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Microsoft takes .NET open source and cross-platform (microsoft.com)
2376 points by ethomson on Nov 12, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 894 comments

I'm a hardcore *nix guy but boy do I love me some C#. Up until now it's been the best language I have worked with but the worst platform due to it's lack of 'nice things' that we just expect from languages/ecosystems these days.

Where 'nice things' is defined as being open-source, having open-source ecosystem of developer tools etc.

This isn't so much the beginning (as good stuff has been happening for a couple of years now) but it's a huge step.

Thankyou Microsoft.

I actually have this conversation frequently with my developers (most of them are .NET), so I'm really happy to hear someone else say this as well. I've done about a an even split in my career with C# and Java and feel as competent as the next guy bouncing between the two languages and delivering projects for clients, but I like writing C# the most, by far. The language is more modern, things like async/await, Linq, and Entity Framework make developing Java web apps drudgery in comparison. Spring does a lot to help (Spring Boot is great), but there's a lot of rolling your own and helping less senior developers figure out how to even START at Java WebApp project.

But when it comes to automating my build process, doing continuous testing and deployment, setting up a environments in containers, or just where I'd rather spend most of my time operating- I'll take *nix and Java all day over IIS/Windows server. No thank you, the only Windows I have in my house is a VM for using Visual Studio and writing C# web apps on the occasion I need to for personal stuff.

I will be truly happy when I can write C# code and deploy to something like Tomcat. I will never again go back to Java when that day comes.

Similar situation. I deal with Unix/windows approximately 50/50 from a devops perspective. My word I'll also take anything Unix over windows at the moment regardless of the tech. To be fair in the short term, windows is maximally productive but if you hit an edge case or a rough spot you're SOL, especially if it involves Microsoft support or scripting. Rough edges cost me a lot of money and willpower.

An example: I opened a case when IE9 was in developer preview with partner support. When they rewrote the download manager in IE for this release they changed how download prompting worked and removed a setting from the UI (and left it in the registry). This broke ClickOnce launches entirely for over 2000 users for us. Fast forward nearly 5 years and it's still broken, the case is still open and to get everything to work for the client we have to frig a registry setting on every workstation they roll out. That sucks for us and the client, badly.

This is a typical story for us. When you deal with VSTO, MSI packaging, managing large clusters of windows server machines, random bugs that just blow up in your face suddenly after working for years, signing code, trying to get repeatable builds out of a CLR solution and automating all of these things, forget it. PowerShell gets you 80% of the way there but the last 20% is a tar pit of pain and impossibility.

Now I've been in the Microsoft ecosystem for 20 years, certified and bought into it all. Perhaps I'm bitter and tired but I can't see past all this experience and have mixed memories of c#. All I see is hung instances of visual studio and working out which project file is buggered and all this is destroying the best language I ever used. I don't want to waste my life on giving them another chance.

There is literally none of the above on Unix platforms from experience. I've only encountered one bug in the last 15 years due to a CIFS kernel bug and RH fixed it within two days. I haven't had any automation friction at all.

I'm worn out and confused to be honest when I read back this post.

> There is literally none of the above on Unix platforms from experience.

Have you worked in commercial UNIXes?

I have some HP-UX, Aix and Solaris war stories.

Yes, SunOS4, Solaris and HP-UX. Never had any problems but then again we pretty much kept the hardware alive after vendors had deployed everything. Also Oracle on a VMS cluster which was a joy.

To be honest windows (NT series) operating systems were pretty trouble free in the NT4 era. The masses of fragmentation and numerous paradigm shifts were what broke it all for me.

THIS +1.

I feel that people need to feel and experience both side end-to-end deep in the bowel to be able to judge Java/C# because it's more than just the language; it's everything! IDE, Tools, Libraries, Environments, etc.

Thank you for summing it all up, so well. C# has a language has so much stuff built into itself. When we work with java we have to take help from frameworks such as Spring etc .

I've been using c# since beta and I love it but agree that IIS is a cluster fuck, and working with msbuild is no picnic, and supporting windows services is macabre at best. There are efforts to ease the pain with projects such as a topshelf/katana (owin) http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/dn745865.aspx

so MS is aware that this process should be more light weight for many situations, and appears to head in the direction of node.js type hosting for times when you don't need all the IIS features.

I'm not really hardcore anything but have been using Windows as main OS for years mainly because of the existence of VS. And boy it would be awesome if the stuff I write in C# now would just run on *nix :]

Microsoft has been playing catch-up on developing that "nice things" like trying to build an open-source community. NuGet, open-sourcing the ASP.Net and EF stacks, etc. A long way to go, but they've recognized their big failing and are moving on it.

MS makes some great technology and some terrible tech... but the problem is the terrible tech gets the same blessing as the great tech. An open-source community is the best way to develop best practices and properly replace their false-steps.

I'm not so sure I believe that they're trying to do a "nice thing" out of the goodness of their hearts. They've held pretty tightly to .NET because in order to deploy anything developed in .NET you needed to buy Windows licenses. Recently that hasn't played out so well. Software developers look to minimize costs and overhead that doesn't contribute to their mission (e.g. licenses and license compliance). There's just zero reason to pay for operating systems in 2014 when there are such capable free alternatives.

So if people won't pay for operating systems what will they pay for? Stuff that still costs them money, i.e. hardware infrastructure and attendant maintenance and administration. Hello cloud. Development shops are happily sending Amazon millions of dollars a month so they don't have to buy servers, set up server rooms, hire system administrators, and worry about things like air conditioning, big UPS systems and emergency power generators, etc.

Alongside Amazon, Microsoft is doing pretty well with Azure. And you can run free operating systems on Azure, and .NET is already well supported on Azure. So what will sell more Azure? Make .NET run on the free operating systems. Now all the developers who like the free OSs on their personal dev systems are suddenly able to develop stuff they can deploy on Azure. What about all the devs that like Macs? No problem, make .NET run on Mac OS X as well.

I think this is all about making Azure services more compelling and more able to compete with Amazon than it is wanting to do "nice things" for the open source community.

Your analysis is absolutely solid, but I'm not sure anyone read this and thought "Oh gee how nice of M$ to give back".

In the end I think this is overwhelmingly a net positive for both MSFT and developers.

You know, if MS had done this even a year ago, the project I'm working on would have the server-side in .Net instead of node. I'm replacing a very old .Net project having built up too much code debt to be maintained with a green field project using flux/react server and client. <br /><br /> I really like ASP.Net MVC since v3 it's been a pleasure to work with and the first release of anything ASP that actually mirrored how I used ASP.Net for a long time before it. MVC meant no more hacking with asmx/ashx to work around the web forms event lifecycle issues. Razor is such a great view/template language I still can't believe it hasn't become more popular. <br /><br /> All of that said, there really is a lot of power in being able to use the same JS tooling both server and client. JS has always been a favorite language of mine, and I've been using node tooling even in VS web projects for 3-4 years now for client resources (pre-build events with grunt, and now gulp). <br /><br /> I think this makes a ton of sense in the wake of Azure as a platform. Especially if MS can do services in docker containers (windows or linux) and run on their infrastructure with relative ease. Companies are paying for the tooling (beyond express, now community versions), and they pay for ease of deployment/infrastructure. They don't want to pay for a lot of enterprise windows licensing anymore... MS sees the writing on the wall. <br /><br /> What I think will be really telling, is if by the end of 2016, VS runs in linux and osx as well.

Well there was that big tada about MS/Docker, now this...

A lot of good things happening in Redmond right now.

Now if they can somehow fix this upcoming Lync is now Skype Business business, I'll be really impressed.

I agree with you on the Azure vs "nice things". I also think their long-term strategy doesn't rest with the .NET framework.

However, I think they know that if they completely abandoned the .NET framework, there would be a community of very upset devs that have spent their entire careers investing in Microsoft. Instead, they're doing a slow withdrawal and "giving it to the community".

I think that in the long term, they're going to be focusing more on Sharepoint, SQL Server, and Azure; less on .NET. That's just IMHO.

The power of OSS is often overstated when it comes to writing user friendly software and the sorry state of the *nix GUIs, where setting up a multi motor setup like you do in Windows 98 is still a few years away. The reality is that best practices often conflict with the need to ship resulting is wasted time refactoring, and redesigning.

When my dad's laptop broke, he picked up my spare Ubuntu laptop and has been using it for the last two years. I know it's just one anecdote, but when it saves me a crap-ton of money and time, it seems very real to me. He could have asked me to buy Windows and Office for him... too bad for Microsoft he hasn't needed either. Game over.

What kind of things does your Dad do on that laptop? It seems to me that Linux works well for people who are very technical and people who are not. The problem is with people who want to do more than browse the web and read email but aren't technical enough to do it on Linux. For example a user who wants to record themselves playing guitar. On a mac, plug in and open Garageband. On Windows download Audacity and plug in. On Linux figure out JACK/drivers/supported IO devices. I haven't used Linux in a few years so I admit my opinion could be out of date but I've definitely noticed that the problem is for that middle group who want to do more with their computer but aren't technical enough to do it on Linux.

He's actually surprised me lately. He figured out how to install a spreadsheet app (libre office I think) and has been using it for his work spreadsheets (he's a contractor).

To be fair, he probably wouldn't have been able to set it up initially by himself. But I've had really good luck getting family members on Linux lately. I can Ssh in and do updates or make changes and it's way easier than remotely administering windows.

While I do think this move is a valiant one, I don't believe that it will, in and of itself, build better practices and help Microsoft build better software. Open source is very hard to do right, and if you're a company that doesn't have open source in their DNA it could pose a huge challenge to building positive relationships with your developer community. If you're a big corporation like Microsoft, you have tons of people with their eyes on you at all times. Everyone can read and criticize your code.

Also, being open source means being open and transparent about release cycles and roadmaps, which takes a lot of effort and initiative. I do think Microsoft can do that if they build a solid team of technical community evangelists, but otherwise, they will be swimming against the stream.

Like Apple and Google, right?

What languages have you got experience with that you feel C# is the best language you have worked with?

And what makes it such a good language for you?

Generics, Partial Classes, awesome Reflection API, Lambda syntax, LINQ, C/C++ compatibility, async/await, concurrency primitives, etc.

I have worked with prettier languages, for instance I have picked up Haskell recently, I have also worked with faster languages, C was my forte for many years and I have worked with languages in the GSD category like Ruby and Python.

C# is appealing not because of some feature that it has that other languages don't. But rather the long list of things they didn't fuck up. For instance by building concurrency and evented programming semantics into the core there isn't multiple competing event loops for instance. (unlike say Python or Ruby which have about 5 each, Java has more than I can count).

It's not so much there is one single thing that makes C# really nice, it's the whole package.

async/await is HUGE.

It opens an almost frictionless asynchronous pathway from your code all the way down to asynchronous capabilities of the underlying platform. Which was always the problem with leveraging async/overlapped IO: It was too complex and it turned your application logic inside-out because everything had to be performed in callbacks. async/await takes that on directly: You get everything executed in callbacks - only the callbacks are transparently created for you along with the necessary finite state machines so that your code still composes with exceptions, loops, branches working the way you expect - even across those "invisible" callbacks.

For server scalability as well as responsiveness on small devices (keeping number of thread low - even at one - while still serving the UI), that is really an advantage.

There is no "fakes" on the way - no extra threads being started just to wait for completion of an otherwise synchronous API. If the platform supports asynchronous IO/network/disk/database you can leverage that without any of the strange complexities of other languages.

Worth mentioning here is that Windows has an easier scalable and better designed completion oriented async model compared to the readiness oriented model of Linux - which is mostly limited to sockets anyway.

OS X has GCD - which is also a completion oriented model. I look forward to seeing how .NET with real global optimizing compilers from MS will do on OS X versus Linux versos Windows (on a Mac, obviously).

FYI Python has had an await equivalent for a looong time through the Twisted networking library and now asyncio. It has the same semantics, but you use the yield keyword instead of await.

Also as of recently there is a standard library event loop package, and as far as I know Twisted was the defacto event loop on 2.x for most types of work.

Having used Python during my time at CERN, I would never use it for anything besides scripting tasks. Maybe when PyPy reaches feature parity with mainline Python.

Could you please contrast async/await implementation with Future in Java?

From the usability standpoint I see that they are more or less similar. However since you state that async/await exploits the asynchronous capabilities of the underlying platform I'm really curious to know how is this different from the way the way Future is implemented in a JVM.

Futures in .NET are tasks and the Fork/Join framework is TPL (Task Parallel Library).

Async/await allows developers to write code that looks sequential, but is rewritten by the compiler into a sequence of coroutines built on top of TPL, while taking care error propagation happens correctly.

FYI emcrazyone, it appears that you have been shadow-banned. I don't have any specific recommendations for your question, but I thought you should know.

Telling people they have been shadow-banned defeats the purpose of it.

In that case, it's a purpose that I don't support.

It does not serve a purpose to me. To whom does it serve a purpose to shadow-ban that user, and what purpose is it?

Tasks are pretty awesome and just about as convenient as Go-routines. Now if we could just get typed channels in .Net >:]

How about BlockingCollection<T>? If I understand it correctly you can even have select like sementics with BlockingCollection.TakeFromAny(...)

