To me it feels like less of a hack if I can make the type declaration not a lie. e.g.
type FooID = string & { typeName? : "FooID" }
Read as 'of course this thing doesn't have a typeName[1] property, since it's a string, but if it did have the property, the value would be "FooID"'. You can then cast between FooID and string, but not between FooID and some other type that declares a typeName property.
[1] I actually tend to use 'classRef' with an RDFish long name for the type, but that makes examples longer and isn't the point.
> Or a massive not-violent one. Just stop working.
Can't happen. As soon as significantly many people stop working, the remaining will be offered larger salaries to keep working. That is why revolution against the modern power structure is so hard: because there are economic incentives against revolution for the working class.
This seems similar to the 'ComplexAmount' system I used to use in PHP and JavaScript programs for representing measurements using mixed units. Basically just a map of unit code => quantity. And for extra exactness, quantity would be represented as a rational number.
Was useful for a client that let you place orders using a mixture of USD and CAD (the alternative being a lot of 'canada'/'canadian'/'cad' fields added willy-nilly everywhere a cost needed to be represented; I don't know how people can stand to program that way). But also for generating G-code for a CNC router [1], when sometimes you want to model in mm, and sometimes in inches, and keep all the numbers exact until the last possible moment.
PHP and JavaScript are dynamic. Here you'll be able to pass distances as feet or meters, but if you try to pass in pounds you'll get a compile time error -- can't do that in dynamic languages :)
So, when I said JavaScript, I really meant TypeScript, and I found its gradual/structural typing system to be the most ergonomic type system I've ever used (if you want nominal types, it's pretty trivial to get there just by adding a compile-time-only tag, like `{ typeName?: "FooType" }`).
In this case, the TypeScript approach might be something like
You can get as specific as you want, without having to wrap/unwrap anything, or even define a new named type. [1]
I think I like Scala conceptually--when people talk about it I think "yeah, good idea!"--but every time I've looked at Scala code it struck me as having an excessive amount of boilerplate to wrap/unwrap stuff just to make the type checker happy.
The other bad-tasting thing about Scala is that I wrote a program[2] in it many years ago and then later came back to try to fix some bugs and the language had changed so much that I had to find some old version of it + an old JVM and Dockerize it. Docker's a godsend for this sort of thing, but kind of inconvenient for development.
I've built something similar, a Deno library called "TDAR"[1], and it works well, but it takes some work to wrap up all the command-line tools that expect to work in some mutable filesystem so that you can pretend you're calling pure functions.
[1] I haven't got around to pulling it out of the parent project[2], but I talked about it in this youtube video:
[2] If you're interested in this kind of thing you could poke me to open up the source for that thing. togos zero zero at gee mail dot comb
Same. And it's a bit funny because I'm usually against unnecessary complexity, and here's a language that seems to have embraced it and become a giant castle of language features that I could spend weeks studying.
Maybe it's because Raku's features were actually well thought-out, unlike the incidental "doesn't actually buy me anything, just makes the code hard to deal with" complexity I have to deal at work day in and day out.
Maybe if Java had a few of these features back in the day people wouldn't've felt the need to construct these monstrous annotation soup frameworks in it.
Every Design Pattern is a workaround for a missing feature. What that missing feature is, isn't always obvious.
For example the Singleton Design Pattern is a workaround for missing globals or dynamic variables. (A dynamic variable is sort of like a global where you get to have your own dynamic version of it.)
If Raku has a missing feature, you can add it by creating a module that modifies the compiler to support that feature. In many cases you don't even need to go that far.
Of course there are far fewer missing features in Raku than Java.
If you ever needed a Singleton in Raku (which you won't) you can do something like this:
role Singleton {
method new (|) {
once callsame
class Foo does Singleton {
has $.n is required
say n => 1 ).n;
say n => 2 ).n;
That prints `1` twice.
The way it works is that the `new` method in Singleton always gets called because it is very generic as it has a signature of `:(|)`. It then calls the `new` method in the base class above `Foo` (`callsame` "calls" the next candidate using the "same" arguments). The result then gets cached by the `once` statement.
There are actually a few limitations to doing it this way. For one, you can't create a `new` method in the actual class, or any subclasses. (Not that you need to anyway.) It also may not interact properly with other roles. There are a variety of other esoteric limitations. Of course none of that really matters because you would never actually need, or want to use it anyway.
Note that `once` basically stores its value in the next outer frame. If that outer frame gets re-entered it will run again. (It won't in this example as the block associated with Foo only gets entered into once.) Some people expect `once` to run only once ever. If it did that you wouldn't be able to reuse `Singleton` in any other class.
What I find funny is that while Java needs this Design Pattern, it is easier to make in Raku, and Raku doesn't need it anyway.
If you mean Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable OO software by Gamma et al, it was published in 1994. Java came out in 1995.
The Patterns book was originally a C++ text.
All programming languages have design patterns, they aren’t patterns as in “templates you should follow”, they are patterns as in “concepts you will see frequently for solving classes of problems”.
The Design Patterns book was a bestiary not a guide to replacement features.
