
Asbestos is apparently worse because of the sharp edges of the particles, but if I put any angle grinder dust under the microscope I see plenty of sharp bits too.
I think the actually harmful thing is that the dust is 'fresh' rather than being the result of years of chemical weathering which tends to smooth off the sharpest pointiest bits at nanometer scale.
The effects of stone dust are pretty well understood - silicosis is deadly and similarly harmful as asbestosis, and both raise the risk of lung cancer, but I don't believe there is anything like mesothelioma related to quartz dust which is the real horror of asbestos.
I already commented above but no, they aren't - silicosos is similar to one of the several possible diseases asbestos can give you, asbestosis, but mesothelioma is the real horror outcome from asbestos exposure which I don't believe silica has any kind of similar connected disease.
Weird this is happening in California of all places, the most regulated state in the country when it comes to potentially hazardous materials and workplace and consumer safety?
The problem is mostly with unlicensed contractors, usually undocumented immigrants. It's very easy to start countertop installation business. Buy some tools, list yourself at thumbtack and you are ready to go. You can always find work by underbidding guys with license. These guys often don't even have bank accounts and work for cash.
Well sure. There is no regulation with 100% compliance, and some regulation that inspires non-compliance. Safety regulations in the trades are taken as a joke in general. An example I heard back in the day: How many OSHA inspectors does it take to change a lightbulb? Only one, but it takes him three days to do it.
Do the same characteristics that make it the most regulated state also make it the state most likely to notice these hazards before other states do? If so, it wouldn't be very weird.
> Pale dust rose around them as they worked. Many went without masks. Some had water spurting from their machines, but others had nothing to tamp down the powder rising in the air.
Safety regulations need to be put in place with the cheapest being a good quality respirator.
A scenario I have encountered many times is having someone doing work for me, they don't bring some basic safety gear like earplugs or masks. I have plenty of earplugs and masks though. Buy I can never get them to actually use them. They'd rather hear that jackhammer at full volume apparently?
As a musician, it especially kills me to watch people destroy their ears. These workers are often too young to appreciate good health.
My coworker got an acid etched back patio. The guy doing it was throwing the acid out of a 5 gal bucket with his bare hands. She asked "shouldn't you use gloves for that?"
The volume you are exposed to depends on how close to the speakers you are. In a large venue the people closest are getting a lot more sound than the people in the back
And yet, I've been to plenty of venues that were uncomfortably loud in back while not going to any (indoors, professionally set-up) venues that were uncomfortably quiet in back.
I think it's more than what you've described. I think it's that a lot of folks actually prefer dangerously loud volumes, and this contributes to a positive feedback loop of expectations for loud concerts. I wish most concerts were quieter, but I may be in a minority.
What you're saying sounds great in theory but unfortunately it often isn't the case. I've been in small(er) rooms in clubs where the sound was still "blow your eardrums out" even in the back.
Anyway, the solution for "it's quiet at the back" isn't "turn it up at the front". It's line arrays, distributed speakers etc.
Safe is a matter of intensity and exposure time. There can be a volume thats ok for occasional exposure, and desirable to the audience, but not safe for repeat exposure by musicians. I wear earplugs when I play in a "quiet" jazz band. I don't wear them in the audience at the symphony.
I support everyone's right to destroy themselves if they choose to do so.
If we don't have the right to destroy ourselves, how can we also have rights to build and better ourselves? How can we be said to own ourselves at all if we can't choose to destroy ourselves?
The idea that we can't be allowed to choose to harm or destroy ourselves is the most fundamental violation of the most basic of human rights.
Many workers resist using safety equipment, even when it is provided to them, and they are shown how to use it. This is common for fall protection too. Safety regulations requiring provision of equipment may not get the job done. For all we know, safety equipment was available.
Yeah, it's really wild how many tradespeople prefer "safety squints" to legitimate eye protection. Nobody that ever lost an eye on a jobsite thought they were going to lose an eye that day, so I'm not sure why "I know that this will be fine" continues to beat out "I'll take 15 seconds to put on eye protection". And yet, jobsites all over the place skip this and many other very basic, extremely obvious safety precaution.
The next time you're driving around and you see someone getting work done on their roof, take note if the roofers are using anchors/ropes/harnesses. IME it's about 50-50.
> so I'm not sure why "I know that this will be fine" continues to beat out "I'll take 15 seconds to put on eye protection"
Complacency. When you have done something a hundred times and nothing has hit you in the eye (some things might have gotten close) then the statistics go to favor 'I won't get hit in the eye this time'. What is usually not factored in 'if I continue to do this constantly I will get hit in the eye eventually'.
This is the nature of complacency and is kind of a flip of the gambler's fallacy.
Fire your workers and you have no one to do the work. If your whole crew refuses to wear a mask and completion of the next job means you make rent then what are your options?
Its not. From a most basic level you (whatever position you're in, I've been the laborer myself, later the foreman and more recently the superintendent, now the field engineer) must keep an eye out and do your part to first, instill the safety culture, secondly to enforce it and hit any lapses as soon as they happen (sit someone out, send them home, write them up) and third, show everyone that you fucking mean it and its not a bunch of empty words, typically, by pushing back against higher management when they're trying to push schedules and work loads down onto the field crews that aren't realistic.
Whether you're using emotional appeals with your field crews, pointing out that no one comes to work not to go home at the end of the day, and how harrowing it is to watch a friend get hurt or killed, how it'll effect their partners and families; or a hard nosed impersonal business logic to explain to schedulers that pushing the team won't make them any more productive, or to accountants that cutting the budget for cheaper PPE will only instill a bad taste, I can't deny it takes work. But again it isn't hard, in the end no one wants to get hurt. You have to get past that teenaged sense of invulnerability and get it into their heads that it can and will happen to them unless they're careful.
> Firing skilled laborers harms both the employer and the employee.
Crews come and go, grow and shrink. Firing a troublesome employee brings a lot less harm to both parties than someone getting hurt or killed.
yeah, this seems like one of those over-analyzing things.
"what if I bend incorrectly whilst picking up this gum wrapper that blew into my yard?!?!".
technically they're not saying anything that's untrue, and yet...
and yes, I get it, a full on back support belt to pick up a gum wrapper is probably overkill, but walking around a construction site without steel toed boots sure as shit isn't. You may disagree with exactly where that line sits, but there is a line, and when it's crossed "it aint hard".
Firing them wouldn't harm them more than letting them destroy their lungs. And PPE requirements are commonly mandatory: you can't set foot in a construction area without a hardhat, no matter who you are.
Depends on the fines. Where I am, simply doing 11+ gets an automatic suspension of your license. When I was in the US, it was a joke in that you had to "get pulled over" to get a fine. Here it is automated all over the place.
It's funny. This discussion keeps getting pulled in different directions. Are you advocating that we automate PPE use in the workforce? Otherwise, what's the point of this comment?
Regulators and liability lawsuits it is then I suppose. Those will be harmful to businesses and workers as well, but powered by media reporting and the public sphere.
Seems like a complete no-brainer to me. If employer is found to not enforce basic safety things, no matter how skilled the worker who doesn't use them is, they receive a hefty fine. We are not talking about a guy who sometimes forgets to wear a mask or anything insignificant like that, but complete "f u I won't wear shit" attitude that should be met only with "ok, get lost then". It's extremely simple when you think about it. If you give the option to either be safe or not, the cool guys will never take the safe option and even bully those who do because unfortunately that's just how tradie culture is in general.
People can destroy their health for all I care, but the society should care a lot about enforcing certain things on employers because I don't really believe that those employers are voluntarily paying the medical bills of their victims.
I don't know, if you employ peoples to do a job with a such a risk to their lives, IMO it's your responsibility to ensure that protection is used not just provided.