Edit: Sorry, messed it up a little bit. BlockingCollection will block your current thread for any other computation and does not allow to await on it.

But there seem to be alternatives: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21225361/is-there-anythin... http://blog.stephencleary.com/2012/12/async-producer-consume...

I don't think it would be very hard at all to create a generic CSP system with C# (or F# for that matter). I've built similar systems using WCF.

Doesn't rx fill that role?

With Rx you can do similar things but the semantics are different. When you use an Rx Stream you will get the data pushed from a different thread. With Go-like channels you pull the data from the other thread (or the channel).

You know what I also really like about C# is the .net runtime. I know that allot of people dislike it because there's so much leftover stuff from previous versions, however despite this it's one of the most comprehensive runtimes I've every worked with.

Want to make a screenshot of the desktop? Got it. Want to post keystrokes to another application? No problem. Ohh I see you want to write a tcp server with asynchronous processing? Here's some generics you can just c&p.

I know other languages have these features too, but C# makes it so damn easy to use in the stdlib it's just not funny anymore.

> Ohh I see you want to write a tcp server with asynchronous processing? Here's some generics you can just c&p.

So we've come to the point where copy-pasteability is a language feature? Tell me I can use a library or module. Tell me that the language comes with built in features to help me do this or that. But never tell me I can copy-paste generic code. Please.

That's actually one of the features of C#, if something is needed or is hot in another language, it will appear in the core libraries.

They've realised recently this is having a negative effect on open source C# code as so much of the community waits for the "offical" version, but it has its positives too, almost anything you want to do is in the core libraries.

This is my main grudge with .NET development, a culture of preferring The One True Way. It (among other things) leads to a lack of .NET FOSS diversity.

The biggest problem with this culture is that it means that when the One True Way is wrong, we suck it up and use it anyways.

I mean, Entity Framework is great, WebAPI is slick, and MVC has its moments, but there are some real trainswrecks. I've used all three XML serializers in the .NET framework and they're all cringeworthy. ASP.Net WebForms could have been something spectacular with open development instead of the hideous monstrosity it was. And MSBuild would have been laughed out of the room and regarded as some kind of bizarre eccentricity like TempleOS or UrBit instead of a serious build system.

>I've used all three XML serializers in the .NET framework and they're all cringeworthy.

XmlSerializer, DataContractSerializer, and what is the third? I agree and was about to point out the same thing though; XML serializers in .NET are a joke but because they exist in the core libraries there is not really a compelling open source alternative.

That being said, it seems like the Asp.Net Web API is actually using Json.Net instead of the built-in serializer.

XamlServices serializer. Technically it serializes Xaml, but afaik it can be prodded to produce vanilla XML.

Dont mock msbuild.

i never slept as much or as well than when i tried to work through the documentation.

Generic code is made to be copy-pasted. Also, what's wrong with copy-pasting when it lets you write features faster?

It's a code smell that usually means there's something there to be abstracted, or that your API isn't as clean as it could be.

I'd take a bit of copy-paste over premature generalisation any day.

I'd take a premature generalisation over a false dichotomy.

So if its not a dichotomy, what are the other options? If you want to avoid copy/paste, you have to use generalisation techniques.

Yes, and generalisation doesn't mean premature generalisation. It's very possible to just have a well-designed generalisation.

Well OK. But in a lot of cases I see badly designed over complex generalisations ("premature generalisation") because of a phobia of copy/paste. A bit of copy/paste is OK guys, seriously. Wait and see how it goes for a bit and then refactor the general case in later _if_ it seems worth it.

Also it compiles fast and tools are really good.

People keep bringing up Scala, last time I tried Scala (~ year back) the compile times were pretty long and the IDE support was sluggish and I have a decent PC. Nowhere near to C#/VS development experience.

I would add "yield" to your lits - a small feature, but it allows for very elegant code and easy implementation of deferred evaluation / execution.

Dartlang also will get C# style await async (as of 1.8) and has very similiar syntax. Additionaly it has more CLI oriented tools (eg. pub) and Google ecosystem integration (recent app engine managed vms integration)

I'm happy .NET is going open source path but still think we need others to compete.

I'd like to add extension methods & default parameters to your list. Being able to extend any object with new methods has made programming in C# much more pleasurable then most languages I've used.

Thanks for your extensive answer.

multiple competing event loops for instance

Fortunately Windows has implemented message-passing event loops for you for a couple of decades. And they're pleasant to work with as long as you don't mind everything being a WPARAM/LPARAM.

Those type of event loops are for Win32 API GUI applications.

Server applications like a async socket server use IOCP, a kernel based type of event loop that is highly performant and scalable. And by the way, the .NET CLR already uses them at its core for sockets and other types of I/O.

Are Strings a separate entity to built-in types like they are in Java? If so, I find that behaviour odd and welcome C++'s "a user-defined type is not different to a built-in type" approach

LINQ is _the_ only reason I tolerate .net

You mean C#? Let's keep those separate shall we?

Linq makes C# much better, especially compared to java. It's a whole different story in F# though.

What's the story for F#?

I'm a Haskell enthusiast, but it's not so good at Windows support, or libraries. I've been thinking F# might be just the ticket.

F# has a huge momentum at the moment. Quickly rising in the Tiobe index. It's an ML-style functional lang for the CLR. It's not as powerful or pure as Haskell in terms of type system and style, and it is lacking (or is more pragmatic) in a few places to be interoperable with other .NET langs. It has some really cool features though that are quite unique, such as

Type providers http://fsharp.github.io/FSharp.Data/library/JsonProvider.htm... Code quotations http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd233212.aspx

Most importantly it has become a first class citizen of the ecosystem so the tooling is already great compared to a lot of similar languages.


F# 4.0 pre-release was just announced/shipped:


F# has Query Expressions[1] which are just Computation Expressions[2], i.e. not a language extension, a library.

If you know Haskell then it's pretty easy to get into F#. The only thing you'll miss are higher-kinded types. Although they can be hacked in[3], it's not really worth the effort a lot of the time

[1] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-GB/library/hh225374.aspx

[2] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd233182.aspx

[3] https://code.google.com/p/fsharp-typeclasses/

Agree - also I think f# can't dispatch on the return type of a polymorphic expression as I thought that was only possible with type classes?

I think it's possible by including the return-type in the argument list and using inline operators. You really have to jump through hoops though to make it work and the resulting code is damn ugly. Take a look at the source for FsControl[1]. It implements what they call 'type methods'. So there's types for Monad.Bind, Functor.Map, Applicative.Pure, etc.

I'm still trying to get my head around it; I thought I'd try to do so by implementing the core types and functions in Haskell's Pipes. So far I've managed to convince the F# compiler to take well over an hour to compile 70 lines of code!

The main argument against them has been lack of CLR support. But it seems that there's already the FsControl way, so I think some syntactic sugar would go a long way.

So yeah, until there's language support for type-classes I think it's probably not worth it.

[1] https://github.com/gmpl/FsControl

oh, this is such a great response to a question that I didn't think anyone would be able to answer - thank you!

I'll have to go study FsControl now ;)

My pleasure :)

I'm so onboard with what you're saying. I've been using mono for the last couple years, so much so that I call myself a "mono developer" and not a ".NET developer".

I worked at Microsoft for a couple years and I could already smell this brewing. The devs I respected the most were also the most unhappy with the platform tie-in. This is a desperately needed political shift for the organization, and I think it will actually boost morale as well.

This is my impression too. I'm not terribly familiar with C#, and used to avoid anything from Microsoft like the plague, but a lot of stuff I hear about C# sounds like it's a bit ahead of Java. (Really, Java should be more like Groovy, if you ask me.)

But the JVM platform is great, and I'm just not going to get locked into a MS ecosystem. But if MS opens up to the rest of the world, well, that changes things considerably.

> Java should be more like Groovy

It has been since lambdas were introduced in Java 8. Groovy's original design by its creator James Strachan was about adding closures to the dynamic typing that Beanshell had at the time. The stuff added to Groovy since then (e.g. the MOP for Grails, DSL syntax, static typing in 2.0) are things Java already does better or things (if you ask me) it shouldn't do.

I think you're in a niche avoiding Microsoft technologies. It isn't so much as Microsoft opening up to the world (which is true to some extent) as embracing the smaller market shares of Linux + Mac OS. Windows market share is colossal, and C# is a big thing in Windows land, even more important than C++.

"Smaller market shares"? That depends entirely on how you limit your view. PC desktop, absolutely. But internet servers? Mobile? Those are places where Linux is huge, and Java is too. But the thing about Java is that it also works on Windows. And that's the great news here: you're not just stuck with Windows anymore if you use C#, and that makes it a lot more useful.

You prefer yourself an Oracle cage?

Exactly.. IMHO both Oracle & MS runtimes are dubious mechanisms, especially in the light of the native cross-compiling that Go and co. are gradually bringing to the fore.

C# as a language is better than Java, but not as good as Scala.

I don't know why you are being down voted. Erik Meijer, a huge .NET contributor who worked at Microsoft (on C# among other things), and was behind the reactive .NET extensions (and also a big Haskell contributor) - he was saying exactly the same thing about Scala vs C# - http://www.infoq.com/presentations/covariance-contravariance...

I can also testify as someone who uses Scala on a day to day basis and used C# at work as well - I completely understand your statement, although it's very subjective.

Probably because,

A), it was an uncalled-for digression into language wars, and

B), now that we're here anyways, a lot of us think the majority of features in scala and Haskell for that matter are fundamentally misguided. My goal is not to write elegant code, but to write the least complex code with the lowest cognitive overhead. TCO, 10x the man-hours in maintenance and all that. If the choice is between having to write null-checks or having to understand category theory to read my code, I'll take the null-checks.

A) I think C# is a great language actually, and Scala's success is probably due to Java's severe limitations. I just don't think someone working on Unix should be jealous of C# because there are great languages available here.

B) Precisely, unlike Haskell, Scala doesn't force you to write "elegant code", you can even use variables. Purists will flame you for that, but sometimes it's the best way to write a small piece of code and as soon as no state leaks outside of the function, it's not that bad. That said, I believe most of the features of Scala make maintenance easier, including the absence of null-checks as it moves errors from runtime to compile time and make major modifications without regressions easier.

You can use variables in Haskell as well, no problem. It just forces you to stack your monad on IO, STM or some other mutable-value-supporting monad, of which there are several.

The only difference worth mentioning is that they type system won't allow "leaks".

> If the choice is between having to write null-checks or having to understand category theory to read my code

Me too. Luckily this is a false dichotomy.

Here's a random line from the Scala standard collections library:

def :+[B >: A, That](elem: B)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, B, That]): That

This is from the standard collections library.

In Java, I've got a List.add function. In case it's not clear from the name, 'add', I can click through to the implementation and it's pretty obvious what's happening.

In Scala, I've got +, ++, +:, :+, and a bunch of other nonsensical bullshit, and when I click through to the implementation? Even less sense. Whenever I use a standard scala collection, I have no idea what it's actually doing. Additionally, everything favors allocation-happy overly-clever immutable wrappers rather than a simple ArrayList which will smoke those immutable implementations in real-world performance.

The cure is far worse than the disease, here.

For a Scala developer that signature makes sense. You want to add an element of type B to your collection with elements of type A, however the addition of an element of type B may not be supported (e.g. you may want to add a String to a BitSet and get in return a plain Set[Any]), so the above works only as long as there is a builder available that can build the new collection. The function also works on covariant collections, because it's building a new collection (i.e. it's for immutable collections), so it doesn't have the covariance gotcha of arrays.

Scala's collections have some quirks, but not as many as .NET's collections and you're actually comparing apples to oranges, because you won't find the equivalent of an "add" that returns a new collection instead of modifying the old one in .NET.

This is what happens when you pass judgement unto things you don't understand. Working with immutable data-structures is really, really awesome and Scala's API for these collections is very friendly and very type-safe - as in, if you feel the need to use `isInstanceOf` / `asInstanceOf`, then you're probably doing something wrong ;-)

And I really wish that C# would grow up a little in this regard, as modern programming languages need immutable collections as well, with a nice API to go along with it. And btw - working with Option is super awesome, no category theory needed.

That said, as I was saying in another comment, I'm really excited about this announcement, because this is mostly about the runtime, not the language. You can run things built with Scala on top of .NET right now by means of IKVM. And the JVM finally has some credible competition.

Oh btw C# does have immutable collections now. Adoption isn't too high yet AFAIK, but they're pretty awesome..


Interesting, thanks for the link.

>>> This is what happens when you pass judgement unto things you don't understand

I think it's kind of the point if the judgement is on the question "what is easier to understand". I think this is the sentiment many people staring to learn Scala are feeling - the barrier to entry, even if you are coming not from the blank slate but from the background of programming many years in many languages, is pretty high. It's not the judgement on "whether Scala and its collections are good/done right", which is entirely separate question from "whether it is easier for someone to understand how C# collections or Scala collections work".

>>> And btw - working with Option is super awesome, no category theory needed.

Well, if you want to do something like making a function that works on Option from a function that works on the underlying type, you pretty soon find yourself in that general area.

