Peterson seems strongly influenced by Jonathan and Matthieu Pageau who are doing quite a job at restoring meaning to the western world, linking rational and irrational thinking into a kind of universal theory with mathematical notations across verticals. It's really mind-blowing and imho, Matthieu Pageau is one of the greatest intellectuals of our time and he remains quite isolated and hidden. His content is infrequent, freshly brilliant, and challenging for those curious to learn it.
George Boole (Who we get Boolean from), had a road to Damascus experience as a teenager and later wrote "An Investigation of the Laws of Thought" where we get our 0s and 1s from, and truth operations, largely to prove God is Good.
The concept of 0 and 1, absolute truth and false, was born from his spiritual views.
I play a lot of solo adventure games from yesteryear that I just didn't have time nor the opportunities before acquiring the Deck. With kids in the house, this little device is great!
Adventure/RPG/Story Games:
Tomb Rader 2013 Trilogy (TR, Rise, Shadow),
Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order;
SOMA, RiME (both haunt me to this day, highly recommended),
Assassins Creed 1-3, Black Flag
Grip Combat Racing,
Halo MCC,
Bioshock 1-Infinity
Rocket League,
Minecraft - Java with shaders! With a LOT of tweaking, it's possible to add Minecraft Java as a shortcut and pre-load it with shaders and mods. It looks incredible and can easily handle 7-12 chunks at 60 fps with shaders depending the settings.
"Los Altos Hills, California is one of the wealthiest communities in the world, home to Silicon Valley’s upper echelons of technology billionaires and millionaires such as the founder of Google and its current CEO. The non-diverse town boasts a median household income north of $400,000. Its zoning prohibits multifamily housing, whether apartments, townhomes or condos, along with commercial stores and shops in the entirety of its city limits."
This kind of hypocrisy where CEOs look down from the stratosphere on the common rabble yet have their corporations espouse a kind of elitist morality about diversity, equity, and inclusion is dumbfounding and disgusting.
> This kind of hypocrisy where CEOs look down from the stratosphere on the common rabble yet have their corporations espouse a kind of elitist morality about diversity, equity, and inclusion is dumbfounding and disgusting.
You're really missing the forest for the trees. Which is OK, because a lot of people are. On every side of this issue.
It's not hypocrisy, its just business. They don't give a shit because they see where society is going, and they want to make sure they remain as profitable as possible.
This is also why all the fighting and gnashing of teeth is pointless. CEOs aren't pushing the agenda. They're just following profits, like they always have. If you don't like that, well, welcome to the club, lots of us have been here for a very long time.
The problem with prepackaged political beliefs is that it leads to dissonance where ones view on society is at odds with "the free hand of the market", but capitalism does no wrong, so it has to be a conspiracy of CEOs and their personal politics.
"Its zoning prohibits multifamily housing, whether apartments, townhomes or condos, along with commercial stores and shops in the entirety of its city limits.""
Many, many middle class communities all over the United States have similar restrictions. This is what single family zoning looks like and it's not a function of these particular residents being billionaires.
Further, living in a prototypical single family zoned "nice neighborhood" is an aspirational goal for quite a bit of the lower middle or lower working class in the United States - including the racial and class cohorts in whose name much of this housing deregulation is being done.
Perhaps they all need to be educated in the errors of their thinking ?
One little anecdote, many HUD loans are coming to the end of COVID government-sponsored CARES act forbearance periods and some of those may be eligible for 40 year refinance options, both extending the terms of mortgages and lowering monthly payment amounts.
I have no idea the volume here, but I'd venture to guess it's substantial, partly why inflation has been so bad, and may lend it's hand to a soft landing and not a dive off a cliff. But just my humble two cents.
For whatever topic I'm interested in, I'll search reddit to find where the hardcore fanbase is. For example, if I'm interested in flashlights, that would be candlepower forums.
The echo chambers have grown to substantial epicenters now. Give me a search engine that finds those and puts search in it and I'd pay $5 a month for that because at that point, you've found the expert and active community and looking at cutting edge knowledge bases. I suppose it's what the academic and scientific communities used to be before subsidies and blue church ruined it.
1. Google has their fingers in a lot of pies. You want to short Google search, but a short on Google is also shorting all their other businesses, as well as shorting future ventures and shorting the possibility that their management will pivot business strategy away from search.
2. Shorting in general leans toward being a short-term strategy, because most forms of shorts are costly to maintain because you're paying interest on loans, option premiums, etc. Futures are probably the cheapest way, but then you're susceptible to short-term fluctuations: the market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.
If there's one thing I'm 100% sure of, it's that letting your in products go to crap does not necessarily decrease your stock price.
With a commanding position you can extract rents up until you get disrupted put of business. And with good enough lawyers and lobbyists you can avoid disruption indefinitely.
It takes a long time though. Meta is a great example. People pointed to stock price as proof that whatever they were doing works.
But after a while, they realized that Facebook is screwed and pivoted away from the branding of Facebook. The Meta announcement was merely confirmation that they had indeed gone to crap, and that's what made shares plummet.
It's also why I'm not a major supporter of data-driven decisionmaking because the data used to make decisions can come in too late. A common mistake is to annoy users with things that make money, and then observe that money is coming in. But at some point, users leave en masse because they're just sick of how things are. By the time you get the data, the cash cow is terminally ill.
Someone should tell Reddit if they fixed their search they might supplant Google search... they could become the front page of the internet or something.
Most of us suffer a kind of nihilism that mankind has never really faced before due to modern science. Materialistic understanding of the world has broken our ability to recognize patterns of being that were once obvious to our ancestors. They would find a modern atheist and fundamentalist equally blind in these areas as they saw the reality of the world much more alive and predictable over vast time periods than we do now and they had the language to understand it.
John Vervaeke and the Pageau Brothers are working hard on this front. I'd highly recommend John's Meaning Crisis Videos, Mathieu Pageau's book on Cosmic Symbolism and Johnathan's educational videos.
If you are new to this, it can be a bit mind bending, but it's duly needed in our time.