The article and published study quantify the gains:
>The suit weighs about 11 pounds. The team's research, published Thursday in the journal Science, finds that a person wearing this suit expended 9.3% less energy walking and 4% less energy running, compared with wearing no suit.
>That's the equivalent of shedding 16 pounds of weight while walking or 12 pounds while running.
Yes, I saw the stats and still think "minimal" is exactly correct. If you read my link, the unpowered version showed an 8% metabolic rate reduction while running. If you put batteries and motors on something, I would expect the gains to be quite a bit better than that for it to be practical.
The article and published study quantify the gains:
>The suit weighs about 11 pounds. The team's research, published Thursday in the journal Science, finds that a person wearing this suit expended 9.3% less energy walking and 4% less energy running, compared with wearing no suit.
>That's the equivalent of shedding 16 pounds of weight while walking or 12 pounds while running.
I wouldn't call these "minimal".