I agree that Option types are great, so great that I'm happy to work in a much 'weaker' language, use option types, and solve 90% of the problems that more 'theoretically robust' languages address with none of their downsides.

As far as not understanding how awesome immutable data structure are.. I'd take a step back before you make assumptions about what other people understand. Do you know anything about cache hierarchy and memory models on modern CPUs? Performance is important to some of us.

> Do you know anything about cache hierarchy and memory models on modern CPUs?

Yes I do. Worked 3 years on a soft real-time system with massive load, profiled the shit out of everything. There's an interesting discussion we could have about when immutable data-structures work best, when they've got problems and when it doesn't matter, especially given the extra benefits in dealing with accidental complexity. This isn't the right place though.

> Performance is important to some of us

Yes it is, but performance problems are fixed by means of profiling and optimizing the bottlenecks. Even in a system that has massive load, in many cases in doesn't matter and in some cases immutability increases performance by eliminating contention on reads. And seriously, most people invoking performance problems are not having those performance problems to begin with, therefore my assumption.

Well, that's good, sorry for asking. I've had a lot of people point at the big-0 notation of that linked-list append and tell me that it's faster than an ArrayList append on average. Usually this is right after telling me that "I just don't get it" with immutable collections. So I hope you can see why I'd react that way.

As I'm sure you know, when it comes to real-world situations, reducing inter-thread communication and isolating anything mutable is the key concern. That's why I find immutable wrappers that mock mutability to be a bit of a sideshow. You shouldn't have read contention with locking in the first place unless it's for a very good reason.

> You shouldn't have read contention with locking in the first place unless it's for a very good reason.

True, but you know how it is in practice :-)

For example I found that using persistent data-structures work best when you've got single producer, multiple consumers scenarios - so you mutate some state and you want to signal it over asynchronous boundaries to multiple consumers. With an immutable data-structure you just signal it, worry free and then you can keep on changing that state, completely non-blocking / wait-free and with good algorithmic complexity.

Actually non-blocking logic becomes really easy, as you can always shove an immutable value into an atomic reference (note - I'm not saying "wait free", which still takes a lot of work :))

So really, persistent data-structures are great in a multi-threading context, as long as you don't have multiple producers pounding on the same reference holding such an immutable value - if you do that, things can get bad, when compared to specialized concurrent mutable data-structures - because a good concurrent data-structure is able to distribute the contention in multiple buckets instead of just one. But then again, having multiple producers pounding on the same resource is just asking for trouble and has to be avoided, because Amdahl's law.

Also, as you've hinted at, the problem with a normal linked List is the level of indirection. And in general, persistent data-structures imply the usage of trees, which also implies indirections. More advanced persistent data-structures are much better than the linked list is and this is an active area of research, but on the whole there's still much room for improvement.

On the other hand, in my opinion when speaking about performance, the first problem one has is to actually use the available CPUs (e.g. getting CPU usage over, say 70-80%). Which usually is hard to achieve if you have a combination of CPU-bound and I/O-bound tasks and your I/O stuff is not asynchronous. Only after that you can then move on to optimizing the memory access patterns for cache locality and for minimizing the stop-the-world freezes.

Speaking about GC, that's another topic - persistent data-structures have a tendency to generate junk that is neither short term or long term and that invalidates the assumptions that current GCs are making. The JVM at least has really good GCs, but without paying for a pauseless one (like that one from Azul Systems), you can still end up into trouble if you don't pay attention - but then you fire up YourKit's Profiler, find the source for those STWs, optimize and it works out well.

All in all I encourage everybody to find a good library that implements persistent data-structures and integrate them in their toolbox.

Hey, so I agree with your analysis in general, and sorry for being opaque earlier (was at work), but you totally got what I was driving at and explained it probably better than I could have.

The one thing I disagree with, in many server applications, is using the available CPUs is pretty easy. You've got thread pools handling various tasks, just crank them up. In JVM-land, a very heavy 512kb stack per thread is still not really much penalty to pay as long as you re-use them. Aggregate application performance then becomes a matter of completing tasks faster while creating less garbage.

So it all comes down to what you consider a 'task' and how you handle the handoffs between them. The architecture decisions at this level dwarf the improvements from using an array vs list, as you implied, but they also make the usage of immutable types somewhat irrelevant IMO. Seal off mutable code within single-task boundaries and it doesn't matter how ugly it is, as long as you're passing immutable types (just plain javabeans with final members are fine) between boundaries.

Anyways, just my opinion. Great comment.

> Actually non-blocking logic becomes really easy, as you can always shove an immutable value into an atomic reference (note - I'm not saying "wait free", which still takes a lot of work :))

Why the atomic reference here? I know that provides CAS but if we're talking about a single writer aren't you okay to just replace things anyway?

Yes, I wasn't talking about a single writer. That was a new paragraph. Sorry about not making that clear.

Ah cool, just wanted to clarify as I'm only a beginner for much of this stuff, but found your posts very interesting.


Nice effort, but judging from the non-sense emitted by jbooth, he won't understand the things you are explaining anyway.

> Well, that's good, sorry for asking.

Gotta test for any chinks in the armour.

> Do you know anything about cache hierarchy and memory models on modern CPUs?


> Performance is important to some of us.

... and in those cases, you don't have to use data structures that model your problem domain poorly.

The problem isn't "immutable data structures" or "theoretically robust" languages. The problem is finding ways to express computations and their constraints in a way that can be efficiently modeled for your problem domain.

The problem with this logic is that you won't know about your performance problem until a system is scaled up to production level tasks - except if you build a comprehensive performance model beforehand, which takes about as long as the implementation (and is thus nonsensical for most tasks) and is really hard to do IMO in an FP language.

So what will probably happen is that once you see your performance problems, you can pray that it's only some hot spots that you can then replace with faster code - often it's not, so you have 100 places using around 1% of your time budget for example, which is when you can go and start over.

>>And I really wish that C# would grow up a little in this regard, as modern programming languages need immutable collections as well, with a nice API to go along with it May I suggest the Immutable Collection library from Microsoft? http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn385366(v=vs.110).a...

Admittedly not part of the core library, but installing a NuGet package is pretty darn easy.

>>This is what happens when you pass judgement unto things you don't understand ;)

[edit: Guess I should've refreshed the page to see the prior response before writing this. Apologies.]

The operators on collections always have alternate named forms. I actually instinctively skip over the operators when perusing the documentation and have no trouble at all finding what I need.

Pointing to CBF is a complete straw-man.

You're rarely actually going to _see_ that signature (the docs actually simplify it for you), and in practice, it's completely meaningless to 99.9% of Scala you'll ever see.

You might as well consider it pixie-dust.

+ for one, ++ to add a collection, the others are generally going to apply to Cons-like. It takes all of a couple minutes to let these sink in.

Use a mutable.MutableList if that's what you want. Or just use ArrayList.

All this is about as pure FUD as I've ever seen...

It isn't FUD: It's just the kind of thing that turns newbies out of Scala.

Your typical Java developer is used to just look inside the code of whatever library they are using, and find a very straightforward implementation. Scala collections avoid a lot of boilerplate with canBuildFrom, SeqLike and suck, but simple and straightforward they are not. It takes quite a while before it stops reading like Japanese.

And IMO yes, a lot of symbolic methods in collections make relatively little sense. Don't forget that list also has ::, :::, +:, :+ and :\. There's more than a few, and there are no textual versions of them, for those that don't have them all memorized. They are a bit of a relic from the time Martin thought that /: was a good idea. It's fortunate that now only the scalaz people keep doing such things, because excessive use of symbolic operations hurt language adoption.

And he doesn't even get into other early confusion points, like how we have =>, <-, and ->, or how decomposing Seqs is not exactly pretty. Last week I had to help a guy that had been using Scala for 6 months to understand the 'punched in the face' operator :_*

So no, it's definitely not FUD. Are they issues that hurt my day to day Scala use? Not at all. Scala is my favorite language. Being able to use it instead of Java or Clojure is worth a good 15K a year for me.But that doesn't mean that I have forgotten some of the little things that made the learning curve tough at first. Thanks the heavens that I managed to end up finding a Scala job where I could learn from one Bill Venners.

Maybe this is a Java developer thing.

Everybody decried Ruby's 107 methods on Array. Then Fowler came out with "fluent-interfaces", and how often do you see someone make the claims that Ruby's Array is indicative of a general badness because it has a lot of methods and you can't memorize them all in an hour as a newbie?

scala.collection is the same deal.

:\? Sure it's not a good idea. I wouldn't debate that. Who uses that? foldLeft/foldRight.

And what's the deal with trying to memorize the entire interface anyways? 8 or so years with Ruby, writing libraries with over 4 million downloads (https://rubygems.org/profiles/ssmoot), and there are definitely methods in Ruby's Array I'm unfamiliar with.

So what?

While :: and ::: look a little foreign, I don't think asking people to learn them if they want to work with Lists in a Functional manner is anymore difficult than learning what the "spaceship operator" does in Ruby. And it's optional. You don't have to use them. But they're usage will probably be the smaller part in the grand scheme of things. Pattern Matching and accomplishing functional recursion with immutable data is the bigger picture. Outside of that context (and the REPL I guess, for convenience) you're just not going to see either of those operators very often (IME).

You don't use a "splat" (aka 'punched in the face'? That's a new one to me) operator very often. It's actually one of the few semi-pattern-matchy areas of Ruby so it comes pretty naturally for me.

You don't become a pro overnight. You can trust I'd be teaching infrequently used idioms in Ruby to a developer who'd only been using it for six months. Been there, done that. ;-)

I guess where I'm coming from is using CBF to claim Scala is a confusing, indecipherable language. Everyone's had that argument. I don't know that anyone wants to stand up and claim it's the best. But it works. Actually using it is a non-issue since you don't actually explicitly use it. And look at the docs. They're actually pretty great overall.

It just bothers me I suppose that someone interested in exploring Scala would be dissuaded by something that's only ever been a problem for 1% of 1% of Scala developers.

If you're just looking to swap in Play to replace Rails, odds are you'll never run into any of these CBF "concerns". At all. That's the very definition of "FUD" IMO.

For every CBF in Scala there's a Calendar in Java. Languages aren't perfect. CBF is probably a wart. But it's a hidden one. If you let it scare you off from Scala that's sad, because it really has about as much to do with day to day Scala development as array.c (https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/array.c) has to do with Ruby development.

You're conflating a lot of unrelated issues here by lashing out against things you seemingly don't understand.

How on earth does "I don't like operators" support your claim?

The claim was that scala code is very difficult to read and idiomatic scala code, as evidenced by their collections library, brings along a ton of conceptual overhead that creates much more complexity than it eliminates.

That line alone drives home the point for me, you can read the rest of scala.collection.immutable if you need more convincing.

First and foremost, I think you need to read about Blub. [0]

Also, idiomatic Scala code is perfectly readable. You have no right to complain about readability until you've dealt with spaghetti code written for Megacorp Inc, that completely ignores the fundamentals of structured programming. :)

[0] http://www.paulgraham.com/avg.html

The claim was that you need to know category theory. Your post is still there, we can still read it. It does not make much sense to pretend it says something other than what it says.

> majority of features in scala and Haskell for that matter are fundamentally misguided

I'm interested in the Haskell part. What features do you think are fundamentally misguided ?

I'm much less experienced with Haskell than with Scala, so I might be unfairly painting it with the same brush here.

But, for example, https://www.haskell.org/tutorial/io.html.

At the end of the day, this is a huge inner-framework anti-pattern over the same procedural syscalls that every other language handles procedurally. I shouldn't have to care what a monad is, and side effects? The whole point of I/O is side effects. It could be a no-op, idle process or CPU-burning busy loop if I didn't care about side effects.

From that doc:

" So, in the end, has Haskell simply re-invented the imperative wheel?

In some sense, yes. The I/O monad constitutes a small imperative sub-language inside Haskell, and thus the I/O component of a program may appear similar to ordinary imperative code. But there is one important difference: There is no special semantics that the user needs to deal with. In particular, equational reasoning in Haskell is not compromised. The imperative feel of the monadic code in a program does not detract from the functional aspect of Haskell. An experienced functional programmer should be able to minimize the imperative component of the program, only using the I/O monad for a minimal amount of top-level sequencing. The monad cleanly separates the functional and imperative program components. In contrast, imperative languages with functional subsets do not generally have any well-defined barrier between the purely functional and imperative worlds."

So, basically, they acknowledge that their theoretical model has a huge impedance mismatch with what we write programs to do (I/O, eventually, somewhere). And that's fine, they can knock themselves out and I hope it's fulfilling for them. It's not for me.

Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about. I suggest first learning the language before spreading FUD about it.

Separation of pure and unpure components greatly simplifies the reasoning about the problem domain. Traditional imperative programs are often full of subtle bugs because calling a procedure can have arbitrary effect on your system. For example calling function with the same arguments can return different values based on arbitrary hard-to-track reasons (such as your OS's scheduler). It's just too much details to keep in your head.

But in Haskell pure functions are guaranteed to have same result with same input. It enables the programmer to create logically isolated blocks without messy interdependencies.

It's especially helpful for concurrent programming by freeing you from all the non-deterministic spaghetti.

Haskell has a steep learning curve, but it'll make you a better programmer in the long run.

