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Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (February 2015)
70 points by whoishiring on Feb 1, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 142 comments
Please lead with either SEEKING WORK or SEEKING FREELANCER, your location and whether remote work is a possibility.

SEEKING WORK - remote development and mentoring (Israel), on-site training

I am a full-stack Web developer (since 1993) and an independent consultant (since 1995). I set up one of the 100 Web sites in the world, write the monthly Web technology column for Linux Journal, and have a PhD in Learning Sciences from Northwestern University.

Currently, I spend half of my time helping developers to use open-source tools more effectively. I teach Python, Ruby/Rails, PostgreSQL, and Git to individuals and companies (including Apple, Cisco, HP, SANDisk, and VMWare), in the US, Europe, Israel, and China. I also give free Webinars, curate http://DailyTechVideo.com/, and spoke at December's http://hacksummit.org/.

My ebook, "Practice Makes Python" (http://lerner.co.il/practice-makes-python), gives Python developers a chance to improve their skills after taking a course, but before embarking on real-world projects.

In addition to formal courses, I offer mentoring and code-review services. If you are a new programmer, then I can help you to avoid pitfalls and mistakes. If your team is new to a set of technologies, I can improve your processes and code quality, on a one-time or ongoing basis. I have done this for such companies as SAP and Fiverr, with great success.

In addition to my work as a trainer and mentor, I do software development projects, generally using one or more of the technologies mentioned above. Such projects range from simple database optimizations to full-scale Web development projects.

I like to speak with and help nice people with interesting projects, and feel privileged that my work lets me do so.

If I can be of help to you or your company, contact me at reuven@lerner.co.il, on Skype as "reuvenlerner", or on WeChat (微信) as "ReuvenLerner". You can also read more about me at http://lerner.co.il/ , and on my blog at http://blog.lerner.co.il/ .


I'm a no-nonsense mobile & web designer who designs to meet product and user objectives; not to fill my portfolio with pretty pics. I've been freelancing for 4 years with 6 months full-time in a startup.

Portfolio: http://radesign.in/portfolio My blog should give a better idea about me: http://radesign.in/blog

Contact Me: http://radesign.in/contact

I can vouch for and highly recommend Rakesh's services. He is a thorough professional and did some great design work for me recently.


Hey, my name is Sebastian and I've been a freelance web developer for 6+ years. For the past 1.5 years I've been a digital nomad traveling through Europe. Currently I reside in Budapest.

My current area of work includes everything JavaScript (+CoffeeScript) and the rest of the crew: HTML + CSS.


  * jQuery, Zepto

  * Backbone, Underscore, Vue.js

  * Mustache, Handlebars

  * Stylus, LESS

  * Foundation, Bootstrap, Semantic-UI

  * Gulp, Grunt, Bower

  * Node.js, NPM

  * Express, Koa, Hapi

  * Socket.io, Websockets

  * MongoDB, Redis

  * Git, Ubuntu, Nginx
I am the creator of jQAPI (http://jqapi.com), have sold a jQuery Showcase/Blog/Twitter (http://usejquery.com). I attended multiple hackathons (NodeKnockout, RailsRumble, StaticShowdown) - I finished 3rd at NodeKnockout 2012 in the category Utility/Fun. A recent project is http://pairs.io - a remote control for the web.

Check out more of my stuff at http://akrasia.me or http://github.com/mustardamus. You can find my mail address in my profile.

SEEKING WORK - Europe, Remote

Technologies: Many (10-years of experience in software engineering) + Marketing + Growth Hacking

Email: d at mesoconcepts.com

I help startups and small business owners get more growth by attracting more leads and closing more customers.

In a nutshell, I refine their marketing to deliver a better message to more qualified leads; put the spotlight on referral generation, user activation, and user retention; and set up actionable metrics to optimize each of these activities.

In more practical terms, I make them collect user data using direct interactions, surveys, and analytics; spot high potential niche markets and sales channels based on this data; optimize their conversion funnels using A/B tests; and automate their sales process using drip emails, transactional emails, and whatever else moves the needle most.

A highlight in my career to date has been to turn a personal blog into a thriving software business. I had the privilege of working at the side of renowned marketers while doing so. Most businesses can benefit from applying the insights I’ve picked up then and since.

I’m open for a position as a marketing or product manager in addition to consulting work.

Get in touch if any of the above is of general interest to you, and we'll discuss how I can help you amplify your revenue.


SEEKING WORK - Remote/Freelance Python/Django/Mobile/Front-end, with extensive experience building e-commerce marketplaces. I've worked a lot over the years with AWS, and have a lot of sys admin experience with config management like Ansible, Chef, Docker. I have a research background in data analysis. I also have experience with Golang, Angular, Clojure.

Contact details are below. Here're some examples from my portfolio:

* http://www.grapevinelogic.com - A platform for advertisers to work with Youtube content creators. and many more

* http://turbotaxcpaselect.intuit.com - Turbotax CPA Select, to help select accountants.

* http://publish.saxo.com - publishing platform where anyone can publish e-books, and soon printed books (print on demand) and online courses.

* http://www.hypedsound.com - A platform for music artists to share their content from various networks.

Github: http://github.com/sidmitra

Homepage: http://www.sidmitra.com

Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/sidmitra

Email: sidmitra.del @@@@@@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - The Netherlands or Remote.

I'm an experienced full-stack software developer, team lead and interim CTO.

Keyword soup: C#/.NET, JavaScript, TypeScript, ReactJS, Java, Scala, C++ and Python, Elixir (Erlang VM), Xamarin, PhoneGap/Cordova.

As an engineer, I specialize in ReactJS based projects and CQRS backends. I've been the lead engineer and architect for three React-based projects up until now, including http://www.izooble.com, if you'd like a sizeable showcase.

React does not dictate your frontend software architecture. Depending on your needs and your team's existing skills, very different architectures may be best. I can help you figure this out so that we're productive very fast but still produce good and maintainable code from the get-go.

As a team lead, I specialize in cutting away the nonsense and getting a team highly productive in startup-like environments. I accomplish this with a lightweight, non-religious, and highly reflective agile process, together with a pragmatic focus on internal software quality. This focus ensures that the team is productive today and also next month.

Contact info on http://superset.eu.

SEEKING WORK - Brighton, UK. London, UK. Remote.

Freelance developer based in Brighton (50 minutes from London) but I'm also in Sheffield for about a week every month. I am flexible, resourceful and reliable and I can help you turn your ideas into reality.

I work a lot with Python (often with Django) and Javascript (Node.JS and browser, often with Angular.JS or D3.JS) to build rich client browser based and mobile apps. I also do hardware based projects, I have experience with coding in Assembly and C on various micro controllers and Arduino development.

I can help you with software development myself and for larger projects, or projects requiring more diverse skills, I have an excellent team I can bring on to a project.

Recent projects include an internet controlled football playing robot and various other Python, Javascript and hardware projects. So http://tomparslow.co.uk for more details.

A very non-exhaustive list of technologies I have built real things with (and enjoyed): Python, Javascript, Django, Node.JS, Backbone.JS, AngularJS, OpenCV, D3.js, Arduino.

Please get in touch!

Portfolio Website: http://tomparslow.co.uk

Geeky and More Techincal Website: http://almostobsolete.net

Github: https://github.com/almost

Email: tom@tomparslow.co.uk

Phone: +44 (0) 7951261227

SEEKING WORK - Remote, travel possible depending on location and duration.

Location: North-east UK

What I do: Backend engineer / Sysadmin.

Do you need a backend service to talk to your flashy new web / mobile app?

Does your current build and deployment system give you nightmares about the only dev who understands it falling under a bus?

Need a proof-of-concept for your latest, hard-to-pigeonhole idea?

I do have experience of the full stack (including AngularJS and Coffeescript; see below) but am looking for work primarily involving the back end of the stack, or server admin / reliability / scaling. In previous lives I've run large-scale Debian installations doing devops before it had a name, and been responsible for servers in Antarctica.

Recent work:

* Feasibility study investigating the possiblility of writing custom code to interface with a biometric timeclock (Common Lisp)

* Proof-of-concept hardware development for projects linking the physical and virtual worlds in real time (Arduino, Node.js)

* Project management webapp for construction companies (Rails, AngularJS, Bootstrap)

Buzzwords: Debian, Ubuntu, Chef, AWS, Heroku, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Perl, Common Lisp, Ruby, Go, Arduino / AVR

Tools: Git for version control, Jira for issue tracking, HipChat to keep in touch.

Got something you think is a good fit? Drop me a line at mike -at- lambdafunctions -dot- com

SEEKING WORK - Remote only

At one point or another I've been paid to develop in Python, C, Perl, Java, x86 assembly, Matlab, Fortran, PHP and a few other languages. I do mostly Python these days.

Some things I've recently completed:

- RESTful API for a mobile app (Relational database design, PostgreSQL, psycopg2, Flask, Jinja2, collaborative filtering, NumPy, SciPy, json, Sphinx)

- A couple of scrappers for large amounts of data (BeautifulSoup, lxml, PyQuery, pdftotext, pdfminer, requests, MySQL)

- Concurrent, asynchronous, scalable tool to check wide variety of responses over HTTP (Python 3, XML, ElementTree, concurrent, requests)

- Scalable, non-blocking proxy for Android/iOS/BlackBerry push notifications (Tornado, Supervisor)

- A couple of mobile-optimized websites (jQuery Mobile, SQLite, PHP, Symfony)

I'm partial to FreeBSD, Vim and the command line, but adapt to whatever I have to use to get stuff done.

I've also completed a few dozen gigs in a major freelancing website across a wide variety of skills, you can check my work history and feedback there: https://www.freelancer.com/u/denep.html

If you think I'm a good fit for your project, contact me. I'm available for part-time or full-time work.

Email: hndenep@kaffeeschluerfer.com


Location: Available on-site in the Twin Cities and St. Cloud areas of Minnesota, USA.

Remote: Anywhere in the USA.

Website and Contact Info: http://www.crtimmonsinc.com/

I write software for the boring things.

By that I mean in addition to writing application code, I also write code for application infrastructure, systems programming, and business process automation. I'm not a graphic designer, so I can't make an app look pretty. But I can make it work and make all of the pieces talk to each other.

Application areas I've worked on include:

- Customer service for a Fortune 1000 company (orders, back orders, purchase orders, warranties, inventory control, etc.) - Employee scheduling - Farm data management - Various government records systems (law enforcement, planning and zoning, healthcare) - Electrical infrastructure data management (GIS, power lines, transformers, etc.).

I've been developing custom software for clients for over 30 years, primarily using Microsoft technologies. I'm currently well versed in Microsoft's .Net stack, as well as front-end development in JavaScript and its related libraries. I'm also developing skills in Linux, Haskell, and Common Lisp.

