>The httpbis working group considered Google's SPDY protocol, Microsoft's HTTP Speed+Mobility proposal (SPDY based),[5] and Network-Friendly HTTP Upgrade.[11] In July 2012 Facebook provided feedback on each of the proposals and recommended HTTP/2 be based on SPDY.[12] The initial draft of HTTP/2 was published in November 2012 and is based on a straight copy of SPDY.[13]
>The httpbis working group considered Google's SPDY protocol, Microsoft's HTTP Speed+Mobility proposal (SPDY based),[5] and Network-Friendly HTTP Upgrade.[11] In July 2012 Facebook provided feedback on each of the proposals and recommended HTTP/2 be based on SPDY.[12] The initial draft of HTTP/2 was published in November 2012 and is based on a straight copy of SPDY.[13]