"But in Haskell pure functions are guaranteed to have same result with same input." I'm pretty sure that same law applies to a pure function in any language, not just Haskell. #shitthatHNsays

Correct. Though many languages don't encourage and as a result don't have nearly as many pure functions as Haskell code.

In fairness, I could also say that hammers don't encourage carpentry best practices and as a result they cause many more smashed fingers than wood glue. The fact that a tool doesn't prevent counterproductive usage patterns doesn't automatically make it inappropriate for every job.

Point being, I/O doesn't square with that concept. For some reason, every time I point this out, I'm accused of not appreciating the beauty of pure functions. I love pure functions. Maybe they're not appreciating the ugly reality of I/O?

How much experience do you have composing I/O in Haskell to prove that I/O doesn't square with that concept? Others here have experience using Haskell with I/O, but you just seem to have a hypothesis without experience or examples to support it.

> Point being, I/O doesn't square with that concept.

Sure it does, and composes well under it.

I'm seeing I/O as "side effects with possible random error conditions". I really don't see how that squares with functional purity.

It's late on EST but I promise if you put effort into explaining a higher-order take on this I'll put effort into reading and understanding it tomorrow. Have a good night.

Through monads functional purity with I/O is achieved, ergo you can compose I/O and get other advantages of purity.

What "pure" means varies from language to language.

It really does not.

I don't think they are acknowledging any impedance mismatch there. The point of that paragraph is to emphasize that Haskell retains the usual feel of imperative programming, with the important difference that the imperative bits of your code are cleanly separated from the pure bits due to the IO type.

There's no theoretical stuff here, it's just making sure that the caller knows about callees having side effects.

>At the end of the day, this is a huge inner-framework anti-pattern over the same procedural syscalls that every other language handles procedurally.

No, you have a tiny, very simple type that allows for type safe IO. It also happens to make haskell a more powerful imperative language than most imperative languages, as IO actions are first class and can be passed around and manipulated like anything else.

>So, basically, they acknowledge that their theoretical model has a huge impedance mismatch with what we write programs to do (I/O, eventually, somewhere)

No, they acknowledge that doing IO is so important that it should be done correctly. You are going to some pretty extreme mental gymnastics to misrepresent a language you want to hate.

To be fair, understanding I/O in Haskell takes quite a bit of mental gymnastics. :)

The I/O monad modifies the Universe that contains the set of all functions that comprise your program (if I even understand the concept correctly).

> The I/O monad modifies the Universe that contains the set of all functions that comprise your program

That sounds rather complicated. My way of thinking of it is simpler than that. a -> IO b is just a function from a to b that can do some I/O. Nothing more complicated than that.

I recommend just regarding IO a as an action, or some description of an action, that returns a value of type a. And (>>=) constructs bigger actions by attaching continuations to actions.

It is (slightly) more complicated than that. Your return type is not b but IO b. Your callers will be performing functions that are defined on IO b with the result (such as bind)

The IO monad is just an action. Its a cons pair with a left and a right half. In an imperative language you could model the left half with a closure that takes no arguments, does I/O and produces a value.

The right half is usually empty, except when you use the `>>=` operator (or flatMap) on an existing action, e.g.

let c = a >>= f

That operator chains the function `f` can take the value produced by the first IO action and produce another IO action. After we apply that operator, the result `c` is a cons cell where the left part is the original action `a` and the right part is the function f which takes the value produced by a and produces the next action. Its sort of like a cons cell in regular lists, except the next value is provided by a function. A lazy cons cell, perhaps :)

The final result is a lazy chain of I/O cons cells (called "main", of course :P). Its passed to the Haskell runtime, which executes that chain as a recipe, alternating between doing I/O actions and evaluating the function to decide what to do next.

So what does this buy us? Mostly just referential transparency. What does referential transparency buy us? Easy refactoring. We can replace any expression with its value, even stuff like `putStrLn "test"`. We can say `let writeTest = putStrLn "test"` at the top of the file then write `do writeTest; writeTest` in main.

Another neat thing is that do syntax isn't limited to just IO, but works with anything that implements `flatMap` (and `unit`, which I forgot to mention). That means we can build our own imperative DSLs that produce IO-like monads which are then interpreted by our own interpreter, and the users of those DSLs can use the same do syntax. Which is pretty awesome. Here is a simple example: https://gist.github.com/tonymorris/b5dba9d7d877051d0164 and a much more complex one http://augustss.blogspot.com/2009/02/more-basic-not-that-any... :)

or these PureScript examples https://gist.github.com/spion/982350f4b3d3464b1870 using the Canvas monad to pre-create a scene and then render it; the DOM monad to construct DOM elements.

So how are errors handled?

You have the option of two monads, Maybe and Either. Usually errors are handled with the Either monad. An operation may either return a result or an error. Together with do syntax the Either monad gives you multiple choices in handling errors.

You can handle every single error explicitly (as in Go) using pattern matching

  eitherResultOrError = operation1 arg

  case eitherResultOrError of
    Left error -> handle error
    Right result -> handle' result
Its also possible to chain multiple operations then check the error later. If an error occurs, the next operations in the chain will not execute.

  let eitherResultOrError = do
    x <- operation1 arg
    y <- operation2 x + 1
    z <- operation3 x y

  case eitherResultOrError of
    Left error -> handle error
    Right result -> handle' result
Or simply use `orElse` to return a default value in case of errors.

For IO operations and other monadic actions, its best to use EitherT, ErrorT or MaybeT, which are monads that can add error handling to any other monad. To understand how these work, its probably best to implement MaybeT. Basically, they add another wrapper to other monads to redefine what the bind operator (`>>=`) does

Understood, By the way, I do null checks in Scala, may the lord have mercy on my soul. I don't like all the "I'm functional and smarter than you with my higher kind types, Monads and type classes" attitude that a minority of Scala lead figures have given it. Scala is very pragmatic down to earth language that you don't HAVE to abuse, the issue is that some people abused it on some libraries (e.g. with weird operators etc...) and some people are "either all the way functional or I rather die" but I think that if any C# developer would have jumped into Scala, they would have had much better things to say about it, even without using a single "purely functional" aspect of the language.

I'd not say that avoiding null checks requires any serious functional magic. It's a matter of convention: If you are ever using anything that could be null, surround it with an Option. It just makes the fields that might need to be checked explicit.

One doesn't have to learn category theory to realize that Options are great, especially when accompanied by a little bit of help from pattern matching, map, flatten and getOrElse.

The fact that many Scala lead figures that come from a Haskell background are bringing with them a holier than thou attitude doesn't mean that there aren't some functional concepts that are very useful even if your code is mostly imperative, and Option is arguably the least controversial of the lot. It's so uncontroversial it's in Java 8, although suffering from the fact that it is lacking some of the great Scala goodies.

If I'm not mistaken C# 6 will be improving on the null check thing as well. Though, the syntax seems jarring to me right now (so did the inverted SQL-like linq style - yeah for the fluent style).

I'd rather duck the question by supporting non-nullable columns without resorting to higher-kinded types.

How can you think they are "fundamentally misguided" if you don't even know what they are? The category theory strawman is the absolute laziest, most absurd piece of FUD you could possibly resort to. It is even worse than the old "perl is bad because I don't want to read line noise" nonsense, at least that had some loose tie to reality.

Missed opportunity to explain why those are 'fundamentally misguided'.

GP didn't mention specifically which features were misguided, making a response require a disproportionate amount of effort compared to what he's put in. And he's talking complete nonsense about "category theory," which is just ridiculous so it's not like he's close to worthy of some effort-post.

In my experience the "category theory" claim is imprecise but not unfounded. Without fairly serious abstract understanding of monads, functors, and applicatives (at a bare minimum), it is not possible to write Haskell code profitably. By that I mean that without such knowledge you should have just written something else.

To make Haskell a serious advantage and not just a minor benefit (compared to, say, SML), you probably also need to understand kinds. Let's bear in mind that the vast majority of practicing programmers can't reasonably define an algebraic data type, and that it's not their fault, because the ROI for learning such things is often negative.

I do think there is a reactionary "don't-wanna-learn anything" vibe against Haskell among certain groups. But I think we should be clear that, to get the power that Haskell promises, you do need to learn many new things. Those things, while not exactly category theory in a narrow sense, are closer to category theory than they are to conventional programming knowledge.

Yes, it is completely unfounded. You do not need to know anything about category theory, or even what it is. All you need to know about Monad is its interface. If you can handle java, you can handle haskell. All you need to understand with kinds is "its how many arguments a type takes". And that isn't category theory in the first place. Anyone can define an ADT. That's one of the first things I taught our PHP team, nobody had any confusion or problems with it, it was a 2 minute thing. I have a hard time imagining how you could think:

    data Bool = True | False
is hard to learn or understand or woulf have a "negative ROI".

As a PL enthusiast that likes to dabble in different paradigms and basically learns a programming language or two every other year by far the hardest language to wrap my head around has been Haskell.

There are a few reasons for this that get dismissed by the day to day practitioners. First, there is the cognitive rewiring required to think of everything as an inert expression. In Haskell there are no actions, just descriptions of actions that the runtime manages. I'm specifically talking about I/O and its monadic implementation. Second, learning about monads is not enough. When effects are encapsulated as monads you need to understand monad transformers to fruitfully combine effectful computations. This is by no means the best way to do things because there are also implementations of effectful computations with row types and extensible effects, e.g. PureScript, that requires a lot less cognitive overhead and is less error prone. Third, many of the high-powered libraries in the Haskell ecosystem are so heavily reliant on categorical constructs, e.g. free (co)monads, functors, applicatives, monoids, bifunctors, Kleisli categories, etc. that getting through all that thicket to be truly productive with the libraries instead of just copying and pasting requires a time investment that is of dubious value to many programmers and you're better off learning about security practices on OWASP because you are more likely to encounter a SQL injection than you are to encounter a Kleisli category of a monad.

I'm not saying knowing these things is not useful or won't make you a better programmer but to just demonstrate that there is indeed a cognitive overhead that might not be worth it. I like category theory as much as the next mathematician but programming with categorical constructs is not necessarily the most optimal way to do things when all I need is a screen scraper for an XML feed.

>There are a few reasons for this that get dismissed by the day to day practitioners.

Perhaps they get dismissed because we all went through the process of learning haskell in order to become day to day practitioners, so we know these reasons are made up nonsense.


Peyton Jones and some other nice people work at Microsoft to improve Haskell, which is IMHO the right tool.

I went from scala to C# 7 years ago, and after some feature withdrawal, I began to like C# for its simplicity. It was not very elegant, I often had to settle for ugly solutions, but this was actually a step up from scala where I would obsess to find the most elegant solution for my code. In C#, the best way is more obvious even if not that good, and you settle more quickly.

As the language is considered holistically with tooling, the error messages are always good and they don't make dubious decisions (getting rid of semi colons) that are theoretically sound but screw up tooling.

> they don't make dubious decisions (getting rid of semi colons) that are theoretically sound but screw up tooling

Wait WUT? I'm not sure you know what you are talking about ... that just doesn't make any sense.

Scala 7 years ago is fundamentally different from today's Scala, so I'm not seeing how your experience is relevant anymore.

Taking out semi colons reduced the amount of redundant information needed for error recovery in the parser, leading to poorer error messages and reducing the quality of interactive IDE feedback. I know this because I was working in the IDE when martin made the decision. Maybe it was the right decision, but there were definitely costs!

There is a very good reason they will never eliminate semi colons from C#, the visual studio team would never let them...C# is developed in a completely different style from Scala.

I'm sure you are right: scala today is probably a much more simple language with great IDE support...7 years ago, it was a bunch of advanced features and building a decent IDE for it was a struggle.

Yes, that's why you would use F# in .NET if you want something like Scala. And then I heard many people say that .NET wins again.

Meh, F# is pretty good, but Scala has a better type-system. You cannot model type-classes in F# for example and there's some ugliness in it, in a true Ocaml fashion - for example I don't like how you've got to deal with 2 types of generics or the prevalence of "static" methods, static methods that are complete hacks that go back to C++ at least (Scala has no such thing as static methods btw). In many ways Scala is a very elegant language, too bad that many people are scared by these myths that are flying around.

That said, people are missing the forest from the trees. This isn't about the language, but rather about the runtime and the standard library. That's the true value of the JVM, that's the true value in .NET.

There wouldn't be any problem for porting Scala to .NET. Sure, it would be difficult as .NET's reified generics are maybe too limited for Scala's type-system, but I'm sure somebody could make it work, at least partially.

And there was a Scala for .NET, but it lacked interest so it died. But hey, you can still run stuff built in Scala on top of .NET by means of IKVM ;-) Has poor performance compared to a JVM, but then again, people are willing to build stuff in Scala for Android. Also Clojure.NET is doing pretty good from what I've heard.

As a Scala developer that loves Scala and the JVM, I personally find this announcement very exciting. As finally, the JVM has true competition ;-)

You can model type classes in F#, but it's not pretty[1].

Interestingly, C# can model type classes much more straightforwardly (using implicit conversions), and this is one of the reasons I continue to use it along side F#.


> There wouldn't be any problem for porting Scala to .NET.

