The mere idea of creating the site was revolutionary. The platform and the concept of creating a site where you house questions and FOCUS on the quality of questions is pure genius.
Making it an addicting game is great too. People love the social proof.
I use stack overflow and its sister sites nearly every day. On theoretical computer science stack exchange its allowed me to ask better questions. It has increased my research maturity by one hundred times. I know more about topology and I am sincerely in debt to the quality of this concept and platform.
Cheers to Jeff. This is his magnum opus. I can't wait what he thinks of next.
It's certainly better than the alternatives that preceded it. I can't tell you how many times I've searched for <topic>, found my question in a forum about <topic>, and instead of answers or straightforward discussion I find a bunch of attitude from high-postcount forum jockeys saying "use the search function", "RTFM," changing the subject, and otherwise contributing lots of useless static noise (often they won't even bother to actually link a FAQ).
It is wonderful to read this. Self-improvement is the sort-of-hidden thing that all Stack Exchange sites are about. The best way to improve, in my opinion, is to teach your peers while learning from your peers.
Ironically I see this the day after I've decided to quit Stack Overflow due to interacting with moderators.
For the last few months I've been in the habit of searching for algorithm questions, and answering them for fun. And then came along. It was the most fun algorithm question that I had seen in the last week. I put a fair amount of effort into rewriting a response I learned a nice trick from into a response that programmers with no theoretical background should be able to understand. But 4 moderators decided that it should be closed despite multiple votes, stars, and so on.
I then asked at and the immediate response was that I got downvoted into oblivion, the question got deleted by clearly senior members of the community (it since has become undeleted, but there is no question what the "wise elders" think should have happened), and I got a lesson in what they really do and do not want to see on their site.
I understand what they are aiming for, and clearly what I find fun is simply not a fit for what they want on their site. The site that they'd like me to go to instead is http:// I looked. It is practically dead in comparison. What little does appear there seems strongly geared towards computer science students. Given that I'm self-taught in CS, I doubt I'll stay there.
So, goodbye Stack Overflow. I wonder how many other people you don't see there any more.
It sounds like you are upset that you put a lot of effort into solving the problem, and also that the question got closed. I can understand how that could be frustrating, but your answer is still there and can still be voted on (only new answers aren't allowed). And to be honest, the question is definitely without a doubt, not on topic to SO. I'm sorry you came away with a bad experience, but just because a questions is closed doesn't mean SO is saying something mean to you personally.
The problem is there at the moment. But for several hours yesterday it was deleted. It is clear that for people who are senior in the stack overflow community, like Oded, think that deletion is what should have happened.
What was intended is one thing. What resulted is that I got the message that effort put out by me, that I thought was appreciated due to upvotes, is not what is actually desired there. So why bother?
I don't think you should let an isolated incident speak for the community as a whole. But your point still stands and it's been repeated often... You felt personally insulted by a moderation action by the community due to the way it was handled. I think most people have been in that situation (I am still upset that the 'programming on a boat' question is gone). My only consolation is that we recognize this is a problem and it is one that almost all online communities face, and we're working on ways to alleviate it. I hope you'll stick around and help us figure out how to do that.
What part of, "I've decided to quit" do you fail to understand? I'm not sticking around.
It was not the moderation itself. It was the discussion on meta that convinced me that what I was interested was so far from the norms that were going to be enforced that there was no point in being present.
As for trying to "help us figure out how to do that" - there could be nothing farther from my interests. As I said in I've never enjoyed being around the kind of people who enjoy debating and enforce rules for what is worthy for their community.
But if you should manage to change the culture, maybe it will show up in a story on Hacker New. Then I might give it another try. But not now.
>> it is one that almost all online communities face
I'd strike "almost" and "online" from this sentence.
Being part of community always means compromise. Only hermits win all their arguments. But most of us have decided that the benefits of community outweigh the cost.
a specific programming problem
a software algorithm
software tools commonly used by programmers
practical, answerable problems that are unique to the programming profession
… then you’re in the right place to ask your question!
show more
What kind of questions should I not ask here?
