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Fugitive.vim: a Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal (github.com/tpope)
38 points by mickeyben on Oct 11, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

A description in the headline of what the Git wrapper does, or a link to a blog entry or some other description of the wrapper would be helpful.

As it is, currently the website has no information other than the raw source-and a google search reveals no additional information.

The homepage link on the github page is basically a README with intro, instructions for use, etc...


Too bad they don't just make it the top level README file which github would display

Yeah, I've had just about enough of these projects self described as the most awesome thing since sliced bread. How about we act like adults.

That's the best idea in the history of conscious thought!

If this were posted to Reddit, then a quick explanation of what git and vim are, and why a wrapper is so useful would make sense. But this is Hacker News for heaven's sake.

The lack of an explicit point makes me wish I could downvote this.

Thanks for the link- will try it out!

Documentation so ... non-existent.


Would've been better had the submitter actually linked to the readme...

Didn't you see the 'doc' directory?

Which completely fails to answer the basics: What is fugitive, what problem does it solve, and what do I need in order to run it.

I'm getting the impression that it's a plug-in for the vim text editor, but considering that I had to dig to get that basic lead information, that's really bad.

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