Having offered this kindly explanation, would you say that this continues in the holy pursuit of a 'simple explanation' of what a monad is?
Here's an intermediate question triggered on your explanation: what is the byte level nature of your "monadification"? you say one has a function which converts a floating point to a "monad string", a string value to a "monad int" (a raven into a 'monad writing desk')? exactly what bytes characterize a "monad string" from a string? a "monad int" from a plain old int? it's perhaps a structure? maybe it has stack pointers among those structural elements?
If 'm' is a monad then the difference between a 'String' and a 'm String' (monad string) is most likely just a constructor, but it's really up to that particular monad's implementation. It isn't a byte level difference, it's a context level difference. Constructors are very different in Haskell than (insert imperative Lang). They are much simpler. Monads are similarly simple but hard to explain without any familiarity with the language. I suggest you just dive in. The cool thing about Haskell is you don't have to understand everything in order to work with it.
There are many monads, so the answer will depend on which one it is. For instance the "Maybe" monad I described in a sibling comment to yours could be implemented with a pointer that could be null, or not.
Another Monad could be a Logger monad. "return" transform a value into a pair of a value and an empty log. So in this case a monad int could be implemented as a pair<int, string>. (bind would take a function that starts logging from scratch and make it a function that appends to a preexisting log).
It's really, really vital to note that "monad" is not a noun but an adjective. Your question thus has no answer as stated.
Let's pick a type which happens to be monadic, though, like list. If `A` is a type and `List A` is the type of singly-linked lists with values in `A` then `fun a -> Cons a Nil` is what's sometimes called `return` and `flatten :: List (List A) -> List A` is what's sometimes called `join` and (List, return, join) is monadic.
And anyway, the byte-structure of SLLs can vary from place to place, but any good implementation that works generically will do.
Since you raised the linguistic characterization, (..'monad' is an adjective, not a noun, so your question doesn't apply), you'd therefore say there's "thus no answer" to the question: what's the difference between a "blue envelope" and a basic envelope? ('blue' being an adjective)
In my experience, here's often what's lacking with teaching the latest in programming formalisms: folks need the new concepts explained in some terms of the old in order to understand them, (hence why i was trying to get someone to explain monads in terms of crusty old terms like (C) structures). The frustrating tendency always seems to be to concoct a host of new terms, and then to define them only among those unfamiliar terms; often giving well-intentioned detailed examples yet only using those novel terms and syntax. It would be akin to teaching a foreign language but not even trying to pick up a familiar object and point to it in association with saying the new term for it.
By the bye, i accept and appreciate the explanation given somewhere here (likely by 'im3w1l'), that monadization generates a different structure for different incidences of monadification. This helps conceptualizing the mechanism, in a way that "binding of flattened functors returning null or non-null monads" doesn't. It's worthy to assume that we didn't all spring forth full grown out of the forehead of a particular computer science theory class.
Nonetheless, the efforts are appreciated. Even given the root commenter here promised that monad was a "simple concept" with a simple definition. If you scan about this comment section, do you think this view is well supported?
I agree with you, but think monad is a poor place to start such a discourse. It's a "simple" concept once you've gotten some other ideas firmly cemented.
I also think there's the standard "simple/easy" dichotomy going on here. Monad is SO simple that it can be quite hard to grok in the same way that quantum physics is.
I fully agree with im3w1l's note about different things coming from different "monadifications" and find that completely consistent with what I've been saying. I'm not sure who uttered the other quote but it's as misleading as it is nonsensical. I think that's the risk with explaining this stuff partially anyway: simplicity isn't necessarily easy and there are lots of partial understandings of "monad" floating around.
hm... "it's so simple it's hard to understand". i'm also very familiar with the 'monads can't be explained until later!' concept. yet folks who say they understand monads so often make heavy use of the term considerably earlier than "later".
"quantum physics" is an interesting reference for me. as it's often my job to implement quantum mechanics in software. computers are dumb. they 'understand' little beyond patches of memory upon which simple algebraic operations are done. so when i'm teaching quantum mechanics i often find it useful to explain how one applies it for (dumb) computers. "ooooh! second order differential equations are implemented as simple iterative passes over an array of floating point values - that's easy!" the student comes to see through the notable complexity of quantum mechanics by observing how we 'teach' it to a computer. why the hell do i bore you-all with this? well, it's possible that showing how one implements a monad in terms of dumb patches of memory, dumb interrupt vectors, bits and bytes, might not be a bad starting point for a common language ..maybe. anyway thank you for trying (it won't be the last time monads are null-functor flattened re-re-re-hashed)
Fair enough, and I also provided a "raw patches of memory" example earlier provided that you are willing to buy linked lists as common language :)
QM via approximation is an interesting point! I suppose in that sense my metaphor breaks down. Approximation works in some fashions, but you need notions of convergence to make that go. These cannot be had in describing monad-nature.
I'd definitely say that once you "have" the concept it becomes standard and nigh universally useful vocabulary. You want to use it a lot because it makes a lot of sense to do so, but this isn't a good didactic method.
I also kind of want to argue generally against the idea that computers are just dumb machines capable only of shuffling memory around. Of course to a certain degree this is true, but only in the same way that algebra is just a series of symbolic algorithms. It's true, but there's nothing interesting to be had from that POV.
The fun stuff occurs when you take the perspective that what's going on inside the model represents faithfully something more interesting going on inside our own heads or out in the world.
Monads are a powerful, simple and subtle thing which happen entirely abstractly—it's just up to us as humans to recognize the pattern (or, equivalently, up to automated computer algebra pattern inference machines to do the same).
Also with your edit it's worth noting that your given fmap cannot be: it violates both functor laws. As it turns out, for Haskell and most datatype-like functors there is exactly one law abiding implementation of fmap implicit in the structure of the type.
Sorry, that's a good point. The triple formalism (T, mu, eta) already assumes T to be a functor, but I didn't state that explicitly! So you need (List, map, return, flatten) all of them.
Here's an intermediate question triggered on your explanation: what is the byte level nature of your "monadification"? you say one has a function which converts a floating point to a "monad string", a string value to a "monad int" (a raven into a 'monad writing desk')? exactly what bytes characterize a "monad string" from a string? a "monad int" from a plain old int? it's perhaps a structure? maybe it has stack pointers among those structural elements?