It’s often not that easy. Would you fire someone who you knew was on the verge of being evicted, or a single parent trying to support their children? What about when the employees are unionized, and the union takes the side of the non-compliant laborers?
? Yes it's not easy and so what ? If it's too hard don't employ people ...
But in this case I believe things should be easier since IMO a violation of this level of safety standard should risk bankrupting your company.
So your choice become to keep employing someone who can't follow basic regulation to save his life and risk the job of everyone else or just fire him (not as hard no ?).
And I might be a bit optimistic but in this scenario I would expect that the union might not support him as much.
> based on publicly reported OSHA data found that union worksites are 19% less likely to have an OSHA violation and had 34% fewer violations per OSHA inspection than non-union worksites.
I tell a worker that I expect them to do N amount of work per hour or be fired. They need the money to pay their families for basic life necessities. N is the amount they can do if working at peak efficiency for that hour. I picked that number by design. Wearing a mask is uncomfortable and causes excess sweating which makes them 5% less efficient. If they weak a mask they output 0.95*N and I will thus fire them. They are free to weak a mask and I am not firing them for wearing a mask. Then when they die I blame them for not wearing a mask.
Have you ever worked or managed in a situation like this? It's usually not as easy as you seem to think. I have worked in these situations and know managers who have this kind of issue. The managers worry, and try to get people to comply, but it's tough when only a minority comply, especially because one has to enforce so many different requirements.
In reality, the cost of hiring/firing an employee would offset any gain one might hope for in hiring an unsafe worker. Plus, this isn't the type of industry that's measuring productivity by percentage points.
Correct. I don't even know why are we having this conversation
Use a mask and cut it using water for dust management
If people were getting shocked while working with electricity we'd be calling the ridiculousness of it. This is basically the same thing, over a longer timeframe
TL;DR: it's already regulated (by OSHA). Total number of deaths annually by silicosis in the US is low (~15/year). The workers need to file an OSHA complaint if they haven't already.
I don´t know the wikipedia page mention "must provide" which in my opinion is not enough and should be must enforce.
the OSHA page (https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/19...) mention "the employer shall fully and properly implement the engineering controls, work practices, and respiratory protection specified for the task on Table 1" which one could read as more than just need to provide but I have idea if it's true.
As for the death tool which seem low it's not so good when take into account the number of worker (from the article):
> In California, workplace safety regulators have estimated that out of roughly 4,000 workers in the industry across the state, silicosis will afflict between 485 and 848 — and that as many as 161 could ultimately die
A lot of tradespeople refuse or ignore PPE. It's mostly macho men, the kind who don't go to the doctor, and smoke and believe it won't cause them cancer. Another fact: scant few men who work outside wear sunscreen. There were multiple generations of these kind of people on my mom's side of the family, and they inevitably died prematurely of preventable conditions.
A modern example: I've seen gravestone engravers completely covered in stone dust while wearing only a thin handkerchief; no hearing, eye, or proper lung protection. Sure they should know the risks but you can't force people to not smoke tobacco or use proper PPE.
During the peak of covid, the NY Times made a video showing hospital workers loading dead bodies into the refrigerated trucks that served as expanded morgues for Brooklyn Hospital Center (by Fort Greene). Online skeptics pointed out that it must be crisis actors, for one of the workers was wearing his mask below his nose. Only thing I could think of was "have you never been to a jobsite?" I got called a pussy for wanting eye protection from the guy welding 15 feet from me.
Always look out for #1 because it is unlikely no one else will.
If that means steel-toed shoes, a jock cup, thick gloves, shooting glasses, amplifying mickey mouse muffs, sunscreen, bottled water, and a P100 respirator, so be it.
Safety regs are written in blood. And it only takes an instant or a culture of disregard to lead to later cancer, permanent disfigurement, or death. There are no old bold pilots or construction workers.
3) Silicosis can be entirely avoided by cutting stone (and silicon bearing ceramic materials) with a "wet cut"... literally just add water!
So, this danger has been known to stone workers for 2 millennia, protection is cheap, effective and readily available, and yet people are still falling prey to it.
I have personally witnessed professional counter top installers working in obviously unsafe ways, who have actively & energetically refused face masks, water dust collection, and vacuum dust collection (which is far less effective).
This is an article about human frailty, not about some new threat.
It is an important point that human callousness towards the well being of others seems to be self emergent. Clearly the people at the top of the stone cutting industry in LA are not investing in training their new young workers in proper technique.
How can this be addressed? I don't know. It seems Adam Smith and Karl Marx have both failed to leave us useful guidance on the subject.
Wearing a full face respirator with p99 or other equivalent cartridges and using an Air Quality monitor to evaluate safe working conditions really help.
PPI is VERY important, and so many people ignore it.
Do you mean PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) instead of PPI? I'm pretty sure proton pump inhibitors aren't relevant here, and they're the most health-related expansion of the acronym I could find.
Having been involved in commercial construction in the late 90s, OSHA had a lot of regulation and focus on masons - especially cutting concrete block. It’s surprising that 25 years later that understanding of the problem didn’t translate to the other trades.
yet another example of exploitation of people just trying to make a living. No regulations or minimal enforcement means companies/contractors do the job as cheaply as possible. Undercutting companies that actually care about the safety of their workers.
They are both types of fibrotic pneumoconiosis (inhalational lung diseases) which also includes other entities such as asbestosis, berylliosis and talcosis.
Not the same disease per se as there are slight differences but coal workers pneumoconiosis and silicosis are very similar given that they have a very similar inhalational dust profile.
Even if the factory is operated safely these countertops often require adjustment on-site to fit properly… typically done dry with an angle grinder or similar.
> They just need to redo their whole schema, they need to reconfigure their process to customize the engineered stone before its solidified, not after.
That's not viable. They are cut only after the actual physical space has been built (carpentry mainly) because measurements have to be taken then since nothing is perfectly true/plumb/square. Today the turnaround is about a week for the material to be cut and then installed. Sending it off to the manufacturer to create to spec would not only add several weeks to the process but significant expense.
Stone (both natural and engineered) can be cut safely. These shops just haven't been. Proper respirators, ventilation, and wetting will create a safe space to work in.
Fixing this, either by the way I suggest, or the way you suggest (Proper respirators, ventilation, and wetting will create a safe space to work in.) both add cost.
I think that's the problem, we're unwilling collectively as a society to pay the cost.
The people who installed my counters used no safety equipment. They used consumer grade power tools while spraying them down with water and took no safety precautions. I was actually worried about what would happen if they injured themselves and if my insurance would get sued. They were all Asian and did not speak English it seemed like a super shady operation.
Wouldn't a wet-cut system where you flow water over the area the blade is hitting, pretty much cut dust in the air by 99% or more? Water is pretty cheap and available ...
Yes, and I’ve known plumbers who have to make cuts in stone countertops to install taps etc to create a ‘dam’ out of putty to flow water in to the cutting site while doing it.
The solutions exist, the problem is making people invest in them and stick to it.
One of the frustrating things about modernity as a westerner is that I don't feel the need for the standard of living that all of these incredible-but-dangerous advances in modern science and technology have granted us. I don't need faux-stone counters cut by Central Americans, I don't to eat as varied a diet as is available, I don't need to travel anywhere over 45 mph or internationally, I don't need A/C on 95% of summer days, I don't need all of the plastic packaging that stuff is delivered in (although I often need or want the stuff it delivers). I am completely ready to live in a slowed-down, less-commodified, lower-capital environment, so I save money and am quite comfortable, but what can I do about everyone else? I'm not going to move the needle in greater society with my own choices.
In the ideological camp with me are the "degrowthers", who seem to be more common in Europe than in the US, but they all seem to be pitching borderless, stateless surveillance communism that relies on the same ultra high-speed high-tech plastic-based international-shipping constructs we have now, except with "green" energy instead of regular energy.
