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Sans Bullshit Sans (sansbullshitsans.com)
370 points by nvie81 on Feb 26, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 97 comments

I was disappointed it didn't censor "Meticulously hand crafted" or "Made with love in San Francisco". Otherwise, rather lovely.

Same with "Disrupt all the things".

Synergistic wasn't censored in my case (but leverage was)

I was happy to see Long Tail was censored, but disappointed that Marketplace of Ideas wasn't.

"Synergize" also was not a bullshit word.

As well as "revolutionary". Technically "revolutionary" is when something is overthrown. So your product is revolutionary if, and only if you have already put Sony, Samsung, Apple, or whoever else out of business.

Any use of the word "Gorgeous" should also be bullshitted (esp. when written by the makers/providers of said app).

If you like to know about what goes into creating a font like this, check my post about it: http://pixelambacht.nl/2015/sans-bullshit-sans/

It's mostly command line tools, so don't worry about any artistic ability (I didn't).

Why so careful to choose Droid Sans for the main font, then use Comic Sans for the substitutions? Isn't Comic Sans the property of the most lawyered-up tech company on the planet?

The difference is that I used Comic Sans in the "design" of my censorship bars — I didn't redistribute the Comic Sans font itself.

I love it, but it let this go completely uncensored:

"This transformative change in paradigm allows us to move beyond conventional thinking and kickstart the data driven era."

Gonna go ahead and flag that as a bug :-)

Good catch. I'll put the font on Github tonight. Create a ticket (er even better, a pull request), and we'll add that bullshit!

Needs work. Only about 10% of the relevant terms in Weird Al Yancovic's "Mission Statement" were marked out.


Please add one exception - "Cloud" should be turned into "Butt", not bullshit. That's what the laws of the Internet say.

Otherwise, amazing work!

Github is hosted in the butt, so I agree with your suggestion. I'll make a bullshit pull request and upload it to the butt soon.

Does anyone know how well search engines cope with ligatures? If they don't I expect it won't be long before we see spam sites using ligatures as a way to hide their spamminess.

Ligatures shouldn't affect search engines, as they will index the text of the pages, not the fonts/visual representation themselves.

I assume the problem would be the other way 'round: text that says one thing to search engines, but then uses a custom ligatured font to say something entirely different to users.

I actually think the crawlers are more sophisticated than that. Recently I got an email from Google saying the text on my website was not big enough when browsing my site with a low resolution - which is why they choose to lower my rank on the results page. Clearly they have pretty advanced tests when it comes to accessibility of text, not only the content.

I love ligatures - to me they're like the user interface paradigm of the future, and a good example of the beauty of ligatures is the Chartwell font [1] which allows the creation of beautiful, detailed graphs with little much more than a text editor.

[1] https://www.fontfont.com/how-to-use-ff-chartwell

I'd love to see more innovation in the use of ligatures in user interface and graphics work - so I'm quite happy to learn of Sans Bullshit Sans. Hopefully this will prompt the investigation of ligatures, in general, by more designers .. and we can see other uses come out of this often-overlooked feature.

There are more fun replacements than versions of "bullshit".

    the agile unicorn funded an uber immersive beta below the fold.

    the [bunk] [hogwash] [stultified] an [oafish] [foolish] [foolery] [in sheer madness]
Tricky: Make sure "a" vs "an" is still used correctly with replacements.

Replace "an" with "a", assuming "a" will sometimes be pronounced "ey".

Bullshit-ify bookmarklet. Create a bookmark with the following code as the url and click it on any website. :)


ps. Chrome seems to be removing the `javascript:` part when pasting the code.

Chrome does that to make self-XSS harder.

That is awesome! I think Fx and IE might choke on the cross-domain font requestiness though.

Yessssss!! This is going to be fun.

I've actually read corporate "mission statements" that don't even sound like English. Like, not just a few buzzwords, but near-complete gibberish in places. What possesses people to do this?

The goal is to write something that people can rally behind but that's at the same time not divisive. So it needs emotional impact without meaning, and thus we get corporate bullshit.

People are generally too nice to call out bullshit. When things don't make sense, you give others the benefit of the doubt and think "well, it must make sense to them" rather than "hey, what does that mean exactly?"

They might have been using this: http://cbsg.sf.net

Mission statement by committee?

I'd like the see a version that replaces "the Cloud" with "the internet" and "in the Cloud" with "on the internet." The meaning is 100% unchanged--try it!

Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'


Nothing happened for "It's a 5 billion dollar market and we need only 1% of it."

I think they should work on incorporating phrases too. Regardless, this is insanely great.

I like your observation, but technically would this fall under bullshit or delusion?

I guess it's a matter of definition. Does bullshit require intentionally trying to bullshit someone, or is it sufficient to speak bullshit even if you actually believe what you are saying?

It would be fun if the sentence "Meticulously hand crafted by PixelAmbacht" had some of the ligatures. I expected it to have but it didn't.

Can you make one for art bullshit too? Like: "This eclectic multi-layered work represents the stratification of society and holds a mirror in front of us, confronting the viewer with the tensions between individual desire and societal pressures to conform"

There is definitely a need for this in the art world. There is actually a bullshit artist statement generator out there that could be grepped for inclusion.

