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Which has more sales: a single long checkout form or a multi-step one? (capitalandgrowth.org)
336 points by jkuria on June 21, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 147 comments

I removed all registration and login components during checkout. Most people have an auto complete setup on their browser now and most of my sales are first time customers. Granted I have a small subset of return customers that ask for it, but I know from years past introducing registration opens up a whole set of barriers to the checkout process. Order confirmation pages are essentially a page they can return to at any point in the future without logging in.

I also removed the coupon code box completely from checkout. I used to get bombarded with requests for discount codes and people not getting their codes to work. In reality the way I used codes were in email promotions. I switched to instant redeeming clickable codes in emails and removed it all the boxes on the site. I also know it was a significant factor in checkout flow because I could google "mybrand.com " into google and google instantly starting adding in "mybrand.com coupon codes" "mybrand.com promo codes". People see the coupon code box and immediately head to Google to search for codes.

PayPal Express checkout is still a huge choice for customers. They can choose express checkout or standard checkout flow. Many people use it (30-40%). It removes the need to enter their address as well.

People see the coupon code box and immediately head to Google to search for codes.

If your system would still benefit from a discount code and you're not selling low margin products, it's a good idea to "seed" those discount sites with permanent codes for very minor discounts (even just 4%, say). People feel like they've had a win even when the discount is minor.

I've experimented with this. It is difficult to measure if I'm giving away money unnecessarily or completing a sale I'd otherwise miss. Good point though.

It depends on your industry and customer base.

When I was working with one that was primarily female and cost-conscious, that trick worked great. The fact that a code existed helped drive organic referrals (the code alone was enough to route traffic to me instead of a competitor).

Don't make it permanent or you definitely are giving money away to Googling cheapskates. Change it often-- people are excited by novelty anyway.

What's interesting about the coupon code thing is if you look at Shopify's checkout page, they include it as an input field along with supporting URL based coupons. I can only guess they've done a massive amount of A / B testing since they have many thousands of stores and millions of transactions.

There's a number of benefits to supporting both IMO:

If someone is talking about your product on a podcast or audio form, being able to say "enter in promo code BENISCOOL at checkout to save 10%" is useful. But then in the show notes, they can link directly to the URL based coupon link. That is much cleaner than having to explain how the show notes link already has the coupon, and you must click that link specifically to get the applied discount. It also works in cases where show notes aren't available (ie. radio -- although that use case is very rare for a digital store).

Another benefit of having it as a text input is during email promotion launches. For example, you might decide to put up your product for sale as part of an initial promo, but then in your email copy say something like "By the way, the next 15 people who use coupon code ABC123 will save an extra $10". You can't really do that with URL-only codes, unless you happened to include a second link in the email (technically could work I suppose, but it loses its appeal and becomes less clear on how it works).

Lastly, another potential use case for input based coupon codes is doing some form of price parity based on geo location. You may want to show people from XYZ country a way to get a discount by entering in a code at checkout, but having it in non-URL form allows you to word it in such a way that it's optional. So if the person happens to live in XYZ country but they are well off enough not to need the discount, they might pay the normal price to show support.

But like you said, the down side is people might hesitate to find a coupon. That's a very hard thing to measure.

Checkout is super interesting to me because I'm currently developing a platform to sell digital items and the check out flow is what I'm currently developing.

> Order confirmation pages are essentially a page they can return to at any point in the future without logging in.

Do they need to have the URL to do so?

Hmm, I suppose one could have a feature, without accounts, where you enter your email address and get emailed to you (at that address), your order history with links to individual orders.

I think you are right that at most ecommerce sites, registration does not provide too much value for the user (and is a barrier to sales). I know I am always annoyed when an ecommerce site asks me to or makes me register, and if given the option almost always choose not to register. (Exceptions for sites I use very regularly; maybe everyone is hoping their site will be one of these. :) )

I encourage people to save their order confirmation email which contains a secure URL back to the website which has their original order and links to reorder the same items. Simple and effective. I've used this method for about 8 years.

Another approach is that, with the set of details someone has to provide anyway when making an order, you could easily offer the option to create an account after the sale.

> PayPal Express checkout is still a huge choice for customers

It really is a big advantage, for whatever reason customers choose it.

Relatedly, just yesterday I had my first web-based Apple Pay experience and man, was it ever smooth and fast. I can see it becoming an equally important 'checkout brand' experience for people in the Apple ecosystem.

How does a url based coupon work for users who want to look at reviews/product descriptions?

Ie does the flow take them straight to checkout, or does it apply the code to any relevant product they add to their cart?

It is tied to their session ID / shopping cart. They are free to modify the cart and it recalculates the discount.

Gotcha. But, if a user wanted to see reviews, they'd have to leave the cart, find the product page, and come back?

Or you mean I could link to a product page, and when the product is added to the cart the discount is active?

It's probably linked to the session's cookie?

Love to see some A/B testing of you approach.

What do you sell ?.

Online design products like signs, lettering, and digital graphics.

Interesting for me is the amount of abandonment on for the "unexpected shipping costs" issue. I actually have this issue right now. I'm trying to buy cheesemaking cultures and because I'm half way around the world form most of the places that sell this stuff shipping can be more expensive than the thing I'm buying. It really bugs me that shipping calculation is usually last in the multi-page cart layouts. I definitely abandon because I'm not willing to enter all of that detail before I know how much I'm going to be spending.