You should only ask practical, answerable questions based on actual problems that you face."
This is practical, answerable, an actual problem someone has faced (presumably for a programming interview), to do with a software algorithm, specific, and unique to the programming profession (otherwise why would you specify 2^63-1 as a limit?!).
How on earth is this "definitely without a doubt, not on topic to SO"? Why would "Progamming Language Pragmatics" be cited as a reference if this was not a programming problem?
The comments in the meta thread are also unhelpful - "True, I would close it as not a real question. Because it is the text literally copied from the interview question whitout any effort to change it into a question and without any effort to solve it".
I'm with btilly, these guys should put more time into answers and less into meta-answers, if I were treated like him I'd be looking for the door as well: why would he want to spend his time convincing these people a clearly useful question and answer should be on this site?
This question is not "junk, abstact and bs", it's concrete though terse, and substantial. It is also clearly a problem he's faced. Perhaps the fact that he's not hit this issue while producing a product or experiencing this problem in everyday working life is the concern? Or lack of generality? In any case this is within a reasonable interpretation of the guidelines, and as Jeff points out in this thread, within the spirit of what he intended for the site. shows serious research into a similar problem. It is depressing that useful questions and answers like this are judged on whether they are homework or interview questions, not on the quality of the response.
The discussion on meta shows no appreciation of the quality of btilly's contributions to the site. I'm not surprised he's leaving, and I agree StackOverflow will be worse without his answers. What do you think?
>The discussion on meta shows no appreciation of the quality of btilly's contributions to the site. I'm not surprised he's leaving, and I agree StackOverflow will be worse without his answers. What do you think?
It's not about the "quality of the contributions", it's about their appropriateness.
If a great chef goes to a Burger King and starts making his own stuff when asked for a burger, he might make very high quality stuff, but that doesn't mean he wont be fired.
Same here, there might be "serious research into a similar problem", but that doesn't mean it's appropriate for Stack Overflow. They want more of the "I face this particular problem in my project" type of stuff.
Practical things, like, e.g "how can I store a blob into Oracle from Python" or "why does this html5 canvas project get a low framerate".
I love how you use the impersonal "they". Who would that actually be? The actual users of the site? No, they voted it up. The founders of the site? No, Jeff Atwood in this very discussion said that he thought it was on topic.
No, the "they" in question seem to be the people who hang out on meta, and who spend a serious fraction of their time agreeing on and enforcing rules against everyone else.
Perhaps if "they" stopped to ask whether they should be acting in a way that is not wanted by users, at least one founder, and which drives away contributers, then they might act differently.
Seriously, when you're applying a FAQ and come to the opposite conclusion from the people who wrote it, something is wrong.
What community reopened it? It did not get reopened until after I posted here, and people came from here to reopen it. The discussion on meta, and comments here from people who are clearly actively involved in site moderation on stack overflow, shows overwhelming agreement that it does not belong there.
I would be willing to bet money that your opinion that it is on topic would come as a surprise to them. I would also be willing to bet money that if the question and answers came back to the attention of the majority of people on meta, it would immediately be closed and deleted again.
If you think that this is a problem, perhaps you should say something publicly. Because it doesn't seem to be an isolated or even particularly unusual occurrence, and it is costing you contributers.
The problem is that by splitting the community into these micro sites they are making the whole stack-exchange universe less valuable and interesting.
First, the idea that questions can be easily classified into discrete categories is bullshit. Why have they set it up so that multiple tags can be assigned to individual questions? Because most, if not all questions span genres. Not only is it possible for a submitter not to know what category a question goes in, but it is also possible for the same question to legitimately belong in multiple categories.
Most importantly, however, the populations asking and answering these questions (or that you want asking and answering these questions) are not different. Do you really think that people answering questions under "programmers" and under "cstheory" wouldn't also be suitably answering questions under "cs"? Would a question posted under "cstheory" not be useful to people posting under "cs"? At what point in one's academic path does one transition from asking questions in "cs" to doing so in "cstheory"? After your second year of college, after graduating, or after being accepted to a phd program?