I want to trade all the fancy shit I don't need for a ten hour work week and more time to do what I want, but annoyingly we've made artificial scarcities of essentials like housing, and codified forty hour weeks as the norm, making this hard.
You're right that it's more common in Europe. When I go back to the US life feels so insanely gluttonous. Driving a studio apartment three miles to get a coffee is lunacy
We could definitely build more housing. But "Meditations on Moloch" suggests that Malthusian traps might be inevitable. Why work ten hours when a political enemy like Russia or China might work 40 hours or 80 hours and then nuke you?
An effective nuclear deterrent is very low cost compared to an effective conventional military force. With nuclear weapons you can credibly threaten to kill 20 million people in $enemy_country [1] at a cost smaller than that needed to maintain a crewed air force of moderate capability. In theory, global military spending could drop by 90% with equal-or-better prevention of state-on-state warfare if more nations replaced conventional military spending with spending on nuclear weapons.
Unfortunately, nuclear deterrence only works against rational actors, by rational actors. It doesn't prevent irrational human behavior or accidents. So a heavily nuclear armed world would probably see a downturn in violence between states until one fateful year when an accident or miscalculation escalates to kill more people than every war of the past 200 years combined.
[1] Terms and conditions apply: only valid for countries with population greater than 20 million.
A few cents a cup?! Where do you buy your coffee? I buy coffee at about 12 bucks a pound. A pound makes about ten carafes of 4 cups (tbh, I use the term cup loosely, because a mug for me is more like 1.5 to 2 actual measuring cups) each. I get to more like 30 to 40 cents a cup. It seems like there might be potential for major cost savings.
Some of those things are fads, other are useful things. Some things you cook work better one some counters (my current marble is great for rolling out scones, for everything else cheap Formica is just as good). A varied diet is more interesting (to me!), and probably provides better nutrients (I have no idea what you eat). I don't need to travel 45mph, but my time is valuable so I want to travel 450,000mph on all trips (without all the annoying physics effects from that speed).
What you can do is live the life you want. Many people talk like you, but never make changes in their own life. A few do make such choices, and many after 10 years realize they didn't actually want the things they did and return to modern life.
I think the people currently named degrowthers are bad for the health of society, but the word "degrowth" doesn't necessarily refer to a policy that shouldn't be looked at more closely. Stuff like re-onshoring manufacturing, limiting immigration and consumption, cutting government benefits, and transitioning the country to a slower population growth, less GDP-obsessed living policy might help.
What I find interesting when comparing the US the Canada on topics like these is that in Canada, there is self-interest in demanding workers be protected. Like beyond the fact that it's a good thing you do.
Because we have a public health care system, funded by taxes, having a large number of young men out of the work force (not paying taxes) and using the health care system effectively means my taxes, everyone's taxes, are higher.
There's incentives for our government to protect workers from risks that will cost a fortune to fix.
In America, there's only the "because it's the right thing to do" reason, which is never enough for anyone to actually do anything.
Please don't take HN threads on generic nationalistic flamewar tangents. I'm sure you didn't intend it, but that's what this leads to, in the statistical case.
He was drawing a pretty reasonable comparison between economic incentives in the respective countries and how it has downstream affects for regulatory response. Don't make it something it isn't.
You make a good point, enough for me to realize that I misunderstood the comment. Still, the last sentence of the GP comment veered into nationalistic putdown.
Flamebait in a comment has to do with the most inflammatory thing it contains, not the most interesting thing. When a house is on fire, people don't admire the décor.
Canadian data is relatively poor quality (mostly from the 90s) outside of Alberta (I expect QC and BC probably have the highest rates) but historically and estimates are that we have slightly higher incidence than the US.
> There’s incentives for our government to protect workers from risks that will cost a fortune to fix.
There are many examples where this is inaccurate but let’s keep it simple and delve a little deeper into the silicosis problem presented in this specific study.
From the JAMA article:
Although a substantial number of the patients, including some of those who were uninsured or with restricted-scope Medi-Cal, likely had an undocumented immigration status, we did not directly collect information about whether individuals were undocumented immigrants.
Note that public health system in Canada is not “free”. Legal immigrants, documented workers, citizens and refugees have access to provincial or federal health insurance which pays for care.
Undocumented or illegal immigrants have neither (and also would not get WSIB which would be the payer for most silicosis cases) and actually have better coverage in California.
Ten patients (19%) were uninsured, 20 (38%) had restricted-scope Medi-Cal, 7 (13%) had Medi-Cal, 8 (15%) had private insurance, and 7 (13%) had workers’ compensation.
So 34/52 had some form of government provided or mandated insurance.
As an aside while restricted-scope Medi-Cal and uninsured rates are the surrogates for undocumented immigrants in this study, those over the age of 50 (or 19-25) are also eligible for full scope Medi-Cal but were not identified in this study. Medi-Cal will also be expanding in January 2024 to cover undocumented immigrants aged 26-49.
Even if we assume Canada’s silicosis incidence is lower, all of the above strongly suggests your public health system cost-savings incentive hypothesis is incorrect.
> Note that public health system in Canada is not “free”.
I'm enough of a pedant to annoy the fuck out of most anybody who knows me, but really? Look, there is no "free" health care anywhere, but it's a term that has (perhaps unfortunately) become widely used as a synonym for, depending on your sensibilities "no charge at the point of service" and/or "socialized health insurance and health care coverage".
And Canada is certainly one or both of those.
The metric "well, they don't provide it for undocumented persons" is a weird one, as is the use of California as a counter-example.
I think you may be “annoying the fuck” out of yourself here. Your reply is full of strawman arguments.
The comment I replied to asserts that the government incentive to reduce healthcare expenditures improves workplace safety, and consequently in the context of this article would have prevented silicosis/PMF in these patients.
I highly doubt most HN commenters are aware of whether undocumented migrants are covered in the Canadian system as they are in California, certainly the person I replied to was not, so I explain differences in coverage.
Consequently, the argument doesn’t hold water as the financial incentive for the government is stronger in California than in Canada as it relates to this study population.
> The metric "well, they don't provide it for undocumented persons" is a weird one, as is the use of California as a counter-example.
I'm not providing any counter examples, undocumented workers in California are the subjects in the article we are commenting on. Where in fact there happens to be socialized healthcare that you seem to think I'm arguing against.
It's not a gibe. I used scare quotes around free because it's obvious that a socialized system is funded by taxes, what's not obvious a bill is always generated during healthcare delivery in the Canadian system.
You yourself seem to not understand this distinction with your comment: "no charge at the point of service".
There is always a charge at the point of service and a bill is generated. The difference with the US is that the Canadian healthcare system, which also functions mostly privatized, uses a single payer model so the government is the only one legally permitted to pay for insured services. In other words, each province runs a large insurance company and there is a law that states that no one is allowed to charge any person or company other than the government insurance plan for anything the government has deemed reimbursable for any person covered by the plan.
(So you don't misinterpret my statements again: while government run hospitals, but not the physicians working in them, do get capitation payments they also bill for some services. What is billed vs paid through capitation varies by province. Services rendered to uninsured patients are never from capitation funds and are always charged directly to the patient).
If the services rendered or you are uninsured, like the patients in the article study, it functions the same as the US and you will personally receive a bill in the mail with similarly obscene rates much higher than what the government insurance company would have paid.
This distinction has everything to do with the article and GP's point which asserts that the Canadian government will bear some cost for the care of the patients in the California study which is flatly incorrect. If there was no charge at the point of service none of this would matter.
Perhaps you are unfamiliar with medical research but stating that available data is poor quality is an objective assessment. I provided a brief explanation in parentheses which you excluded for some reason.