This is why I wrote our shopping cart so that when a user adds something to the cart for the first time, it immediately asks their country and postal code and calculates shipping charges.

The frustrating thing is this is such an anti-pattern that we _still_ get emails from potential customers requesting the cost of shipping to their country.

Try to auto guess based IP geolocation?

That’s one of the first thing I look for on an website: the shipping policy and amount.

If it’s not present (or too well hidden) I usually try another website.

I too hate the unpleasant surprise of high shipping costs

My number one complaint of shopify is that they require email first to see shipping, which means I'll get a "what's wrong? Forgot your cart?" Email later that day.

You want your own domain. I don't know how I'd cope with the mess the internet is without an infinite supply of disposable email addresses.

The next question I always get is about how annoying it is to go make an email address in the middle of checking out is. I personally always have a shell open - I'm a command line person. So I just run a script, `nem spammystore-com190621`, done. (And then `dem spammystorewhatever` when they start annoying me.)

I've fantasized about writing a browser plugin that scans the page for entered email addresses and shells out to create them on submit, but (a) I'm not even sure that's entirely possible anymore, and (b) wiring my browser up to something that runs sudo on remote machines seems like maybe not the best idea I've ever had.

You could create a SUID executable on your remote machine that gets addresses from an unprivileged account and creates the mailboxes, or a daemon that gets them from the network.

But I guess the easiest way would be to throw all the email into a catch-all inbox and filter it by mailbox.

Anyway, I've stopped doing that after I got locked out of a store because I couldn't remember the address I registered, and it would neither let me reset my password without I entering my email or create a new account with the same data of one that already existed. Luckily this one a shitty store so getting locked out was a gain, but the odds of this happening to something important are not low.

I used to use a different email address for placing orders, requesting info, etc. and then I'd just check that inbox when I was looking for something or just wanted to skim to look for deals, etc. However, as tends to happen with filtering, I basically just stopped looking. And I didn't really mean all of this mail to go to dev/null.

These days I tend to find that Google tabs work well enough that I don't really get overwhelmed by all the email going to the Promotions tab.

It’s possible with native messaging. You write a content script that injects some JavaScript to check the page that then messages with background page that then messages an external application. Though I likely would make it a page action or a context menu action.

I think if you’re on OS X that it would be easier to write a small automater action that you register as a service that after you select some text and right click it it parses the text and calls the shell command.

I have a catch-all inbox on my domain so there's no setup. I can just enter <whatever_i_want>@example.com and I'll get the email in the catch-all inbox.

I did that for a while, but stopped probably a decade ago. A spam robot educated me about my mistake when it sent me many, many gigs of crap, using a dictionary of some sort to guess usernames. Surprise! they all "worked".

No need for the dictionary: I regularly get spam to addresses that are just random sequences of letters.

> You want your own domain. I don't know how I'd cope with the mess the internet is without an infinite supply of disposable email addresses.

I'd be surprised if there isn't a service for that.

Take the opportunity to tell them what's wrong: that you want shipping costs up front. Then create a spam filter for the site and be happy to stuck a blow for justice that may help customers in future.

This happened to me on Mother's Day. They already had me, I was committed, and then they tacked on $25 shipping (this is not a heavy item) in two separate charges for some reason. I abandoned and got almost the exact same item cheaper on Amazon with free shipping.

All they had to do was not be greedy-- I probably would have paid up to $10 for shipping even knowing it was inflated, even knowing I could probably find the item cheaper, just to get it over with. If you can't land that kind of sale you're doing something wrong. Of course, maybe I'm the idiot and they're making bank by ripping people off, but I wouldn't want to have anything to do with a place like that.

> All they had to do was not be greedy--

I think you meant "all they had to do was use enormous volumes to benefit from being a logistical priority and huge economies of scale in their shipping process."

I work for a smaller e-commerce company\* (specifically with the fulfillment centers, so very much in tune with shipping/logistics). $25 would make sense for an individual shipping one-off boxes (and - in the US - not doing the smart thing and using USPS flat rate boxes), but (assuming a reasonably-sized box and ground service) that's exorbitant for any company shipping out even tens of boxes a day (let alone hundreds, or thousands, or tens of thousands).

Without further context (or an exact weight, or whether they were gonna use an expedited or overnight service) it's hard to say how cheap they could go, but $25 seems too high. Either the seller is really small scale or they need to renegotiate their rates.


\* We're big enough to have a bit of negotiating power, especially with smaller/regional carriers, but we're nowhere near Amazon-scale.

Every e-commerce startup starts with their first 5 orders to their first 5 customers, and has to either make a loss on all those initial customers, or charge exorbitant shipping.

In my view, there are 3 bits of effort for shipping:. Pickup, transit/routing, and dropoff.

Pickup and dropoff are the parts which could benefit from volume, but dropoff can't benefit from volume in the e-commerce case. Pickup and dropoff should cost the same.

That means, in the worst case, a small e-commerce seller sending only 1 item per day could expect to pay double, since they pay the pickup and dropoff price with no volume discount.

Prices for delivery services don't reflect that though, suggesting market inefficiency.

> Pickup and dropoff are the parts which could benefit from volume, but dropoff can't benefit from volume in the e-commerce case.

