You generally don't know if you've reached a suitable maxima, which is why it is good to run a nondeterministic optimizer a few times (if computation power allows) and see if there are any reliable parameters form there.
There are also somewhat better-than-random strategies such as Bayesian optimization and particle swarm optimization that can help you to search more efficiently.
I need more evidence to have an opinion on whether Lyft and Uber are good for the environment. It's really hard to tell because there are people choosing them over public transit, and people choosing it over car ownership.
You're right. But it's already known that the actual dress is "blue and black" as someone found it on amazon. It's essentially the picture that is creating the ambiguity.
I skimmed the source and didn't see anything regarding leader election. Am I missing something or is this implementation encapsulating some of the underlying terminology/analogies traditionally used by Raft?
33kt/hr * 1.15mi/kt * 1.609km/mi ~= 61km/hr.
The weather app was right. Just different units.