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created:February 26, 2007
about:Before: went through YC in s07, loved the journey, and been running little bootstrapped businesses ever since.

Now: chipping away usefulbooks.com to support indie authors and maybe solve some pet peeves with the industry.

Also wrote three books about stuff I've learned along the way:

1// The Mom Test about how to talk to customers and learn what they care about when everyone is lying to you (momtestbook.com)

2// The Workshop Survival Guide about designing and delivering better educational workshops (workshopsurvival.com)

3// Write Useful Books about how to design and test nonfiction books as if they were a problem-solving products built for back catalog recommendability (usefulbooks.com)

X// Book-in-progress is about Outcome-Oriented Communities (early ideas on that at robfitz.com)