SEEKING WORK/FREELANCER - Omaha area or remote

Looking for PART-TIME contract or salaried work.

I've been working on a development team for several years as a contract worker. I'm looking for a better arrangement while I continue my university education pursuing degrees in Computer Science and Mathematics.

Most of my experience in the upper levels of the web stack, but I'm very much interested to attack other areas of the stack, development process, documentation, etc., open source tools and open source platforms.

With my current hat, I've been working to connect backend to frontend and developing the frontend using typical, but not remarkable web tech. I'm especially interested in participating in high-quality development processes with great people.

I've developed APIs, managed conversion of a project from long-lived HTTP to websockets, improved backend database libraries, written great technical documentation, and more. My strongest backend language is Ada which is a reflection of the kind of qualities I value in software and processes.

My interests are across the board including (but not limited to) full-stack for web, Android and Windows mobile apps, data science and visualization.

Please get in touch. CC3cZk at wh.ftml.net.

SEEKING WORK - Remote or Near Chicago/Indianapolis

I'm a full-stack developer with over a decade of programming experience. My primary platforms have been C#/.NET, Python/Flask, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, PHP, and C++. In my spare time I program with Clojure and Python, and I would love to use these technologies specifically.

I can handle most roles but am most efficient on the backend, with a sprinkling of supplemental UI/UX development.

I've spent time in finance, GIS/mapping, and telecom, and have worked on project-based contracts and as a freelancer for startups, both on-site and remotely.

Website: http://jeffkayser.com/

Contact: http://jeffkayser.com/contact/ or jeff plus hn at jeffkayser dot com

A few projects I've created: http://jeffkayser.com/projects/ http://dumbdata.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffkayser

SEEKING FREELANCER - London (UK) or Remote

I'm the solo founder of a self-funded company, building a unique customer analytics product (http://gini.io). I've built the first version of the product myself, and am now looking for help with the development so that I can spend more time on sales and marketing.

The product is a Ruby on Rails 4 app, hosted on Heroku with a Postgres database. It makes heavy use of a few APIs - Intercom, FullContact, LinkedIn. There is very little Javascript at the moment, but this might change as we add new features.

I need someone whose primary experience is in writing and running Rails apps in production. If Rails is just something you've dabbled in a bit, then you won't be a good fit.

I'll pay a fair rate, but as a self-funded solo founder, I can't afford to pay London/SF senior dev rates. So, the ideal candidate would be someone remote with a competitive rate, or someone local who's a bit junior and looking to gain some experience.

Email me at hrishimittal@gmail.com with specific examples of your Rails experience and why you think you'll be perfect for this role.

SEEKING WORK - remote / Berlin

I'm a front-leaning, full-stack developer that is living in Berlin. I am American, and know just a bit of German (but am learning).

I have experience with every aspect of creating an application, from mockups and UX design, to graphic design, to the full-stack implementation, to deployment.

I've successfully built and sold a past start-up of mine, and have a great deal of insight with product development. Because of this, I'm probably of most value the earlier a project is in its life cycle.

Backend stack: Ruby on Rails, with DBs/data stores such as MySQL, Postgres, Mongo, Redis, Elastic Search.

Frontend stack: my strong preference is for React.js, though I've done a ton of work with Angular and Meteor (and some Backbone). I am well-versed in current best practices, can build responsive mobile-friendly websites, and code pixel perfect CSS and HTML5.

I'm also a very capable graphic designer, which you can see from viewing past and present work on my portfolio.

Portfolio: http://eatingthe.com

Github: https://github.com/superplussed

Email: jeremy@superplussed.com

SEEKING WORK - Copenhagen, Denmark - Remote or local

I'm a front-end developer with large experience in building advanced web applications and complex UI. I've specialized in React and have a deep understanding of application architecture and JavaScript in general.

I do both development and consultancy and I'll be able to help you team make the right decisions early on or apply new technology (such as using React in an existing app) to existing projects.

I also do some back-end development in both Python (Flask, SQLAlchemy, Celery) and PHP, for example to build an API to support a web application.

You can get in touch with me on cr@fiftyfir.st. Also feel free to check out my website at http://fiftyfir.st or my booking SaaS at https://zapla.co.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Pephers

GitHub: https://github.com/Pephers

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chielrobben

SEEKING WORK: Remote (from the UK, currently in Taiwan)

I am a full-stack web developer with 9+ years experience backed by a Computer Science degree from Imperial College London. I mainly work with Javascript/Node.js (as well as Angular, Ember, Bootstrap). I also have some experience doing continuous deployment setups (using Docker, Jenkins, Drone, etc). In the past I've worked in C++, Java, PHP and Python - I can quickly pick up new technologies and tools as and when needed.

Some of my work:

* https://showca.se - Node.js, Bootstrap

* https://remotecoder.io - Node.js + ES6 generators, Angular.js

* http://squeljs.org - Node.js/browser lib, open source

* http://waigojs.com - Node.js + ES6 generators, open source

Contact me: ram@hiddentao.com | https://github.com/hiddentao | http://uk.linkedin.com/in/hiddentao

SEEKING FREELANCER - Django Developer - Remote okay (within 4 hours of London time preferable)

Wildfish - http://wildfish.com

We're a London based consulting collective looking for a Django developer to help us out on some ongoing projects, typically building web apps for startups or client sites. Ideally we're hoping to build up relationships with people who may like to dip in and out of things as needed, so it's fine if you can't commit full time right now (although also fine if you can!).

We're looking for a Django specialist who's also comfortable enough with some front end too. We mostly all work remotely these days and keep in touch via Slack. Ideally we'd like someone who can set their working day to roughly 4 hours within that of London time.

Some of the things we use:

- Python/Django [Essential]

- HTML/CSS/Javascript

- Twitter Bootstrap

- PostgreSQL

- Ubuntu Linux Server Administration

- TDD, django-webtest

- Ember, Angular

- Docker

You'll be working autonomously a fair bit, so it's important that you're the sort of person who has attention to detail and can read requirements carefully.

Please email work@wildfish.com, including 3 of your favourite Django apps and the rate you're looking for.


SEEKING WORK - Remote (Paris, France - but can travel in Europe)

I’m Tommy. I help SaaS businesses make more money by optimizing their sales funnel.

1- Visitor-To-Signup: get more people to try your product

2- Signup-To-Activation: define a better first experience and get more people actually using your product

3- Trial-To-Revenue: convert those free trials into paid customers, by designing your product for it

How do I do this? I help bridge the gap between marketing and engineering and do fast cycles of A/B testing to test new ways for you to make more money.


- I write and integrate lifecycle emails into your product (I have spent years writing complex software products so you don’t have to worry about it)

- I help you find sources of churn by looking for user feedback and analyzing it

- I work on copywriting to find the best way to get a user to sign up for your product

- I help you design your free trial in order to maximize your customer success, which creates happy customers and a better business for you

I’m an engineer/marketer with 10 years experience in software and developed my own products. You can subscribe to my newsletter about SaaS conversions here: http://saasfoundry.io


Location: Sydney, Australia

What I do: Conversion Rate Optimisation / PPC & SEO (Think of a slightly less technical version of patio11)

URL: http://www.afterwire.com.au/

Pitch: I've spent a number of years working at some major agencies where I was the lead consultant for some huge multinational brands when it came to a lot of their digital marketing.

I've since decided to move away from the world of salaries and make a go of things on my own with my partner who was the head of Conversion Rate Optimisation and Analytics for all of Asia Pacific for another huge multinational agency.

We are looking to work with a couple of businesses upfront in either a purely commission based fashion or alternatively for HEAVILY DISCOUNTED rates. Right now we are focused on developing a couple of killer case studies that we can use in the future.

If you work with a business where moving the needle a few percentage points is likely to have a real impact in terms of financials for the business I would love to speak with you. You can get in touch with me at mark [at] afterwire.com.au

SEEKING WORK: London, UK or remote

I'm a full-stack developer with nearly a decade of professional experience. I like Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, and Python. Right now I'm looking for a 3-6 month full-time contract, ideally in London. For remote roles I'm available longer-term too.

I spent 4 and a half years at Last.fm, giving me experience in writing code that scales to millions of users. I helped a medical startup rearchitect their code to be testable, more reliable, and extendable. More recently I wrapped up a Rails project for Skype with a tight deadline and non-negotiable scope. Together with one other developer, we delivered it on time and under budget.

My ideal contract would be one of these:

- You're a startup looking for help building your product, developing a roadmap, iterating with customers, and building your permanent team.

- You're in a tight spot and in need of rescue. Maybe you've got too much technical debt. Maybe you've got no tests and no documentation. Maybe you've got no supporting infrastructure and no backups. I'll help you get back to a good place.

- You've got a team you trust, but don't have enough developers right now. You need someone who'll get up to speed quickly, turn up on time, and pull his weight with the rest of the team.

You can find out more about me from my CV and portfolio: http://alexpounds.com/cv http://alexpounds.com/portfolio

And if you'd like to work with me, I'd love to hear from you: http://alexpounds.com/contact

SEEKING WORK - remote, Coimbatore, South India

I design logos and brands, build websites (MEAN stack + Nginx + Bootstrap) and develop apps (iOS).

I have 7 years of experience as a Designer, 3 years as a web developer and a year as an iOS developer.

Most recent project: Logo design for Carton, a Warehouse Management System:

• Concept 1: http://dffrnt.com/carton/c1

• Concept 2: http://dffrnt.com/carton/c2

• Concept 3: http://dffrnt.com/carton/c3

Presentation given to the client to showcase their new logo to stakeholders: http://dffrnt.com/carton/final

• ALSO: Please check out the Branding concept I've done for IO.JS: https://www.behance.net/gallery/23269525/IOJS-logo-concept

Email: vijay@dffrnt.com

Portfolio: http://www.dffrnt.com

Please get in touch.

SEEKING WORK - Remote - Long or Short Term Consultation (Can visit SF/Bay Area/Charlotte, NC)

I am a Designer (Interaction Design/UI/UX) and Developer (JS, Swift, Ruby, Obj-C). I typically consult on or perform the following:

- Product management - Research, definition, development, strategy.

- Product design - Strategy, best practices, team building, process, interaction design, ui design, iconography.

- Front end design & dev - Prototyping, production, management, I've also setup processes for growing teams and established best practices for new hires.

- iOS - Development, Prototyping, production, marketing.

- Data Visualization - Static or Interactive.

- GIS - ARC GIS, Google Maps, Mapbox, interactive and time based visualizations.

info@bvr.io | http://bvr.io | http://www.linkedin.com/in/dylanrw/ | http://dribbble.com/dylanrw | http://github.com/dylan


Depending on the need we are available as a whole team or individually. We do short- and long- term contracts, part- or full- time. We are located in Central European Time Zone (UTC+01:00) and work remotely.