It can come close. Most US carriers (or at least most of the bigger ones) offer a USPS hybrid service (e.g. UPS SurePost, FedEx SmartPost, etc.) that delegates to USPS for the last-mile delivery/dropoff. Unsurprisingly, these services tend to be cheaper than standard "ground" services, since USPS is already driving mail trucks to every mailbox (or at the very least every neighborhood) so their costs are more constant (not entirely constant, since a package takes up more space on the truck than the usual junk mail, but more constant than UPS or FedEx having to drive a truck for a one-off delivery).

But yeah, absolutely brand-new startups will have higher costs. Those go down pretty quick, though, and it might even be okay to take the loss on those initial customers (and assign it to "marketing" or "customer acquisition" or however else you wanna record that in the books).

I wish companies would just raise prices a little and eat the shipping costs themselves. Don’t make me worry about it. Advertised price should be as-shipped. Y’all are competing with Amazon’s free slow shipping and eBay where a huge amount (gotta be over 80%) of sellers offer free shipping.

There's some problems with this: 1) What if they want faster shipping? I'm not going to pay for 1-day express shipping for everyone; that's very expensive when you're not Amazon. 2) What if they're in another country? Even Amazon doesn't do free, slow shipping to other countries from their US site, nor do any Ebay sellers. 3) If they only order one small item, the shipping cost is a very large percentage of the total cost to the seller. Shipping in the US has gotten pretty expensive lately, if you're not Amazon. If they order multiple items, it's much more economical, but you've now priced all your items with the assumption that they're only buying that one item, so you're not competitive with other sellers who do combined shipping.

> What if they want faster shipping? I'm not going to pay for 1-day express shipping for everyone; that's very expensive when you're not Amazon.

People absolutely expect to pay for fast shipping; people just expect baseline slow shipping to be free.

> What if they're in another country?

Depends on the industry you're in, but it seems a lot less reasonable to expect free international shipping, unless you're buying something that costs high-three-figures or four-figures.

> If they only order one small item, the shipping cost is a very large percentage of the total cost to the seller.

USPS and hybrid shipping options can be relatively cheap, for domestic shipping.

> you've now priced all your items with the assumption that they're only buying that one item

You could always offer multiple-item discounts at that point.

>USPS and hybrid shipping options can be relatively cheap, for domestic shipping.

Actually, they really aren't, not for private shippers. If your item is tiny, you can ship it for around $3 by 1st class; if it's over 1 pound, it's not going to be cheap. For something that only costs $5-10, that's very significant.

>You could always offer multiple-item discounts at that point.

People look at initial price first, and won't see your discount until later. The competitor with a cheaper per-item price will get the sale.

If someone makes me fill in multiple pages of forms (much less credit card details!) before springing an extra cost on me, I'm not gonna buy anything from them ever. EVER.

Every electronics manufacturer and distributor. Digikey has a calculator and Arrow has a chart but some-- TI, iirc-- make it difficult to get ones or twos.

Yes! Or even worse: you have to create an account first to get to the shipping calculation, only to find out they don't ship to your country or charge exorbitant shipping fees...

Funnily enough I usually bounce at the opposite issue, living in a smaller city in Australia, if a shop doesn't offer express post or a courier, I regularly have to wait 3-4 weeks for it to arrive through standard post.

If there are no shipping options, I shop around for the same product elsewhere, express post is usually only $10AUD more and will sometimes arrive 1-2 days later, usually never more than 4 days. Couriers for $30AUD will usually definitely arrive 1-2 days later. Even ordering internationally can be faster than standard post to my address these days.

So I usually bail out of a transaction if there's no shipping options, its easier to just find another source than it is to ask and arrange for shipping personally.

It blows my mind that I can order an item from China and have it air mailed to me in three days over the weekend, with no shipping charge.

But a similar sized package from an Australian seller will often take three days for the vendor to send then five days to get to Launceston and cost $15 for shipping.

I understand all the factors at play, but still...

Ah yes, Australia Post. I've had items come from Melbourne to Perth -- a dozen connecting flights daily, all with spare freight capacity bought by AusPost for express -- take three fucking weeks for the highest-paid express.

I've had parts come from Germany to Perth in 3 days. On the mid-cost freight option. Via Frankfurt and then Singapore.

Australia Post is an essential institution and somehow they manage to be entirely useless.

I live in Sydney and sometime items coming from Sydney or Melb can take longer than items coming from US

Shipping cost should be given before asking your credit card data. Doing otherwise is unacceptable.

As an Australian this is my life whenever ordering anything from the US.

A shipping estimator should be available on the product page. That's where I need it.

Could be worse. I tried to buy some model rocket parts (engines) for my model Falcon 9 a few months back, got to the checkout page, and was told I couldn't ship to my address in the Netherlands because of US export controls. Now that's a real conversion killer!

Amazon was particularity bad for my location.

For Austria they use the German shop, but Germany has different VAT and a lot of sellers don't ship to Austria.

When ordering it didn't show how much it cost and if shipping is possible at all.

I would love if websites tried to autodetect my country from my IP address, and then gave me a upper bound on the potential shipping cost given where it thinks I am.

It's time websites just added the shipping cost and the product cost together and advertise that.

I don't want to see a Google shopping result saying "Get these shoes for only $10", only to find shipping is $35.

It should be illegal to advertise a product online for anything less than the cost to have it delivered.

Shipping cost is the first information you see not only during checkout but in cart and next to the product on product page or even list. If you have varying shipping price you should give range and after clicking range you should let user specify address to get precise shipping cost.