For even more fun, install the font and put the following in your user stylesheet:

  * {
    font-family: 'Sans Bullshit Sans', cursive !important;
    text-rendering: optimizeLegibility !important;

What better way to put this font through its paces than the classic Web Economy Bullshit Generator:


And here I was thinking I was the only one who noticed this :)

Now all we need is something to "bullshitize" all those scroll-down parallax websites with a nice duotone-fullscreen-photo-at-the-top...

haha, favourite part is the logo satire at the bottom of the page.

Not working in Chrome 40

Definitively not working in Chrome 40 on OSX, but Firefox does. Lovely idea.

It is working on OSX Chrome 40 in my case.

Yeah if i type anything in it just shifts everything down the page

I think this was because of the contenteditable div. I now stuck a plain ol' textarea in there, that should fix the problem.

Woah, did I miss something? Chrome has problems with contenteditable?

Working for me, but only if I type into the textarea (not paste)

Works if you paste as plain text (Ctrl + Shift + V).

If you're not willing to make the jump to a font change, you can get Cloud2Butt for firefox or chrome and it will help a little.

The more interesting part for me was how they made it http://pixelambacht.nl/2015/sans-bullshit-sans/

TL;DR version: they made a font with custom ligatures, so that the sequence of glyphs that make 'synergy' are replaced with a single 'bullshit' glyph!

I didn't see anything in the spec[1] about case insensitivity- but as long as the table is being generated programmatically, covering capitalized forms could be in order.


True. The mapping should be in github so people could add all case variations within reason.

I'd personally add (unicorn pivot|Unicorn pivot)--> "Stinking just made BS" on to it.

What would be great is to be able to pass the text as a URL parameter or save the text in bsFiddle. Something like:


That would make it easier to share my bullshit on social media and align strategies with product synergy.

My invented mission statement made it through unaltered.

"We reinterpret the existing synergistic environment to create an overarching fluidity that will encompass both the paradoxical business lexicon and the mainstream black swansong."

I hope I haven't inadvertently created some new buzzphrasing..

Beware! If you have droid sans installed, this will overwrite it (make sure to name your fonts!)

Oh, nice catch. I'll fix that tonight. Edit: fixed, thanks again

OSX Chrome 40 64bit issue: Pasting text copied from anything that support formatting via html will retain font/size from copied text and thus BS font will not being used. Even Cmd+a and removing the text will retain wrong font.

That's OS X default behavior for rich text editing controls. You're supposed to us "Paste and Match Style" instead of just "Paste" if you don't want to retain the original formatting attributes.

Thanks. I think the contenteditable div was to blame. I changed this to a textarea, should fix that problem.

"internet of things" gets through the b.s. filter. Kindly fix. Thank you!

Also synergy is bullshitted, but synergies not.

Yup, personally I don't see the point of doing anything if it's only going to give me one synergy...

The key part of having multiple synergies is that your synergies can synergize. This makes synergistics a critical component of disruptive growth hacking, as your additional synergies will scale up non-linearly. That's why at Synrgize we're making the world a better place by constructing elegant hierarchies for maximum synergistic synergization.

Lovely! Needs a "translator" for sites along with BS counter.

Heh, something like that, thanks.

It's not the same thing, but it would be easy to adapt (see content_script.js) – https://github.com/panicsteve/cloud-to-butt

All I got it to sensor was 'startup' and 'flow' by pasting in all the titles from HN. So I am pretty proud that I can't come up with such things more naturally :).

Great concept. Improve it by adding the plural and gerund forms of the bullshit jargon words: synergies, leveraging, and so on.

I'm going to make a list of everyone who comments on this post as people I may enjoy working with on a future project.

I tried "It's like bullshit bingo but for geeks."

Apparently it is quite happy to be described as such. :-)

missed 'synergistic' and 'mobile-first', though it did get 'leverage'

why "cloud" isnt censored?

needs "internet of things" too

Any way to automatically apply this to techcrunch.com? I imagine not much would be left.

I expected it to pick up Big Data. (not that I am against key-value stores)

Seems to be missing the "digital strategist" ligature :).

does not work in IE - "@font-face failed OpenType embedding permission check. Permission must be Installable."

This should be fixed now. If you download the font again, it should be installable. (If you could check and let me know I'd be eternally grateful! I don't have a Windows machine nearby.)

nope, not fixed yet, same error. fsType bit should be 0.

Yeah, that was the fix. Works fine on the Windows machines I just tested with. Did you redownload the font?

Thanks for reporting. I took the webfont version of Open Sans as that was smaller. I'll change the permissions tonight.

The image at the very bottom made me laugh.

I think this is great to test your pitch!

Caps breaks it.

That's probably quite tricky to fix as ligatures are case-sentivive. It makes little sense to have an fi ligeture applied to FI, as well. And the longer the letter combination, the more variants you'd have to include (2^length).

To be fair, you only need three to cover the vast majority of actual uses: variant, Variant, VARIANT.

this falls victim to the scunthorp problem. e.g. the word "fragile" becomes fr<bs>.

Scunthorpe*. References to that problem always greatly amuse me, I live literally down the road.

That purple color is amazing!

Great now every HN post appears to be the same story.

Can we have one for science please.




paradigm shift

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