I also provided a reference that is open access but here is the relevant section for you:
In Canada, there are no national data on the incidence or prevalence of silicosis. In the province of Alberta, where silicosis is a notifiable disease, health insurance data revealed 861 cases with at least one reported diagnosis of ‘silicosis’ during a period of 10 years from 2000. These results were based on raw data and not a secondary review of primary imaging and clinical information. Data from 2000 through 2009 showed that only 29 workers' compensation claims were accepted for silicosis in Alberta. Data from Quebec's compensation system revealed 351 compensated cases of silicosis between 1988 and 1998. Of note, workers who participated in regular surveillance had milder disease at the time of compensation.
The JAMA study is from 2019-2022. Data that is 20-30 years old is relatively poor quality.
Changes in medicine, workplace safety rules and occupational trends makes it hard to compare to silicosis rates in Canada to the US in order to assess the claims of the comment I replied to therefore I think the relative incidence described in this review article (from 2022) is inaccurate.
If you want to disregard my quality assessment, the discussion ends with the review article showing silicosis rates are 3x higher in Canada.
Can you elaborate on how any of this shows I have an axe to grind or that I’m biased?
Canadian here who believes our labour safety standards are generally better than the USA (based on anecdote and experience, not data).
Canadian data is poor quality. On any issue you might care to pick, the topic is better studied in the United States. I run into this all the time. For example, we make allocation decisions at a charity I volunteer at with, about what health problems unemployed LGBT people tend to have. We use data for American urban populations. The data doesn't exist for Canada, AFAIK. It's a smaller country! There's simply less research and statistic-taking done! It's a reasonable statement.
Besides -- commenting on the lack of good data usually implies the exact opposite of what you seem to think -- it is an admission by the poster that their argument is based on weak evidence.
> it is an admission by the poster that their argument is based on weak evidence.
Which is exactly why I limited my reply to a discussion about the California study and healthcare systems rather than reiterating the claims in the 2022 article I referenced which states silicosis incidence is 3x higher in Canada, based on 20-30 year old data.
Although I live in the US now I’m a dual citizen and practiced medicine in both countries, the only axe I have to grind with Canada is the harsh winters which are incompatible with my fragile desert descent body.
Then again my Dad who died of a lung disease said the government agency (Coast Guard) he worked for turned a blind eye to what he and his co-workers had to do. Dad would tell me even as the late 1990s his job was to take a powder, wet it, form it into big mats. They were filters for the boiler water. The powder used was or maybe just contained asbestos. He said the workers on the dock were covered in it he said the place looked like it had snowed.
Dad knew but he was stuck in the past of "It had to be done" mentality. And really as a high school drop out he really may not have understood the danger. For years he and my grandfather had a painting business with the paint at that time containing lead.
Perhaps unexpectedly, people dying are usually _cheaper_ for a healthcare system than healthy people. This has been studied a lot with smokers, basically people in old age cost far more than young people and thus a true cost-minimizing system would not be how you expect. Of course, we aren't trying to minimize cost so the premise is flawed.
Smokers specifically are very much a net cost to society, because smoking kills slowly and in a very expensive manner.
In any case, anything that makes people die young, or more generally reduces people’s capacity to work (like many diseases of affluence) is incredibly expensive to society once you factor in indirect and opportunity costs.
From a cost perspective it’s best that people die suddenly. If I live a fairly healthy life into my 80s and die of a heart attack, I might not necessarily have cost my insurer that much, as opposed to if I suffer from a chronic illness for 10, 20, 30 years.
Cancer is now usually not a sudden death sentence - treatment is good enough now that most cancers caught early can be treated and patients often go through multiple remissions before it or a complication from treatment finally gets them.
Insurers very much do not want their customers getting cancer, because it is invariable an extraordinarily expensive condition to treat and treatment can go on for years.
> Cancer is now usually not a sudden death sentence - treatment is good enough now that most cancers caught early can be treated and patients often go through multiple remissions before it or a complication from treatment finally gets them.
Small clarification - early detection is most often curative and cheap.
The really expensive part is that several advanced stage cancers (even IV with widely disseminated metastatic disease) now survive for many years on treatments costing low to mid 6 figures/year.
It actually provides a pretty good incentive for insurers to cover screening and early detection beyond what is mandated by law.
> Small clarification - early detection is most often curative and cheap.
> It actually provides a pretty good incentive for insurers to cover screening and early detection beyond what is mandated by law.
The evidence in favor of mass screening programs in the hope of early detection is actually weak to non-existent [1].
> In total, 2 111 958 individuals enrolled in randomized clinical trials comparing screening with no screening using 6 different tests were eligible. Median follow-up was 10 years for computed tomography, prostate-specific antigen testing, and colonoscopy; 13 years for mammography; and 15 years for sigmoidoscopy and FOBT. The only screening test with a significant lifetime gain was sigmoidoscopy (110 days; 95% CI, 0-274 days). There was no significant difference following mammography (0 days: 95% CI, −190 to 237 days), prostate cancer screening (37 days; 95% CI, −37 to 73 days), colonoscopy (37 days; 95% CI, −146 to 146 days), FOBT screening every year or every other year (0 days; 95% CI, −70.7 to 70.7 days), and lung cancer screening (107 days; 95% CI, −286 days to 430 days).
There are large institutions, both nonprofit and commercial, which stand to gain by convincing people that mass screening is useful and important. The available scientific evidence does not support their position.
You’re looking at the wrong metric and misinterpreting the stats, not only is overall survival not a good metric for cancer screening none of the studies are sufficiently powered for OS.
What you want to do is look at stage at presentation, treatment costs by stage, and screening costs. These were done for nearly every recommended screening program.
The available evidence behind currently recommended screening programs unequivocally shows improved cancer-specific survival and earlier stage at diagnosis.
I'm going to strongly push back on both (1) the notion that overall survival is the wrong metric and (2) that I'm misinterpreting something, given that I didn't really offer any interpretation at all. I just cited a paper.
> What you want to do is
No, what I want to do is assess whether broad screening programs actually make people live longer. Overall survival is the correct metric. Evidence in favor of the claim is lacking.
> none of the studies are sufficiently powered for OS.
"Sufficiently powered" is relative to what size of effect you want to detect--which you haven't specified, so I'm not sure how you can make the assertion that none of the studies are sufficiently powered.
> The available evidence behind currently recommended screening programs unequivocally shows improved cancer-specific survival and earlier stage at diagnosis.
These outcomes ignore negative effects of screening on people who don't have cancer, which is why I'm not interested in them. And yes, there are negative effects, and no, they are not negligible.
> No, what I want to do is assess whether broad screening programs actually make people live longer. Overall survival is the correct metric. Evidence in favor of the claim is lacking.
Correct according to whom? If you want to choose only one metric quality adjusted life years is likely the best one.
While OS may be your goal that's not the primary endpoint of screening programs.
Some examples of why OS is limited: breast lumpectomy vs mastectomy and systemic therapy or polypectomy vs neoadjuvant therapy and colonic resection are both associated with very high morbidity that is very important to patients. The vast majority of patients care about quality of life.
> "Sufficiently powered" is relative to what size of effect you want to detect--which you haven't specified, so I'm not sure how you can make the assertion that none of the studies are sufficiently powered.
We do not expect any one screening program to have a large change on overall survival because there are many ways to die, very few studies are powered to detect the small differences expected. The reference below does some modeling and discusses cancer-specific vs all-cause mortality for your perusal.
> These outcomes ignore negative effects of screening on people who don't have cancer, which is why I'm not interested in them.
See morbidity discussion around delayed diagnosis above.
> And yes, there are negative effects, and no, they are not negligible.
As you're choosing to limit the discussion to overall survival, do you have any data to support the claim that screening has more than a negligible negative effect?
There is a better argument to be made for other harms of screening like cost and stress but if we want to discuss these negative effects of screening we also have to step back from overall survival and discuss morbidity benefits.
> 2) that I'm misinterpreting something, given that I didn't really offer any interpretation at all.
