I agree with OP.
Fake patties taste like... erm...
But a nice veggie patty with peas, corn and stuff is great.
Maybe I agree, that this modern crappy fake food is make by meat eaters for people who try to not eat so much meat, but they forgot that a normal veggie patty doesn't need to taste like meat.
I love Beyond Sausages for that very reason. they cook up like a sausage, they even have a sausage like skin. I think its pretty great, although highly processed and not suitable for staple food IMMO.
> a nice veggie patty with peas, corn and stuff is great.
That's irrelevant - someone who is in the mood for a meat patty burger won't be happy with a veggie patty no matter how great it tastes, unless it tastes like meat.
There's tons of comments here saying how nice veggie patties can be[1], but none of the posters saying this have the self-awareness to realise that the taste of veggie patties are irrelevant if they don't taste like meat to people who want a meaty taste.
[1] I agree, they can be very nice, and when I'm in the mood for one, I choose it.
Yeah, I agree, but most fake meat doesn't taste like meat. It tastes like made out of grain and stuff. Sure, there are some brands who can mimik the taste quite good, but this stuff will never ever really taste and feel like meat, because it isn't. And some people might try it, think that it nearly is meat maybe, but not 100% and then never try it again. Like me :D
I would always prefer a true veggie patty, but maybe I'm not the target audience. But I should, because I often tried to not eat so much meat but failed because of bad tastes.
I hate veggie patties and feel like they were always the frost-bitten-back-of-the-freezer-kept-around-in-case-a-vegetarian-one-day-visits option that a restaurant falls back on. Not a vegetarian any more, but I don't think in the years that I was that I ever ate an enjoyable veggie pattie. As you said, it's 100% matter of taste so there's no right or wrong, but the opposing viewpoints are fascinating...
Same here. I’ve tried many veggy patties at restaurants and only ever had one that I liked, and even going back to that same restaurant is hit or miss. It is rare to find one that isn’t either very dry and flavorless or soggy, mushy and impossible to bite without squeezing out of the patty.
Beyond and Impossible aren’t amazing but they are decent and consistent.
Same here, I don't care either way whether it's trying to taste like meat or not - I've had too many tasteless, dry bean burgers that any alternative is welcome
I much prefer Beyond Burgers as well, and the sausages. I even invested in the company, and it's surprising to me the negative press and Wall St shorting action.
It is quite literally a matter of taste though, so you aren't wrong, but your perspective is just your own.