My employer works around this issue (last I checked) by just charging a flat shipping+handling fee for non-VIP customers (VIP customers get free shipping and various other perks in exchange for their yearly membership fee).

This is one of the big reasons why Amazon wins. For most products, you look at site X vs Amazon for price because shipping is well known. It's either prime or free slow-boat.

Eventually, you get trained to just go to Amazon.

They don’t mention the winning one: A single short checkout. Purchase funnels are filled with account creations, newsletter sign-ups and other crap. I don’t want an account, I want to give you money.

As someone who previously worked in ecommerce marketing, many of these practices certainly would cause more drop-off in the funnel.

I would suggest that the idea is that losing X% of first-time customers isn't such a big deal if you can increase LTV by Y% through marketing efforts otherwise not available to you.

That being said I don't really think the average marketing team has thought it through to this point (or measures the outcomes). But nevertheless it's perhaps why they see positive results.

I always figured, why not leave that crap for an after-checkout form? Z% discount if you sign up, or whatever. It’s worth something, after all.

On the after-checkout form I am already confronted with choosing which 3 of the discount vouchers of "partner" shops I want to pick up. But HURRY only 10 minutes remaining to claim.

I love using Apple Pay on websites, so fast that I avoid shopping around.

Yes; sites with Apple Pay get purchases from me almost instantly.

It's a good way to battle people otherwise preferring to use a platform they already have an account on (e.g. eBay; Amazon) where you lose more on commission.

Etsy has done extremely well with this!

If my SO or I are talking about something there, it’s an almost certainty that one of us will press thumb to purchase. It’s too easy.

Not really what being compared here though. eBay, Amazon run the whole site.

Amazon operates a payment service, and eBay used to. Using Amazon to pay doesn't mean you're buying something on amazon.com, just as using PayPal to pay doesn't mean you're buying something on ebay.com .

The feedback toaster takes this to the next level https://feedbacktoaster.com

One thing I like is the ability to create an account after the purchase (either immediately or sometime in the future) and my order part of that account.

I remember doing A/B testing on this for a multinational multi-billion dollar company's website. The learning was to never surprise the customer. Show the sum total before they even get to the checkout process. And stay true to it.

What proved conclusively positive was adding a discount to the checkout process (a time-limited one did not prove successful). Just to make the customer feel that they're getting a good deal.

Once the customer was on the checkout form we'd display: "This product is almost out of stock," and when they for some reason come back to the product page or listing, we'd show: "43 people are looking at this product."

Which created a sense of urgency. This strategy wasn't legal in all countries, because it was 100% fake, but it worked wonders where it could be displayed.

Customer satisfaction skyrocketed, so... evil as it might be, it only created happy people.

>43 people are looking at this product.

Hotels.com and a couple other websites were doing that to me the other day. I had a feeling it was bogus.

You did have me at discount. I shop the same brands that I like and know. If I’m offered a discount I’ll buy 90% of the time. If it’s a brand I haven’t heard of or bought previously it’s much lower.

"I had a feeling it was bogus."

I've always ignored those sorts of things entirely, on the theory that I don't believe the entities in question are capable or willing to put the engineering effort to provide a number accurate to two significant digits at scale.

Also the numbers are often implausibly large. If there's "one" of an item left and "43 people" are "currently looking" at it, then the problem isn't that I need to hurry up and buy it, the problem is that you've utterly failed at one of your basic tasks, stocking correctly for demand. In general, businesses are actually really good at that; it's literally life and death for them, so the idea that every single thing on their site is just on the verge of selling out unless you get it now is just absurd.

I've been trying to train myself to ignore "discounts" too, unless I can prove to myself that there really is a difference between the "real" price and the "discounted" price and there is some specific reason that I'm getting the latter. Or to put it another way, "customers in general" don't get discounts. You can get a discount if you are "a price discriminating customer willing to hunt for coupon codes", or "a friend of the proprietor", or something specific, but you are never just handed a discount. Those discounts are discounts... they're just the price.

Yes, this boils down to just writing good copy or creating a sales page / environment that's honest.

Everything you do from start to finish in the sales process needs to be believable. Like in a sales page, if you admit that you screwed up and ordered 100,000 sunglasses instead of 10,000 and now you want to get rid of them at whole sale prices, suddenly if you sell $39 glasses for $14.99 it's believable that this really happened and it's a good deal, so the discount makes sense.

Now of course that could all be a lie and they cost $5 and they really wanted to sell them for $15 so they cooked up a total bullshit story but something like that is a lot more believable than trying to throw up a bunch of high pressure sales tactics based on scarcity. Picking out those lies really comes down to your reputation too, which is why sites that offer 24/7 discounts have no credibility.

Basically, just be honest and it's hard to go wrong.

Stores have gotten into trouble for not selling items at their list price. Kohls always has half their items on sale and half regular price - they know you won't buy the regular price item when the sale item is nearly identical. They rotate items in and out of sale every week just so they can prove in court there actually is a half off sales.

Depends on your country, but in the US you can't claim something has a regular price if the regular price is never charged for it.

>I shop the same brands that I like and know. If I’m offered a discount I’ll buy 90% of the time.

But if you get a discount a non-negligible amount of the time, you may stop buying unless you're getting the discount. The discounted price will become the 'true' price.