We are three friends, system engineers, linux administrators and DevOps enthusiasts, who have recently joined forces to bring you the best from what DevOps world has to offer and deliver to you GoDevOpsGo!

Each of us has 6-8+ years of professional experience. We have worked for companies like Nokia, Sabre and SmartRecruiters. Now we would like to take our experience & skills and dive into the world of freelancing!

We’d love to help your startup/company and look after your infrastructure while you do your work worries free!


Over the years we have mastered multiple technologies, concepts and methodologies. The fact that there are three of us only broadens the scope of what we can offer to you.

Our stack is mostly (but not limited to):

- Amazon AWS (EC2, S3, RDS, R53, VPC, ELB)

- Chef, Puppet, Ansible, Fabric

- Python, Ruby, Perl, Bash

- DBs: MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL

- Monitoring: Sensu/Uchiwa, Graphite/Grafana, Logstash/ElasticSearch/Kibana, NewRelic

- Nginx (LB, HA), Wordpress, Jenkins, Git … and more.


Do not work on servers while you need to code. Leave all the app performance worries to us. Let us scale you to the moon.

If you think we could help you, want to get to know us better, get an expertise or just talk DevOps, please get in touch!


SEEKING WORK - Remote (based in Baltimore, MD)

I'm a technical marketer, and I help companies do the following:

- Get traction faster (for early-stage startups).

- Turn more visitors into users, leads, or customers (aka, conversion optimization).

I do this with any or all of the following, depending on your unique case: Funnel analysis, conversion optimization, A/B testing, SEO, email campaigns and automated emails, content planning, and usability tests.

What makes me different from most marketing consultants:

- I can roll up my sleeves and write code when needed. This saves you design and development time on small optimization improvements. (HTML/CSS, basic JS and jQuuery, Github).

- I'm certified in Optimizely, the A/B testing tool.

- I come from an engineering background (naval engineering), so I love solving real problems (by "real" I mean things that directly impact your revenue).

Get in touch at greg[at]gkogan.co, learn more at http://www.gkogan.co, or read my case studies at http://www.gkogan.co/blog.

SEEKING WORK - San Francisco - Remote - Travel Possible

Experienced pair of software developers with a history in startups. Proficient in:

  * Python  ['django', 'bottle', 'google.app.engine']
  * Javascript  ['angular','backbone','node','firebase'];
  * Clojure  '(compojure liberator)
  * Go {'appengine'}
  * Haskell, Prolog (and other esoterics)
We've helped entrepreneurs develop their MVP, as well as large companies develop core features. We provide services such as feature development, product management, and software auditing. Previous engagements include DriveShift.com, Sosh, Getaround, Codecademy, Factset, Wakemate, drip.fm, and Swiftstack, among others. Currently represented by http://www.10xmanagement.com

For more info see our page at http://turbines.io, or talk to us at hn@turbines.io


Location: Barcelona Area or REMOTE

Willing to relocate: Yes (only to Seattle, WA area) - I am married to an American and eligible for a Green Card, but you can contract me through my company too.

I'm a software/web developer and a Maximo technical expert.

As a Maximo technical expert I have over 4 years of experience deploying, configuring, developing, maintaining and integrating TPAE-based solutions.

As a software and web developer I have over 12 years of experience.

I have worked in international organizations and teams of different sizes both on site and remotely.


- Maximo 4.1, 7.1, 7.5, 7.6 and SCCD

- WebSphere, WebLogic

- Java, PHP, C#, Python, Rust

- MS SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL

- HTML 5, CSS3 (including Sass, Stylus), JavaScript (including MooTools, jQuery, CoffeeScript...), XML


I have also some professional experience as a UI/UX designer and in technical writing and documentation. I would be happy working on any of my areas of expertise. I'm also interested on mobile app development and modern client side frameworks and libraries (Angular, Ember, React...)

Email: kilian@aktive.cat

Resume: http://j.mp/1z2yp3F

SEEKING WORK - Remote, Amsterdam, London

Syadmin as a Service

Do you want to improve your scaling, resilience and reliability, but don't have a full-time Ops person on the team? Why not rent one?

I work with startups and online businesses to help them spend less time worrying about technical problems, and more time growing their business.

How can I help you?

- Expert sysadmin services, on tap

- Continuous Integration for your infrastructure

- Infrastructure design and implementation

- Server maintenance and optimisation (performance and cost)

- Quickly get up and running with tools like Docker, Mesos and Salt Stack

About Me

I am the author of AWS System Administration: http://www.amazon.com/AWS-System-Administration-practices-sy...

Here's an AWS case study for an infrastructure I built: http://aws.amazon.com/solutions/case-studies/fashiolista/

If you think these services could help your business grow, let's talk. mike@epitech.nl

SEEKING WORK - San Francisco - Remote or local (Travel possible) - Web Dev/Machine Learning

Hello fellow HNer.

I have two years of production experience building Web Apps and Machine Learning systems. I also spent three years as a Data Analyst. My goal is to solve problems and create value for my clients.

Skills: Python/Flask, Ruby/Rails, Heroku/AWS, MySQL/Postgres/MongoDB/Redis, NLP, Scikit/Numpy, APIs, Financial modeling, Project Management, the usual suspects (HTML/CSS/jQuery, Git, *nix, bash, etc.)

Most of my code is hidden in client repos, so I built a simple demo API: Code: https://github.com/dpmehta02/demo_flask_api API: https://demo-flask-api.herokuapp.com/v1/users

Website: http://dpmehta02.github.io/

Contact: dpmehta02[at]gmail[dot]com

SEEKING WORK (Remote; live in Connecticut)


Developer and designer (5+ years), work out of my own shop, HetaThemes (currently relaunching the store). Our flagship theme is MidLaw, a WordPress theme for small to mid-sized law firms.

Primarily develop, design, and customize WordPress themes, or convert PSD designs or HTML/CSS/jQuery to WordPress. I'm also building an app and run my own server as a hobby.

I've worked on complex sites for digital agencies (30+ templates, 25+ plugins), as well as on smaller sites for small businesses/individuals (10 templates, 10 plugins). References available.

Technologies I use: PHP, HTML, CSS/LESS, jQuery, WordPress, mySQL, Foundation, Bootstrap, SVN or Git for version control, Fogbugz or Sifter for issue tracking, HipChat to keep in touch with clients. Self-taught and resourceful.

Reach out to me at: hn [at] heta [dot] co (not com). I can send you links to live sites I've designed and developed, sites I've converted to WP, etc.

Thanks for your consideration.

SEEKING WORK - short term consulting - React.js

I've been using React.js since the week it came out, and have built two large business app frontends in it. Here's a screenshot of one of them: http://curator-lilita-10664.bitballoon.com/work-area-metadat...

I spend most of my time founding a startup, but am available for short term React.js consulting. This could manifest itself several ways, here are some ideas: two days a week indefinitely, or a fixed duration pilot project, or a one week training course to ramp up a new team.

I would also consider longer term commitments for a Clojure/ClojureScript team if the fit is stellar, and particularly if there was an intersection of interests with my startup interests.



SEEKING WORK - REMOTE - Freelance Android, iOS, C#, .NET, WPF Fairfax, Virginia

I have experience with creating MVPs, full apps, enhancements, testing and maintenance/bug fixing.

About me: I am a single developer, but have the ability to grow the team quickly with people within my network. I have 12 years experience with programming and can start work today.

I have experience with:

  * App Design/User Experience

  * Cross platform

  * Java

  * Objective-C

  * C#/Xamarin/.NET

  * Android, WP, iOS
Portfolio: Roller Derby Nation: Team Management for roller derby https://rdnation.com/

Windows Phone App for RDNation: http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/rdnation/dc5d030...

Android Penalty Timer for Roller Derby: http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/rdnation/dc5d030...

Android App for RDNation: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.RDNation.D...

WPF Scoreboard App for Roller Derby: https://rdnation.com/roller-derby-scoreboard

Swinton Report: News Aggregation for the US. http://swintonreport.com/

Lofty List: Lead Generation Service for businesses http://loftylist.com/

SEEKING WORK - NYC area or remote

What do I do: Mobile (iOS and Android) design, development, and marketing.

I’m an independent developer in NYC specializing in iOS and Android applications. I have five years of experience with both platforms, including:

To the Trade (iOS): http://www.tothetradeapp.com/ Romotive (iOS and Android): http://www.romotive.com/

I’ve been consulting part-time for the last two years while working full-time at Google in Manhattan. This month I’ll be leaving my day job to focus on consulting. I’ll be available full-time for projects starting 2/16.

In addition to my mobile work, I also provide hiring consultation to new startups looking to grow their teams. I’ve conducted over 50 interviews at Google, and can help you identify, find, and hire individuals with the right skillsets to fill out your team.

Contact: james+hn@jknight.co

SEEKING WORK - REMOTE or have meeting in SF. (Full Stack Rails, iOS & Android) My name is Charles, I lead a small, nimble team with a ton of full stack Ruby & Rails and Mobile experience. We have done many projects dealing payments, marketplaces, and social networking apis.

Some of our recent work include: https://donorbox.org https://columbiasc.edu http://models.findingferdinand.com

We can work on the LAMP stack also. (YI, Laravel) More than happy to dive into JS framework like React.js Portfolio: http://rebelidealist.com/ https://coworks.com/freelancer/F_857756


Location: San Francisco Bay Area, California (CA), USA

Remote: yes

Technologies: python (Django, Flask, Google App Engine), JavaScript (Backbone, Marionette, jQuery, requirejs, grunt, bower, angular), SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL), AWS (Amazon Web Services), UNIX terminal, full stack, front-end, back-end, HTML5 and CSS3, junior product management, basic UX, UI.

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulcraciunoiu/

Email: paul [at] craciunoiu {dot} net


Freelance independent consultant looking for web or software work. I get things done and pick up new projects quickly. Great communicator (for estimates, handling vague specs, open-ended work), knows startup chaos (former CTO and co-founder). Passionate about doing good, building great products, and quality work.

Satisfaction guaranteed.

I'm also able to join forces with a UX/UI designer whom I often work with in a team. We are an incredibly productive pair.

SEEKING WORK - Remote/New York City

I am an independent software consultant and I help your development team reliably and sustainably build and deliver amazing software. With over 15 years experience in operations and application development, I now specialize in helping companies automate their infrastructures, establish automated, repeatable deployments and build virtualized development environments that are consistent with production.

My services include:

* Infrastructure automation using Chef or Ansible on AWS, Rackspace, Digital Ocean, or other IaaS cloud providers.