This is your interpretation, and is an incorrect one:
> The evidence in favor of mass screening programs in the hope of early detection is actually weak to non-existent [1].
The evidence you cite says nothing about early detection and treatment paradigms.
> Correct according to whom? If you want to choose only one metric quality adjusted life years is likely the best one
By all means, if you have studies showing that broad screening programs are beneficial in terms of overall (not cancer-case only) QALY then please share them. I'm guessing you don't.
> As you're choosing to limit the discussion to overall survival, do you have any data to support the claim that screening has more than a negligible negative effect?
Do you have any data to support the claim that screening has more than a negligible positive effect on overall survival? (No).
Stop trying to put the burden of proving a negative on me. If you want to advocate for spending ten of billions of dollars annually (not to mention time and stress) on broad screening programs you bear the burden of demonstrating that's useful.
If we can afford to spend the money on screening everyone certainly we can afford to spend less money to run a large randomized trial screening only some people, but advocates of the screening programs won't stand for it because they are convinced of their own righteousness and refuse to admit uncertainty about whether the screening programs are actually doing more good than harm.
> By all means, if you have studies showing that broad screening programs are beneficial in terms of overall (not cancer-case only) QALY then please share them. I'm guessing you don't.
I gave you one.
> Stop trying to put the burden of proving a negative on me.
You're making the claim there's more than a negligible negative effect not me.
> Do you have any data to support the claim that screening has more than a negligible positive effect on overall survival? (No).
Did I say there is a sizable positive effect on overall survival? I said it's irrelevant.
No you didn't, you gave me a simulation study that discussed what kind of sample size might be necessary to find statistically significant effects in all-cause mortality. There's not a single mention of QALY in there. Please stop misrepresenting things.
> You're making the claim there's more than a negligible negative effect not me.
The cost itself is a nonnegligible negative effect.
> Did I say there is a sizable positive effect on overall survival? I said it's irrelevant.
You're wrong.
It's borderline fraud, in my humble opinion, to go around suggesting that massive interventions should be evaluated based on their effects only on the people who benefit most, ignoring the negative effects on the other 98% of the population. Which is exactly what you did in your first reply to me:
> What you want to do is look at stage at presentation, treatment costs by stage, and screening costs. These were done for nearly every recommended screening program.
> The available evidence behind currently recommended screening programs unequivocally shows improved cancer-specific survival and earlier stage at diagnosis.
This approach to evaluating an intervention is intellectually dishonest and emotionally manipulative. Any evaluation that does not take into account the other 98% of the population--through overall survival or QALY or some other metric--is giving an extremely biased picture of what the intervention is actually doing to the population as a whole.
What are the downsides? You're speaking nebulously about negative effects on 98% of the population without mentioning them.
Several screening programs like breast have been rigorously evaluated from costs, benefits and harms. I know very well what the negative effects are, do you? You haven't mentioned anything specific or provided estimates of harms yet you're the one making the assertion.
> You're wrong.
So if we're all wrong, what's the argument and where's the evidence without resorting to no OS benefit ignoring that this is again not the point of screening.
> It's borderline fraud, in my humble opinion
Your humble opinion disagrees with the entire medical community, including the study you initially cited. So we're all fraudulently screening for what purpose? You know that physicians don't collect billings or work fee for service in academic medicine correct?
> Which is exactly what you did in your first reply to me:
Did I say that was the only reason to screen and ignore the harms? I used that as an example of why overall survival is not useful as an isolated statistic.
You're the one who wanted to limit the discussion to one measure, I was pointing out the flaws.
Do you have a reference for this? This was a weak hunch for me before but I always assumed I was wrong based on e.g. insurance rates. If insurance prices it higher, it must be more expensive to cover?
Last I checked, Canada doesn't share a border with Mexico and some portion of these Latino "day workers" are illegal immigrants. Day workers are often paid under the table and when I have read other stories about them, they tend to include medical horror stories like "So, this guy cut 3 of his fingers off and they didn't even take him to the ER. They just returned him to the place where they had picked him up."
This is not exactly the best use case for arguing about Canada versus US healthcare policies.
Canada doesn't have a border with Mexico, but it does have its share of undocumented and under-protected workers.
> While there are no accurate figures representing the number or composition of undocumented migrant population in Canada, estimates range between 20,000 and 500,000 persons
> Research suggests most undocumented individuals live in large urban centres and typically work in seasonal and informal sectors, such as construction, agriculture, caregiving and housekeeping.
> Undocumented migrants are a vulnerable group due to their lack of immigration status, as was seen during the COVID-19 pandemic. They have limited access to health care, social services or employment protections.
Until this year, asylum-seekers could transit through the United States into Canada under the Safe Third Country Agreement, by crossing the border at an irregular crossing like Roxham Road.
Canadas temporary foreign worker program means you don't need to illegally hire day workers, you just keep the wages low enough that nobody will take the job and then tell the government you need to bring in foreign workers - not for professional or technical work, not for picking in the fields, but for working at McDonald's and tim Hortons.
They also allow international students at diploma mills to work 40 hrs a week, above the table.
On a per-capita basis that's not hugely different, but one of the reasons may be that Canada provides a somewhat easier path, relative to the United States, to becoming a legal immigrant rather than remaining undocumented.
Relative to Canada the United States is even more difficult to legally immigrate to, consider that the US system has been constantly adding ever increasing hurdles to legal immigration for ages.
> It's simply not politically feasable to say, "Without immigrants, our economy is f'ed."
And yet, that's what politicians in Germany are saying: "Denn Deutschland braucht sie dringend: Durch die seit Jahrzehnten sinkende Geburtenrate gibt es auch weniger Arbeitskräfte. Diese Lücke konnte lange über Zuwanderung aus dem EU-Ausland gefüllt werden. Doch inzwischen reicht das nicht mehr aus." (https://www.spdfraktion.de/themen/neustart-migrationspolitik, the social-democrat representatives in Parliament)
"Because Germany needs them urgently: Due to the declining birth rate for decades, there are also fewer workers. For a long time, this gap could be filled by immigration from other EU countries. But this is no longer enough."
> its how they partially make up for a declining birthrate.
To the detriment of their origin countries who suffer from losing their best and brightest. How "Northern countries exploit the South again" is a (rather quiet) talking point that I believe will become louder in the future.
>What I find interesting when comparing the US the Canada on topics like these is that in Canada, there is self-interest in demanding workers be protected. Like beyond the fact that it's a good thing you do.
Is there any evidence of this? That the Canadian Gov cares more about workers than the US Gov?
>Because we have a public health care system, funded by taxes, having a large number of young men out of the work force (not paying taxes) and using the health care system effectively means my taxes, everyone's taxes, are higher.
What evidence do you have that this is the case?
>In America, there's only the "because it's the right thing to do" reason, which is never enough for anyone to actually do anything.
Is this your opinion or is this the reality. I don't know if you have ever walked by a construction site in Toronto to see guys cutting cement or stone. None of them have masks. Sometimes they will have a wet saw when cutting cement on the street but that is to reduce dust for traffic and pedestrians and not so much for their health. The Canadian Postal Union fought the Federal Gov for years to provide an environment where paper dust was considered a health hazard and workers need to be protected. Many postal workers suffered from COPD because paper dust was too fine for the Lungs to filter. What about farmers and dust? I'm sure they suffer just as much as American farmers.
I've come to realize Canadians suffer from an inferiority complex and have to constantly try and make comparisons to make themselves feel better, it's a strange phenomena.
Medicare for the elderly, but we also have Medicaid for people in poverty (< $15k/yr income for a single person w/o a family) which covers most basic medical/dental/ vision needs and is taxpayer funded.