Think about it mathematically. Take 1,000 people posting in stackoverflow, divide that population in half and distribute one half of them equally between programmers, cs, and cstheory. The total possible connections and interactions between people in communities of size 500, 167, 167 and 166 is far fewer than the total possible connections and interactions within a single community of size 1000.
I had actually not heard of there being different stackexchange sites for "programmers", "cs" and "cstheory" before reading your comment. What a ridiculous thing to do, to split up these sites. And then to shut down popular questions inside stackoverflow in order to push people into these marginal sites? Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.
The example I like to use here is Skiiers vs. Snowboarders. Both are about going downhill really fast on snow, so should the all be on they all share the same site? How different could they be?
I'd argue that Snowboarders have a very different culture than Skiiers, with their own sets of terminology, equipment choices, and social norms. That's why they need a community to themselves, with their own moderators, reputation systems, and ideas of what kinds of questions they find on or off topic.
Those questions were always offtopic (even though they were tolerated in the early days.) Migrating them to marginal sites is better than deleting them.
The problem is that people who are actually going to ask questions that I find interesting don't know or care how the powers that be have decided to organize things - they just head to the site that is most popular. Which would be stack overflow.
So I'm left with a choice. I can not see those questions. I can answer those questions on a site where I know that is not wanted. I can become one of the people trying to moderate the site into the structure they want despite knowing how frustrating that can be for the people affected. None of those options is palatable to me, so I'll find other ways to amuse myself.
Look through my answers at and tell me whether the loss of contributers like me is good or bad to the whole stack exchange enterprise. If you think it is neutral to good, then our value systems are so different that there is no real point in continuing the conversation.
It's not the first time I have seen this SO deletionism discussion come up but this is the first time I recognized the guy that is giving up. Puts the whole thing in a new light. :(
A lot of people didn't see the problem in splitting the horde of websites into categories (Yahoo! directory) before Google came along.
I actually agree with the demarcation between sites for some of these concepts, as it gives opinion and other background concepts a place to flourish (cf, programmers stack exchange).
But this tendency to want to create a perfect little taxonomy and then track down every bit that defies your view of that taxonomy is an unfortunate side effect, IMO. It happens far too frequently that good questions get knocked down that hole inappropriately, and it's never a good experience for the users when it does.
I'm honestly surprised that the site has never found a better way to deal with the problem. When most users who encounter a problem like this for the first time feel insult at the site's action, perhaps there could be a gentler way of redirecting their energy?
It's interesting to consider the difference between categorization by tagging within a single Stack Exchange site, and the shunting of questions into the various subsites. Is the form of a menagerie of sites of greater value to the Stack Exchange network, or to users of the sites?
A Venn diagram including stackoverflow, programmers, ux, dba, cs, cstheory, security, codereview, and a few others, has substantial areas of intersection. There are over 37,000 stackoverflow questions tagged "database"; surely an exhaustive search for answers to some database-related questions would include both stackoverflow and dba. (Do answers from smaller SE subsites appear lower in Google search results?)
What if SE explicitly worked with a graph whose nodes are all the SE sites, their tags, their questions, and their answers? When seeking answers to questions, we don't care which site we find them on, so why not turn the SE browsing experience into one that can cross site boundaries? As far as I can tell, currently the only explicit edges among such inter-site nodes are the "this question migrated from site x" notices. The danger of the dilution of the SE network into something like Quora would be mitigated by the fact that there would be very few edges connecting bits of sites like stackoverflow and diy.
Surely there's value in seeing how data at the various sites are interrelated, mining those Venn diagram overlaps.
Tangentially, it's evident from the gripes here and elsewhere that there is substantial value in many of the "closed" questions. Instead of closing questions, perhaps they could be routed to some sort of alternate track, usenet alt-hierarchy-style. These questions would still be participants in the overall SE graph; let the user make an affirmative decision to opt in to the "alt" portion of the graph as part of their registered-user SE experience.