* Building reproducible and shareable development environments for your team using Vagrant

* Establish the processes and tools needed to ensure fast and reliable automated deployments and move your organization along the spectrum towards continuous delivery

more: http://ryaneschinger.com | ryanesc 'at' gmail 'dot' com | @ryanesc

SEEKING WORK - Remote or based in SW Ontario, Canada

LinkedIn: http://ca.linkedin.com/in/zamkhan

Recent client: "As an academic entrepreneur, I have engaged in a number of out-sourcing processes and truth be told, _kohanz_ was one of the few that I would still continue working with. He is skillful, honest and up front, knows what he is doing and does his job very quickly and within the time frame promised at the beginning."

Experienced (10+ years) developer of software for medical devices and scientific applications, many with an imaging component. Have architected and led teams to deliver on software for systems in both diagnostic and interventional contexts. Comfortable working in an FDA-regulated & ISO 13485 compliant quality system.

I excel at iterating research or early-stage prototypes (e.g. MATLAB developed by researchers) into commercial-grade software ready to impress the right audience (clinicians, investors, etc.). Developing scientific applications involves a high degree of uncertainty and requires an engineer that actively participates in all phases of the SDLC (e.g. requirements gathering, risk analysis, etc.). My ability to communicate has always led to my role as the technical point of contact for researchers, clinicians (surgeons, radiologists, etc.), and senior executives.

One of my current freelance projects is creating a software application to drive the receive/transmit of a novel ultrasound transducer and then scan-convert the signal into an image in real-time. Outside of the medical domain, my development projects have included an automated stock-trading engine (including backtesting suite) and various sports analytics software solutions (for example, my side-project http://recappd.com).

Technical keywords: C++, C#, Java, Matlab, VTK, ITK, OpenCV, GPGPU, Rails, R, Python, and more.

SEEKING WORK - London / Remote

Developer with 11 years professional experience. I would say expert level with Ruby on Rails, JS, CSS and comfortable with AWS and other systems level technologies. Essentially full stack, able to work on any part of a web app.

Recently I work as a team with two other experienced developers to deliver large projects. Our focus is on quality while being fast and keeping to an agreed development timeline. We work best when taking whole projects, such as redeveloping an existing site, creating a new site, or service to be used with your existing platform.

We are all full stack developers with recent experience of client side applications using Backbone and Angular, CSS using Bootstrap, LESS and SASS, Rails 4 and hosting on AWS using Chef. One of us is/was a designer, so we can turn rough wireframes into something that looks good and is slick to use.

Contact me at luke@sketchconsulting.com


Web application developer with 10+ years experience, 5 as a freelancer. I've worked on everything from 911 dispatching systems to custom built CMSs to scheduling applications.

I primarly work with Angular.js, Bootstrap, & jQuery on the front end and C# on the backend - Asp.net (Web Forms, MVC, & Web API), LINQ, Entity Framework, & MS Sql Server. I've done iOS development using Monotouch/Xamarin for an interal customer & order mangement system used by a salesforce of 500 people. I get up to speed on new tech very quickly and have been known to dabble in python, cobol, perl, and node.js.

I can code your brand new project on my own as a full stack developer or agument your existing team. If you are a small business who lacks a full time development staff, I can add new features or do maintenance on your existing applications.

contact: ikpcode at gmail

SEEKING WORK - SF Bay Area or remote

Currently available for freelance web app engineering work. I've been working with Rails and JS for ~8 years now, at all points up and down the stack. Everything from performance work on existing code to bringing up a full-fledged product from wireframes.

In the past, I've worked with companies like Leap Motion, Anki, Rocket Fuel, and TaskRabbit. Before that, I had two startups of my own. In my spare time, I fly airplanes.

Looking for 10-20 hour per week engagements only right now.






Contact: todd@toddeichel.com

SEEKING WORK - Web Developer, Remote (living in Czech Republic)

I'm a web developer with over 6 years of experience. I've worked at agencies and start-ups. I moved to Czech about a year ago. The last job I had was at a start-up where I was responsible for building a platform for online versions of university-level text books. The last year I've been working on my own projects; one to help with collaboration between web and design professionals, the other in the bitcoin space.

I have experience building, deploying, and managing multiple different web applications. My primary focus the last year has been in node.js, but I have years of experience before that using the PHP web stack.

Proficient with: Node.js/PHP, JavaScript, Backbone.js, MySQL, Nginx/Apache, Linux

GitHub: https://github.com/chill117

chill [at] degreesofzero.com

SEEKING WORK - Remote / Travel possible

Location: UK

Hugely experienced veteran of top consultancies like ThoughtWorks and many web start-ups in hands-on technical positions up to CTO level over the last 20 years. I help my clients plan and build ruthlessly effective software using the latest tools and high-quality thinking, and I help teams get better results.

I care more about creating value than about specific technologies, but I have particular technical expertise in Rails (core contributor), Linux, PostgreSQL, Clojure, React and all the usual front-end suspects. I’m regularly among the 100 most active worldwide contributors on Github.

steve@sanityinc.com / https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevepurcell / https://github.com/purcell

SEEKING WORK - Remote (Thailand, Chiang Mai)

I have experience with making iOS apps, from development to submitting to App Store and marketing. I'll try to understand your business and provide a complete solution for you. Here is an example of one of the apps I've built and released: https://vimeo.com/118999064

Resume: https://www.toptal.com/profiles/15667/resume

Github: https://github.com/nderkach

My most recent side-projects: http://itunesonrocks.com and http://bit.ly/16Jzqme

Feel free to contact me here and setup a skype call.

SEEKING WORK - Portland, OR or Remote

I'm a polygot, full-stack developer with over 14 years experience. My specialties are Rails, Postgres, Javascript, and Chef, although I've also done some iOS and Machine Learning projects. I am reliable, easy to work with, quick to turn things around, and a good communicator. I can work solo or on a team, either as lead or a team member.

You can see some of my recent work here:




If you'd like to work together, I'd be happy to discuss your project!: pj@illuminatedcomputing.com

SEEKING WORK - remote highly preferred, based in Germany

I do custom electronics, robotics, and embedded software development - I specialize in quickly turning ideas into prototypes. I've built custom automation equipment for chemistry labs, sensors that are in use in household/utility applications, control circuitry for construction equipment, 3d printing electronics, data acquisition equipment. No project too small. Few projects too large. Deep discounts for open source hardware work.

I would also be happy to come over (anywhere in Europe) and teach any of the above skills to a small group of interested people. I've taught courses in 3d printing (building/using printers, iterative design using programming) and robot design and construction.

Contact me on Freenode IRC (nick Kliment) or by email at kliment@0xfb.com

SEEKING WORK - SF / Bay Area, Remote

I am an independent software consultant looking to HELP YOU SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS efficiently and effectively without any ego or non-sense.

Can help you with:

  * Scala, Java, Python, Matlab, Julia, Ruby, Javascript, C/C++

  * Hadoop, Spark, Hive, Pig, Lucene/Solr, pandas, numpy/scipy

  * Data pipelines, data visualization, Crowdsourcing (data collection and cleaning)

  * AWS, Digital Ocean, Rackspace

  * Technical phone screening and candidate code assessment

  * IOS, Android

  * Data Engineer for 3.5 years at Online Ad Targeting company (acquired recently)

  * BS/MS Computer Science (MS Specialization in Machine Learning/Computer Vision)

  * US Citizen

  tony [at] sfdatajobs <dot> com

SEEKING WORK: Remote or San Francisco, CA

Designer + Developer

I have over 10 years of experience in Graphic Design and Web Development. I have created websites, mobile apps, brand identities and marketing materials for a variety of companies including startups, advertising agencies, artists, architects and non-profit organizations.

DESIGN: websites, mobile apps, logos, banner ads, marketing material, advertising, billboards, trade show displays, packaging, 3D modeling, photo retouching

DEVELOPMENT: HTML, CSS, LESS, JavaScript, Angular, jQuery, PHP, Django, MySQL, Bootstrap, Foundation REST APIs, Wordpress, Modx, Git

PORTFOLIO: http://stevesunderland.com

LINKEDIN: http://linkedin.com/in/stevesunderland

CONTACT: mail(at)stevesunderland.com

You email address is not working dude. I sent you an email and it bounced!

SEEKING WORK - UX/UI & Branding I am completely booked through March but this gives you time to plan. If anyone is looking for a product-centric FREELANCE (only) designer who has worked with major brands (can give portfolio examples for projects still in the works), hit me up. I use Skype/Slack for communication and can dominate a product design for scalability and responsive-design as well as kill it for your next branding project (hint, it's much more than just a logo). I am 65/hr and only take on medium to large projects. Again, starting in April but can begin the conversations now.

www.dribbble.com/johnhoward (my in-progress portfolio) www.blackairplane.com (my company) www.linkedin.com/in/johnchoward (if you need it, it's there)

- John

SEEKING WORK / remote only in any time zone

Senior Frontend Developer and Designer Languages - JavaScript in browser and node.js, ClojureScript, C# Technologies/Frameworks I have used professionally - React.js, Angular.js, Backbone.js, Node.js, Om, d3.js

I also have extensive experience in designing and developing interactive data visualisations with SVG and canvas, responsive design, building mobile webapps, optimizing for accessibility with ARIA, the list goes on...

Recent Projects - http://turo.io - ui design and dev - http://clojurecup.com - ui design and dev - http://jackpot.de - angular consulting

contact me at julian@goodafternoon.co

SEEKING WORK - remote, short to medium term projects - zak.wilson@gmail.com

I make software - mostly full-stack web development and HTTP APIs, but I'm adaptable. I have some interest in artificial intelligence and machine learning. I have minimal experience making Android apps. I can do stuff that's harder than basic CRUD apps.

Stuff I know well: Clojure, Ruby (with or without Rails), Python, Django, Javascript, Lua, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SASS, responsive CSS.

Other stuff I've used for something non-trivial at least once: Common Lisp, Scheme, Java, SASS, C, PHP, Haskell, Bash, Perl, MongoDB, Mirah.

Yes, I can probably pick up that language or tool you're using that nobody has ever heard of.

Github (perhaps a bit dusty): https://github.com/zakwilson

SEEKING WORK - Primarily Remote, with potential for short on-site trips.

10 years experience across a mixture of Ops/Infrastructure and web application architecture and development, with a focus on solving unique/uncommon problems.

I’m looking for opportunities to help companies with backend/server-side architecture & development (primarily PHP MVC), system integration and/or server infrastructure setup/maintenance.

I mostly work remotely from Thailand, on a very flexible schedule (I can schedule work hours to get overlap with most other timezones when required) but on-site visits to pretty much anywhere are a possibility if required too.

Contact me via email to stephen.reay@me.com or via Jabber/XMPP to stephen.reay@dukgo.com if you want to have a chat about what you’re working on!

SEEKING WORK - remote or onsite, Montreal

I am a full-stack engineer available for anything from driver development up to web and mobile work; I also organize refactoring efforts and bring best practices such as code review into companies. A discount is available for work which will be released under a free software/open source license.

