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Be sure to have a look at Grav. https://getgrav.org/

It's insanely awesome and open source. No database needed either. Can also run more like a static site generator, without admin interface.

> Can also run -snip- without admin interface

Is running it with an admin interface an option? I'm looking for a good CMS I can deploy for others (less tech-inclined) where they could still make their own small changes.

Sorry i misunderstood the question.

Yes both have admins and as i wrote in coments around i think admin is what makes kirby highly superior.

We always have problems with clients not being able to edit things in wordpress.

In kirby its possible to do in much simpler way. Basicaly you create admin that has only the content. No settings and user managment and all kind of useless functionality..

Grav is fine too but users will have to learn a bit more. Its more clunky and not so dumbproof.

Okay, thanks for the info. I'm not planning on doing any web dev as more than a hobby, but it's good to have a go-to when I get another "client".

In all of the filebased cmses the admin and the core are separate. Core renders stuff from files. Admin is just for creating/editing filest. They dont know about each other.

This is true for both Grav and Kirby

Oh, okay. Thanks. I thought there wasn't even such a thing as an admin for Grav.

Been loving Grav for my personal site. Worked a treat and easy to setup - haven't had any issues.

Haven't had a look at how easy it is to create themes however.

Can Grav be used to generate a static site hosted elsewhere?


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