I'm glad I got off the train as web sites became web apps. I made one of the latter, though it actually was designed to complete certain tasks as opposed to being a container for content.
Websites now seem to be trying to emulate native apps - not just in terms of cramming a bunch of UI into a page, but also in the closedness. I hate how 95% of content sites bury the hyperlinks to anything that takes you off their site, including the source.
The mfws page is 5k or so and one script (and I might want to fight about that depending on the reason it is there - see the page code at the bottom).
Suppose you had another 5k budget for css. What could you do with it to make the page look 'nicer' in the sense of closer to mainstream Web pages that ordinary people might use?
Right, and then you'll add images because you're not a monk. Remember when images were content and not chrome? That's another practice to bring back.
Even with @2x images or whatever, they at least can avoid blocking the load of the rest of the page and rendering the layout. As you add a bunch of other files that have to be fetched over another HTTP connection and then affect the rendering of the page (for example, fonts), we're back to sluggishness.
I'm glad I got off the train as web sites became web apps. I made one of the latter, though it actually was designed to complete certain tasks as opposed to being a container for content.
Websites now seem to be trying to emulate native apps - not just in terms of cramming a bunch of UI into a page, but also in the closedness. I hate how 95% of content sites bury the hyperlinks to anything that takes you off their site, including the source.