Someone taken out of the workforce may qualify for that if they don’t already qualify for disability insurance or similar payments (although I’m not 100% clear if those are funded via private disability insurance or public programs)
First, Medicare pays a lot more to healthcare providers than Medicaid. Medicare pays more for more medications than Medicaid, and has fewer prior authorization requirements for those medicines. Fewer providers will accept Medicaid, and people using Medicaid will receive less or worse healthcare than those in Medicare.
Second, Medicaid is administered by each state, and there is a lot of variability on how easy the state makes it so people can actually get healthcare. Lots of states straight up refuse money simply to punish people of a certain socioeconomic class because it happens to win votes.
Bottom line, Medicaid is so leaders can claim they are helping poor people get healthcare AND keep taxes low. Medicare is for actually delivering healthcare to people because that contingent makes up a huge proportion of votes.
And yes, even Medicare is not delivering all healthcare, as it has multiple tiers to deliver differing amounts of healthcare to different socioeconomic classes.
The most obvious point: if they were equivalent programs, we would just include people under the poverty line with Medicare. Instead, we have a completely different program, managed by different people with different goals. Down to its very core, Medicaid is a political football.
Exactly, I guess my comment could have been much shorter.
I love how there is even an Additional Medicare Tax. The political lines in the US are very much old v young, but some of the young, especially politically active ones, vote with the old since they are among the wealthy young, and the rest do not participate enough, or do not have sufficient knowledge about how resources are being meted out and how they will be affected now and in the future.
Since the examples are in CA, there is Medi-Cal for those who are too poor to buy subsidized insurance and it’s not age-related unlike Medicare. It’s an expanded form of Medicaid. I’d bet CA taxpayers do shoulder the costs if the victims know to apply.
> Because we have a public health care system, funded by taxes, having a large number of young men out of the work force (not paying taxes) and using the health care system effectively means my taxes, everyone's taxes, are higher.
That is true with or without publicly funded healthcare.
> Because we have a public health care system, funded by taxes, having a large number of young men out of the work force (not paying taxes) and using the health care system effectively means my taxes, everyone's taxes, are higher.
The US healthcare system uses private insurance, implying that more use of the healthcare system raises everyone's premiums. And people without insurance then go to emergency rooms which are in turn still passing the cost onto private insurers. So voters already have the same incentive in order to avoid their premiums going up.
That incentive is obfuscated, though. Every insurer exists as an invisible boundary where cost is not passed to others.
On top of that, insurance is optional. There is no guarantee a person will get affordable care. That's the entire point of the system! If there were a guarantee, it would be indistinguishable from Canada (and practically every other country's) single payer healthcare system.
> Every insurer exists as an invisible boundary where cost is not passed to others.
How does that affect issues like this where an increase in overall costs would reasonably be expected to apply to all insurers?
> On top of that, insurance is optional.
More than 90% of the population has health insurance, which is well over the majority required to bring about legislation.
> If there were a guarantee, it would be indistinguishable from Canada (and practically every other country's) single payer healthcare system.
That certainly isn't true. Serious problems with the US healthcare system include AMA lobbying to maintain a doctor shortage, various patent laws and FDA rules that limit competition and increase costs and a malicious lack of cost transparency. None of that would be improved merely by routing the premiums through the government.
> Because we have a public health care system, funded by taxes, having a large number of young men out of the work force (not paying taxes) and using the health care system effectively means my taxes, everyone's taxes, are higher.
The taxes part is the same; only the healthcare half is different.
Incidentally this is also why everyone working in a nation has to receive these benefits (and any others guaranteed to citizens), otherwise you get migrant workers who suck up this, quite literally in this case, but don't receive healthcare.
Only illegal migrants aren't covered, legal ones are. If you make it available to everyone regardless of their legality to be on the soil you open up a whole bunch of other issues
Canada largely avoids this problem by not allowing a subset of illegal people to exist in the country. Canadians are polite, but working in canada without some sort of legal status is far harder than in the US. They have lots of immigrants, but vanishingly few illegal ones in comparison to the US.
You can either provide social benefits to your country's poor or you can have open borders. If you try to do both at once, you're providing social benefits to the world's poor, and the amount of benefits you can provide from a given tax base falls through the floor.
Your ancestors genocided the whole continent, if anything that argument is against what you advocate. We're not in the 1700s, people can travel more easily, information travels instantly, what worked 300 years ago doesn't necessarily works now.
I'm all for helping people but you cannot import the world's misery and expect it to be smooth, first because it doesn't solve anything, second because it just doesn't work from a simple demographic point of view.
I have ME/CFS and the fact that we're expensive to the general public seems to be the only reason there is any public money spent on treatments and cures at all. However, Canada and others are finding that medically assisted suicide offers an even cheaper alternative solution. So instead of money spent on treatments and cures we get subtle and not so subtle encouragements to kill ourselves, and I expect the problem to keep getting worse. I.e. I don't think the actual emergent behaviour for shared healthcare costs is as altruistic as you appear to except.
We already have the government involved - OSHA. Why would having it more involved be better if its current involvement is not solving the problem? It's pretty to think that the government has some sort of self-interest and if it can save money in the long run by spending money in the short run, it will do that. But that's not how things work, is it?
A more plausible conclusion from observing the results of an entity's involvement in something is that if it is incompetent with the thing you gave it to do, don't give it more stuff to do.
> if it is incompetent with the thing you gave it to do, don't give it more stuff to do.
When my code doesn't work, I don't sunset the code, I fix it. Why would the best course of action be to stop trying instead of fixing the root of the problem?
If your code doesn't work, it could be anything from a minor typo to a bad abstraction based on bad assumptions that requires a full refactor to get correctness and / or minimum acceptable performance.
About 90% of that scale requires sunsetting at least some of your code and doing something differently.
Not agreeing/disagreeing with this you but I wonder how you feel about obesity tax ? Low physical fitness tax ? There's plenty of evidence that exercise and diet significantly impact health (especially on population level) - like you said there's an incentive to keep those people healthy contributors instead of chronic burdens on the system. Sounds like a logical extension but doesn't seem popular/implemented widely.
I feel great about slapping a tax on the profits of companies that sell highly processed, sugary, addictive foods so that the market selects for healthier alternatives.
Maybe subsidies for selling fresh fruit and veg also.
I guess you could tax their victims instead though... they don't have a lobby so theyre probably easier to take advantage of.
We are Calvinists down here, so bad people were always predestined to be bad and they deserve to be punished. Corporations making money must have be good because they are succeeding, so why would we hurt them?
I will never be punished for being over- or underweight since I am good. The universe would have to be broken for me to be taxed.
We aren't talking about cake though. We are talking about inexpensive highly processed foods made predominantly from ingredients that are subsidized specifically because of their caloric density. I.e. corn.
High caloric density is what you want if you need to be able to feed your country in war, so we subsidize these foods.
No one wants to eat just plain corn though, so companies process it into other foods that are then sold cheaply because they are receiving these large subsidies.
People end up consuming large quantities of these foods because they are cheap, and our brain reward centers a pre-wired to love lots of cheap easy calories.
Knowing all of this, it makes perfect sense to tax the living crap out of highly processed foods that are made from subsidized ingredients. You're just taking back the subsidy you put there in the first place, and shaping consumer behavior for the greater good (which is a common use case for taxation).
> Knowing all of this, it makes perfect sense to tax the living crap out of highly processed foods that are made from subsidized ingredients.
The consequence of this would be that the subsidized food gets exported to a country that doesn't tax it, at which point you're subsidizing some other country's food.
The US is also a large net exporter of food, implying there is more than enough domestic production for wartime needs. Also, the US hasn't been in that kind of a war in almost a hundred years and MAD makes it unlikely that it ever would be again. The obvious conclusion is to eliminate the subsidies.
>The consequence of this would be that the subsidized food gets exported to a country that doesn't tax it, at which point you're subsidizing some other country's food.
If theyre smart they won't take this shit either.
Nice of you to let Americans sacrifice their health on $othercountry's behalf though.