Other than the fact that .NET reified generics and Scala's type system don't play well together, which was one of the big challenges facing Scala.NET.

Scala for .net never actually worked, at least when I tried it. I submitted a few bug reports and started leaning C#.

F# is elegant but ultimately held back by its lack of higher kinded types.

Held back from what? I mean, I'd love it even more if it had higher kinded types, but it's a pretty great language as is.

It's simply less expressive.

Just as Go is fine without generics, F# is fine without HKTs.

It's a sad realization for those coming from a language that does support HKTs. Still a great language.

I can't tell if you are serious or joking :). it is definitely a trade off to be made, the power offered by higher kinded typing doesnt come for free.

F# is not really like Scala in the sense that it's more "extreme" in terms of FP, you can't easy fallback on more classical patterns if FP doesn't work well for your problem.

Yes you can. I haven't found a traditional Object-Oriented pattern I can't use in F# ... but honestly, I've usually just ended up molding things to fit pattern-matching and reduced the complexity of things in the process.

> F# [...] more "extreme" in terms of FP

In the sense of lacking higher-kinded types and typeclasses?

In Scala, there are just too many ways to do things. It's optimized for flexibility and easy writability. C# on the other hand may be a little more verbose, but at least everyone can read everyone elses code.

IMHO this works to Scala's detriment. I very much enjoy Python and Clojure precisely because they have one, generally accepted way of doing things. Is it a silver bullet? Of course not, but this works for me 9 times out 10 and I find that coming back to my code later (or sharing with colleagues) is far easier because most code will be structured in a familiar way and therefore take less time to understand the unique bits that solve the problem at hand.

Actually that's the one thing that's driven me away from Clojure.

I love the simplicity behind the language and it makes simple things actually simple - which isn't as trivial as it sounds. But once you start dealing with complex things in Clojure the language doesn't do much for you, if you can't fit your problem in to it's provided toolkit the code written will actually be horrible - for example go look at core.async [1] implementation - just reading that code gives me a headache - I understand it's complicated stuff with buffering and all but having type annotations on protocols and variables used would be extremely helpful when trying to parse that code. Types help me think more abstractly when I'm reading the code as I can take them as compiler enforced contracts and think of them in abstract terms, in dynamically typed languages complexity and the amount of things you need to be aware of is just too overwhelming IMO.

[1] https://github.com/clojure/core.async/blob/master/src/main/c...

I think the nice thing is that you can start without types and add them later, staticlly or with dynamic checks. First I play around with data, once I know what I want I can write some schema annotation.

You can activate validation for everything in development and then in productive only activate validation on your api endpoints. In a future version, you will probebly be able to generate core.typed stuff directly from schema.

Other then that, I think extreamly high performace code a la core.async is not the norm, there the types are not used for the programmer, but rather for the VM. I have used type hints in the last couple of years maybe, one or twice.

I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say - core.async has no type annotations, you cant even figure out what the protocols are supposed to do because there is no documentation and no types - you literally have to find places its used and reverse engineer protocol semantics. And the function I linked to is very hard to keep track of - a large part of that is inherent with synchronization/buffering logic being complex but the language does nothing to make the code simple or easy to read - I'd bet that function would be easier to understand in Java than in Clojure.

I've tried core.typed, it's amazing in theory but in practice it's unusable (at least for me) and nobody annotates their code anyway. If core.typed becomes more widespread in Clojure community I might actually give it a second chance, in the mean time I'm just going to use Kotlin for JVM, it has transparent Java interop and reduces the Java noise, and the tools (IDEA) is infinitely better than anything I've seen in Clojure land.

Clojure is my favorite language by far, but there's hardly "have one, generally accepted way" of doing everything.

Funny, I find c# much harder to read. Its almost as if it is easy to understand code for languages you know well, and harder to understand code for languages you don't.

You find C# harder than this?

trait SeqLike[+A, +Repr] extends Any with IterableLike[A, Repr] with GenSeqLike[A, Repr] with Parallelizable[A, ParSeq[A]] { self =>


def :+[B >: A, That](elem: B)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, B, That]): That

If you want to make a compelling argument to anyone that actually knows Scala, you need to drop the idea you can make it with scala.collections. Find another altar. This is a complete non-issue for the day-to-day Scala developer.

Outside of some pretty extreme examples (scalaz maybe), I don't think I've actually ever seen someone else's source that implemented a custom collection.

And you're purposefully trying to confuse people by digging into what might as well be "internal" signatures.

What do the actual, official docs say about SeqLike :+ ?

  > def :+(elem: A): Seq[A]
  > [use case] A copy of this sequence with an element appended.
Oh wow. Why does that look so much simpler than what you posted? Could it be you're exaggerating for effect and disingenuously implying that Scala developers will be routinely faced with the challenge of trying to parse such signatures? Of course you are.

Can you dig down further and find the CBF signature? Yes. Do you need to for anything outside of spreading FUD? Nope. Is it a bad thing that it shows how the sausage is made underneath the covers? I don't think so.

Personally, I view the collections library as a showcase for how that language works when you're designing an API to be used for 3rd parties. If it's incomprehensible, that worries me.

If the collections API is purposely trying to confuse people, blame the Scala team, not me.

That's just BS and given the size of your axe to grind, you have to know it.

Akka? Spray? ScalaUtils? Do they take effort to learn? Yes. Are they anything like scala.collections? No.

Why didn't you pick scala.concurrent? Or scala.util? Or any number of other packages? Why didn't you use the signatures in the official docs as-presented?

The Scala team goes out of their way to present something simple and easily digestible to most programmers, even the ones unfamiliar with Type Classes.

I mean, you basically just use a Seq like an immutable version of Ruby's Array and it just does what you want 99.999% of the time.

How often do you see people go on to propose that because much of Ruby's Array implementation would be incomprehensible to 90% of Ruby programmers that that makes Ruby a bad language? It's an entirely ridiculous metric.

[SerializableAttribute] [ComVisibleAttribute(false)] public class Dictionary<TKey, TValue> : IDictionary<TKey, TValue>, ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>, IDictionary, ICollection, IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue>, IReadOnlyCollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>, IEnumerable, ISerializable, IDeserializationCallback

Both languages can be difficult to decipher. I do find that Scala's syntax is much more flexible, which can lead to more stumbling when trying to read code.

Its not as hard when you format it a little nicer (and when you have syntax colouring)

[SerializableAttribute] [ComVisibleAttribute(false)] public class Dictionary<TKey, TValue> : IDictionary<TKey, TValue>, ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>, IDictionary, ICollection, IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue>, IReadOnlyCollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>, IEnumerable, ISerializable, IDeserializationCallback { ... }

And this is of course ignoring the fact you copied that from the documentation witch shows all interfaces the class implements. IDictionary also implements ICollection & IEnumerable so you wouldn't need to include them. So to actually implement this class it would more likely be

[SerializableAttribute] [ComVisibleAttribute(false)] public class Dictionary<TKey, TValue> : IDictionary<TKey, TValue>, IDictionary, IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue>, ISerializable, IDeserializationCallback { ... }

maybe less

It is easier, there is only one concept to understand : generics, with scala you must understand generics, co and contra-variance, implicits.

That's true.

A talented C# dev will need to know co/contravariance as well as implicits considering they also exist in C#.

In Scala, being familiar with these concepts is practically a necessity, though.

> A talented C# dev will need to know co/contravariance as well as implicits considering they also exist in C#.

True for co/contravariance. For implicits, that depends on which implicits you are talking about.

Scala has:

* implicit conversion operators (these have existed in C# for some time, under the same name)

* implicit parameters (C# doesn't have an analog to these that I can think of)

* implicit classes (C# has an analog in classes providing extension methods, though the classes themselves are distinguished by a keywords as they are in Scala; in Scala, these are essentially syntactic sugar for creating a normal class and an implicit conversion from the extended class.)

> implicit parameters (C# doesn't have an analog to these that I can think of)

C# allows default values for parameters, but it's not quite the same.

Example of C# default value for parameter:

  static void Addition(int a, int b = 42)  
    Console.WriteLine(a + b);  

  Addition(4); // Prints 46  
  Addition(4, 5); // Prints 9
In Scala, the default (implicit) value has more complex rules.

Like C#, implicit parameters must come after non-implicit parameters (if any).

Unlike C#, the implicit value does not need to be defined in the signature. Also unlike C#, if you provide the value for one implicit parameter, you must provide the value for all implicit parameters.

> C# allows default values for parameters, but it's not quite the same.

Right. Scala has C#-style default parameters as well, implicit parameters are a different (though very loosely related) thing.

Can you give me examples of implicits in C# ? I am unable to see a parallel.

  using System;
  public class Program
  public class Person
    private string _name;
    private int _age;
    public Person(string name, int age)
      _name = name;
      _age = age;
    public static implicit operator int(Person p)
      return 42;
  public static void Main()
    var person = new Person("Jim", 51);
    var number = 100;
    AdditionPrinter(person, number); // Prints 142
  public static void AdditionPrinter(int a, int b)
    Console.WriteLine(a + b);

Also consider extension methods, which serve some of the same purpose as implicits in Scala.

Good point.

Though implicits I feel are so much simpler than many people fear.

From a Ruby perspective: Just think of them as operating similarly to Refinements, except not completely insane because there is no global scope at compilation. You only have to worry about your own package, imports and inheritance.

Tracking down an implicit generally takes all of 10 seconds, and never more than a few minutes. Even moderately brain-bendy ones like akka.patterns.ask (where does the implicit "?" come from? "ask" is actually an implicit conversion to a class that defines it: https://github.com/akka/akka/blob/master/akka-actor/src/main...).

I'm a fan of C#, although I prefer F#; however I have to agree, I think the choice of < > for generic definitions was a real mistake, it can be so hard to parse. The side effect of this is that first-class functions (Func<>) are chronically underused by C# programmers.

Annoyingly F# brought them along for the ride too, although you rarely have to explicitly write them.

What would you have used for generic arguments? I think they work fine, and make use of Func<T> often.

I haven't tried out many alternatives, but there's something about nested <> that seems to throw me off each time.

I wrote a library of monads for C# [1], and implementing the SelectMany method is a good example of how messy it can be:

    public static RWS<R, W, S, V> SelectMany<R, W, S, T, U, V>( this RWS<R, W, S, T> self, Func<T, RWS<R, W, S, U>> bind, Func<T, U, V> project)
I quite like F#'s alternative syntax for single type generics:

Can be written:

    int option
Obviously it's a personal thing, so I doubt I would be able to suggest anything that would change your mind; I just had a quick go at an alternative, and I quite like this:

    public static SelectMany R W S T U V ( this self : RWS R W S T, bind : Func T (RWS R W S U), project : Func T U V) : RWS R W S V

    class Thing int

    class Thing T : BaseThing T
It's moot anyway really, it is what it is. I've just found it cognitively challenging over the years.

[1] https://github.com/louthy/csharp-monad

Given proper indentation, ifall to see what is difficult to understand here. You have acouple of attributes, a generic you're declaration (with easy to understand syntax), and an inheritance list.

That's how it goes.

A Scala dev will look at the Scala type signature and shrug.

A C# dev will look at the C# type signature and shrug.

As usual, unfamiliar things are difficult and familiar things are easy.

Yeah, and not knowing Scala myself, I can't say that the OP didn't purposely use a contrived example. That said, I still don't think a class definition which is little more than a bunch of interfaces being implemented is confusing to anyone who got through chapter 4 of "Learn C# in 21 days".

Thank you! I'm working on a team that inherited some Scala code from contractors that no longer work for us and we've found that (at least their) Scala is almost as hard to read as bad Perl. Compounding this is a severe lack of good online documentation outside of the standard library reference and simple tutorials which don't go into the depths we need to know (like how do you create a Manifest from Java to call into Scala code that needs it? Or what even is a Manifest?). At least with Perl you have decades worth of online discussions and pretty good documentation of the core language.

> Thank you! I'm working on a team that inherited some Scala code from contractors that no longer work for us and we've found that (at least their) Scala is almost as hard to read as bad Perl.

I've seen C# that is almost as hard to read as bad Perl -- also, not surprisingly, from contractors who weren't going to be maintaining the code.

I don't think this says anything about C# or Scala, I think what it says is something about the natural result of the economic incentives of people being paid to throw code over the wall before they leave for greener pastures.

Yeah, I would agree with that. Scala is, at most, probably 2-3% responsible for the problems we're having with this project (due to inexperience with it). The vast majority of the blame rests on our contractors and on our management's lax oversight of them.

I think you just need to hire an experienced Scala Developer for a month or two until your team gets up to speed. It'd be like a c# team having a Ruby app dumped in their lap. You're practically preordained to hate it. ;-)

The documentation for Scala is actually pretty outstanding IMO. I had a much easier time compared to Ruby. Daniel Westheide's introduction series "The Neophyte's Guide to Scala" is the single best language intro I've ever seen, for any language. It even goes into enough of Akka to get a basic chat application going. And while Akka works nicely with Scala, it's conventions are so different it might as well be a different language. In idiomatic Scala you probably don't run into mapTo or vars too often for example, but that's going to be a pretty common sight working with Akka.

