To do good engineering, you need good engineers and you need a culture of good engineering. You need an organisation and incentives that encourage doing things well.
Looking at it through a software lens - even if you do have the best people, if your project structure squeezes development time, rather than producing solid code and catching all the bugs early, you'll produce flaky code that will produce surprises down the line.
Then on top of that, such will lose some of its best engineers (because they get frustrated) and probably won't attract new good ones because they don't value them sufficiently to pay them enough.
Looking at it through a software lens - even if you do have the best people, if your project structure squeezes development time, rather than producing solid code and catching all the bugs early, you'll produce flaky code that will produce surprises down the line.
Then on top of that, such will lose some of its best engineers (because they get frustrated) and probably won't attract new good ones because they don't value them sufficiently to pay them enough.