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The Long, Strange Trip to Pluto, and How NASA Nearly Missed It (nytimes.com)
59 points by bentaber on July 20, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Timelapse of the volcano on Io referenced in the article http://www.nasa.gov/topics/solarsystem/features/io-volcanoes... (2013). It's easy to forget Pluto & co. are not the only things unravelled by the New Horizons.

That animation and this similar photo http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/0801/jupiterio_newhorizons_b... are a couple of my favorite space images ever.

Wow - I've seen smaller versions of that photo amid all the New Horizons releases, but I never noticed that you can actually see the volcano erupting on Io!

"Wait, where is it? We've been flying through space for hours."

"Weren't we supposed to angle a few degrees over at the last navpoint?"

"No, I'm telling you I was lined up with that constellation. It's on the route. I know what I'm doing. We just need..."

"There's the star pattern we were waiting for! Slow down now or your going to miss it!"


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