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Kirby is a file-based CMS (getkirby.com)
166 points by Tomte on Feb 19, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 97 comments

I dont have any connection to the company but for small webshops doing custom small-mid sized sites this is awesome. We have many sites built in kirby and its far better than any cms we have tried. And we tried everything.

Its something between static site generator and full blown database cms. Its easy to debug and you can deploy just with git.

There are other similar cmses Grav, Pico, Statamic. Kirby is the most mature and just works best.

What makes it more "mature" then say grav? Just started using it and it's pretty good so far.

Well, here is the point of view of a back-end developer (database) that scratched his head on Jekyll last week trying to figure out how to just make a damn god simple (but customisable and multilingual) blog using almost only markdown...

I just spend around 20 minutes on each kirby documentation pages and on grav docs.

So after 20 minutes with kirby doc I have figured out how to reach my goal with kirby even if there are some downsides and that i'll have to remind my old php courses to customize.

but after 20 minutes on grav i'm still trying to figure out if it's gonna be as simple as I need or if I'll have to understand if a twig templating of my markdown, already accelerated with parsedown and doctrine in a pimple dependency injection container will help me manage my YAML simple configuration along with the Symfony console...

YES this is all from learn.getgrav.com > BASIC > What is Grav? - the first goddam chapter of the documentation !

So the landing text of the doc is basically throwing at me that i'll have to ingest a bazillion new front-end trendy concepts while actually I just want a Markdown based site...

Maybe grav is great but i'll probably never know because documentation killed all curiosity in me.

Its much older. Kirbys admin is the big difference.

In Grav admin you have problems when you start to have more than 30 pages. Because of its design it shows pages as flat structure. In kirby its more like folders. In grav you cant say this type of page can have only these type of children. Basicaly you have to remember which page type belongs to this page.

Kirby comunoty plugins are awesome kirby-modular for exp.

Kirby also has permissions in admin, so you can limit users what they can do.

Its also way easier i think while achieving more. There is clear path of how things work and Grav is somehow overengineered idk why i would my simple cms to compile stylus or js... it uses twig which is fine but i found it to be wrong choice because in cmses like this you are traversing trough the pages (pages are your db). Twig is not meant to do that its for showing already queried stuff from db. So they are basicaly recreating more and more php in twig so you can actualy get the data.

Thanks. I will have a look at Kirby, I started coding a blog that's good enough for my needs in php with a database.

I am just having a loot around see what there is.

Can I create custom fields for posts in the Kirby admin frontend (or any other way??

Excellent, thanks.

Can you extend Kirby with custom content types and fields to represent arbitrary things, ie a list of team members or pricing plans?

Yes, totaly. This is why we use it. You basicaly make yaml schema of the conent in admin interface and then simply query it in template.

There is also core plugin called kirby modules which turns kirby into very sophisticated "site builder" we use it to make highly modular websites while keeping it simple for clients to administer.

How do you handle clients updating the site? Because in my experience, people don't want to learn markdown.

They dont have to. The admin is basicaly big form field generator that maps values to markdown.

So you make field for everything. Dates, checkboxes image selectors..

Only time they would have to touch markdown is when they would need to format text - article for example. This can be solved by using wysiwyg field instead of md field.

Does somebody know how does it compare to Lektor?

Lektor builds static html, kirby is just a cms without a database.

Seems to be not open source[1], which is a deal breaker for me. It is also in PHP which I also frown up on for a rather new project in this day and age.

I do not see how it could win me away from either QOR (Go), Grav (PHP, but MIT licensed) or DatoCMS (SaaS but ties in with Hugo).

1: https://github.com/getkirby/kirby/blob/master/license.md

Honestly only reason would be admin interface.

If you need clients to manage the site than Gravs admin interface is horrible especialy if you have more pages - there are dropdowns everywhere so good luck if you have 500 pages. Also grav allow restroctions in admin so for example if you have /blog which contains blogposts you cannot say that /blog can only have pages of type blogpost - it shows every single type.