At least the documentation on PlayFramework.com is mostly current, and doesn't gloss over important detail. Unlike rubyonrails.org, where even five years ago the basics were horribly dated, inaccurate, and skip important background.

> we've found that (at least their) Scala is almost as hard to read as bad Perl. At least with Perl you have decades worth of online discussions and pretty good documentation of the core language.

Programming languages you don't know are harder to read than programming languages you do know.

Unlike "bad perl", you have types that tell you exactly what something does.

> ... and simple tutorials which don't go into the depths we need to know (like how do you create a Manifest from Java to call into Scala code that needs it?

Calling Scala from Java is not beginner level material that winds up in a tutorial, and it's a bad idea to begin with; you're stuck speaking a pidgin Scala using Java-only constructs just to maintain Java interop.

> Programming languages you don't know are harder to read than programming languages you do know.

I will definitely agree with you there. It would help our team significantly if we had a Scala expert we could consult but there's not enough in the budget (monetary or political) to hire one. We are pretty much left to fend for ourselves with Google, Stack Overflow and a couple reference books. This project also contains a C++ component that would probably have been just as impenetrable to my teammates (who have C but no C++ experience) if I hadn't already been fairly familiar with the language.

> Unlike "bad perl", you have types that tell you exactly what something does.

Static typing doesn't help always when you actively try to subvert it. There are casts to and from Any all over this codebase. Reflection is used everywhere even when it's not necessary. There are even places where they convert between types by serializing an instance of one type and deserializing it as an instance of another (with similar fields but not actually related in the type system). They also loved Option[] types which might not be so bad if they weren't also storing Some(null) into them in just enough places you forget to check for it but it still blows up in your face at least a once a month. Basically, the original authors of this code tried their best to destroy the usefulness of the Scala type system and succeeded fairly well.

> Calling Scala from Java is not beginner level material that winds up in a tutorial, and it's a bad idea to begin with; you're stuck speaking a pidgin Scala using Java-only constructs just to maintain Java interop.

By mandate of our management we are not allowed to write any new Scala code except where absolutely necessary. The contractors went behind our management's back to write it in the first place (we told them they could use Java 8 which they interpreted to mean they could use anything that would run on a Java 8 JVM). After that was found out (about a 1/3 of the way through the contract and too late to rewrite everything without blowing our contractual deadline with our customer) new Scala code was banned and they had to (and we have to) use Java as much as possible after that point. This is also not helped by the fact that at the time they handed the code over it was barely half-baked and performing at less than 25% of the needed throughput and we're left trying to finish and fix it.

Of course, when it can take three or four developers (with a combined background in Java, C#, C, C++, Python, Javascript, and an academic familiarity with OCaml-family functional languages) a half hour or more to figure out what a some of the methods in this codebase even do (at both a syntatic and conceptual level) I am going to put (a small) part of the blame on Scala for allowing such impenetrable code to be written in the first place. I'm certainly not placing all or even a significant amount of the blame for this project's problems on Scala but it is certainly not helping.

Thanks for letting me vent.

You intentionally chose code that is hard to read...I could easily do the same with C#. It isn't representative of the vast majority of the code that I use nor write.

That being said, when you understand the nuances of type annotations, that code is quite readable in the mathematical notation sense. It is concise and takes more time per byte to understand, but it tells me enough about the code that I rarely have to read the actual implementation to know exactly what it does.

It's from the standard collections library, the most-used code in any language.

It is in fact representative of the vast majority of code you use.

The fact that it wasn't immediately clear to you that a lot of your code DOES use this code is probably the strongest argument I could make.

Now I love C#, but in defense of the above poster, standard library code is often pretty gnarly stuff.

C++ is the poster child for this. No one argues that C++ is a bad language just because the standard library is full of magic.

Actually, I hold exactly that opinion about C++ :)

I find the STL great! Sure, some compiler template messages can be tricky to understand but STL doesn't detract from C++ - you don't have to use the STL (but you're probably losing out if you don't use it and roll all those containers and algorithms yourself)

Oh using the STL itself is fine, but some of the code behind it looks like a completely different language!

You have inferred more about me than you are entitled, and even if you were right, your argument is still poor. Have you read the c# stdlib? It is in no way any better. Stdlibs are always more complex than the code that builds on them, and that is by design. The same code that I use for a oneliner has to be robust enough to apply to play, akka, spark, finagle, etc. That is the primary reason why StdLib documentation is made more accessible. I have never had to read the Scala StdLib source code, and likely a tiny minority of Scala devs have done so.

The internals of STDlibs tend to be nasty, but externally they're designed to be clear. The problem here is externally these interfaces are extremely messy and hard to follow, i.e. the abstraction doesn't seem to work.

That is a good distinction to make. But then, you need to consider other factors as well. How powerful is the API, how honest is the API (doesn't hide internal gimmicks), how consistent is the API across the lib, and how DRY it is (to the STDlib implementors).

Scala's STDlib might be more powerful, more honest and more consistent, and also might be striving to be DRY for the implementors.

Personally, I feel that Scala's Collections goes overboard in hitting the above goals, and the resulting signatures are too verbose. And this increases the cognitive load for the subset of people that need to bother about it (performance tuners, architects, etc). But that's not a fault of the language per se.

I inferred that you probably use standard library collections. Not really an insulting inference, it'd be insulting to assume you didn't.

Personally, I make it a habit to always read (or try to read, in this case) standard library source code that I'm depending on to be correct.

Have you read the implementation of the python collection types (list, map, etc.)?

It is not representative probably because the IDE hide the ugliness.

The official docs do to.

To get the "ugly" signature you have to look at the actual source, or example the method definition in the official docs.

They go out of their way to make sure to present an easy-to-understand version for actual users.

Which is why every actual Scala developer rolls their eyes at someone bringing up CBF. You have to go out of your way to try to be confused about it. And if that digging stops at finding the method signature, well, probably serves you right for being confused. ;-)

Is CBF amazing? Probably not. Is it some sort of confusing eternal battle for most Scala developers? Absolutely not.

I mean just look at the official docs, find out where he got these weird examples from, and then tell me this is a well reasoned argument.

LOL! amen brother, tell it like it is.... people seem to have NO appreciation for the idea of simplicity.

Actually, the vast amount of features in C# isn't improving readability. But MS can't just throw out the bad half of features, which makes C# practically unimprovable. Scala has a similar problem.

Why not? I just can't see why every language needs to gather cruft rather than evolve elegantly. Imho major versions of compilers should aim to NOT remain backwards compatible, so they can remove or change things in the syntax while they add things.

Imagine this. I'm using Cool-Lang version 2. Now Cool-Lang 3 comes out. It has lots of features that I want to use. If the new version is compatible with the old one, I download it and start using it. If not, I have to convert my whole codebase first. In practice, that means it may be many years before I can use version 3. Look at Python. In 3.0, they decided to clean up some stuff from 2.x. They even wrote a tool 2to3 which will automatically fix most of the incompatible stuff for you, so converting the whole codebase is almost automatic. The problem is "almost" automatic is not enough. Many people and groups have yet to convert their old code.

Py2 to py3 is too far a jump which is made obvious from the fork-like nature of the project. Minor changes like API deprecation is of course already taking place in most projects. Just need to strike a balance.

I rewrote 100klines at least from C#1 to C#2 when generics came in 2.0. It was compatible in that the non generic code still worked, but I don't really see what difference that made. If we didn't want to upgrade the cod me then we wouldn't have updated the compiler!

Obviously if you don't want the benefits of Py3 then you don't have to pay the upgrade cost either.

> But MS can't just throw out the bad half of features, which makes C# practically unimprovable. Scala has a similar problem.

How? Scala has been throwing out bad features in pretty much every single release for the last 5 years.

It's nothing breathtaking, it just gets done, people are happier and the language gets better.

Scala has hardly the user base of C# developers.

So how has Scala "a similar problem"?

Plus, for this question, the size of the user base doesn't matter: If a developer has to adapt his code to a new language version, he/she doesn't care whether ten or ten-thousand other people have to do the same.

It matters for the language designers, how much people they want to make angry for breaking their code.

Scala's smaller user base means there are a lot of less people to get mad.

And you still haven't explained how Scala has a similar problem.

I am not the OP. Just commenting on this

> Scala has been throwing out bad features in pretty much every single release for the last 5 years.

You cannot throw out features in a language with the community size C# has, otherwise you just get another Python 3.0.

I'm not sure comparing C# to Python makes sense.

  a) Microsoft is in an excellent position to make such 
     changes, unlike Python, because Microsoft shops will 
     largely do whatever Microsoft tells them.

     Just have a look at how often they have incompatibly 
     changed the standard library used by C#.

  b) Not every language has to botch the transition as badly
     as Python designers did.

Scala keeps features for imperative and functional programming, which is one category too many, because they solve the same problem just different. Thats how Scala is supposed to work. Its impossible to remove an approach.

That's not even remotely related to the topic, isn't it?

Theoretically, everything is related to each other. Practically, no.

F# is more of a .NET analogue to Scala.

I'd say it's the .NET analogue to Scala with added elegance.

And removed flexibility that make it awkward - see for example the lack of higher kinds

Why would you compare C# (although they keep adding functional programming concepts to it) to Scala, instead of comparing F# (which can commingle with C# wherever you need it) with Scala?

I haven't looked into F# or Scala too much, but I bet F# comes out looking far better, because it was so deeply inspired by Haskell (but made practical).

> I bet F# comes out looking far better, because it was so deeply inspired by Haskell (but made practical)

Eh what? Scala is a lot closer to Haskell than F#/OCaml, and can express roughly the same things, while F# is a lot less expressive.

Can you explain why you think so?

Most of the selling points on scala-lang.org still apply over C# - type inference, pattern matching, case classes (C# makes these less bad than Java, but the field/property distinction can still bite you), an inheritance model that supports the good parts of multiple inheritance without the problems, covariance/contravariance, for/yield syntax that's generic and user-controlled, higher-kinded types.

It takes a while for your code to get big enough for the last part to matter, but it's huge when it does - you can handle any kind of "context" in a generic way, e.g. async calls, error handling, audit logging, software transactional memory, or custom things for e.g. database access. F# has a number of these specific implementations but they're kind of "hard-coded" in the language rather than fully extensible. So I guess the pitch is: imagine C# async/await could be "just a library", and other contexts that you wanted to handle similarly could also be a library, and the resulting functions are first-class citizens in the type system (no awkward choices of whether a particular function is async or not, you can handle that generically).

So I guess the pitch is: imagine C# async/await could be "just a library", and other contexts that you wanted to handle similarly could also be a library, and the resulting functions are first-class citizens in the type system (no awkward choices of whether a particular function is async or not, you can handle that generically).

That's true in F# -- async is just a library in a computation expression.

> F# has a number of these specific implementations but they're kind of "hard-coded" in the language rather than fully extensible.

That's not true. You can extend the language yourself with "computation expressions" (and that's in fact how the 'async', 'let!' et al keywords are implemented).

True, but what you can't do is abstract over them; you can't write a function that operates on "some generic computation expression" (you can't even write that type). So you can't write "sequence" or "traverseM" or more complicated/specific things you build on top of these.

There is an encoding supporting that level of abstraction (perhaps though not as straightforward as you'd prefer); namely using interfaces (which are first-class) to encode module signatures. See: https://gist.github.com/t0yv0/192353

+1 as a Scala fanatic :) It's all about what works for you though.

> C# as a language is better than Java, but not as good as Scala.

However Scala is not a first class citzen in the JVM, but C# is the systems language of the CLR, already a huge difference.

As someone who has written applications in C#, Java and Scala (amongst others). I'd be curious as what makes you think Scala is a winner relative to C#?

One big thing: Immutability by default. That's possible in C#, but it's hard to be sure everything is immutable => http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5097287/how-to-create-imm...

A lot of interesting aspects of Scala are possible only because of immutability.

And a lot of smaller things: * Typeclasses. In Scala you can implement them with implicit parameters, I have no idea how you would do it * Case classes. Again in C# you can implement something that kinda looks one with readonly and just a getter, but it's not as good as you won't get stuff like equality and copy, you'll have to write the boilerplate * Pattern matching, in particular with case classes * Option. You can create your own, or use the Option from FSharp, but all the lib you will use will be returning null all the time. * And more...

Additionally there are aspects that are more of a personal preference, like how the "map" function is called "Select" and "filter" is called "Where", and so on. All functional languages use the same names, the SQL-like naming for manipulating collections is just confusing for me.

At the end of the day, Microsoft tried to build a better Java when they designed C#. And it is indeed better than Java, especially because they moved fast in their versions while Sun/Oracle was terribly slow (why did we have to wait that much for lambdas??). But C# mostly sticks with the same concepts as Java (OOP) while Scala truly embraces both FP and OOP.

I'd happily switch from Scala to F# but I would miss higher kinds and using implicits for typeclasses.

Doesn't Scala run on the JVM, and isn't this announcement about porting the .Net runtime? And you're really drawing this comparison?

Apples and Oranges, my friend.

It's funny how Nadella has moved the needle more for developers in 9 months than Ballmer did in the last decade or so, and all that without running around like a madman too. Pretty good. I'll never switch back to MS for what they've done in the past but it is nice to see them try hard to become a nicer player in the software eco-system.