Java does have a particular blend of features and lack of features that has led to the bloated, boilerplate-laden, inflationary framework ecosystem around it that is worse that I've seen in any other language.
Lack of stack-allocated structs leads to object pooling.
Lack of named arguments combined with the tediousness of writing `this.x = x` over and over, along with the reflection system that Java does provide leads to IoT frameworks that muck about in your private variables and/or generate objects "for you"[1].
Lack of a way to mark object trees as immutable short of duplicating all the constituent classes leads to everyone generally assuming that everything is and moreover should be mutable, necessitating complex systems for isolating changes to object graphs (e.g. the way Hibernate supports transactions).
Etc, etc. I wrote a list of these things somewhere.
[1] "It does X for you" is a phrase I've heard too many times from coworkers trying to sell me on some framework that we didn't need. "Oh yeah, it does an easy job for me an in exchange I have an incomprehensible spaghetti mess to deal with, thanks." Being the only person in the room who notices the complexity monster growing bigger and bigger is a never-ending source of frustration.
Record classes alleviate the pain of writing immutable data object classes but are unfortunately late to the party.
The feature that Observer would correspond to is simply Observers. Some of the patterns may happen to correspond to different names, but they don't all need different names or weird mappings, many of them are just "and now it's a feature instead of a set of classes".
That said, while the point "a design pattern is a feature missing from a language" has some validity on its own terms, the implied "and therefore a language is deficient if it has design patterns because those could be features" is nonsense. A language has some set of features. These features have an exponential combination of possibilities, and a smaller, but still exponential, set of those are useful. For every feature one lifts from "design pattern" and tries to put into the language, all that happens is an exponential number of other "features" are now closer to hand and are now "design patterns". This process does not end, and this process does not even complete enumerating all the possible useful patterns before the language has passed all human ability to understand it... or implement it.
Moreover, the argument that "all design patterns should be lifted to features" ignores the fact that features carry costs. Many kinds of costs. And those costs generally increase the cost of all the features around them. The costs become overwhelming.
"Design patterns are really Band-Aids for missing language features" comes from a 1996 Peter Norvig presentation[0][1]:
> Some suggest that design patterns may be a sign that features are missing in a given programming language (Java or C++ for instance). Peter Norvig demonstrates that 16 out of the 23 patterns in the Design Patterns book (which is primarily focused on C++) are simplified or eliminated (via direct language support) in Lisp or Dylan.
In a language with a sufficiently expressive object system or other features such as macros we could turn the Observer pattern into a library. To get objects to participate in the pattern we then just somehow declare that they are observers or subjects. Then they are endowed with all the right methods. Simple inheritance might be used, but if your Observer or Subject are already derived then you need multiple inheritance to inject the pattern to them. Or some other way of injecting that isn't inheritance. In C++, the CRTP might be used.
Language features don't necessarily make the design pattern's concept go away, just the laborious coding pattern that must be executed to instantiate the pattern.
Writing a design pattern by hand is like writing a control flow pattern by hand in a machine language. When you work in assembly language on some routine, you may have the concept of a while loop in your head. That's your design pattern for the loop. The way you work the while loop pattern into code is that you write testing and branching instructions to explicit labels, in a particular, recognizable arrangement. A macro assembler could give you something more like an actual while loop and of course higher level languages give it to you. The concept doesn't go away just the coding pattern.
The meaning of "pattern" in the GoF book refers not only to concepts like having objects observe each other, but also refers to the programmer having to act as a human compiler for translating the concept into code by following a detailed recipe.
Because GoF design patterns are all object-based, they're able to use naming for all the key parts coming from the recipe. When you read code based on one of these patterns, the main reason why you can see the pattern is that it uses the naming from the book. If you change your naming, it's a lot harder to recognize the code as being an instance of a pattern.
What captures my mind is a little blend of radical language design that I only find in Haskell for instance, without the type theoretic bagage, and a bit of 'thats just a fun perl idiom' when you used to hack around your old linux box.
I think it has to do more with familiarity than complexity. You could have a good understanding of features like the ones showcased in the blogpost, but it could take you a minute of staring at a line to parse it if someone uses it in a way you're unfamiliar with. Doing that for potentially hours on end would be a pain.
It's definitely something I'd write for fun/personal projects but can't imagine working with other people in. On a side note, I believe this is where go's philosophy of having a dead simple single way of doing things is effective for working with large teams.
This is why I don't let my to-do lists automatically roll over. If it wasn't important enough to copy to today's to-do list, then maybe it's okay if it's never done. But I do keep them around in some form, because maybe the old to-do items had some interesting ideas associated with them that I might want to re-visit later. Or keep the 'cool ideas' and 'tasks to take action on said cool ideas' separate.
Unison seems cool! I met some Unison folks a few years back and our visions didn't have much overlap. Nice people, but their fundamental design decisions with hashes/effects/etc are incompatible with the web I'm trying to build.
[1] I actually tend to use 'classRef' with an RDFish long name for the type, but that makes examples longer and isn't the point.