Issues about this on github are ignored by Grav core devs on purpose. The reason for this is that they are company with bussiness plan and they are preparing their commercial "Admin pro" while they leave the basic interface just crippled.

I would like open source too but fees are low and the devs are extremely open.

Also kirby has much cleaner api, its much older and mature and the support is amazing. There are dedicated support people on their forums and you get response very quickly.

From where you are coming from - i dont think its thing for you. Its aimed at noobs and rapid dev of presentational sites.

Datocms is interesting - we've been using cloudcannon for our website and found it could aside from the speed. The advantage over Dato would be the wysiwyg in-place editor. So you can edit a page "live" which is important for placement.

The license isn't free but it is open source, you can examine the entire source code in that repo.

That's not open source by common definitions of the word, e.g. the most commonly referenced OSI definition: https://opensource.org/osd

That would be something more like "shared source" than "open source".

Be sure to have a look at Grav. https://getgrav.org/

It's insanely awesome and open source. No database needed either. Can also run more like a static site generator, without admin interface.

> Can also run -snip- without admin interface

Is running it with an admin interface an option? I'm looking for a good CMS I can deploy for others (less tech-inclined) where they could still make their own small changes.

Sorry i misunderstood the question.

Yes both have admins and as i wrote in coments around i think admin is what makes kirby highly superior.

We always have problems with clients not being able to edit things in wordpress.

In kirby its possible to do in much simpler way. Basicaly you create admin that has only the content. No settings and user managment and all kind of useless functionality..

Grav is fine too but users will have to learn a bit more. Its more clunky and not so dumbproof.

Okay, thanks for the info. I'm not planning on doing any web dev as more than a hobby, but it's good to have a go-to when I get another "client".

In all of the filebased cmses the admin and the core are separate. Core renders stuff from files. Admin is just for creating/editing filest. They dont know about each other.

This is true for both Grav and Kirby

Oh, okay. Thanks. I thought there wasn't even such a thing as an admin for Grav.

Been loving Grav for my personal site. Worked a treat and easy to setup - haven't had any issues.

Haven't had a look at how easy it is to create themes however.

Can Grav be used to generate a static site hosted elsewhere?


I used Kirby for a travel blog a year ago. I needed something lightweight, for which I could prepare material offline and then upload when I had connectivity. Android phone + bluetooth keyboard were the preparation tools.

Using Kirby was an enjoyable experience. Easy to setup, good docs. Easy to work with on the road. A copy of the blog on the phone and on a thumb drive.

I can't offer a comparison with other file-based cms. Didn't look around. Though I don't doubt there are other very capable offerings out there. Tried Kirby, found it to be a low fuss solution that met my needs and didn't mind paying the few quid to continue using it.

Would love to see that blog. Would that be possible?

Here's what I would love: A wysiwyg editor much like WordPress outputting static HTML (maybe even directly to S3 buckets).

Does this exist?

You just described Movable Type (https://movabletype.org/), which was WordPress before WordPress was WordPress.

The irony here is that the reason WordPress eclipsed Movable Type was that people got tired of having to go through the edit-output static files-publish cycle to modify their content. They wanted to make their changes in an editor and have them appear immediately on the live site, without waiting for a new set of static files to grind out. WP, which generates all pages dynamically, met that demand nicely.

Then of course people eventually discovered the downside of generating every page dynamically, namely that it's much more resource intensive, and started to clamor for something more efficient. So the current wave of static site generators were born, doing the exact same thing MT got killed in the marketplace for doing.


Yeah, I learned about MT's approach from Jeff Atwood back in '09, and have been reading about the new "discovery" of the static site generators with some amusement.

That said, MT has a big issue: for something that has been killed in the marketplace, it's quite expensive. I'd love to use it for the non-profit I help out, but at a $1000, it's about $950 more than what they can aford.

Surely there must be a way to have things appear 'instantly' without needing to have it generated dynamically..

We had the same need and built https://forestry.io ...shameless plug :)

A cms for static https://gohugo.io and http://jekyllrb.com/ sites.

