The guidelines don't unequivocally support your position, IMHO. Your comment, though, makes a good case for it. I'll stop now, since this is getting off-topic, but I appreciate you taking the time to clarify your stand.
EDIT: I think everyone on HN has heard of Godwin's Law. It's useful, but can also be a lazy way to quash meaningful discussion.
On average? Not a lot, I'd imagine. But it occasionally will. This tangent we've gone on off on, for example, though I'm not sure you'd agree. I think @hemantv's assertion would have served the discussion better had it been framed as a question:
"Isn't this a lot like the Nuremberg defense?", for example.
That link is about appropriate submissions, not the comments below the submissions.
As this article has already been upvoted over 200 times (implying some interest from hackers), trying to stifle further discussion is rather a lost cause.
You have the whole internet to talk about politics - do you really need to wreck this site with this stuff?
Also, haven't you people ever heard of Godwin's law?