I spoke to someone actually at Hotels.com about this urgency messaging. The number isn't fake.

Good to know. It was never hilariously high like 43. It would say 5-10 or so.

> What proved conclusively positive was adding a discount to the checkout process ... Just to make the customer feel that they're getting a good deal.

Definitely guilty of this, if I'm on the fence about a purchase, finding a discount code (Honey extension is great) can often make the difference. Even knowing that the discount is probably baked into the price

This is booking.com in an nutshell

Yeah, this sounds a lot like booking.com. It's obvious that they've relentlessly tuned their purchase flow to make it as seamless as possible.

This is exactly the kind of post I come to HN to read. Thank you for posting this as it attempts to answer an interesting question I didn't even think to ask.

Glad to hear this. Apparently, unfortunately, for many HN'ers, this is exactly the kind of post they don't want to see! There has been a movement clamoring for a pure tech HN without any marketing business-y type of stuff.

Only articles about the finer points of segment tuning and tweaking x86 assembly registers! Or all the reasons why classes can never really approach the elegance and terseness of classic K&R C structs. Or how Common Lisp and Scheme have this and that and the other but only that and no more :)

The former are really life skills that make even the most hardcore techies more effective human beings!

> Glad to hear this. Apparently, unfortunately, for many HN'ers, this is exactly the kind of post they don't want to see! There has been a movement clamoring for a pure tech HN without any marketing business-y type of stuff.

Or ... perhaps many HN folks just hate the concept of hacking the human brain to generate more sales.

True, but it seems knowing how I'm being hacked helps me avoid it. There are several comments in this thread that share devious methods for increasing conversion. Now I know some new things to look out for.

I'm seconding this. I'm also really enjoying the discussion thats coming from people who have run online stores/checkouts. Its an entire world that I don't really spend time in, but lots of the techniques feel really relevant as I do plenty of checking out online.

I coming from school where single long checkout form suppose to be the best idea. Back quite a few years ago I sold onepagecheckout.com domain for a chunk of cash.

Just 2 days ago I purchased very expensive laptop via multi page checkout process which I really appreciated.

The key was to remind customer what he is buying, all options, warranty, shipping etc - make sure the complicated configuration is delivered in clear way.

Gigantic one page thing would be less welcome

I find from my AB testing is that mobile users are much sensitive to changes to checkout.

A big one page checkout could work on desktop machines since they have the real estate to work with. This can be a poor experience on mobile as you need lots of scrolling to access all the fields and options.

Yep. I work in e-commerce selling cars (entire process is digital). We try to break down and explain each step because they're quite high impact decisions for the final amount and product.

I think this is a case where one size doesn't fit all. For a laptop, or a car as the other poster mentioned, it's high cost, and there's many options.

Whereas if you're just buying some simple items that have no options at all, you don't need a complicated checkout, just a list of the items and the taxes and shipping cost.

I would love to hear someone justify how multi-stage forms are ever good for the user. It seems to me like an honest site tells you all the information you're going to need to enter up-front, in one form so you can decide whether or not to fill out the form with complete knowledge of what you're going to be filling out, that is, informed consent.

Multistep forms trick the user whether it's intended or not: you're either collecting a little bit of information knowing the user might not complete the process, or you're pressuring the user into completing a process they wouldn't otherwise complete because they've already sunk so much time into it, when they wouldn't have ever embarked if they had known from the beginning all you were going to ask for.

There's a segment of HN that argues that market incentives will always lead to good results for consumers, but here's a clear example where people clearly only care about maximizing conversion and collecting the most data, with no concern for the consumer.

Hardly any details about the experiment design or why we should believe the results should generalise outside of whatever they're doing on that website. I don't see the point of reading results if there is no reason to believe the experiment and methodology were sound.

I like this.

I wonder how the 'create an account' problem is best solved. Some sites (like Bandcamp) explicitly don't require accounts, and just associate purchases with e-mail addresses until you create an account. Other sites sometimes will give you an account with just an e-mail address, then allow either resetting password or 'magic links' (a la Slack) that log you in from an e-mail. I think for simplicity, it's probably best to abstract e-mails from accounts, so from a data model PoV, which thing do you ideally associate a purchase with, a phantom account or email addresses directly?

Side note: I worry that skipping the cart review mostly loses customers because they begin having second thoughts. While adding this step may reduce conversion, it may be more ethical to include it as it may improve user's decision making.

> Side note: I worry that skipping the cart review mostly loses customers because they begin having second thoughts. While adding this step may reduce conversion, it may be more ethical to include it as it may improve user's decision making.

I’ve personally abandoned plans to purchase because it wasn’t clear if I would get a chance to review at the end. Its especially important if its unclear what the final price will be, after applying shipping and such, since I live outside the US. Anecdotally, I’m much more likely to buy if its very clearly stated that there is a review step.

I know that more impatient people might be the opposite way around, though.

I don't personally care about an intermediate cart page. Just as long as there's at least a cart page or purchase page which shows the item name/title, item photo, and item price for each item, and the grand total (including taxes and shipping).

Most checkout pages I've seen have that information, so even if the confirm and pay steps are on the same page, I don't mind since it's still the same information anyway.

In GDPR-land the customer has to confirm, that the shop may store the e-mail (or other data) for more than full filling the single order. So there is need for at least a checkbox.