Google and Apple need some other party to keep them sharp, it might as well be MS.

Seeing comments like this “I'll never switch back to MS for what they've done in the past” always reminds me of this post from Hanselman http://www.hanselman.com/blog/MicrosoftKilledMyPappy.aspx

- Stacker

- Netscape


And many others besides.

Companies have reputations just like people do (that's why we call them 'incorporated') and just like you can lose your trust in a person you can lose your trust in a corporation.

This is not about Microsoft just doing 'stupid stuff sometimes' it is about institutionalized criminal behavior sanctioned at the highest level of one of the largest software companies in the world. Your silly linked blog post by a Microsoft employee tries to wipe all that under the carpet. For the record, I'm not exactly 25, used to be a MS developer and user and have decided that their ethics are not fit for my taste, feel free to disagree.

Much like countries, it doesn't necessarily make sense to treat companies like people when it comes to reputation. You shouldn't hold a grudge against a country forever, many of the people inside of it may have disagreed with its actions and more importantly the leadership could be completely different now. Similalrly, if most of the employees at Microsoft today are different than in the 90s and the leadership is completely different, then what really has the reputation, their article of incorporation? Mind you, for all I know most of Microsoft is still "old Microsoft", I'm just saying it can't really be as simple as attributing actions of the past to whatever happens to be there today.

This is absolutely true but even in the present Microsoft has anything but clean hands:




And on and on.

Right, but would own an Apple product? That's terrible, they exploit horrible treatment of rightless Chinese wage-slaves.

Would you use a google product? They are double-faced went in come to net neutrality, only putting their weight on points that promote their own benefit. They also buy up tons of extremely innovative start-ups, then suffocate them under the weight of their glacial bureaucracy and pedantic squabbling.

I could go on all day.

I'm sure you could go on all day but this thread is about microsoft. Apple's products are not welcome here because of their walled garden approach and Google has done far worse than making a faux-pas in the net neutrality debate. Agreed on the buying up innovative start-ups and then killing them off, that's really bad and acqui-hires are hurting all start-ups.

Im curious, can you really get by without MS, Google and Apple? No LLVM based products for you? No Webkit? No CUPS? No V8? If you do use some of these projects, where's the difference from an Open Sourced .NET?

I get by without MS and Apple just fine (as I wrote elsewhere, I do still have an elderly Mac here that is sometimes used for compatibility testing but I don't even remember when I started it up last and it currently isn't even plugged in).

As for Google, that's the hard one to avoid. Adsense/Adwords is easy, youtube is hard (plenty of video content is only available on youtube), google search is still better than duckduckgo (and I'm really sorry about that, but I'm rooting for Gabriel to achieve parity some day even if that's an uphill battle), and I use Google docs for a few spreadsheets that I need to be able to access remotely.

My mail is on my own server, web stuff is classical 'LAMP', I don't use webkit, don't use V8 and I don't think I have an instance of CUPS here that is actually configured to do real work but it's possible that I'm missing a machine clever enough to auto-configue.

Other hardware is Dell, Synology (which has CUPS on board but it's not in use) and a variety of smaller fry.

It's really not all that hard to keep the big companies out of your life, one of these days I'll find a way to get rid of google completely. The most frequently used closed source product I have is Varicad (but they have a nasty little gotcha that I recently found out about so they're on the way out) and another is adobe acrobat reader (the linux version). Oh, and the Nvidia binary drivers for the graphics card in this box.

> Oh, and the Nvidia binary drivers for the graphics card in this box.

With NVIDIA drivers you probably have at least some LLVM compiled components (or will have, once their transition has been completed in future generations), but I give you that one. As a GPGPU developer for example, you probably soon can't get around LLVM anymore and I expect its influence to grow in the Linux world, as it has become the default choice to build new OSS compiler / language projects around.

I'm using DDG myself btw. - Google is the main one I'd like to get away from, but as you wrote it's very hard. At least DDG with "g!" prefix makes me anonymous to them.

What I still find very hard to replace is Skype and/or Hangout - I'm not aware of an OSS solution that works on all platforms and that I can easily set up with all kinds of peers (including non computer literate). Even Hangout is way too complicated, even for aged computer scientists I've found. And I'm really using all of it - VoIP, video conferencing, Skype-Out, screen sharing, messaging. This is the main thing I'd like to replace since we're handing out so much control to this tool.

Isn't LLVM used in nvidia drivers for compiling shaders at runtime? GLSL needs compiling, and I thought everyone typically used LLVM for this?

I don't know much about OpenGL and can't confirm it from a quick google [1], but I could well imagine it if that JIT was either recently introduced by NVIDIA or ported over already - LLVM seems to be their company policy for anything compiler related now.

[1] http://http.developer.nvidia.com/Cg/cgc.html

Hmm, yes I can. Gcc, gecko, cups predates apple, spidermonkey...

While you can, it's not always that simple. Say you want to make a Qt application with a web frame - Qt-Webkit seems to be the most mature for that matter. Spidermonkey seems to be quite a bit behind V8 in terms of performance, tooling and framework support (Node.js ecosystem) as well, so I'm not sure it's a real alternative today. Do you use it for production level serverside-javascript systems?

Also, do you only use older CUPS versions because Apple pays its development for a while now?

1. Regarding the 1st link - Speaking from experience, if you do business in certain (primarily third-world) countries, bribery is the norm. It's as natural there as lobbying is in the US.

2. Regarding the 2nd link - MS has no control over IV's business, unless you have evidence otherwise. And that too, it's "unclean" only to the extent that you believe patents are evil, which is unfortunately an all-too-common view around here.

3. Regarding the 3rd link - see 1.

What in the third reference was intended to show unclean hands?

MS coincidentially moved their headquarters to Muenchen.


Of course that has absolutely nothing to do with Muenchen switching back to MS.

It is not decided, if Muenchen switches back or not. Afaik they just want to evaluate the IT systems.

> Much like countries, it doesn't necessarily make sense to treat companies like people when it comes to reputation. You shouldn't hold a grudge against a country forever, many of the people inside of it may have disagreed with its actions and more importantly the leadership could be completely different now.

Sure, but it really depends on what and how much. Microsoft made their fortune by being ethically bankrupt and breaking the law. If the Mafia decided to reform today and go legit, it would be a long hard slough before anybody would actually trust them. And if they kept extortion as a side business, it would make it very hard to believe anything they have to say, regardless of the amount of money they give to charity.

"Microsoft made their fortune by being ethically bankrupt and breaking the law". Much like most of todays rich countries including US, EU, Russia and China.

Even with a complete changing of personnel, factors (eg. business model) could necessitate certain behaviours. For example, every person inside present day Google could be replaced, but the behaviour of learning more about their users in order to more precisely target them with advertising wouldn't change unless they actively tried to reinvent the company. That said, I do think Microsoft are actively trying to reinvent themselves.

I recognise the sense in what you're saying, but I tend towards treating corporations much like I treat people with regard to reputation. The reason for that is that I want companies to have to think seriously about how it will hurt them long-term before they trade off that reputation.

I don't want it to be an optimal business strategy to be evil to maximise growth, and then become nice once evil no longer pays off. Holding a grudge longer than might seem strictly logical is my way of pushing in that direction :-).

I'm just a low level drone here at MS, and I obviously am not involved in any important decisions, but I'd like to add that all the above things happened back when the current generation that works here was growing up. We were all on Slashdot, being outraged and angry 13 year olds. Except now my generation works here, and I think the changes (such as all the ones announced today!) are a good sign of that.

At least since after I went through puberty (I'm not that young!) Microsoft has been acting pretty damn chill.

I guess my main complaint is that people yell at us for sins that were committed by, quite literally, a previous generation.

@com2kid Microsoft defined what computers are capable of. Let me clarify: most people heard Microsoft's version of reality first--and they were amazed!

We all were. Computers have changed life for all of us. But computers aren't what they could have been...

Microsoft's version of computers is a pale and sickly thing, it's engineered for--that is, optimized for--profit rather than productivity.

Some people use computers to save lives, right? How many more lives might have been saved over the past couple of decades if MS hadn't held features--ideas! concepts!--back again and again to enforce planned obsolescence? How many times did they obfuscate a communication protocol to maintain market dominance?

I appreciate that some current MS employees aren't responsible for what happened before they were hired on.

I hope you appreciate the magnitude of those past sins. There are reasons people yell!

> Microsoft's version of computers is a pale and sickly thing, it's engineered for--that is, optimized for--profit rather than productivity.

I think you have it backwards. It's the new vision of computers (walled gardens, all the interesting logic hidden away in data centers, content consumption appliances instead of real computers) that is pale and sickly.

> How many more lives might have been saved over the past couple of decades if MS hadn't held features--ideas! concepts!--back again and again to enforce planned obsolescence?

Please enlighten me on the ideas! concepts! Microsoft held back again and again that were not available on free software systems?

If you want to talk about Microsoft's "past sins", I believe data trumps anecdotes: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=269498

If you have any solid data (rather than oft-repeated anecdotes) that MS inhibited innovation on a large scale, I'd like to see it.

People certainly yell for reasons, but those reasons are often very poorly informed.

> Please enlighten me on the ideas! concepts! Microsoft held back again and again that were not available on free software systems?

Are you joking? I'll just give you one example: IE 6 and its complete disregard for open standards, end-user security and its lack of change put the web in stasis for years. At first, it didn't make much difference that we had Firefox because developers still made their pages only compatible with Microsoft's non-compliant browser, which was understandable as most people used it. Since IE lost ground the web has become a much more open and welcoming space for experimentation and advancement of its technologies. And that's undeniable.

1. Letting IE stagnate is different from holding back "ideas! concepts!" because Firefox (free software) and Opera were still around to pick up the slack. Sure, it caused (and still does) a lot of pain to web developers to make cross-browser compatible webpages, but that's not the same as "holding back ideas".

2. Note also that vendor prefixes always were and are still a thing, so it's not just IE that had "non-compliant" features. Adding non-compliant features and then working them into the standards seems to be the natural way web technologies advance.

Especially with Opera in mind, I recall many new features being added to browsers regardless of IE's stagnation. Sure, they were not widely used because the then-dominant IE didn't have them, but that didn't prevent Opera and Firefox from adding them. So, unless you conflate "experimentation and advancement" with "widespread adoption", I would disagree that IE held back experimentation and advancement of web technologies.

> Please enlighten me on the ideas! concepts! Microsoft held back again and again that were not available on free software systems?

1. It's not just that the held back. It's not even primarily that they held back. It is that they taught countless CEOs that Excel was the state of the art way to think.

I don't believe that the best tools are widgets. I believe that the best tools are programming environments. When I really need to get some facts straight, I turn to my trusty shell and unix family of processing tools. When my boss has the same need, she turns to Excel. WTF? Sure, you can do some reasoning with that tool... "But for BETTER reasoning, upgrade to Excel 95!"

2. Even if some old ideas were never completely lost, they were unknown to most people. If it hadn't been for some crotchety old neck beards, we wouldn't be having this conversation... And some of them had to completely dedicate their lives to preserving the idea that computers are not a product, they are a gift to humanity.



> I think you have it backwards. It's the new vision of computers (walled gardens, all the interesting logic hidden away in data centers, content consumption appliances instead of real computers) that is pale and sickly.

Yes, these new trends are worrisome. But it's not the first time!

I firmly believe that we'd all be better off if THIS guy had been the one to introduce computers to the common man: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMzojQFyMo0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOf4EMN6-XA

To this day, Microsoft is putting computers in schools--but not LOGO, not free software, not unix, not lisp, not crates of disposable m68ks and bread boards... Nope, they are putting products in front of new generations eyeballs.

Data can trump anecdotes, and it should when a culture believes they are doing the right thing but things are still going poorly and nobody understands why--at those times, by all means, collect some data and analyze it!

But when "everybody knows" we're doing something wrong, and things are going poorly, then for the love of god use some common sense and stop doing it!

The whole planet got 0wned by MS before many of us here were born--certainly before most of us were competent. So this is what we've got, this is where we are.

Big picture: Where do we go from here? Immediate situation: don't become part of a new generation of MS fanboys. We don't need that.

The first link is an interesting tale of technical gamesmanship, but I don't see much bad about Microsoft in there. Other than the author's manager's empty threat to sue him, which is more of an individual case. I haven't heard of Microsoft suing employees are frequently as, say, Amazon actually does.

As for the Halloween documents, come on, 1) you're going to cite ESR, really? and 2) that boils down to "they said something bad about my religion / OS of choice". Marketing strategy commonly involves belittling your competitors. I laughed along at the Mac vs PC ads, even though I knew most of them were simply hyperbole.

> But when "everybody knows" we're doing something wrong, and things are going poorly, then for the love of god use some common sense and stop doing it!

1) Just like "everyone knew" the earth is flat?

2) "Everyone knows" Microsoft is "doing something wrong" only if you don't step out of the HN / Silicon Valley bubble. You and PG and thousands others might think MS is "irrelevant" and "dead" and "evil" and "produces crappy software", but it's trivially disproved by noting that it has consistently been in the top-5 brands worldwide by many different rankings (google it) for many years.

