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somebody sent me a post about the lumbersexual thing ( I think it was this one : http://www.thebolditalic.com/articles/6235-the-lumbersexual-... ). Sort of bugs me that some basic clothing that's good for outdoors and daily life in the northwest gets co-opted into a fashion thing

Sigh. I grew up on the Olympic Peninsula (far western Washington) and this is basically my whole wardrobe. Moved to the bay area over the summer and now I feel gross wearing it. Hopefully fashion moves on soon and I can wear the clothes I have and like in peace.

Don't worry. In another year or so, everybody will shave their beards and trade in their plaid shirts and blue Wrangers so that they can revolutionize fashion by disrupting some other group's wardrobe.

In the meantime, you should consider setting up shop as a recruiter. You could probably place your Washington friends in jobs at startups here fairly easily. If they can memorize a few words/acronyms (Angular, MVVM, etc.) and are willing to show up to the interview with an axe for good measure, you'll be cashing checks in no time.

here here :) btw - I regularly drive from pdx to port angeles on way taking my kids to the grand parents' on vancouver island. That is some beautiful country. Don't stay away too long :)

Sort of bugs me that some basic clothing that's good for outdoors and daily life in the northwest gets co-opted into a fashion thing

So it's the 1990s again? Cool, cargo pants must be coming back, too. I wonder if it has anything to do with the rise of Portland in pop culture. Portlandia's got it right: it's still the 90's in Portland (I'm from the area, it's pretty much true).

i'm in pdx too -- you're right on all counts. cargo pants ftw :) the problem with fashion is when my crappy cargo pants or vest go from $$ to $$$+

I guess I'm too old; can someone explain the diff between a lumbersexual and what was called 'grunge'?

Lumbersexuals weren't born yet when grunge was popular. Feel old yet?

Also, lumbersexuals have fancier hair. Grunge has more spiritual similarly to t shirts and hoodies, a rejection of expensive fancy fashion, than the fancified hipsterism that chased after it.

Ahh, yes, I forgot the grooming part. Very good point. I should know from when I used to browse uncrate and the abundance of grooming products they advertised.

Lumbersexuals have better personal hygiene.

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