And yeah, using a mail address for login is certainly better than coming up with a user name, which is free and which you remember in a year's time.

> In GDPR-land the customer has to confirm, that the shop may store the e-mail (or other data) for more than full filling the single order. So there is need for at least a checkbox.

If low friction truly is the goal, why even ask before you clear the payment? Make it an after-checkout option.

Honestly, this sounds like a feature of GDPR, not a bug. It makes pervasive data collection come at a cost (here in terms of friction).

Warning: bad statistics abound in the article. If you can't spot them, let me explain a bit why statistics do not work that way.

A _lot_ of data is necessary to call a result if the effect is relatively small. If not enough samples are taken, there will still be a "formal" result, but the level of certainty of it will be low. Of course, depending on how accessible that page is, it might take a very long time to achieve significance.

How much certainty do we need in the result? P-values are generally considered not a great measure, but they are standard, and they are what they are using (if I understand correctly). This can give you an idea of the numbers we'd like to see for that value: https://xkcd.com/1478/

In other words, only the first A/B test has conclusive results: accordion is worse than wizard by 30% with 0.01 p-value. Of course, you can see that there's a significant result _because the effect is large_. Note that this gives us an idea of the _resolution_ of their test system (i.e., how many As and Bs they have and how much effect they can see with their test). So we know they see an effect of about 30% change.

Now: all the other results are wrongly reported. The next four are mistakenly reported as "no statistically significant difference in performance." This is a false statement. Having high p-values means that any effect is below the resolution achievable with those numbers. In other words, the correct statement would be either "the experiment was inconclusive" or "the effect, if any, is less than 30% change". This is quite different from claiming "no change."

The last result has 28%, and it has a p-value of 0.05. I would _not_ accept it at face value. Such a p-value means the result has 1-in-20 chances of being due to a random fluctuation of data. There are six such experiments just in the post, so it's not unthinkable that the effect could be a fluke. More info on this here: https://www.xkcd.com/882/

All in all, the only result found is that _in their case_ the wizard was much more effective than the accordion. The rest is not supported by the facts presented and furthermore any generalization of the result outside their particular case is unwarranted.

> The next four are mistakenly reported as "no statistically significant difference in performance." This is a false statement. Having high p-values means that any effect is below the resolution achievable with those numbers.

No...that's what "no statistically significant difference" means.

In these kinds of statistical tests, literally all you can look for is a statistically significant difference. Either you find one, or you don't. Once you know that you've found one, you can say what size it is—a difference of 0.1% is still plenty statistically significant if your p-value is <0.001. It's just not very practically significant.

There are a lot of different reasons you might not find a statistically significant difference, and simply knowing the p-values cannot tell you which ones are true here. That's why a lot of journals (at least in Psychology, the field I have some knowledge about) have been pushing for reporting additional tests and measures.

You're not wrong, but the important point is that people using p-value tests don't really understand what they mean (what practical conclusions should be drawn from results), even when they do do the math correctly; and people consuming them really don't understand what they mean, or even how to know if the math was done correctly.

They mean a lot less than people assume, and in some cases, as you suggest, something different than they assume. (Ie, "statistical significance" relates to confidence that the results showed a reproducible correlation (and are never 100% 'proof' of this, just a level of confidence; and are totally ruined if you've been doing data dreding/p-hacking), rather than any kind of magnitude of effect).

Sure, but "forgetting" that the significance level is a 30% effect is at the least misleading. A real 25% increase or decrease would not have been statistically significant.

I'm sorry; I don't follow. Could you clarify?

If the author's setup can only statistically determine effects of 30% or higher, saying "there's no significant change" means "there's no significant change of 30% or more".

Nothing can be said of changes of less than 30%, and that's a hell of a lot of uncertainty. One of the variants could give you 25% more results and yet, those experiments would not see such a result.

As such, it is clear that the experiment is simply not thorough enough to imply the two alternatives are equivalent. Not in the least.

Where do you get that the setup can only determine effects of 30% or higher? I didn't see anything about that in the article, though I admit I only skimmed it.

Simply saying that the statistically significant effect they found was 30% has absolutely no bearing on how large an effect they can detect...

I can't know what is the resolution but neither does anyone else, which is part of the problem. They only show 2 results at 30% (p 0.01) and 25% (p 0.05) which makes me suspect they have a very low resolution. I can't prove it, but I don't need to. They claim results without providing convincing evidence, not me.

Those numbers, by themselves, tell you nothing whatsoever about the resolution of the measures they're using. They tell you solely that for group A, they got a result of 30% with 99% confidence and for group B, they got a result of 25% with 95% confidence. That doesn't mean that they're approaching the limits of their measurable resolution—it most likely means that group B is smaller, or has more variability in it.

If group B had a result of 10% with the same confidence, that would also not indicate that their measures have a resolution of 10%—those things literally have nothing to do with each other. You are reading far too much into the very limited data presented—not merely more than you can prove, more than there can be any possible logical support for.

I find that most digital products that you buy require creating an account because typically the account you create is how you gain access to what you're buying.

I'm designing a checkout page right now where I planned to do a small 1 pager with an email address + minimal billing info required to make a transaction while minimizing CC fraud. Knowing the email (aka. account) before the checkout actually happens is essential because it would allow you to prevent someone from buying the same item twice. If you don't collect an email address pre-transaction, how would you do that for a digital item?

It seems the site died due to HN's hug of death. You can still read the text here[0] but images are not loading.


