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created:December 4, 2010
about:Creator of Parsnip and founder at solarmist.net (https://solarmist.net). You can contact me a joshua at solarmist.net.

A little about myself. I’ve been working on Parsnip full-time for two years. I’m almost entirely self-funded. I’ve spent the last two years taking this from idea to research project to prototype. Last fall, I closed a small angel investment. Before starting on this, I was your typical engineer, almost entirely focused on the technical and terrible at marketing and getting to the point. Still, over the last two years, I have made many uncomfortable changes in how I communicate and approach being a founder.

Previously, I was a team lead in developer productivity at LinkedIn and data engineering at MachineZone (YC 08). In another life, I learned Korean and spied on North Korea for the US Army (read: Cryptologic linguist). I have also lived and worked in South Korea and Japan.
