You know, I always groan a bit when I read headlines like this. I decided to click through so I could satisfy my pathetic desire to scoff and ended up reading a great story. Very inspiring, and I hope the best for you guys.
I'd be interested to know what the overall costs and quality would be for a US startup to move to India for lower operation costs at least for the initial stages. Does anyone have experience with this?
Silicon Valley sounds great, but cost of living and cost of talent makes it seem out of reach at least for the near future.
I see you got getmefast to design your website, how much of that design is left in the current version, and how was the overall experience with that company? Thanks
We have changed much of the old site design developed by getmefast after we had the bandwidth and resources to have an inhouse team. Our experience was good enough to get started with a website. However for a start just getting some good templates from themeforest may do the job also for a lower cost till you can afford to hire a top notch team.
Nice informative post. I also read your post, "How to incorporate a US Corporation from outside the USA". How is this legal? And how/who do you pay taxes?
I also have hacker news to thank for my entrepreneurial career, I think. There isn't a good story there, I've just been reading it for about 6 years, right about when I was graduating college, and the cult of YC indoctrinated me. Edit: For clarification, year 1 and 2 of hacker news were extremely focused on PG, PG's writings, YC, etc. So when I saw I was indoctrinated it's because the site was nothing but that.
I learned about the search at the bottom of the page. I have been here 6 months and been so excited with everything I never made it to the bottom to find it.
What a funny coincidence, I was just looking at freshdesk yesterday. I really want to place our support software (Kayako), but there just aren't good options out there.
Unfortunately SaaS doesn't work for us, but I wish these guys the best. Looks like they're on the right track and have the right priorities.
Dunno about OP, but some businesses have privacy or legal issues around data that they might want/need to store in these systems.. Things like healthcare info, etc.