All that's necessary is verifying that the individual in question is an suitable officer of the corporation.
As long as you stick to the form and procedure in place things will run smoothly and you'll be fine.
Unless Apple decides otherwise. We've had payments come in months late for no apparent reason, and didn't see resolution until Apple received a spate of bad press.
The 'for no apparent reason' sort of proves that already. So if you had would you blame apple ?
If Apple put up their usual bureaucratic wall, ignored our requests, or required multi-week/month turnaround times to resolve the issue -- then yes, I would blame Apple.
All that's necessary is verifying that the individual in question is an suitable officer of the corporation.
As long as you stick to the form and procedure in place things will run smoothly and you'll be fine.
Unless Apple decides otherwise. We've had payments come in months late for no apparent reason, and didn't see resolution until Apple received a spate of bad press.