The trouble though comes about once you have to start working with a UI library. It's a mess and a half unless you use C++. I'd like to try using Elm, or Purescript for UI work using atom-shell or nw.js. That opens almost the same can of worms (how easy it might be to 'bind' your engine to your UI/view).
I've written a non-trivial application using QtWebkit entirely for the UI and it was a very agreeable experience. The engine of this app was C++ but it got my gears turning.
My comment was in reference to using native toolkits from a language other than C++ and not the status of using native toolkits in general. <friendly-joke>I have a hard time believing that you've been using native UI toolkits using Haskell since the mid-90s.</friendly-joke> :)
No, but I was using Turbo Pascal followed by Delphi. Also played with C++ Builder, but by then Visual C++ had taken over as Borland was going through their Inprise phase.