As everyone must have seen today, facebook updated WhatsApps privacy policy to start sharing data collected from WhatsApp with other F*ckbook products.
I'd love to switch but by doing so I would be isolating myself from friends and family that use WhatsApps exclusively.
How would you go about convincing them to switch to something like Telegram?
0. Removing myself from all active WhatsApp groups.
1. Setting the WhatsApp status to 'Message me on Signal or Email me' and not responding to non-important messages till they message on Signal or Email me.
2. When someone asks if we can continue our conversation on WhatsApp, politely informing them that I don't use WhatsApp and asking them to message on Signal.
3. Setting a Tasker auto reply for WhatsApp, informing the sender that I'm not available on WhatsApp and they have to message me on Signal or Email me.
3.a. Updated the reply message with 'My WhatsApp account will be deleted on Feb 8 for not accepting new T&C' and has set the status as such too.
4.Setting Signal as the default SMS client (Can invite people easily via SMS, perhaps added protection against SMS exploits).