I am often asked to do work outside the sphere of popular development tools, including assembly language, Modula-3, Forth, Lisp, et cetera. Unusual and interesting problems are what I like most. (Automating testing on an S/390 with tcl3270? Sure! Modernizing ancient Delphi code? Why not? Converting a C# codebase to F#? Great!)

julian@cipht.net / http://www.cipht.net/

SEEKING WORK / remote or local engagements throughout Europe.

I'm specializing in

1) scalability consulting, refactoring, and bug hunting

2) web app prototypes, MVPs, and proof-of-concepts

Languages: PHP, Ruby, JavaScript, Delphi, Java, C

Environments: LAMP stack, NginX, Node.js, Mac OS X, Linux, BSD

Web Tech: HTML5, CSS, jQuery, MySQL, JSON message passing, WebSockets, WebGL, mobile web development

Random facts:

  - started my career at an advertising agency
  - ran a web startup for a couple of years
  - have a background in bio-medical research
  - made a toy programming language called np: http://np-lang.org/
  - I'm a Ludum Dare fan: http://ludumdare.com/compo/author/udo/
--- --- ---

My profile: http://udo.click/

Contact me at udo.schroeter@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - SF Bay Area or remote

I'm a full-stack developer with over 10 years of professional experience. Have lead the development of multiple successful software projects from MVP through to full production. Very comfortable working in both small and large teams. In addition to my technical know how, I have a strong business background. I'll happily work with all stakeholders in your team to make sure the right product gets delivered.

Technologies: Python, Clojure, Ruby, Django, Javascript (including ClojureScript and CoffeeScript), React.js, Backbone.js, Objective-C/Swift, Lua, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, AWS, Chef, Ansible, and many others.

I'm comfortable ramping up on new technologies (and codebases) quickly.

Contact: erikwickstrom+hnhiring [at] gmail [dot] com

SEEKING WORK - Remote only (GMT -3)

Self-taught, currently focused on Node.js and all things JavaScript. Front-end specialist. I enjoy developing code in small modules. I'm quite outspoken, I maintain a blog[3], gave talks at a number JavaScript conferences, and I've also written a book, JavaScript Application Design[4].

Resume: http://careers.stackoverflow.com/bevacqua

GitHub: https://github.com/bevacqua

Blog: http://ponyfoo.com

Book: http://bevacqua.io/buildfirst

Get in touch at freelance@bevacqua.io if you're interested


We're building a healthcare analytics product for a startup. Currently working with 3 billion records, will be 20 billion records by end of year: big enough to make life interesting. We have a variety of positions open currently:

1) Senior developers with experience in some or all of:

Java (8 preferably), Postgres, Redshift, Neo4j, Spark, Lucene, predictive analytics, machine learning, Angular, D3/NVD3, AWS APIs

2) Dev/Ops with AWS and Java ecosystem experience. This role is potentially contract-to-hire

3) Recent graduates to start in data operations role, and transition into engineering role

4) QA/SET with solid SQL skills

All positions are budgeted through end of year. Please send your resume, availability & any questions to jobs@4rc.io, and I'll get back in touch with you.


SEEKING WORK: Remote (from Europe, mostly Germany)

I am a full stack generalist programmer with a heavy web background and more than 20 years of experience.

My favorite tools and tech:

  - HTML5/JS/CSS (browsers are awesome!)
  - JavaScript: jQuery, React, Three.js/WebGL, Handlebars, Isotope/Masonry
  - Server side: NginX, PHP, node.js, C, Lua, Java
  - Database: mongodb, MySQL/MariaDB
  - Tools of the trade: text editor, git, command line
  - Machine learning: Caffe framework +Python
I'm time zone-flexible, get things done quickly, and I like to think I'm easy to work with :)

I do love PHP rescue and refactoring projects, so give me a call if you're in trouble: we'll get your project back on the road!

Contact me: hn@openfu.com

SEEKING WORK - Remote (Baltimore, MD, US) - some travel OK.

Email: kjohnson+hn@fosslancer.net

Senior DevOps / Operations / Infrastructure Engineer with 10 years of experience in Linux administration and 5 years in DevOps / Configuration Management / Automation.

I can do 'all things Linux / FOSS', and more. I've built both large-scale private clouds and all of the supporting infrastructure, as well as datacenter-grade VPCs in AWS.

Experience with:

- Chef, Puppet and Ansible

- vmWare and vSphere, AWS, Docker, LXC

- Networking - firewalls, switching, security

- Infrastructure services (e.g. DNS, DHCP, DDNS, Proxy, Repository)

- Most FOSS application (e.g. apache, nginx, mysql, postfix)

- Datacenter buildouts

- Hardware automation - experience with cobbler, PXE, netbooting, and HP Blade centers.

- Linux and FreeBSD

- Full stack engineering (CakePHP, PHP, AngularJS)

- Bash, Perl, Python, Ruby

- Continuous Integration (Jenkins, TravisCI)

SEEKING WORK - Portland, OR or part-time remote.

I'm a full-stack web application developer looking for new opportunities to expand my skills and boost my resume.

Tools I'm most familiar with:

    - Python: Django, Flask, werkzeug, numpy, pandas, SQLAlchemy
    - Javascript: Ember.js, jQuery, backbone.js
    - Postgresql: performance tuning, backups, and high-availability
    - Redis, zeroMQ
    - FreeBSD, Solaris, Linux (Ubuntu, Arch)
Things I am interested to learn with side projects:

    - "Big Data" or "Data Science" tools
    - Python Blaze
    - Apache Spark, Cassandra
    - Scala, Clojure, Haskell
    - React.js, Reflux, io.js
    - Ansible and Docker with CoreOS
Contact by email in profile.

SEEKING WORK - Remote (currently Asia, but can fly to you if needed)

I am a web interaction/UX designer with 5 years of experience from California. I work with companies around the world on landing page optimization, web application usability, mobile design, and brand development. Are you wondering why you're losing potential users because of your site design? Ask me at peng@nylira.com

http://nylira.com - https://github.com/nylira - http://linkedin.com/in/nylira

Techs: HTML5 / CSS3 (Less, Sass, Stylus) / JS / Ruby / Rails

SEEKING WORK - London UK, Remote

I'm a full stack developer based in the UK with over 5 years of experience. I'm currently working with HTML, CSS (LESS and SASS), JS (Backbone, Angular, Knockout, jQuery), PHP, MySQL and Node.js.

I'm passionate about what I do and care deeply about my craft. I pride myself on being a trustworthy and reliable no-fuss developer who produces high quality work. To get an idea of what I'm about check out my blog and GitHub (links are below). If you'd like to work together please get in touch.

Email: chris.pattle@gmail.com

Website: http://www.chrispattle.com

Github: http://github.com/pattle

Seeking work: USA/Baltimore|Remote

iOS dev (Native/ObjC), backend dev (C, ObjC, C++, PHP, Ruby, scheme, common lisp, java), SysAdmin/config (fbsd,obsd,solaris,linux)








* http://jh3y.github.io *

Stack: front end tech so JS, CSS, HTML, jade, coffeescript, gulp, grunt, node, sass, less, angular, MEAN stack, Casper, Mocha, Chai, jQuery etc.

Projects posted here: sike, tyto, progre(c)ss, whirl.

Resume: available on request.

Contact: http://jh3y.github.io

Blog: http://medium.com/@_jh3y

Github: https://github.com/jh3y

Open to different types of opportunity whether it be development or consultancy or anything else you come up with. Remote ideal. Check out my code/site/blog and hopefully hear from you!

SEEKING WORK - Europe or Remote

I'm a self motivated programmer who enjoys learning and adaption. I've experience in software development, programming contests and computer security. I know how to solve complex problems.

Currently I'm investing my time in MeteorJs Development

Frontend Experience: MeteorJS, iOS Development, Handlebars Javascript, jQuery, jQuery UI,AngularJS, UX Design

Backend Experience: Meteorjs, Parse, Django,PHP

Database Experience: Mongodb, MySql, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL

Programming Languages: C, Objective C, C++, Java, Python, Javascript ES5, Haskell, PHP, Shell Scripting

Real World Rating: 4.94 stars out of 5, since 2013 Email: mariorodriguespt@gmail.com website: http://mariorodrigu.es

SEEKING WORK - San Francisco - San Francisco or Remote

UI/UX Designer & Frontend Developer with a penchant for designing and building clean, responsive layouts using a mix of HTML/SCSS + Compass, and JS. Also have varying experience finding my way around Rails, nodeJS + Express, and setting up AWS/Linux server environments.

Founder of Designers Who Code - http://dwc.io

Personal blog - http://robertnealan.com

Company portfolio - http://atomidesign.com

More recent projects are non-publishable/public by contract and available upon request.

Contact: rob@atomidesign.com

SEEKING WORK - San Francisco, CA or remote. Temporary relocation OK.

I'm an emergency startup lead developer. I'm your panic button. I will dive into the mud and get an excellent version of your product across the finish line and into users' hands. The reason I have been successful at this is because I deeply understand how engineering choices impact product features, and vice-versa. My skills come as a triad: rapidly prototyping web products with 2-6 person teams, backend webapp infrastructure engineering and architecture, and algorithmic design and domain modeling.

Résumé/CV: Available on request. Primarily focused on Python, Go, and Ruby projects.

Email: emergencycto@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - I am a Brighton based designer & developer of mobile responsive HTML email templates. I have produced work for Johnson & Johnson, The British Dental Association, International Rugby Board, and of course a host of great Brighton and London based businesses.

I always test in Litmus, allowing you to also view the results across the different platforms and clients, and have lots of experience in using the service specific tags for Campaign Monitor, MailChimp, Dot Mailer and Responsys.

Email me, chris AT pebbletreestudios.co.uk (have been busy for the last... 2 years... so my site is pretty out of date!) and I will send across some recent work examples.

All the best, Chris


Location: Cornwall, UK.

Remote: Yes.

Willing to relocate: No.

Technologies: JavaScript - React, Sencha; Ruby; .NET.

CV: https://careers.stackoverflow.com/colinramsay

Email: colinramsay at gmail dot com

I've been primarily working with JavaScript over the past few years, co-authoring "Learning Ext JS" a few years ago and now finishing up "Ext JS Application Architecture", both for Packt publishing. I'm currently working with React (which is highly refreshing after working with Ext JS!), Ruby and some iOS stuff. In the past I was a .NET developer. I can turn my hand to most web-related things and I'm a good problem-solver.

SEEKING FREELANCER - New York City - Remote OK (partial) - WordPress development (PHP/HTML/CSS/JavaScript)

Fundera, Inc. - fundera.com

We're looking for someone to manage our blog and static content, which involves:

- Implementing new designs for our blog in WordPress

- Working closely with our Editor and Product Manager to develop custom WordPress features (so, strong PHP chops required.)

