What happened to "one thing and well"? Vagrant is exceptional in what it does but I can't see why anybody should use it as their deployment tool among myriad of deployment tools.
I can understand the fear/confusion here. "vagrant push" is glue to real deployment tools. For example, Vagrant itself would never itself contain the full logic of something like Capistrano. But "vagrant push" will _execute_ Capistrano.
The idea is that Vagrant is a single workflow for development environments. "vagrant up" to work on any application, "vagrant share" to collaborate on any application, "vagrant push" to deploy (or start to deploy) any application.
EDIT: @ossreality: Your comments are showing up as dead. But I want to respond to you. As I mentioned here, `vagrant push` is glue to real deployment tools. How are you deploying your complex application now? You would hook up `vagrant push` to that. "vagrant push" itself is not a deployment framework.
Thanks Michell! I was worried Vagrant started heading in a different direction especially after reading the "This is a historic day for Vagrant" paragraph. Thanks for clearing it up.
1) It was never that great an idea in the first place. It's OK-ish for command line, text based interfaces, but its tedious and limiting for more complicated stuff and it results in tools that lack a coherent story to work together, especially if each of the tools is made by a different entity, with different APIs, flags, etc.
2) It's still here for Vagrant. Vagrant doesn't try to do the deployment. Just provides a command that can call your preferred deployment tool that just does "deployment well".