• Commits to git repo

• Deploys to S3 (and other hosts)

• Preview your work

• Login to mysite.com/admin (via a React app that communicates with our API)

Lots of cool stuff coming soon. Feedback always welcome.

I was a bit surprised there for a second that I had not heard of the .shameless TLD.

Considering kirby:

admin interface can have many types of "fields" - wysiwyg is one of them (its not core but its popular)

html output - there is plugin that builds up html from whole site.

you could hook into the build and push whereever you want.

so with little setup it can be done with kirby. but same thing would be true for things like wordpress. iam sure there is wp plugin to export to html.

you could also simply use wget -m i had lot of luck with that

I believe Lektor does that: https://www.getlektor.com

CityDesk from Fog Creek, as long as you didn't mind going back in time 16 years. https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2001/10/12/what-does-citydesk...

If you like to beta test an app, check Pragma (https://www.laktek.com/2016/11/29/introducing-pragma/)

Movable Type (expensive). Bricolage (unmaintained for years?).

Blogger circa 1999 :) What goes around, comes around, eh?

Close but not exactly what you ask for: Jekyll.


he wanted wysiwyg, jekyl is just static site generator. one of many btw... and nowdays better pick is probably hugo.

WordPress with a caching layer is basically that.

Not really, you still have all the WordPress drawbacks (security risk, plugin incompatibilities, crashes).

Last time I tried setting up caching with a wp plugin it ended up bringing the whole site down...

The last time I used WordPress (fortunately, very long ago) the most popular caching strategies were SuperCache (writes HTML files to the webroot) and Varnish (a caching reverse-proxy.) In both cases it's trivial to separate the static content from the administrative area. I don't recommend this (I don't recommend anything WordPress) but that seems like what the poster is asking for.

Looks like it is a paid CMS. Is it much different from Grav and Pico? I have used Pico for a project and it is amazing.

Its not very different but its more mature. It has awesome apis and it has best admin interface.

We use it for many websites, its something hackernews people will not like but its fastest way to make small-medium size websites i know of.

The prices seem really reasonable ($17 for personal, $89 for commercial). Have you found it reasonably usable for non-tech users?

Is it just an honor system licensing? If it's a file based CMS, nothing stopping me from putting the files on any webserver right?

Edit, to answer (from the docs):

There's no validity check of your code or any other communication between your Kirby installation and the Kirby server. You get a clean installation without any hacks or tricks. Entering the license code is for your own records, so you can track which installation uses which license.

I'm focusing on making Kirby better instead of fighting software pirates. I trust in you to support me with a legally purchased license if you like Kirby.

It is. Legally you need to pay a license to use it and to get tech support, but if you never ask for support, no one is going around checking for non-licensed users. I roll the fee into my expenses when I use it for clients.

for nontech person to administrate or make website?

administrate is easy, you can actualy easily build the admin interface so nobody can mess it up (compared to worpress that everybody breaks)

to make website - you have to do some coding

I can second this. Just build my homepage anew with Kirby. And just 17 bucks was totally worth it.

Great APIs and a really good documentation.

With a little bit of coding it went really fast and well.

The price is a little difficult to find.


$17/USD for a single website license. Very reasonably priced.

Really looks like its some decent software. My only concern is its longevity as it is not open-source.

Its hard to compete with Codeignitor or Drupal.

Its been going strong for years. Its small well run german team of few devs. It has solid userbase in europe (germany).

Bastian Allgeier the founder and main developer is very open about everything.

I wouldnt worry about stability here because those guys make their living there and iam sure they dont want stop. If they did im sure Bastian wouldnt just leave it and would figure out some future (open source it).

The front page says:

    "NoSQL? Kirby Prefers NoDB!

    Kirby is file-based – No database involved. This means first class performance,
    version controllable content, simple backups and many other awesome sideeffects."
What other "awesome" sideeffects? I tried the link and found only a download page. I also scanned threw the documentation and found no further statements and no explanation.

Seams to me, that the claims are just made without any explanations or prove. Sad.


The claims are nice, but many of those are rather thin. For example, content in a database is also version controllable. I see no substantial advantage here in content on the file system.