- Managing WordPress deployment and code management

- Proposing UX, analytics, and design improvements to our content portal

You'll have access to the development team as needed for architecture / deployment help.

If you're interested, please email techjobs [at] fundera.com with some prior work, rates and availability. Thanks!

SEEKING WORK - Remote or Toronto

Seeking short term contracts to supplement existing employment.

I am a human/machine interface developer. My work consists of "from scratch" UX and interface design, from the napkin to nginx. I have considerable experience with Ruby and Javascript, years of experience with Rails, and extensive knowledge of client-side MVC. I've made contributions to Ember.js, and have written multiple 10k+ LOC apps - starting with 0.9 up to the latest 1.9.1 (one was featured on Venture Beat: http://venturebeat.com/2013/07/22/uniiverse-releases-direct-...). I am acutely aware of the challenges/strategies associated with migrating server side architecture into the browser, leaning down views, and fattening up controllers.

I am the author of an open source project called Quant (https://github.com/jdjkelly/quant) - a Rails API + Angular.js app to track "quantified self" data from every manufacturer willing to give it up. My work here was featured on The Verge alongside a similar project by the founder of Foursquare (http://www.theverge.com/2013/6/4/4392996/fitness-tracker-dat...)

Recently, I also contributed to the development of an iOS app, which is now in the app store: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/ticket-manager-by-uniiverse/.... I was responsible for integrating a credit card device reader with an existing checkout API, testing, and delivering a final build to the app store.

Languages and frameworks I've used: Ruby, Rails, Mongo, Postgres, Sinatra, Node, Objective-C, Javascript (ES6 too!), Coffeescript, Sass, Ember.js, Backbone.js, Angular.js, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Neo4j, Redis, Logstash, ElasticSearch, EC2, S3, AWS generally

Other tools in the box: Git, Zsh, pencils, pens, paper, Photoshop Contact is in my profile.


Freelance web designer and front-end developer from Slovenia, Europe. I have more than 9 years experiences in my field, worked with wide array of clients which were satisfied with my work.

I do:

- UX/UI desgin

- Mobile app design

- Interaction desgin

- Product desgn

- Front-end code

http://vidakovic.si | http://dribbble.com/mihavidakovic / http://twitter.com/mihavidakovic | http://github.com/mihavidakovic | miha@vidakovic.si

SEEKING WORK - Remote/Bath, UK

I'm a competitive problem solver and won the Greed programming contest held by CodeCombat back in June 2014. I have a first class BSc in Computer Science and 2 years professional experience in web development, along with some hobby work on the desktop.


- Web: HTML/CSS/Javascript, jQuery, Python, Perl, MySQL

- Desktop: C#, WinForms, Java

- Others: UNIX command-line, Bash scripting, Git

My side projects also include some F# and Clojure.

I learn fast and love to try out new stuff, so send me an email if you're looking for a friendly developer.

Website: http://michaelheasell.com/

Email: michael.heasell@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - Remote or Greater Philadelphia Area

I'm a full stack developer with experience in Java, C#, VB.NET, SQL, mobile development, and many other languages.

Industries: Finance, Healthcare, Payroll, GIS

Some Examples of Side Projects:





john.maresca@gmail.com / https://www.linkedin.com/in/johndmaresca

SEEKING WORK - Orlando, FL or Remote - Consultant, Web Programmer, Security Analyst

Resonant Core launched this month and is seeking clients. We are based in Orlando, Florida and specialize in developing secure web-based solutions. As the sole developer, I have about 13 years of programming experience (Most to least: PHP, Javascript, Shell scripting, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Java, .NET, Python).

Our website:


My GitHub (for examples of my open source contributions):


SEEKING WORK - Designer/Computer Scientist

Location: London (UK)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Seeking work in:

1) Coding (Full stack web apps, Frontend > Backend)

2) Design (CI, Logos, Advertisement - both print and digital)

3) Research (Need someone who can think?)

Technologies: JavaScript (jQuery, AJAX), PHP/Python | Wordpress/Contao | Adobe Creative Suite

GitHub: https://github.com/qutebits/

Resume: Generated on my GitHub, link - https://github.com/qutebits/resume_42/blob/master/resume_exa...

Email: qute.bits (gmail)


I am currently doing some work with a charity who need a tiny bit of front-end work done where they need to develop a custom donate page (i.e. Stripe integration).

While this is only a fairly small job, I am currently trying to push them to do more in the future and they have indicated that they are actively looking for a developer they can work with in the future so I think the opportunity for on-going work is high.

Note: They are currently using Squarespace if that changes anything for anyone, but I figured it is worth mentioning upfront.

Feel free to contact me at mark [at] afterwire.com.au

SEEKING WORK - Remote or Toronto (part-time over weeknights, weekends) - Consultant, Data Analyst, Python Developer

I'm a data analyst with over 2 years of experience specializing in customer analysis and business strategy. I've worked as a software engineer but have moved to the business side of things. My experience has been in management consulting (i.e. working with execs and helping them with business and tech strategy) and financial services (forex and insurance).

I can help you understand your customers better, figure out who they are and find opportunities for growth.

SEEKING WORK - Bangalore, India, Remote

Computer vision / image processing / machine learning / algorithms.

More than 9 yrs of experience working on software research and development. Co-founded a tech startup, 2+yrs as a full-time freelancer.

Please see my linkedin profile for more details: http://www.linkedin.com/in/link2hemangshah

email: hemang.j.shah@gmail.com,

github: https://github.com/HemangShah1

Proficient in C/C++/Java/OpenCV, Others: Matlab, Android, R

SEEKING WORK - Remote Only (EST)

Hello there, I'm a Senior Software Developer that have been building products for about 10 years.

* Ruby / Ruby on Rails / Grape

* .Net Framework / C# / VB.Net / Asp.Net MVC / NHibernate

* Javascript / jQuery / HTML / CSS

* SQL / MSSQL / MySql

* BDD / Rspec / MSpec

* GNU Linux sysadmin / Vagrant / Docker / Ansible

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Rate: 40$/hr


Jose Miguel Rivero Bruno


skype: jose.miguel.rivero.bruno



SEEKING WORK Location: Seattle, work almost 100% remote

Tech: Node.js, Angular, React, Mongo, Redis, C#, ObjC, Swift, Sql, + more

web: http://lithe.net

I'm a full time freelance full stack engineer with over 15 years experience. I've recently built and shipped a mobile app written entirely in swift with a backend written in Node.js ( Houseline ). I've worked with a lot of name brand companies working mostly with SPA JavaScript apps and native iOS apps. I produce quick with quality and get stuff shipped.


Location: Mendoza, Argentina

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Puppet, Mysql, Apache, Nginx, Gitlab, LXC, Docker, Nagios, etc

Resume: http://fredrikson.com.ar/cv_pablo_fredrikson_en.pdf

Email: pablo-at-fredrikson.com.ar

My name is Pablo Fredrikson and I'm a Linux Sysadmin/DevOps with 9 years of professional experience. I love working with automation tools, specially with puppet. I love Nagios. I have a lot of experience with webservers and new technologies as Docker, etc. A little experience with Ruby and PHP.

SEEKING WORK - Remote only (PST)

I'm making a better way to make apps with www.reapp.io and looking to prove it by building a few apps. Will reduce my rate significantly if you let me cut my teeth on your app using Reapp.

Lets make an awesome Android/iPhone app in under a month.

natewienert@gmail.com https://github.com/natew https://github.com/reapp http://reapp.io

SEEKING WORK - remote (I'm from the UK, currently in India).

I'm a generalist software engineer. I build mobile apps (native and hybrid), web apps, server systems (REST APIs, etc). I'm reliable, work efficiently, communicate effectively, and take pride in my work.

Technologies: Clojure, JavaScript (React, Angular, jQuery, Node.js), Java, Android, iOS, PhoneGap/Cordova, Ruby, Python, PHP, AWS, MySQL, Cassandra, MongoDB, CouchDB, Redis, RabbitMQ.

Website/CV: http://joef.co.uk

E-mail: joe@joef.co.uk

SEEKING WORK - remote, distributed

Doctrina is a tiny shop (currently, one-and-a-half developer pairs) working fully remotely in different locations (Kent, OH / Zagreb, Croatia / moving-around-but-mostly-Dubai) on tackling business-critical challenges.

I have worked as a developer, CTO, CTO-for-hire; my colleagues are developers that have worked for startups and enterprises alike.

Two of us code fluent Ruby/Rails, two of us code fluent Clojure.

Ruby, Rails, Clojure, React, Angular, web design, data science, algorithmic work. Fair rates.

Contact me (Kyle) at hello@doctrina.io

SEEKING WORK - Remote / On-site in London, UK

Python developer with 10 years of experience developing full-stack web applications and server-side development.

I have excellent knowledge of Computer Science, databases, release and configuration management, software architecture and development. I have worked on a wide range of interesting projects: from Biotech software, large-scale ETL and web scraping software, to financial modelling in the train industry.

Please contact me if you have projects or ideas you want realised on mickey@semantical.co.uk.

SEEKING WORK - London/Berlin/Remote

I am bootstrapping HW startup and looking for additional money stream to pay for tooling.

I am SW developer with extensive knowledge of Rails and Objective-C, with couple of projects on my own and 10+ years of professional development under my belt. There are few other members of our team who can help in UX/development if needed.

Remote work would be great, but onsite work in Berlin/London or other European cities are ok. I am looking for short contract: something between week and one month.

SEEKING WORK-Remote or Colorado

We're an advertising agency that has helped take our clients app to #1 grossing for education with an ROI positive budget.We've done some awesome work for other tech companies as well. We're less traditional than most agencies. Think less 6 month marketing plan and more rapid deployment and iteration. If you like the idea of an outsourced marketing team that uses scrum modified for marketing instead of software, we're probably a good fit.


SEEKING WORK: SF Bay Area or Remote

I’m an IOS developer looking for full or part time work. I can also do some Python scripting.

Previous work: http://itunes.apple.com/app/id843971211

Stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/1524733/rog182

Github: http://bit.ly/18Gjti0

Email: dev at ninthpath.com

SEEKING WORK : remote : hands on portable CTO and DATA performance geek.

I deliver results :

> write code and deliver your MVP

> plan an architecture that allows for growth and performance

> use hybrid SQL / NoSQL approaches such as : node.js, postgres, redis, C

I like hard scalability problems and getting great performance.

I blog about things like "How to search 30 million records in 180ms on a $20 linode"




justgord at gmail dot com


Experience: 6.5+ years

Technologies: Python stack- Django/Flask, Go, Openstack, Nginx, postgres, HAproxy, Docker, RESTful APIs

Have over 6 years of development of web application. Worked in starups and as a consultant in various organizations. I have built complete travel web application integrated with multiple travel vendor systems. Built own data deduplication algorithms. I have also built a enterprise license management product for thin client management devices.

shabi at fossix dot org


Location - New Delhi, India

Willing to Relocate: No

Languages/Frameworks: C/C++, Python, Javascript, Node.js, Meteor.js, Tcl/Tk, HTML, CSS.

