It's just a slightly weird translation of a popular search query, which Aliexpress uses as search text placeholder. But that's actual items that Aliexpress sells and they do exactly what the text says, so there is nothing really wrong here on a technical level.
Now if those items or their search queries should make it into front-page recommendation, that's another story.
What exactly is "women having sex" a weird translation for? I can get how "panties for sex" is an awkward translation for lingerie, but the Dutch one seems off.
If I go to I get "neukende vrouwen naakt bikini" which translates to "fucking women nude bikini" which is the game-of-telephone version of "panties for sex". OP got a shorter version with the "naakt bikini" missing.
Now if those items or their search queries should make it into front-page recommendation, that's another story.