[0]: https://web.archive.org/web/20190621031723/https://capitalan...

The site seems dead. Cached version here: https://web.archive.org/web/20190621120031/https://capitalan...

Split tests are not generalizable. This "research" means almost nothing for your checkout process.

How about selling something useful and worrying less about the cart design?

Yes, let's build something useful and not worry about how they are going to give us money for it.

All these online store studies sound like they honestly believe that design will improve sales more than the appeaal of the merchandise ;)

You're being downvoted but you do raise a valid point. I've been willing to fight with some pretty awful checkouts in the past to buy something I really want, or to buy from someone I really want to do business with.

If you're just a reseller of mass-produced goods available at many other resellers, then having a crappy cart design means customers go to your competitors instead.

If there’s no statistical difference between them, then the multi-step is the better choice. Capture their email early and follow up about cart abandonment.

Do something creepy like that to someone in the EU and you could well get a big fine!

EDIT: this is a clear GDPR violation - you can't store and use user data without a lawful basis. Marketing requires consent. Consent has to be given freely.

EDIT: even if you worm out of the fine people hate getting unsolicited email like this so some non zero percentage of potential customers will avoid your business in the future.

> Marketing requires consent. Consent has to be given freely.

That would exclude Remarketing services from GDPR-compliance, wouldn't it?

> even if you worm out of the fine people hate getting unsolicited email like this so some non zero percentage of potential customers will avoid your business in the future.

I'm not so sure about this. It may well be true for you and me and our peers, but I don't believe that companies send out annoying "newsletters" and marketing emails just to drive away business, annoy consumers and wake up regulators. They do work for a certain audience.

> They do work for a certain audience.

As an old school mail order pro once said "there is no such thing as junk mail, just a poorly targeted list". If McLaren (to name one of my favorite companies and website) started spamming me with the latest low-down on their hypercars I'd be in heaven... Paul Graham Essays, Jay Abraham ebooks; same deal--pure bliss.

> > some non zero percentage of potential customers

> It may well be true for you and me and our peers

You and me and our peers are a non-zero percentage.

I'm not sure I completely buy the "creepy" nature of this, or that everyone hates getting unsolicited emails - AFAIK this is a clear GDPR violation.

In my previous company we rewrote our checkout flow for this reason. Capturing emails and offering certain consumers discounts via emails after a few hours etc. was a successful move (given that a certain % of people will drop due to price sensitivity) - but GDPR removing that choice is a clearly a good thing for the majority who drop for other reasons.

I can't remember which one, but a large shopping cart as a service provider does this (minus the discounts, or at least I didn't get them) for abandoned shopping carts where you've entered your email but didn't proceed to buy. Happened to me quite a few times because they only show shipping cost later on and they'd often be prohibitively expensive to ship to my country.

As for creepy: I wouldn't consider these creepy (i.e. where I've entered my email), but maybe annoying. I had the creepy experience with Pavlok when I first looked into getting one. Browsed around on their site but didn't put one into the cart. Hours later I get an email from them. Turns out they were using some service that loads a beacon and tries to connect the browser via various third party services to an email address. That was creepy. I still ended up buying a Pavlok though, but at a later time.

I think this is something that has become normalised and is no longer creepy, simply by virtue of how many stores do it.

If I abandon a basket in a retail store, I don't expect a phone call about it hours later after I've left the store and gone home. The first time an online-store followed up with an email about my abandoned basket, I stopped using that store.

Not naive enough to think other stores aren't tracking these metrics, but it's still creepy unless you've been subjected the obviousness of it a lot.

Hey! I'm the founder of Pavlok. That's odd -- I don't think we have a beacon of any sort doing that. You might have opted in on our discount offer, or if you added it to cart and began checkout it would know your email.

Very curious about your experience! Thanks.

Hey Maneesh, this was back in early 2015 (I bought my first one that summer), and all I remember was that it used some kind of marketing service that I had subsequently looked up to see that functionality since I was pretty freaked out at the time. Started me on thinking about the trails I leave on the web ;)

Good to see you're still around, I've enjoyed using my Pavlok quite a bit.

As someone who helped run a US based e-commerce site for 5+ years (1.25M in sales), I couldn't care less about European customers and would welcome the opportunity to never deal with them again, so this sounds like a win win.

Can't even tell you how many times I dealt with complaints about shipping costs, shipping times, customs costs, returns, etc. Whenever we'd get a complaint we'd just cancel the order and send them a link to a competitor.

Good riddance.

1.25M revenue in 5 years is nothing. I'd ask how those competitors you mentioned are doing but I think I already know the answer.

That's per year and makes for a pretty good 3 person business. Good feedback though!

Have you tried stating on your website that you don't ship to the EU?

Actually, it's better to capture the email last, once they've committed every other piece of information as a sunk cost, and ideally make entering an email optional to boot in order to reduce friction. The need to create an account is one of the main reason that shopping carts - and for that matter, SaaS signup forms - get abandoned.

How could you run a paid SaaS without an email address? Phone number as a contact? I wouldn't give a phone number to a company I didn't trust with an email address either.

I could invisage a SaaS without ANY personal information, but if that even legal to do if you're taking credit card payments?

Oh, sorry for the misunderstand. I mostly meant this for e-commerce and for a SaaS' informal trial part only, not the part where you actually need to create an account.