I have extensive experience in C++. I have also been programming full stack web projects on Node.js and Meteor.js for more than a couple years, mostly for personal fun projects. I am an advanced Javascript developer, both front-end and back-end. I have also made a couple of toy programming languages(interpretive) using flex and bison.

Email me: iqbalsingh.cs@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - Boston, MA - Remote OK


I am a design-savvy developer with a passion for iOS. My skills extend to Android, web (Angular) and server side as well. Additionally, in my last project I worked on integrating with Bluetooth Smart (Low Energy) devices, proximity and reporting back where the devices have been using location data.

I have managed many projects that were built from the ground up. While I’ve mainly been tasked with the iOS work for these projects, I was also directly involved with the whole software architecting. Many years of experience as a product manager has given me the ability to understand what customers need and help bring it to life. My experience spans all kinds of social/database integrations, as well as building REST-full web-services. I have done a substantial amount of work in Photoshop and Illustrator, which allows me to easily dissect graphic designs into actual software components.


Buzzwords: Objective C, Swift, Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth Smart, Maps, Location Services, Push notifications, Social integration, NodeJS, SailsJS, Android, Java, Play!, MongoDB, html5, javascript, css, angular


Gmail: ruben.cagnie



* Shop’nBrag (iPhone): https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/shopnbrag/id622378226?mt=8 My work: iPhone development and specifications.

* Crowd Source (iPhone): https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/crowd-source/id706401437?mt=... My work: Design and implementation of the server side and the iPhone app. Also made a server library to support an Android app.

* WebCenter (iPhone and iPad): https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/webcenter/id439628891?mt=8 My work: All of the iOS development and the first design.

* iSpike (iPad): https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ispike/id607728564?mt=8 My work: All UX and development


I'm an Android developer with 5 years of experience in Android, 1 year in iOS, and 10+ years in server side development (mostly Java based server side technologies). I'm seeking project based work or contract/consulting gigs.

Some of the notable Android apps that I've worked on : - Barnes & Noble Nook - Viggle - Lulu.

Check on my website for more details: http://harshkalra.com

SEEKING WORK - Remote (Portland, OR next month)

I'm a full-stack developer with more front-end experience than anything else. Angular.js, backbone.js, and lots of other JS work. Mostly worked with python back-ends and node.js. Got laid off last week with 40% of the company. Going to travel for a while and looking to work while on the road.

Resume: http://www.sendsteven.com/resume/

SEEKING WORK - London, UK. Remote within UK/EU.

Experienced frontend developer looking to work on larger angularJS projects or porting BackboneJS projects to Angular. Bonus points if your projects are also using React.

Resume/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QvETmBu-zsm2888Dra7933tL...

contact: jim@heightdigital.co.uk

SEEKING WORK and interesting projects - Remote only atm.

Over 15 year of experience. Love to tinker, learn, build, explore and make the difference. Solid software engineer, full-stack developer, I work with many tools and environments but Web/Python/Backend is my favorite.

Resume: http://resume.hanula.com

GitHub: https://github.com/hanula

SEEKING WORK - Remote only. (Based in Tel-Aviv.)

Hi, I'm Ram, a freelance web developer with six years of experience building web applications for startups. My expertise is in taking your idea and building it from scratch to the point where it's a fully-functional web app that serves paying users.

Technologies used: Python, Django, Postgres, Heroku, Git.

More information: https://chipmunkdev.com/

SEEKING WORK - Remote / San Francisco Bay Area

We build websites and phone apps. We also work on digital strategy, mvps, social media, growth hacking and branding.

We're a trio of Software professionals based in Silicon Valley. We deliver products and solutions on time and on budget. Contact us.




Highly experienced Web Developer (65% Back end, 35% Front end).

Skill set:

* Wordpress/Drupal/CodeIgniter/Kohana/Yii (Components, Hacks, Themes)

* CI & Unit testing - Jenkins, Mocha & Karma for JS, Toast for PHP, as well as Selenium

* JavaScript (jQuery/BackboneJS/AngularJS/Phaser)

* Django (general Python too)

Seeking: Challenging projects. My most recent experience is working with Core WordPress contributors (WordPress VIP) on a global News/Media website.

Location: Germany

Contact: admin (at) kidsil.net

SEEKING WORK: Szczecin/Poland or Remote - QA

Technologies and skills: proven experience in manual and automated tests, python/django, java, selenium

Experience: 3 years as a QA in web and mobile projects.

I have been working as a quality assurance engineer for the last 3 years, and I am currently open to new opportunities.


e-mail: maciej [at] szopinski [dot] net

SEEKING WORK - Barcelona or remote

My skills lie in maths/machine learning/algorithm.

I am looking for some freelance contracts to bootstrap my startup that can be found on http://www.magako.com

My cv is available here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/65253201/cvSamuelLe.pdf

SEEKING WORK - REMOTE - Web+Mobile UI designer and front-end developer.

5+ years of experience with designing usable interfaces with a focus on increasing user conversions with A/B and multivariate testing.

Experience with Photoshop, Illustrator, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Javascript/Jquery, NodeJS.

Knowledge of Ruby, Rails, Python, EmberJS, BackboneJS, Git and Heroku/AWS.

Portfolio: http://ash.co

Pricing: $85/hour

Email: ashrafulsf@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - Remote only

I'm a Clojure developer, my background is with the JVM and functional programming. Some web, architecture, database design too.

I'm British, but nomadic, so most timezones are possible for me.

More info: https://encrypted.google.com/search?hl=en&q=dan%20midwood Contact: seekingfreelancerfeb2015@danmidwood.com

SEEKING FREELANCER - Remote (anywhere in the world)

Looking for a Ruby DevOps person to automate everything for our infrastructure and have a desire to develop web apps in Ruby/JS/iOS (mainly Rails).

Keywords: Ruby, DevOps, Chef, Vagrant, Deis, AWS, EC2, Docker, CI, Git, Rails, Node.js, JavaScript

More details: http://backticks.net/jobs/devops

contact details in signature.

SEEKING WORK - Remote (Brazil based)

Full stack developer with 10 years experience developing for the web. Launched multiple SaaS platforms for local markets, along niche applications like crawlers, GIS systems, analytics. Bring your idea and I can develop the MVP.

Extensive experience with Python, Django, Postgres, PostGIS, Javascript, React, Backbone, AWS platform, among other technologies.

For more info and references: hcarvalhoalves at gmail

SEEKING WORK - Digital Marketer

Location: Sofia, Bulgaria (Europe) Remote: Yes

Can help with: 1) Content marketing (planning, writing, etc.) 2) Growth hacking 3) Conversion optimization

Learn more and get in touch with me: http://www.markovunchained.com http://bg.linkedin.com/in/iliamarkov


Location: Berlin, Germany Remote: yes

Hey there, I'm Ivan and I live in Berlin.

I can :

- help your developers with that stalled 2-months issue by working side-by-side with them ;

- help your business with suggestions that scale ;

- I can even help you, by interviewing the proper developer to replace me in the future :)

Anyway, If you need help and you are reading Hacker News, better call me.

P.S. I get paid by the hour and I can work in your Berlin office if you need me there.

www.drinchev.com / drinchev@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - Remote - Based in Miami I am a very experienced developer focusing on Node.js and front-end work. Some call it Full-stack. Mainly Javascript things. Good understanding of business goals too.

I have a ton of experience building scalable apps on AWS, using things like Redis, MQs, Postgres/Mongo, etc.

You can contact me at tm@lucid21.com for sample works and projects I have built.

SEEKING WORK - Remote / Manchester UK

I'm a Designer / front-ender (HTML, CSS, jQuery and PHP). I've worked on large web-apps. I'm good at creating clean, usable, research-backed interfaces and well thought-out marketing material.

Available from February 13th.

See my work here: http://carlfairclough.me

Contact me at: contact@carlfairclough.me

SEEKING WORK- Remote/On site

I am good with lua (openresty),nodejs,couchdb and elastic search.

careers profile: http://careers.stackoverflow.com/akshatjiwan

email: akshatjiwan@gmail.com

website: http://www.staticshin.com/freelance-programmer/

SEEKING WORK - Remote Only (EST)

I'm a general software contractor, one man shop that teams up with designers + UX people if appropriate for the job. Please see www.rapineda.com. Please contact me if you have a job for me alex AT rapineda.com. I have full stack experience in PHP, .NET and node. I assist many clients with project management, estimations, and delegation.


Location: International with clients in US, Europe, ME and Asia. HQ in Barcelona.

Remote: YES

Willing to relocate: short-term

Technologies: Mobile (iOS, Android, Windows), Web, Backend (Go, Scala, Java, PHP, Node.js), Design

Résumé/CV: http://mobilejazz.com

Email: stefan@mobilejazz.com

We’ve worked with various folks from HN over the past 3 years with very satisfying outcomes for everyone :-)

SEEKING WORK - remote, Turkey

Freelance Ruby on Rails developer. Just got a degree from BS in computer engineering.


* Ruby on Rails

* HTML and CSS

* Javascript

* RSpec

* Agile Methodology

* Ansible

* Linux Server Management

Portfolio: http://www.mehmet.pw/portfolio/

GitHub: https://github.com/beydogan

Blog: http://mehmet.pw

Contact me at: mehmet.beydogan at gmail


Location: Moscow, Russia

What I do: Backend developer, Fullstack developer, Asp.net developer, C# developer

Technologies: C#, ASP.NET MVC, webapi, signalR, angular.js, javascript

Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/551a8gwlkmdf1gx/resume.pdf?dl=0

Email: ilya.pir@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - REMOTE (Western Europe)

Technologies of choice (though flexible): node.js, go, redis, react.js

I'm a full stack developer with 6 years of professional web application and API development experience for some of the biggest telecoms, publishing and financial services companies in Europe and the USA.

Let me know if I can help you out: uproar dot dev at gmail dot com


SEEKING WORK - St. Petersburg, Russia - Remote Only

I can help quickly bootstrap your web application project based on React.js Starter Kit (I'm the author of this project template):

URL: https://github.com/kriasoft/react-starter-kit Email: hello@tarkus.me

SEEKING WORK - Ventura County, CA or Remote

Seasoned C#/ASP.Net developer with tons of experience (full stack) looking for full-time/contract or remote work. Tech Stack: C# (4.0)/ASP.NET (WebForms/MVC), SQL Server 2008, Agile, Javascript, jQuery, Bootstrap and a little bit of PHP. Contact via email in profile.

