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When diving to 90ft+ you get 'stupider' (nitrogen narcosis). Our instructor had us do simple math problems on a board underwater and timed us. We were doing them very very slowly but you don't feel that it is slower. It was an interesting experience meant to warn you that you won't realize that you are affected by nitrogen narcosis.

I've been there. It feels so good, you forget things and get unfocused

This american's life's episode "Three Miles" (http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/550/t...) won the reporter her Peabody award and is one of the most touching and haunting stories on pretty much the same topic.

found a 2008 article on similar honda 'legs' http://www.wired.com/2008/11/honda-announces/

enjoyed reading your comment, but if one is drawing too many similarities between their work environment and prison, it could be time to find/create a new work environment.

a subtle but important distinction has to be made. the experiment mentioned in the blog shows a correlation between people who claim they are lucky and the fact they found a text snippet. not people who are lucky (if that is even possible). it could very well be caused by the fact that a test subject just told people they were lucky so psychologically they behave differently. if the experiment had been setup with no 'lucky finds' the ones claiming to be lucky could all take longer because they were less focused on the counting.

to then tie the subject of steve jobs who is very successful to this finding and attributing the success to being spontaneous seems to jump quite a bit in logic that is not supported by the experiment.

Yes. They were not actually lucky. Because "lucky" means magic, and magic doesn't exist.

So of course the test was of people with different psychology. That was exactly the point.

1980: India 181 B China 188 B

2010: India 1.5 T China 5.7 T

regardless of future predictions it seems to support 'the vastly diverged since' claim. China's economy is almost 4x that of India's today where they were virtually the same size in 1980. That brings a lot of concern over democratic vs non-democratic in terms of bringing economic growth to the people.

China liberalised its economy in 1979 and India liberalised its economy in 1991 from Soviet styled socialism to American styled capitalism. Both countries grew rapidly from respective years. It's nothing to do with democracy/non-democracy, IMO.

Just because something can happen anywhere does not mean that they happen to the same degree. India has a corruption perception index of 3.3 (out of 10) in 2010. Below even countries like China and Columbia. The effect on education is just one ramification of corruption. It is overly dismissive to make the claim that 'well corruption happens everywhere'

if they can pull it off (terms of service violations and what not) this will be brilliant, it is just a viral bomb ready to go off the things that can happen. I see chat roulette like kind of infamy very quickly.

trying to predict how the company is based on the job listing is on the same order of magnitude of effectiveness as trying to predict how good the candidate is based on the resume. There's probably just some rough correlation on a large scale. I used to have a lot of notions from reading various blog posts but too often they prove to be totally wrong in specific instances. One of my worst experiences ever was going after a clever puzzle online leading to arduous days of coding and grilling and more puzzles (invested so much time) only to get a sub-par offer and lots of 'hard negotiating' which i always avoid. fact is words like fast-paced, multitasking, excellent communications, team player, rockstar, a player, self motivated blah blah blah, I simply ignore. I imagine the same goes on in the other direction, so I no longer put them on my resume.

you just need to not get involved they will figure it out eventually. I am not sure at which point my son started to use the home button properly but it definitely happened without our intervention in the last 6 months or so (he also started playing around with it at 2). I am worried that the ipad is bad for things like learning delayed gratification and attention span, as when he is watching dora he will let it finish but otherwise the smallest frustration leads to hitting home and starting over.

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