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It does if you want it to. These have always been privately organized. If you set one up in Chicagoland, let me know.

A bit further out in the suburbs, but for anyone seeing this interested, we have a monthly meetup group in Valparaiso, IN, called ValpoHacks. We averages ~10-15 people per month and group has significant overlap with HackerNews interests.

Here's meetup link for more info: https://www.meetup.com/valpo-hacks-meetup/. If anyone has questions, my email is my HN username @gmail.com.

+1 for a Chicago area IRL event. Would also love to be in the know.

+1 for Chicago

Please also loop me in for a Chicago event!

+1 Would be happy to come as well.

There are dozens of us!

One of y'all should just pick a place. These things are easy to put together!

i would go!

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