Prior awareness of how one's question would be categorized with respect to all the relevant stackexchange subsites falls into the realm of "don't make me think".
Beyond that, if there are a lot of "just barely" off-topic questions being asked, that is a good reason to launch another sub-site; this is how Super User (power computer users, any OS) and Server Fault (sysadmin) sites were launched, because there were a ton of these sorts of questions being asked in the early days of Stack Overflow, but they weren't really about programming.
We've also seen some subsections of the Stack Overflow community want their own sub-site, because they legitimately form a unique, strong community of their own: like DBA (database admins) and Mathematica. All those questions are technically on-topic for SO, but the community wants their own place, with their own reputation system, their own moderators, and their own take on what questions they'll allow.
"The danger of the dilution of the SE network into something like Quora"
This made me laugh, but Quora's problem is that they allow and even solicit pure opinion, whereas on Stack Exchange we prefer answers that can be verified in some tiny way. "Because that's what I think" is a valid reason to answer anything on Quora, which gets into unpleasant weirdnesses like judging answers based on the fame/success of the answerer, because, well, what other science can you apply to an opinion?
Is it possible that most closed questions are "too subjective", but that most unfairly closed questions are "off-topic"?
As someone who's had a few questions shunted from SE site to SE site, being closed at every step, I think SE would do well to emphasize migration over closure. Having a question closed is a real downer, the opposite of all the SE game mechanics. And it's one of the oldest principles of UX: Don't tell me what I should have done. Just do it for me.
These are good points, and as the creator of SE you've undoubtedly put a lot of thought into this. I just wonder, from the perspective of an occasional answerer and moderator, whether there's some way to maximize the value of the questions living in the categorical interstices. Is a question less likely to get the exposure that will lead to a good answer when it's migrated to a smaller sub-site?
And some of the "subjective" questions produce fascinating discussions and enlightening answers; arguably the community moderation of such questions and answers (closing and deletion notwithstanding) still provides valuable weighting that could influence the overall graph and increase the value of the network. Could there be a shadow network still moderated for quality? Hard problems but fun to consider.
But why not achieve that filtering in app? After all I'm not interested in Android development or Cocoa questions but they still appear in the feed - I simply learn to ignore them or add filters. Could this not support these questions as well?
Clearly the question and answer was useful to someone, code related, interesting to others (upvotes), so excluding it only serves to discourage great contributors, with the proposed solution being division of the audience.
Why should cs and cstheory be separate? Looking at cstheory's tags I see plenty of things I encountered in my undergraduate days. It seems like splitting hairs.
Programmers I can understand, as it seems to be more about the art of programming as a practice. (e.g. software engineering)
This is a problem in community sites that want to keep their focus. For example, politics stories are not welcome on HN, even if people here want to discuss it.
Why? Because, in any place that people congregate, they like to talk about unrelated. Unfortunately, if you don't do the tree trimming, the site will degenrate into something else. For example, see how Reddit is almost a completely different site from five years ago(and not in a good way to me) and there is almost no way to fix it after the fact.
So while you have my sympathies that you were collateral damage, I can definitely understand why the moderators did what they did.
"But the biggest reason for the site’s success is the use of game mechanics."
No. No no. No. It isn't.
The biggest reason for the site's success is that it provides a really broad range of useful and detailed content in a useable (and search-indexable) format and doesn't charge for it. It helps that there is a community of thousands (millions?) of developers who need this information on a daily basis and keep going back to the site out of necessity.
If the lesson you take from Stack Overflow is "Wow, I should really add game mechanics to my site. That'll do the trick!" you are simply beyond help.
"provides a really broad range of useful and detailed content"
...which it gets from users. Who are motivated to contribute using game mechanics.
No, you can't just slap a points mechanism at any site and magically make it great. But "get credit for your work" is a motivation that is basic to human nature.
