Thanks! PG, can you let us customize the whole CSS?
(That will help people who can't use Firefox at their day job / all computers that they log in will have same YCN style)
Also you may want to give this facility to everyone and give something else to us 200+ers... May be 5 down votes that we can use on submissions per month...
A clever feature would be to evaluate the brightness of the color and swap the text color to white if it's a dark color. A black bar with white text would look swanky on Halloween.
The convention in question is actually a technique American typesetters used to keep track of the punctuation. It doesn't exist because it makes sense, but because of a trick of the trade.
Oh, I am closet spelling and grammar nazi myself. I just wish I could edit posts for longer - since English is not my first language I can seldom spare the concentration needed for flawless writing.