I'd like to get some feedback on my automated web testing service startup, Browsera.
The service automatically detects major cross-browser rendering differences as well as scripting errors, and also provides screenshots. A significant difference from Browsershots/Litmus/BrowserLab/Superpreview is that it actually analyzes live DOMs and reports differences. And, its got features that allow it to crawl your site and even test pages behind login walls.
If you're a web developer or tester, please give it a try and let me know what you think.
Business side - the recurrent pricing model does not make any sense whatsoever. Unless someone is actively developing the site or manually changes the content on a daily basis, per-use charges is what is expected.
There is certainly a market for enterprise-ish application of your idea, when the site is routinely modified several times a week by marketing and product people and such. But then your Basic plan basically will easily cover the needs of a small/middle size corporation with extensive online presence. Additionally, beware of the existing services like Keynote that already target that segment and that will be copying your idea in a matter of weeks.