I say this as a longtime user with more than 10k points. I like helping others, but I must admit that having points to show for it is also a motivation.
That's what I like about SO's points: they prove my answers have helped someone, which does feel good. It's not like an actual video game, where you're like, "Hey, I got 5,000 points, which means... absolutely nothing outside the game."
The thing is, listening to the early SO podcasts it was clear Jeff gave a lot of credit to the mechanics of the site. Clearly (and I'm pretty sure Joel gathered this) it was the combined critical mass from their blogs and the viral effect which led to a significant portion of the community allowing the site to become a "standard".
You can credit the search and price, but for the content and community, the question is why did those come there in the first place? And perhaps search and price are the answer, but perhaps also word of mouth leading a critical mass of users also helped. And then the question is why did word get around in the first place. Marketing? Nice site design? Back to search and price? I can't tell because I started using it after it got big (or at least it feels that way). The upvote system, as always, also contributed a little I'm sure, as an encouragement to produce quality content. That kind of system seems a prerquisite at the very least, if not the reason for a site's success.
Badges are mostly replacements for the faq/manuals. They encourage a learn by exploring and doing approach, e.g. "how do I earn this badge, and why does it exist?" sort of affair.
It might not be the biggest reason, but game mechanics in a broad sense helps this site to rank answers - and that's a big part of what makes it stand out.
Is it just me or has the quality and quantity of answers dropped in the past year or so?
I find SO perfect for the simple problems you have when you're new to a language/framework/whatever but when you get into the real nitty gritty problems its like nobodys home.
I have found lots of good answers on SE sites (almost all completely via Google) and I don't think it's getting any worse. I do find it hard to participate in the sites as I almost never have a question that is not already answered, which is a drag because without sufficient rep you can't vote on answers, and I don't want to just add comments because it feels like I'm just adding noise.
I did finally get enough rep on Server Fault that I can upvote things, which may help there. But I don't want to go through a concerted effort on each and every SE site I care about in order to participate. Maybe that's what SE wants (I know they want strong communities, I listened to the SE podcast since the very beginning) but it feels like a limiting factor to me.
You can vote before you can comment (15 and 50 rep generally speaking).
Once you get over 200 rep anywhere in the network, you'll automatically get a +100 rep bonus on other sites you join so you don't have to "grind it out" for the basic privileges.
The low rep hurdles (anything < 100) are basically "know how everything works" bars (the number of people who mistake "answer" for "forum-style reply" and "community close votes" as "moderators" backs up the need for such hurdles), the high ones (down vote, edit, close, etc.) are the "strong community" ones.
Thanks, I wasn't aware of some of those numbers. I still find the question hurdle to be the biggest... I personally just haven't found the time or energy to go and find questions I can answer, or do research necessary to answer.
My gut feeling is that SE's post structure, handling of reputation and permissions is overly complex... feature creep in a way.
I am glad to hear that your rep can affect other sites rep. I feel like the fractured approach doesn't work very well and it is good to see some improvements in account handling from the beginning like:
- Easier account creation and management(openid feels very arcane and this has smoothed out a lot since the beginning I think)
- Logging you back on when you visit (I guess they changed how they did session cookies or something, I get these 'welcome back' messages now)
- Cross-site notifications and relationships
Maybe if they had gone with centralized SE accounts at the beginning with per-site reputations it would have been simpler. The current method might be because of how SE evolved from the 'original trilogy'.
edit: curse firefox and my "reply before reading every relevant tabs" habit, you are the poster I had in mind :)
Hasn't the subject been touched recently on HN ? I think I remember a commenter stating that SO degraded because its popularity attracted a flock of "police of the forum mentality kind" posters who would close or move subject based on wording or overzealous sorting of questions in order to get gaming points and that made old and experienced posters go away in reaction.
No, this was always the case. I never bothered asking any particularly advanced questions, because even the vaguely-advanced questions I asked met with tumbleweed and whistling wind.
