Actually looks quiet interesting. I know the main competition for games of this genre are O-Game and tribal wars. The former offers that you can pause your account and be invulnerable to attack, but not gain resources nor queues process (build). And Tribal wars doesn't.
As far as I know currently TW nor O-Game allows for troops to be garrisoned outside of their home hexes. Let alone combine armies outside of their hexes (to combine arms).
There are some newer ideas that are fresh to the genre here. It will be interesting to see what develops.
One question I would like to ask is if hexes hold finite resources or infinite I.E.: If my workers father from a hex, and another player also gathers from the same hex, will they also gain the same number of resources as me (provide the same number of works (at the same level))?
TW and O-Game have a system where resources regenerate so players can economical challenge each other.
Can you hook this up to Kadira ( and publish the stats? Curious to see how the pub/sub and method call load is doing.
Also, please allow user interaction while things are loading. Right now when I drag the map around, the UI freezes and I can't do anything, which comes across as poor performance (locking), and some may blame Meteor. Just let me continue doing my thing as stuff loads.
Is there a specific reason why you chose meteor vs other node frameworks? All I've heard is its not production ready yet - dunno if your performance issues have anything to do with it tho.
I'm a huge fan of meteor. I'm curious about the performance of Meteor too. At the moment I think it's creating castles that is bringing the server down, working on a fix for that then I'll see how it runs.
Having some experience with creating html5/js multiplayer online games (, I'm eager to see if the Meteor stack is able to scale for this type of application...
The market seems to have glitched out. Grain was trading at 0 gold for a good few minutes.
My apologies, I appear to have broken the market further. I managed to raise the price of grain to infinity, then I sold one grain for infinity gold.
Aw shit, roll back deleted my account, then I went to make a new one and it autofilled my email as my username, and I clicked through without reading. Any way to change usernames?
- Get a cheap ssl cert since I've found many isp's blocking websocket over ws and not wss.
- Pack graphics into a tilesheet, I found TexturePacker very useful, since it allows me to make my own format as well.
- Mouse right click should have some use too.
Other thoughts:
- Resource glitches will probably make it not worth playing right now.(Beware my neighbours you will be conquered in a few hours)
Offtopic: Check out my game too