>What do you suppose the chances are of 100% of other countries imposing a similar tax
Quite high. Agricultural dumping is typically frowned upon even more than regular dumping. Half of the reason for the WTO's existence was to get countries to stop being so trigger happy about doing this.
You think the chances are "quite high" of all other countries doing this? There are several countries that inherently have to import food because they don't have enough arable land to feed their population.
Yeah, and they already buy plenty of shit food from America. They aren't going to buy more oreos to these countries just because America can't sell them to America any more.
But of course they are, because the price of that food would go down. If it's still being produced because it's still being subsidized but Americans stop buying it because it's punitively taxed, where do you think it goes?
Taxing junk food seems pretty challenging politically, considering that businesses hate it as you're taxing their junk food, conservative voters hate it as government nanny state, liberal academics hate it as a regressive tax and a thing that lessens support for actually removing the subsidies, and anyone paying the tax hates it as a tax they have to pay.
At least for removing the subsidies you only have to fight the businesses.
When you live in poverty and have no prospects for the future. Some mass produced cake from the supermarket might be the only thing keeping you together. As soon as the work of the laptop class is automated by next generation agentic LLM's, you will probably understand.
> As soon as the work of the laptop class is automated by next generation agentic LLM's, you will probably understand
Coming any second now, right behind robotaxis, with the only difference being that robotaxis will probably actually happen within the lifetimes of the current “laptop class”.
This is based on the assumption that sugar causes obesity - I don't think there's any strong evidence for that, or that low carb diets work better for fat loss than low fat, from what I've seen both have same effect (calories equated) and both have equally terrible long term adherence/outcomes. Sugar seems like a nice villain but it's more likely that you'd have to tax any high calorie food that tastes good.
Fair enough, guess my problem would be that since these things would be implemented by politicians it would end up being driven by fads/popular opinion, and without strong evidence (of which there's very little) you'd essentially be conducting population level experiments even if you wanted to be scientific (eg. food pyramid to the extreme)
What about all the other harmful activities? Recent studies about alcohol usage shows that even small amounts can be much more harmful than previous estimates. In addition to the health issues, we also need to consider all the accidents and violence that is connected to drunkeness.
Alcohol is not only heavily taxed in Canada, but most provinces also have a monopoly on selling spirits. That's right, the gov is selling the booze, pocketing both the tax and the profits.
The problem is that you generally have to force people to keep their own safety. Else the el cheapo company shitting on any work safety will be cheaper and quicker, coz workers don't know any better, and thus more competitive, at worst killing the companies trying to do it properly.
I'm curious about how you got that impression. In Canada, smoking is down from 26% in 2001[1] to 15% in 2019[2]. (Cannabis consumption is probably trending upward though). I have no reason to believe that this decline is particular to the US and Canada. Japan has been trending down from 33% in 2000 to 20% in 2020[3]. I expect this will have accelerated since the government made a strong anti-smoking push during the Tokyo Olympics. In fact, this seems to be a trend across the entire developed world, see this chart[4] showing that cigarette sales per adult per day peaked by the 1980s in every developed country surveyed, and all have been trending downward for decades. The US shows up as exceptional mainly in how extremely high its cigarette consumption habits were in the '60s and '70s.
Ah, it was just a much larger shift in the US, especially demographically. It went from 44% of adults (stats not gathered on younger folks, but anecdotally it was ‘cool’ and a lot of highschool age kids smoked) to 13.8% for adults (anecdotally many quite old) and only 8.8% for younger folks.
Traveling outside the US to Europe or Asia (eastern/southern Europe or China in particular) it’s very visible, where in the US outside of a few locations it’s almost invisible now and notably uncommon.
Especially for educated or higher income folks, too.
Canada worked to discourage and regulate smoking more aggressively around 20-30 years ago, and in 20 years we’ve gone from around 1 in 4 people smoking to more like 1 in 10. It steadily trends down.
Omon Ra [1] is probably the most important book I've ever read. The wikipedia page suggested to me that it would be a surreal alternate history comedy about the Russian space program. There was however no comedy ... or at least nothing that was comedic to me.
The point, at least as I interpreted it, was that society is very good at building callous machines that throw away human lives for no reason and then the same society turns and pats itself on the back for the incredible virtue it has in allowing those people to "heroically" destroy themselves.
These countertops might not even outlive the people they're killing at a young age. In the past 15 years, I've talked to people who have gone from needing granite counter tops, to quartz, to the next trendy fashion. If a countertop killed me, then I would hope that it would last a century, but the truth is that it might not last a decade simply due to being unfashionable. And somehow I doubt its replacement is going to be any safer to cut.
Of my favourite books. Thank you for the reminder to read it again :-)
To those who didn't read it - it is a rather short novel, uncannily funny, scary, and most of all - revealing of how human societies actually work. This is one of the earlier Pelevin's works, so the style is still illustrious. Some jokes might not be immediately transparent as they are contextualized in the late USSR.
Correction: it is scary in the cthonic/transcendent sense, not that it is spooky (it's not at all).
I see the same thing happen even in software. A developer here died 2 years ago, now 2 years later his contributions to the code base have finally been completely erased and replaced.
First, you're striping agency from those workers blaming abstract society instead. There is no such thing as "collective guilt". Those particular workers are free to leave such an unsafe industry at any moment, probably even more free than, say, smokers who choose death from respiratory complications. I have exactly zero empathy for either. True that sometimes workers are not exactly free to leave the job and coerced into insane working conditions, e.g. the curse of russian monotowns: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwzP-zr0S0c . That is definitely not the case for california though.
Second, your interpretation of the book is not right. Works of Pelevin, just as many other great writers, are not exactly fiction, but a compilation of a real life contemporary trends distorted by weird observation angle and grotesque style. The core theme of Omon Ra is very basic: government brainwashes people to be literal disposable cogs. AFAIR the book does not reference "society" in any way. I've read the book over 20 years ago though. One great thing about Pelevin is that he definitely had access to people of highest power at some point (early 00's at least) and translated their completely crazy worldviews into his books.
But who is going to make the dangers known to potential and currently employed workers? Companies can sieve through people until they find someone desperate enough or oblivious to the danger and they could not even be aware they're throwing their lives away.
the incurable disease in the title is greed in the hearts of others that values the lives of these people less than the shiny things they make for rich people
Unless you consider 30-40% of the US to be rich this isn't about the rich. Although it is nice how you foist the blame onto the rich instead of all of society.
There's a quote from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn that I find insightful:
"The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either -- but right through every human heart -- and through all human hearts. ..."
There won't be anyone left after 10 years of culling:
> It finds that each year homeowners remodel upwards of 10.2 million kitchens — roughly one in 10 of all households — and 14.2 million bathrooms, two of the most important rooms in a home. Further, annual new home construction adds roughly 1 million kitchens and 2.3 million bathrooms to the marketplace
Some people remodel more than others. I've seen kitchens that haven't changed since 1950 (including some things that we always unsafe). I've seem people who remodel their kitchen every 3 years. 10 is average, but there are outliers in every average. There will be a lot left in 15 years, but very few in 50 years.
Quartz countertops are more expensive than natural granite. They're only cheaper than something like Marble.
Quartz is also strictly a better material: it's not as porous as granite, much much harder than marble (marble can be scratched so easily), and can be made into almost any color or pattern.
Super rich folks may prefer natural stone, but not because it's a better material... it may be preferred because it's a worse material in many cases. The cost and fragility is part of the allure by itself.
What does that have to do with anything? It's a better material. Many materials are engineered to make them better. Steel isn't 'natural' either in that regard.
~5 years ago I had a quartz countertop installed. For the final install, the workers were out in the front yard making some final cuts. My 10yo son comes out to see what's going on, looks at the giant cloud of dust, says "Silicosis ain't no joke" and goes back inside.
