> (Want to know why folks hero-worshipped Larry Wall before he wrote Perl? Because he wrote this thing called rn(1). Which had killfiles.)
Perl came into being in 1987, which is before September 1992, so his creation of rn must have had traction/worship before the "Eternal September." I'd hardly say that said event was the reason that people worshipped him for rn, especially since Perl was out for ~5 years at that point.
We needed killfiles well before September began. (Go read the net.legends FAQ.) And Perl wasn't a great language before 4, in 1993, and didn't attain anywhere near peak popularity until 5.
Perl came into being in 1987, which is before September 1992, so his creation of rn must have had traction/worship before the "Eternal September." I'd hardly say that said event was the reason that people worshipped him for rn, especially since Perl was out for ~5 years at that point.