In e-commerce cases, you're usually just fine with an address (since you need to ship), an email or phone or some kind of order tracking ID.

In most SaaS cases you can ask for nothing - literally - as visitors try out your product. Allow them right in, and sprinkle a few "sign up" links or forms where appropriate. Build trust, basically.

More often than not, you can delay creating an account proper until you're beginning the formal trial period or processing the credit card.

I totally agree in regards to starting a SaaS onboarding process and ask for nothing. In fact I did that with a page builder I once built. Basically it dropped you right into the page building tool itself, so you could play and build a page. Then to save the page you just entered an email and password. It was excellent at converting into trial accounts. The platform had other problems and wasn't successful, but I was really proud of the painless onboarding process.

...doesn't that analysis violate the premise of "if there's no statistical difference between them"?

If you really wanted, you could do the same with one step checkout by silently submitting the email using an onblur on the email field.

Or just track their every input and send their email to your servers when they move to the next field...


Worked at a company that did actually do this. It was because they were building the profile up as a lead to sell to service providers.

They got the legal compliance as a checkbox during the process. The whole process had 15+ steps and it was when I learned that we were all wrong about how many clicks and actions a user is willing to go through to get a result.

Does it count as consent given when the user checks the checkbox but doesn't actively submit the form, so doesn't expect that it was noticed? I'm not so sure about this, did your legal team see it that way?

Feels like filling out a paper order form to buy something but not mailing it.

It was pretty clear which was important to them. The whole form was a paragraph about the implications of the agreement and then you accept it with a button. No button confirmation, no agreement and without that they wouldn't sell or keep the lead. They were trying to be as possible given the industry. Still lead gen, but they did their best to be clear and ethical.

This does sound like a dilemma. I think the rules should be different for the web since the web is arguably more powerful than paper mail. As soon as you tell an internet form something, just assume you've mailed your response for that particular thing, even if the whole form isn't done yet.

I think the whole "if something can happen, it will happen" rule works nicely here. You can write on paper all you want, but the recipient will never be able to know what you wrote unless you explicitly mail them or send them a copy of the paper. On the other hand, for the web, it is very possible for the client to send the server information at any time.

Interesting. I think 15 steps sign-up is just way too much, however there's a way to "cheat". Just "sign" the user up after Step 1, give them basic services and have them fill out more information on-demand as they try to use various features.

Wouldn’t this be a GDPR violation, unless you harvested consent first?

You don't need consent if the data is being collected for a specific purpose. It's not clear cut, but IMHO cart abandonment would be acceptable. The user has entered their email on your cart, signifying their intention to make a purchase, and cart abandonment email is just following up from that.

Say you phoned a company to enquire about some new windows and receive an estimate, if they call you back a few days later you wouldn't be that surprised. However you wouldn't want them to phone you every month until you buy from them, or to give/sell your phone number to another company without consent (maybe you need roofing too?).

> You don't need consent if the data is being collected for a specific purpose. It's not clear cut, but IMHO cart abandonment would be acceptable. The user has entered their email on your cart, signifying their intention to make a purchase, and cart abandonment email is just following up from that.

This is based of an assumption that cart abandonment is some sort of mistake. What I would guess usually happens (based on my experience with shopping online) is that stopping just one step shy of actual payment is the only way for the customer to get the total cost of orders, that includes discounts and shipping costs. When I close the page at this point, it doesn't mean I got distracted - it means that once I finally got to see the actual costs, I decided not to proceed.

> Say you phoned a company to enquire about some new windows and receive an estimate, if they call you back a few days later you wouldn't be that surprised.

I wouldn't be surprised, but I wouldn't be happy about it either. If I asked for an estimate, I asked because you didn't publish the costs up-front, and I need them to make my decision (whether by comparing with my budget, or the price offered by competition). If I wanted to buy from you, I'd call again.

I don’t think this would be the case here.

You would need to show that a person entering their email into an input expected that email to be stored by the other party without submitting the form.

In Germany that callback would likely fall under unsolicited phone calls (around 2k€ or more if it's B2B).

Unless you have a commercial relationship with a customer, don't assume you can email them anything or phone them up.

It was my understanding that the “specific purpose” had to be “the technical functioning of the site or service” (and also any transactional mail, like sending order receipts), not literally any specific purpose. Selling your details to the highest bidder is a specific purpose after all.

If the company calling you back isn’t unsolicited (ie I asked them to or they told me they would and I said OK), then its an expected part of the interaction. Cart abandonment emails are not expected or even necessary (from the customers point of view). If I called a company and they called me back days later, without telling me they would or asking if I mind, I would absolutely report them for that too. (At least in my country, data protection says they can’t do this)

Cart abandonment is just like any other marketing and honestly, I report any cart abandonment emails I receive as GDPR violations to my local data protection commission.

You are correct, the consent exceptions are only for functionality vital to the operation of the site, such as a cookie to store your shopping cart - not for marketing in any form.

Personally, I believe sending the form is enough of consent. However, currently there is probably no lawyer who dares to say that officially. Everybody is still too afraid.

Sure, as long as you've shown the mandatory "request presented in clear and plain language to provide consent by an affirmative act (such as checking a box online or signing a form)"[1], make it clear that sending the form is considered consent, and describe explicitly the process by which such consent can be revoked.

[1] https://europa.eu/youreurope/business/dealing-with-customers...

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