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Being fat does mean you aren't fit. Being thin is necessary but not sufficient for physical fitness.

I suppose that the first step to "getting fit", or in other words living a wellness oriented lifestyle, is to actually define what this means to you in your world. My belief is that "change" starts from within, which means that you can eat all of the right food and exercise on a consistent basis, and still not be "well." The change that I was referring to is the space between your eyes, controlling how you think, also known as tangebalizing (I made this word up) your thoughts. Can you imagine having the literally controlling how you think and how you perceive a situation? Because you can and the first step to eliciting change is realizing that you were born with all of the tools to evoke this type of result...

I am not sure why you are being down voted, unless people are equating this with being able to 'think' your reality into existence.

We can't magically effect the world around us with our thoughts, but it is the thoughts that control the actions we take, so in a very real sense it does need to start from the mind.

I agree that thoughts cannot control the world with our thoughts, however keep in mind that Since the early 1930's, psychologists have known that the brain emits electromagnetic waves . There is no scientific evidence that it has any impact on materialistic outcome but there is no evidence that it does not either. I know it is totally unscientific and I would say more philosophical thinking but there is a possibility that someday we will discover that our thought might have some impact on the outer world. This is one of the main concept that new age philosophy manipulates. Also our thoughts not only control our action as far as our body goes but also effect biochemistry of our brain that might affect how our body reacts to it. For example depressing thought might lead to certain physiological disorders.

There is no scientific evidence that it has any impact on materialistic outcome but there is no evidence that it does not either.

Absence of evidence is evidence of absence, especially if you have a cottage industry devoted to looking for evidence, fruitlessly.

Many discovered facts that are known today did not have any evidence years ago what does not indicate its absence today. Absence of results of searching industries is not an indicator thus it takes many years and many intermediate discoveries before some hypothesize are proven. Keeping mind open to possibilities is the engine of progress and discovery.

I was slightly confused as well...and I appreciate your support!

"Tengebalizing" is a funny neologism.

You might be interested in reading the old Stoics, who advocated precisely the type of mental control over your own perceptions that you seem to have happened upon.

Marcus Aurelius' Meditations is a good place to start. After that pick up Epictetus and Seneca.

That is a great recommendation...I have actually read pieces from Meditations which is extremely congruent with my statement...I am happy that you enjoyed my neologism!

sounds like self hypnosis or NLP or landmark seminar info. What are you reading these days?

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