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created:October 27, 2023
about:@dang " We've banned this account for using HN primarily for ideological battle. That's not allowed here—it's not what this site is for, and destroys what it is for—and yes, this is the case regardless of which ideology an account is for or against: https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html If you don't want to be banned, you're welcome to email hn@ycombinator.com and give us reason to believe that you'll follow the rules in the future. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38036251 was a perfectly good comment, for example. "

Sorry either too much into the flow state, not intended as an ideological battle, other than me thinking the CCP trolls might be censoring me. So it was the censorship that caused me to get angry, that I felt I made a useful comment about the Chinese Communist party and seeing it flagged.

I don't really care if you ban me, I'll go somewhere else where the rules are much more lax. That's more pro freedom of speech. And it's less difficult for me to ensure I don't break the rules either unintentionally of from rushing things through too fast (so I forgot)... I've archived this message at archive.ph, by the way.

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I've been censored on the public version of this site (by CCP trolls?). My submission is the top Google result for "beijing woke" as of 2024-05-05, and the HN censorship is plainly visible for everyone to see worldwide.


It's also the 7th result for the term "woke propaganda".

13:08 UTC: To any potential Chinese Communist Party trolls, the more you try to censor me, the more I'm going to be posting about you. Same for russian trolls. Your own propaganda (白左) is destroying the lives of innocent people here in the West.