It is just marketing spin. "File-based CMS" just means an editor/authoring tool. FrontPage was a file-based CMS. Dreamweaver was a File-based CMS. Heck, Sublime Text can be used as a file-based CMS, if you are comfortable with WYSIWYG not being a requirement.

I wouldnt say so, its cms that instead of database uses md files. But you can do very similar things like with cms that has regular db.

That is, what I wanted to point out.

It looks like it doesn't store any data at all, it is completely stateless. You'd have to overlay state by e.g. pointing Kirby at a git repository. Likewise access control, review, etc.

Therefore, of course it's high-performing -- it doesn't do anything (much).

Awesome side effects like needing half your webroot writable by the webserver. Takes me back to the CGI days in the 90s.

Not necessarily, have a location that the user writes to that is readable by one other user who can write to the webroot (and has nologin, etc). Run a cron job as the other user every few minutes or something to sync things.

Anyone know if this is the right tool for what we are trying to accomplish?

We are creating a CSV of thousands of food and allergy-related items, and want to automate the creation an independent post for each item. We can use another type of input instead of a CSV, as long as we can do it in bulk.

We want to have these pages to be SEO optimized for easy discovery on Google.

We could use wordpress with a mass importer, but it has a lot of bulk. These file-based CMSs look interesting.

> We can use another type of input instead of a CSV

Popular static website generators like Jekyll can generate pages from YAML files. Jekyll even supports CSV directly.



I can second this. I've built an index of scientific papers before with Jekyll's data feature. Built remarkably fast even with a lot of loops over the whole dataset.

Wordpress isn't bulky because it runs on a database, although you might say that running it with a database in the backend does allow it to be bulky...

The storage medium isn't really what you should be choosing your CMS on, I think. And depending on your required features and expected traffic volumes, I'm not sure there's much need to choose something else.

Sure, other CMS will serve pages faster and handle more visitors better natively... but WP can get you cheap devs fast, rather than casting around for niche workers.

> but WP can get you cheap devs fast

Beware that you get what you pay for. If you need a high-traffic capable product with lots of modern web stack in (like React and some WebSocket thingies) and you plan to choose a fresh stack then going with WP might just be total productivity killer on the project.

WP is not a place to build your custom stuff on top of. I worked on several projects where we used WP headless, as an admin interface (since web master teams love it), but relinquish all the template rendering to an app framework (Rails in our case). We open sourced the infrastructure of it[1].

Not that Rails is so fast, but we knew it well and caching/ integrations with APIs/ ElasticSearch are all quite straight forward in Rails.

1: https://github.com/wponrails/wp-connector

This smells of NIH to me. You built a presentation layer for WP in Ruby because that's what you are comfortable with. There's nothing wrong with that, but don't pretend that you are building anything other than (possibly) useless middleware. If you wanted a fresh stack with WP, you would use the WP API, Vue or React coupled with any caching software (Nginx, Varnish).

> fresh stack with WP, you would use the WP API, Vue or React coupled with any caching software (Nginx, Varnish)

Has been considered.

But there where many integrations that were required, and they are simply too simple in Ruby land. Also we needed to take traffic --yet serve dynamic pages-- and support user logins. The solution I mention does use WP-API, but on top of that it also allows "previews" and the "admin bar" (would be quite interesting to implement those with React).

edit: That we had a lot of Rails expertise in house did help, as mentioned. We also do plenty React, but a lot of the integrations needed to be server-side and many were batch-processes.

it sounds like what you're looking for is a "static site generator"

you can even run some of them against a git repo, so when someone checks in a csv change, it triggers a rebuild and republish

Hey, folks! I've read the whole there but I couldn't figure out how to deal with some dynamic content. Let me expose what I mean: I have a blog. I want to create posts. So I'd write my blog post and publish (write my blog post to disc as a static file). How could I instantly see the new blog post in my home page?

When you write a blog post, it creates a text file (metadata & content) in the /content folder, not an HTML file.