SEEKING WORK, remote, Rome/Italy

Location: Rome, Italy

Remote: Yes

Ruby on Rails, 3+ years experience

Linkedin: http://it.linkedin.com/in/leonardopellicciotta

Portfolio: http://www.leonardopellicciotta.com/ (italian-only)


Technologies: iOS (Objective-C & Swift) on iPhone/iPad/AppleWatch-beta (4 apps on appstore), Android (Java & XML), Git, MVC, MVVM, Rest APIs, Parse, Ruby/Rails, Python/Flask, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS, Arduino, Raspberry Pi

Resume: linkedin.com/in/sapanbhuta/

Email: sapanbhuta [at] gmail [dot] com

SEEKING WORK: remote (DC Area)

My work has run the gamut, from Linux kernel internals to front-end javascript code and most places in between. I largely specialize in writing back-end infrastructure and services to make things go fast and scale.

I primarily work in C and C++ and have done professional work in Perl, Python, PHP, and javascript.


SEEKING WORK - remote / Rio de Janeiro / Brazil

Technologies: PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS, social networks API, basic video and audio editing.

Languages: Portuguese, english and spanish (advanced).

Résumé/CV: http://paulomanrique.com/cv

Email: paulo.manrique at icloud.com

SEEKING WORK - Australia/Remote

I'm an Android developer who has been around since the 1.5 days. I've had the pleasure of working with leading companies such as IG Group (largest CFD trading provider) and Bloomberg.

For more information:




Thank you

Seeking work - REMOTE or NYC

Would love JS/Node.js work - I'm your guy.

Full stack web developer, Shipped in JS, Node.js, Python, Ruby and PHP.

More details: http://github.com/chrisabrams

Email me at: mail@chrisabrams.com

Keywords: Ruby, AWS, EC2, Docker, CI, Git, Rails, Node.js, JavaScript

SEEKING WORK - Remote, part-time contract.

I'm a full-stack developer and cloud architect working mostly with Python/Django stack, but I've also built sites with Rails, J2EE, CakePHP, and various other frameworks.

I've worked with clients both big and small, and I'm dedicated to your success.

SEEKING WORK / San Francisco (SF) or remote

Backend Java Engineer with 5 years of experience.

Experience building messaging and search applications for Urban Airship, Trulia and financial technology.

resume: http://bit.ly/artem-resume

contact me: artem.shnayder gmail


Location: Argentina

Technologies: SaltStack, Puppet, JuJu, Nginx, Apache, Mysql, MongoDB, Git, Nagios, Python, KVM, Docker, Logstash

Resume: https://github.com/wincus/curric

Email: wincus.lifedev (google mail)

With all the SEEKING WORK, doesn't look like one has any chance at standing out. Also, supply out-numbers demand on HN dramatically.

SEEKING WORK - Remote, full stack rails developer - total of 8 years web dev experience. Email me - pblogsltd@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - Remote (Located in Southern California)

Freelance full-stack JS developer. Experience building out apps with Node.js on the back-end and Angular.js on the front-end.



Full stack freelance Android app developer. Have been creating Android apps for the past 4 years, 6 months as a freelancer.

Portfolio/Website: http://nicknicolaou.me

Seeking work - Islamabad

Full stack web developer, Shipped in JS, Python, Ruby and PHP.

More details: http://thirdknife.github.io

Keywords: Ruby, AWS, EC2, Docker, CI, Git, Rails, Node.js, JavaScript

SEEKING WORK - Remote/Missouri

iOS/Android dev shop. Give us your JSON backend and we'll take it from there.

Portfolio & Information: http://quarkworks.net

Contact: koonce TA gmail.com


Currently employed part-time as AngularJS SDE at a start-up. Looking to add maybe up to 20 hours more.

Great with: AngularJS, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, Bootstrap... Java, Rails...

Interested in working with: RUBY ON RAILS :)


SEEKING WORK - remote (I'm from the Bangalore, India).

I am working with largest Indian crowd-funding startup.

Technologies: Ruby on Rails, Postgres, Redis, JQuery,

E-mail: 86.rohit@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - Charleston, SC or Remote

JS Ninja with 5 years of industry experience.

Two CS degrees, very knowledgeable in all things IT especially security and networking.


Golang, C++, C, Python, PHP, javascript

Github: https://github.com/zidoms



C/C++/Qt/Boost, JS(ExpressJS, Mongoose,...), Java, PHP, Ruby, MySql, MongoDB, Redis

Rate: $20-$25

Resume: on request - hamidr.dev@gmail.com


Location: Bangalore, India. Remote.


  * Specializes in Android Development
Contact: AbyCodes@gmail.com




We’re looking for a freelance engineer to take on a brand new project behind the scenes at our dynamic company.



-- We’re the fastest growing player in our industry

-- We're loved by our tens of thousands of clients, who include Etsy, Shopify, Kickstarter, Braintree, JustGiving, SoundCloud, Paymill, WordPress/Automattic, Lonely Planet, Fab.com and others.

-- We’re loathed by the few dozen out-of-touch and out-of-date old-timers in our market.

-- Our API is touching the lives of tens of millions every day, thanks to our clean, no-bullshit approach.

From the beginning our simple offering has organically attracted an enthusiastic and engaged developer audience. Today we're at the top of our niche, serving early startups and independent retailers through to major universities, international non-profits and global brands.

This is a short, well-scoped contract for an entirely new area of our business, with no ancient legacy code to support. It will be fun and fast-paced, with clear deliverables and strong communication. For the right person, we have a number of other contracts coming up.



-- A calm, creative outlook and excitement to be part of the buzz

-- Strong communication, accountability and authenticity

​-- Fluent written and spoken English (Skype calls required)

--- Python, PHP, client-side and server-side JavaScript, and full grasp of their most popular frameworks

-- Ease with relational and non-relational databases

-- Experience with designing and implementing data processing algorithms

-- Understanding of API stacks, design, structure and authentication

-- Fluency with sysadmin and command line environments

-- Devotion to coding standards, version control (we use GitHub) and documentation

-- Basic front-end development skills (dashboards) a plus

-- Familiarity with the finance and foreign exchange industry a definite bonus


Please only apply if you tick all the boxes above and love what you do - if so, we’d love to be in touch. Send the following to jobs[a]cymbalo[]com:

-- A concise* application.

-- Your hourly/weekly rate and general availability.

-- Details of relevant past/current clients and projects.


PS. We’re based in London and would love to meet, but remote is fine.

PPS. This is a freelance role - you’ll be responsible for your own tax and workspace, etc.

SEEKING WORK - from India - REMOTE OK (and wanted).

I'm the creator of xtopdf, a PDF creation toolkit for Python. xtopdf is used by Packt Publishing (UK), the Software Freedom Law Center (US), ESRI (NL), among others.

xtopdf can create both a) composite business reports (from a combination of input sources) and b) simple PDF ebooks; it currently has support for the following input formats (more are always in the pipeline):

plain text, HTML text, DBF/XBASE, CSV, TSV/TDV, XLS, XLSX, DOC, DOCX, SQLAlchemy, PyDAL, MongoDB, Berkeley DB, SQLite, standard input (think UNIX data-munging pipelines involving sed, grep, awk and friends, with PDF as the final output [1]), XML, tablib, PrettyTable, JSON, MySQL, MS Access, and any database that supports the Python DB API or ODBC.

[1] http://jugad2.blogspot.in/2013/12/xtopdf-pdfwriter-can-creat...

There are proof of concept apps for using xtopdf with command-line (CLI), GUI (wxPython), Web (Flask, Bottle, CherryPy, Netius, WSGI) user interfaces, and via XML-RPC. It can be made to work with other GUI toolkits and Web frameworks too. xtopdf runs on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X (and can probably run on other UNIXen too, though not tested on them, due to being written in a mainly platform-independent way).


http://jugad2.blogspot.in/2014/02/create-pdf-calendars-with-... :-)

An online presentation that gives a good overview of xtopdf:

http://slid.es/vasudevram/xtopdf (the words in light blue in the presentation are links to more information; there are many such links)

xtopdf source code on Bitbucket:


An article about xtopdf for Packt Publishing:

http://www.packtpub.com/article/Using_xtopdf (link may be broken, can send the final draft on request)


Have been an independent developer for the last several years, with many years of experience in many technical areas. Have contracted/consulted to multiple startups based in USA and India. Earlier worked for large well-known US software product and Indian software services companies.

Skills: Python, Linux, UNIX, many open source technologies, many databases, XML-RPC, PDF programming (both PDF generation and PDF text extraction), file and data format conversion, data munging, command-line utility development, Flask, MongoDB, Bottle, SQLAlchemy, RESTful API design, implementation and use, git, mercurial (hg), SVN, various others. Worked a good amount on Ruby, Java and C earlier - somewhat rusty on them but can pick up / refresh again.

Worked on Ruby, Rails and Java earlier. Was server lead / senior engineer for two commercial Rails-based dot-com products earlier, by US companies. One of them was TaskBin - http://taskbin.com .

Databases worked on: Postgres, MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, SQLite, MS SQL Server. Used databases in most of the projects I've worked on in my career. ORMs or similar: ActiveRecord with Ruby on Rails, SQLAlchemy with Python.

Worked on a best-selling retail banking product (earlier, in C with proprietary DB and UI libs). Was team leader for a database middleware product (in C) that was widely used in client projects by a top software services company.

Did a lot of UNIX support and successful troubleshooting for years (some years earlier), still have some of those skills, which are often useful in development too. Had many times recovered clients' data from corrupted file systems or crashed machines (with no backups :), using various tricks of the trade learnt on the job, and solved various other software problems, often involving various interacting software components (from OS level through language compilers to application programs and databases). Wrote many utilities in C and UNIX shell tools (sed, awk, grep and friends) to automate various tasks (for both users and developers), convert data between various formats from one platform to another, etc. A nice example: writing a pair of programs - a Java servlet/HTML form and a UNIX C setuid program - that worked together to provide safe, controlled access with escalated privileges (of the DBA user) to developers via the browser.

Relevant links:

My Bitbucket account with my open source projects:


Biz site: http://www.dancingbison.com (see Home, Products, Services, About pages there)


Posts about Python:


Posts about xtopdf:


Blog: http://jugad2.blogspot.com

An article by me about "Developing a Linux command-line utility" (in C) was published on IBM developerWorks and translated by IBM into Chinese and Japanese for those versions of their site. Some organizations have developed production command line tools using that article as a guide.

The article (in PDF) and its source code can be accessed via this page:


and a practical use of the utility, together with my xtopdf library, can be seen here:


==> Would love to work on a project that involved C (apart from my main current skills such as Python, Linux and databases mentioned above).

Contact info: http://dancingbison.com/contact.html (email, Skype). Twitter: @vasudevram

    Vancouver, BC

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