You'll need to configure clangd or ccls correctly with neovim's lsp, which in turn requires your build chain to be clean. It's definitely a huge time sink. Feel free to email me if you have specific issues!
I was doing a school project in c++ and I tried configuring ccls but in the end I just gave up and did the project without LSP. Like you said it came with some prebuilt tooling and ccls did not feel particularly beginner friendly to get working as I am not familiar at all with the c++ toolchain.
It (mostly) worked out of the box in another project with only some minor quirks though
My background is in teaching CS1 courses in undergrad (as a TA).
There have been various studies that agree with you: teaching recursion before iteration seems to have benefits! From my experience, it seems to be extremely unpopular among teachers due to the claim that recursion is "useless in industry". My personal opinion is that learning recursion first is probably a step in the right direction, but I'm curious to hear your thoughts (in terms of their claims of the usefulness of recursion in industry).
You can consider the tower rule for intuition on why this can be true:
E[X] = E[E[X|Y]]
Essentially, what's happening is that, in E[X|Y], we first "hold" the randomness of Y, then consider the expected value of X for every possible value of Y. Once this is determined, we then take the expectation over all values of Y, which integrates out its effects, leaving us with the expected value of X.
This rule is similar, and arises from the tower rule above.
Not very common as a 'role', unless you're in the Navy. Because it's made up and it's an oddly specific description of some person the author observed. Everyone can become a 'deep diver' as appropriate. It's not a role, at best it's an archetype which evolves naturally if the organization allows for it. Nobody hires 'deep divers' (unless of course, we're talking about the Navy) or has a business need for 'deep divers'. All of this is just malarkey.
Synthstrom has now released their firmware!