Take a look at the Starter Kit (it's the best way to try Kirby): https://github.com/getkirby/starterkit

Look inside the /content and /site/templates folders.

Thanks man! But how do I loop through this content? ie How can I write a small widget with all the recent posts?

You can do whatever you want on your templates. If by widget you mean reusable code, you could use a snippet.

So this logic can go on a template or snippet:

  <?php $latest = page('blog')->children()->visible()->limit(6); ?>

  <div class="widget">
  <?php foreach($latest as $post) : ?>
    <a href="<?= $post->url()?>"><h2><?= $post->title()->html() ?></h2></a>
  <?php endforeach ?>
Instead of fetching the post on the template, you could use a controller and just pass the $latest variable to the template.

Kirby doesn't output any markup, you have total control to over it :D The API for querying content is very powerful.

With all the discussion around other decent options for Content Management Systems, I'm surprised nobody has mentioned OctoberCMS (http://octobercms.com/) yet.

It's an awesome, highly extendable, very clean CMS to work with as a developer. Based on Laravel, it's also open source: https://github.com/octobercms/october

It gives you all the power of Laravel with some very nice features built in that make developing for it a breeze. Runtime extendable classes, event listeners, Twig templating, and an AJAX framework for interacting with the PHP side of your code are just a few of the features that it includes by default; not to mention the rapid development experience empowered by the Form & Lists widgets.

Disclaimer, I'm a maintainer on the project :)

Been a while since I dug into October, but last I checked its back-end admin area was very much developer-focused (as opposed to non-technical site maintainer)... editing content required editing actual code in a textarea. Has this been addressed in the system at all (or is it even a design goal?)

Exactly what i thought too. I couldnt find the reason for using admin area since my clients wouldnt be able to use it. I guess the idea is to create admin app for clients and this makes sense on big projects it can be done much faster when you do something standard.

Depends on how you set it up. I usually use the RainLab.Pages plugin to have a nice interface for clients to manage page content instead of having them use the CMS editor.

I'm looking forwards to the frontend editing component that's coming to October soon, it should make client interaction with the site much nicer.

I'm a web developer who have been happily using Kirby for over a year. I'm available for answering question you might have about Kirby.

(I'm not affiliated with the Kirby team).

Kirby is awesome. Mature, simple, clean, stong community, frequent updates. Lovely.

doen not seem to be open source

The source code is here https://github.com/getkirby

The source is there but it's not free nor open source. See the license. I don't know if they're allowed to put such licensed code on GitHub as a public repo.

And why should it be. Someone invested time and wants something in return.

If you want something for free there probably are other alternatives.

Sorry, but this idea of 'what costs money isn't a viable option' just puts me off more and more.

Esp. if the price level for something great is that reasonable.

I only said that it's not open source, and did not say anything against it and its being proprietary. And AFAIK github only allows public repos if they're open source, I mentioned that. Read the thread.

Yeah that was my question - I was under the impression putting code up on github carries an implied license with it.

Not to use the code, only to look at it. Per Github FAQ:

You're under no obligation to choose a license. It's your right not to include one with your code or project, but please be aware of the implications. Generally speaking, the absence of a license means that the default copyright laws apply. This means that you retain all rights to your source code and that nobody else may reproduce, distribute, or create derivative works from your work. This might not be what you intend.

Even if this is what you intend, if you publish your source code in a public repository on GitHub, you have accepted the Terms of Service which do allow other GitHub users some rights. Specifically, you allow others to view and fork your repository.


And the TOS say:

We claim no intellectual property rights over the material you provide to the Service. Your profile and materials uploaded remain yours. However, by setting your pages to be viewed publicly, you agree to allow others to view your Content. By setting your repositories to be viewed publicly, you agree to allow others to view and fork your repositories.

"The source is there but it's not free nor open source."

So the source is there....then surely it must be open source?

Not as the term is usually used, no.

Indeed, it can't even be distributed freely.

It is not. But its cheap and because pf the fee it has healthy future and comunity.

Also the devs are very nice and you can test it as much as you want.

this is from the folks who made the now defunct zootool.com.

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