If I, a factory owner, offer optional safety equipment that slows workers down a bit, but I also demand such high productivity that corners have to be cut - whose fault is it when the inevitable happens?
What if I, a factory owner, provide optional basic safety equipment costing $30 per person, but the mask makes the goggles steam up and the boots aren't comfortable? There's better safety equipment available for $300 per person - is it my fault for not buying it?
What if I, a factory owner, happened to start my factory by hiring macho tough guys who don't like wearing a mask, and subsequent hires learn that behaviour from them?
Generally I to listen to the craftspeople I employ on issues of safety because keeping them safe is the whole point of safety. But they and I have a shared responsibility to make sure, if they say the machine is actually safer without the guard, that they're right about that.
In my experience, most of what happens is that workers don't want to wear the gear because it's hot/uncomfortable and they're working really long hours and get tired and sloppy by the end of it.
I actually worked in such a factory, so this is based on direct experience, and what I saw was people cut corners mostly because they were tired after long shifts, though lack of comfort was also a factor due to the heat.
The employer did try to make everyone wear the gear and had inspections and most people wore most of the stuff most of the time, we even won a safety award at one point for going so long without any OSHA-recordable injury. But we weren't perfect and one day I helped bandage a guy who was airlifted after slicing his arm open in a really bad way, something the kevlar wrist protectors should have stopped.
So I would say that employers do try, to the limit they can, but all accidents happen during gaps. And the employees tend to have their own interests in comfort or cutting corners that sometimes conflict with their safety. More limited shifts and attention to comfort might help, but it's not always clear how to provide that.
You can still have things like the guy who got crushed by his forklift after rushing to dump a hopper of trash by doing something really dangerous while unloading it because he wanted to hurry and finish so he could go to his family for Christmas vacation. And it's not easy to stop that kind of thing, even if you do a lot of warnings and inspections to yell at people who don't do things right and pay attention to close calls.
I don't think there was anything serious that didn't get reported. We never had to use anything beyond a single band-aid for non-recordable injuries that I know of and unless you want the office staff reporting every paper cut to OSHA, I don't think they were being unreasonable there.
If anything I'd worry more about the temperature of the floor or the number of hours worked, but it's hard when some people had second jobs or what have you.
It's common, when counting "days without an accident" and handing out awards and bonuses, to only reset the count for accidents of a certain severity.
After all, if you get a minor injury and you know getting treatment will cost your colleagues a $200 bonus, you might keep quiet about it and tough it out to the end of your shift.
To achieve a good culture of safety, you need to make the rewards for safety strong enough to resist the rewards for cutting corners - but you also need to make sure a guy can get a band-aid from the first aid kit or tell his boss about a trip hazard with no disincentives.
I have had things cut for me and I find myself begging the workers to wear ear pro, eye pro, air pro, and they invariably smile, nod, and work without it. Even if I point out the protective gear sitting near the work area. I too was young once. Now I wear the kit.
You see, in many industries when an employee/contractor doesn't wear protective gear they are walked off site by security because the controlling agent of the property doesn't want OSHA fining them.
There are plenty of people to blame, and there is plenty that can be done. This dumb ass "No regulations needed, free market will take care of itself" is how the rich put the poor or ignorant into early, terrible graves.
This is both a collective action problem (people not using the right gear will be faster and cheaper than those with, meaning bad behavior outcompetes good) and an information asymmetry problem - workers are usually not fully aware of the problems they're creating for themselves.
Also people don't think they care. In high school one kid told me 'I don't want anyone to wipe my butt when i'm old, so I'm going to commit suicide at 50, therefore my smoking isn't going to harm me'. He is now approaching 50, I wonder if he still thinks that, but I haven't seen him since.
Realistically, protective gear (actually protective gear, not thin dust masks) is expensive. The workers cant afford it, and the businesses want to save the money.
There's some small margin of workers who have access to protective gear but don't wear it, but in reality for most workers it's the job of the company to provide it and train workers to use it.
I worked in day labor for less than two days. Day labor is, needless to say, low-skill and high-turnover. But there are still dangerous jobs to be done. My job involved directing a wet-vac to pick up water, inside a store, while the other guy was grinding or something that needed to be wet down.
I am a nerd and my glasses were falling off from the sweat. I think I was wearing a pair of work boots which may be required. But the guy giving me orders on-site was not my employer. These clients are well-aware that day laborers may not be back tomorrow. So why give us durable safety equipment that costs money? The day labor office is my employer, but they may not be accurately informed about the safety requirements of the client and the site. They may require us to purchase safety equipment at own expense, but if we don't know what the site requires, or how long we will be there, that's an up-front expense we are unwilling to part with.
Day laborers are one step up from the guys hanging out in Home Depot parking lots, whereby they are legal to work in these United States, but can't get a job anywhere else.
So it's a 3-way tug-of-war of vagueness and parsimony, and it always just ends up being nod-nod, wink-wink, do the best you can.
Car mechanics have a few cultural things that lead to everyone buying a preposterously expensive box of their own stuff. First is theft (stuff walks away a lot) and second is flat-rate differentiation. Having the right tools can make a flat-rated job take much less time and thus incentivizes the mechanic to have their own tools, and still would even if the garage provided them.
Not saying it's good or right, but there are incentives that push towards it.
The company is to blame. It's law to wear protective gear in many legal jurisdictions, and that 100% means the company is liable, if it does not actively enforce, and create a "culture of safety".
The point remain here: The workers are the ones choosing to not use the safety gear, in some cases.
I was the safety representative at a previous job. Management care a lot about safety and provided everything required, and high quality gear as well. Still people would cut corners and not use the equipment because it was faster not to. These where people paid by the hour, they have zero incentive to work faster. If people work on contact however, it's easy to create an environment where speed is priorities over safety.
Where I live the company is responsible for safety, so if a worker decides to not use the safety equipment the company is liable, not the worker, since they must enforce their usage and check that the workers comply, and if not take measures (that include firing the worker if it refuses to use them).
Of course they made so because otherwise it would be convenient to the company provide the safety equipment and not enforce their usage, this way getting work done faster (and thus have more profit).
Exactly. In general companies don't like OSHA hanging around. They'd rather run fast and lose even if it costs a finger or two. Enforcement of the law is how get compliance.
I know a bit about the welding industry and and it’s a lack of education, macho attitude, bad habit “I know by smell/touch/sound that it’s going well” and of course management not making it mandatory.
Working with respirator is not the fun part of the day, for sure. And mask/gloves slows you down. But well being able to breathe and see at the end the day without the worst sunburn of your live helps ;)
If function is your primary concern, then the only material to choose is the one professional kitchens use: stainless steel. It won't be as good looking depending on your tastes, but it will beat most stones on other properties
What is the cost though? Is rust a concern? And of course, looks are a concern, but I imagine quartz is relatively cheap because many, many people can afford it.
It's not very expensive, though I can't give you a price since I live in a rental apartment. As for rust: not a concern with stainless steel, our kitchen is almost 20 years old and the steel countertop and sink still look immaculate. A bit of steel wool or polishing paste are enough to make it look like new. If it wasn't for the look I bet most kitchens would come with stainless steel countertops
People working in there weren't wearing any sort of hearing protection and became deaf within months. And after introducing pressured air driven equipment, they were all dying in a few years from silicosis. Until someone added water spraying to precipitate the dust into mud (wherein their issue became to fiddle caked in mud all day long in the dark, which I guess is an improvement over certain death). Which happened years later.
Thinking about the kind of life they had terrorizes me. I don't get how, for the longest time, people were fine with that. I mean no judgement on the workers, they probably didn't have a choice - but the people sending them in probably saw them as kettle.
Makes you think about the sort of progress in worker protection that was made since then. But also this kind of story reveals how people are still ready to profiteer from such deadly practices, if given the opportunity.
1: https://www.britanniaminemuseum.ca/