That's not something that's currently planned, and even if it did, it would take years. Besides, it wouldn't apply anyway; Akamai's China business was already routed through a mainland China company, as required by Chinese law.
That article describes the exact behaviour you want from the AI crawlers. If you let them know they’re rate limited they’ll just change IP or user agent.
Pretty short change for reducing O(n^2) impact with a cache.
This change includes the following scalability improvements for
documents containing extremely large paragraphs:
- Reduces the size of layout contexts to account for LF control chars.
- Due to typical access patterns while laying out paragraphs, VCL was
making O(n^2) calls to vcl::ScriptRun::next(). VCL now uses an
existing global LRU cache for script runs, avoiding much of this
Probably shows a bit how little that software is used with Tibetan text if this bug was able to stay open for almost 10 years for what ultimately was a 5 line fix.
The fix looks like a 5 line fix because it is a last step in a very long process of optimizing LibreOffice text layout that started years ago. This 5 line fix could not have been possible 10 years ago simply because the code it is fixing didn't exist back then.
Same for me with Firefox and macOS. The form is getting blocked by Firefox's "Enhanced Tracking Protection" feature. This is the request that's blocked: "GET"
> Sites use robots.txt to tell well-behaved web crawlers what data is up for grabs and what data is off limits. Anthropic ignores it and takes your data anyway. That’s even if you’ve updated your robots.txt with the latest configuration details for Anthropic. [404 Media]