But realistically, what else should one expect? The cost/benefit ratio just isn't worth it for the person writing the answer. It won't garner you enough points to be worth the time creating an answer that most readers won't even have the skills or knowledge to assess one way or the other. Far better to throw in your 2p by answering an everyday question with a workaday opinion that's shared by thousands of others. Don't frighten the horses, and wait for the waves of groupthink to buoy your score ;)
(I used to read and answer a fair number of questions in the C++ section, and after a while a definite party line became apparent, presumably due to the same incentives.)
No, sorry, I had my account deleted in April 2011, and I can't remember what they were. (And last I went hunting for my user page, based on my old user number, it seemed to have been deleted.) I'd long given up asking by that point.
Having only recently realized just what StackExchange is and how to use it (I'd been running across it in Google searches for a while), one frustration for me, in looking for questions to answer, is an inability to tick off questions I'm not interested in answering, which continue to clutter my view of the site.
At web scale, everything is crud to 5 nines. Give me noise controls. The good stuff's in there, but you need to be able to surface it.
"Ignored tags" just greys out posts with the tags I'm not interested in.
I have to explicitly limit myself to specific tags I'm interested in, and even then, I can't mute the idiot posts. I'll check if downvoting a question does this. But that's not always appropriate -- there are fair questions that just don't pique my interest.
1. Can you link example questions?
2. Do you personally try to answer such questions?
3. If you get no answer, and subsequently figure something out, do you answer your own question as a help to the next person?
If you answered "no" to both 2 and 3, I would like to gently suggest that the community is only as good as its members make it.
This is the basic problem with the current path most startups take, and indeed a real problem with business in America today. Venture Capital kills companies. The money changes it all.
This applies to just about any business venture that involves investment by outside parties. There are obviously exceptions but usually when money gets involved, compromises start being made to make more money.
This has disillusioned me for my entire 16yr career... I have never found a company that wasn't internally corrupted by money.
Can you clarify what you are referring to by using the word "This" as the first word of each of your paragraphs? I can't make any connection between your post and the one you are replying to.
Clearly a paid-for article. Jeff is onto something these days and needs some press.
Regarding the down-votes: it's the second time in a week that Jeff publishes something free of any interesting content and makes it big enough to reach a large audience while mentioning each time that he's onto something but can't say anything about it. If that's not a PR exercise, please tell me what it is.
I can confirm that SE Inc. definitely did not pay for this article (or blog post). They called us for some facts, but that was the extent of our involvement as far as I know. I also agree that it seems about two years late and not filled with any new information.
You're right, it's just my opinion based on the tone of the article and what I perceive of Wired. I'd change the wording to reflect that if I could edit the post. Also, this was not really meant as an accusation in the sense that I make no value judgement on Jeff based on what he did or did not pay for the article (but I hear I'm strangely wired (yeah, hum) when it comes to translating my opinions into judgements; YMMV so, you've got another point there because I should be more cautious).
I can also confirm that neither StackExchange nor Jeff Atwood paid for this post.
I met Jeff Atwood while I was in San Francisco last month and thought he had a good story that hadn't gotten much mainstream press (for example, StackExchange was covered by the New York Times, [] but that story didn't go into the origins of the company or Atwood's "secret agenda" of tricking developers into being better communicators). The story wasn't assigned, I pitched it to Wired because I had the opportunity to interview Atwood.
I think of Atwood were to pay for press (which I very much doubt he would do) I assume he'd do so when he actually had something to announce.
> “I have some things in the hopper,” he says. “Communities are still the holy grail. What if you could make every site on the internet as good as it can be?"
Speculation on what that might be? A curated disqus competitor, or?
Making it an addicting game is great too. People love the social proof.
I use stack overflow and its sister sites nearly every day. On theoretical computer science stack exchange its allowed me to ask better questions. It has increased my research maturity by one hundred times. I know more about topology and I am sincerely in debt to the quality of this concept and platform.
Cheers to Jeff. This is his magnum opus. I can't wait what he thinks of next.