We may not need MS fanboys, but we sure has hell don't need MS haters who base their beliefs on incorrect information.

1a) I've cited ESR, really!

1b and 2b) I think you've made my point. So are we going to tell the rest of the world, or let them dangle?

I know this opens a whole distracting side debate, but I incude Microsoft's campaign of sueing Android OEMs using [what I consider to be] a secret list of dodgy patents to be a continuation of their past evil behavior. I know there are a bunch of ways that can be debated and it's not my intention to start that debate, I just want to make the point that this view that it's all in the past that you are airing is something a significant number of people would dispute.

Patent threats and lawsuits against Android OEMs.

Locking down computers using UEFI Secure Boot and taking control away from the owners of the machine.

Sabotaging the office document standard process at ISO.

Corruption in cases where governments explored switching to alternative operating systems.

Supporting software patents.

All these happened within last 5 years (and continue to happen).

Frankly speaking when it comes to corruption, MS cannot beat HP and IBM here. The IBM case is a big one, investigated currently by most elitary anticorruption Police unit in Poland. See articles below.



"Corruption in cases where governments explored switching to alternative operating systems."

huh? I'm not MS lover but can you prove this ?

> Locking down computers using UEFI Secure Boot and taking control away from the owners of the machine.

Microsoft requires that x86 UEFI machines be unlockable by end users.

In comparison, Apple has locked down various aspects of their desktop machines for years.

I would not hold it against you that you make a living with MS, that said in the present they do plenty of stuff that they really shouldn't. So it's not just the previous generation, the current one is also anything but clean.

One could say the same about companies and organizations that you admit to supporting as well.

So, if all choices are bad choices, what are you left with?

Untainted open source. There's plenty of it.

What exactly are they doing today that you don't agree with?

Patent threats and lawsuits against Android OEMs. Sabotaging the office document standard process at ISO. Corruption in cases where governments explored switching to alternative operating systems. Locking down computers using UEFI Secure Boot and taking control away from the owners of the machine.

among other things.

I'll answer that. No more than any other for-profit enterprise.

I'm curious whether, with the fullness of technological hindsight, you still deplore what they did to Netscape.

Microsoft was the first to release a free browser included with the OS. That killed Netscape's business of selling browsers on a CD for $40, and Netscape was understandably upset.

It now seems clear that an OS needs a browser included, at least so you can read documentation and download the browser of your choice.

It's not the "what" they did to Netscape (releasing a free browser), it's the illegal "why" they did it (to break the cross-platform web).

As the government wrote in a trial brief:

"In short, Microsoft feared and sought to impede the development of network effects that cross-platform technology like Netscape Navigator and Java might enjoy and use to challenge Microsoft's monopoly. Another internal Microsoft document indicates that the plan was not simply to blunt Java/browser cross-platform momentum, but to destroy the cross-platform threat entirely, with the 'Strategic Objective' described as to 'Kill cross-platform Java by grow[ing] the polluted Java market.'"


This is the strategy an MS exec described as "embrace, extend, extinguish":


The "embrace" part is particularly gross. IIRC, the court found that Microsoft deliberately misled developers to make them think that apps developed with MS-JVM would work cross-platform, when really it was designed to prevent that. They lied to developers to trick us into wasting our time, to destroy cross-platform technologies that threatened their monopoly.

Want to make it practical? There are thousands of us here who have each spent hundreds of hours struggling with IE compatibility when we could have been building cool stuff. We're building the future as fast as we can, but you and I and Bill Gates will all get to see less of that future before we die, because Microsoft set out to break the web and it took a whole lot of time to fix it.

Of course that was going on 20 years ago now. Microsoft probably has interns now who were born after IE came out. I realized recently that I'm not mad about this stuff anymore. But it's not a history we should forget or repeat.

I was just thinking of "embrace, extend, extinguish" when reading through the class-action about Apple routing texts over its own network, so people switching away from Apple would think that Android's texts were broken.

> There are thousands of us here who have each spent hundreds of hours struggling with IE compatibility when we could have been building cool stuff.

This is the issue that pisses me off more than anything. There must be hundreds of man-years of development effort wasted on stupid things Microsoft did. Not because they didn't know better, that's forgivable, but they did to screw over the competition. It goes back to MS-DOS intentionally trying to screw over DR-DOS and continues up to now with document format standards.

This is actually the greatest fumble in the history of Antitrust in my opinion.

Yes, it's become clear that a web browser should be bundled in the OS, and even as I said at the time, when I was a teenager, you need a shitty web browser to download a good one, or at least it's a big help.

What Microsoft did, and is admitted in a book, is to leverage the Windows monopoly to strengthen the Office monopoly, which had impact on every educational institution, law firm, local, state, and national legislature and locked up a ton of public domain work in a file format that only an expensive program that doesn't run on all computers can read.

Eventually that was steamrolled over by Congress demanding an open format, though interoperability is still pretty piss poor.

Of course, all of the DOJ's resources to show Microsoft who's boss were wasted on a silly fight over whether you can bundle a web browser. If you read Ben Horowitz' "The hard thing about hard things", it's not even the browser that sunk Netscape, it's IIS - their bread and butter was the server.

In light of the fact that our phones and televisions now ship with web browsers, and likely most of us are not paying for web servers, it seems clear that Netscape's business model was not going to last.

So yeah, fuck Microsoft.

Curious, considering office was available on mac since epoch, both office and windows got simultaneously the monopoly status, got never bundled with Windows, how is this true?

> I'm curious whether, with the fullness of technological hindsight, you still deplore what they did to Netscape.

Absolutely. I dislike tied sales, I dislike having to buy a Microsoft operating system with my hardware just as much as I dislike getting IE (or chrome or any other browser) forcefully rammed down my throat when I buy an operating system.

I'm pretty sure you can guess what browser I'm using to type this comment.

> It now seems clear that an OS needs a browser included

Does it?

I see the browser as an application, not as part of the OS. And I feel that as a user of an operating system you should have a choice what browser you run and what browser gets installed on top of the OS after that has finished installing. All these cross-layer links are good for nothing.

Same logic presumably applies to any kind of non-system application, then. Your OS shouldn't come with any particular choice of network client tool - wget (hey! Some of us prefer curl!), ssh, dig. Microsoft's inclusion of notepad.exe in windows is obviously unfair to open source and commercial competitors in the text editing space - and the fact that basically any windows standard text editor control is an instance of the notepad editing UI below the surface is precisely the kind of cross-layer mixing you object to.

I think the line starts to blur as soon as your software uses API calls that are only known to you, the OS vendor, when you use your market muscle in the OS field to attempt to dominate or crowd out competitors in established fields and so on. I don't think anybody would read what I wrote as an objection to the presence of notepad.exe with the windows distribution and I note that that presence never stopped anybody from releasing more capable text editors, in fact I believe microsoft ships such a product themselves at a premium.

> Does it?


You say you want choice, but if you didn't have a browser how would you download the browser of your choice? Osmosis? Or, more importantly how would your average user download their browser?

Every OS since then (OSS or not) has shipped with a browser and has made it the default for any API rendering that needs to occur (e.g. Ubuntu, Android, OS X, Windows, iOS, Firefox OS, etc).

Netscape's business model would have held the internet back significantly. If Microsoft was forced to provide IE on a CD and sell that CD for $40 then frankly it could have held the internet back at least five years.

FTP? Wget? Xmodem? Does it even matter? It's not as if downloading a piece of software without a browser is an impossibility. About 99% of the software on the machine I write this on has been downloaded using something called a package manager and the boot CD that started the process was downloaded as a torrent. No browser required.

> Netscape's business model would have held the internet back significantly. If Microsoft was forced to provide IE on a CD and sell that CD for $40 then frankly it could have held the internet back at least five years.

You can't make statements like that. This is the reality we live in, there is no undo/redo/replay so we only have data about this reality. What would or could have happened if things had not gone the way they did is immaterial, for all you know we'd have moved faster rather than slower. We just do not know. What we do know is that Microsoft engaged in illegal anti-competitive behavior, and that they continued this for quite a while after they were already convicted using their lobbying power to get-out-of-jail free.

People were downloading files long before browsers were commonplace.

I think the world is probably a worse place if every computer user was given a command prompt and asked to use wget over FTP to get themselves a web browser. Or worse, if they had to go to Best Buy to buy one on DVD. Like, I can and will make a joke about having to try and put the DVD into the smartphone, but seriously, that sounds worse for pretty much everybody.

Ok. So let's standardize on Firefox (or Opera), get rid of all the others by default and let users enable IE/Firefox/Safari and so on if and when they desire to do so.

And all three heavyweight gorilla IT companies could support FF/Opera with a clean conscience by donating (just like google does already, points for them).

Personally I feel this is not worth the effort. Though this reminds me of Apple's attempt to push users to use Safari, which I agree is a bad idea.

And googles attempts to get people to switch to chrome. That button really got on my nerves. As if it should matter to google what browser I use to view a website. Oh, wait, it does.

I think most of that targeted IE users.

Could be. I never used IE during that period though and I saw that button more than any other content on google properties.

I know people who are pissed because Microsoft bundled in their own TCP/IP stack, which killed the companies that were selling TCP/IP stacks for Windows.

When I ask them "can you imagine any OS delivered today without that bundled in?" they change the subject.

Network support has been an OS feature since before Microsoft even existed.



Yes, there are people that probably would have preferred Peter Tattam's company to be bought by MS. (It was shareware, see thread here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2282875). But it definitely wasn't an obligation.

Very few would argue that an OS has to have a browser to be functional. Just like very few would argue that all networking should be done in a user space process not part of the operating system.

An OS doesn't have to have a file browser either, yet no one cried antitrust when Windows 95 bundled Windows Explorer instead of forcing people to buy Norton Commander.

This whole argument is kind of silly anyways since it's leaving out intent, which is a very important contextual part of evaluating the action of a person or entity. Seeing emails showing MS trying to deliberately get web developers hooked on a "more standards-compliant" IE and then locking those same devs in is a much different thing than MS honestly wanting people to have a decent default software base to go with Windows, even if both strategies end up in practice with "IE 4 preinstalled".

Wrong. Every Window manager has been shipping with a browser, that includes Windows and Apple but also Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, anything with Gnome/KDE/XFCE.

But there (still!) are plenty of people who start with an empty distro and gradually build up, and installing a browser happens just like any other package installation: through the package manager.

The problem with them including IE with windows was that IE wasn't following standards. The idea was to force the server market to tend towards IIS instead of other servers. Netscape cared because they made their real money from server software.

And this is really important to remember. For a good time in the 2000s I worked on software that only worked in IE because the "tech people" thought that "Windows Integrated Authentication", where you would just automatically be logged into a web app if you used IE + IIS as the server, was more secure.

It was a nightmare of coupling, and it's one of the reasons that IE was so hard to get rid of in the enterprise.

Releasing IE for free did not kill Netscape, because Netscape was negotiating with computer OEM manufacturers for them to buy bulk licenses and factory-install Netscape.

This is exactly how Windows is sold through OEMs, and like Windows, the effect is that the consumer gets the software "for free" (since it is included in the total price of the computer). So: Netscape and IE would have both come with every new computer.

Microsoft told OEMs that, in effect, they could not buy Windows if they intended to install Netscape on it. That is illegal tying, and is what killed Netscape, as it cut off a major potential source of new revenue.

I'm actually glad they did what they did to Netscape. Without Netscape dying, we would never have Firefox. I would argue that OSS as it is today would not exist without Netscape dying.

I remember how Opera was affected by this too.

> - Netscape

If you are referring to Microsoft's bundling of IE, that did not kill Netscape. It just buried the rotting corpse.

Before IE was bundled with Windows, it was sold in stores as a boxed product, right next to Netscape's boxed product. Going head to head in retail software stores (Egghead, CompUSA), IE massively outsold Netscape. This is what killed Netscape.

The reason IE outsold Netscape at retail was simple--it was a much better browser. Netscape introduced a lot of proprietary tags, which Microsoft included in IE. Microsoft also introduced proprietary tags, which Netscape often ignored. For the end user, the result was simple: IE correctly rendered more pages than Netscape. It was also better on resource usage, if I remember correctly, which was a much bigger deal then than it is now.

Computer manufacturers were told that they could not buy Windows for their computers if they intended to factory-install Netscape. That's not consumer choice, that is the definition of criminally leveraging a monopoly in one market to dominate another.

All those "Best on IE" and "Best viewed on Netscape" image buttons from back in the day... I thought I had forgotten about them, but you had to drag them up from the depths... ;)

> I thought I had forgotten about them

You thought you had forgotten about something? How does that work.

I forget. Maybe it'll come to me.

True, but companies change. I was, too, a MS fan turned hater, but I'm willing to give them another chance -- look how far Bill Gates has come. I certainly prefer them over Big Brother Google.

EDIT: In fact, I prefer the old-guard companies like MS and Oracle to Google's and Facebook's new guard. The old guard is easy to figure out: they're out for profit. The new guard is a lot tricker: sure they're out for profit, too, but usually in a roundabout way that involves subterfuge, baiting people with "free" stuff, spying on their customers and their acquaintances, and various propaganda made to convince people they're working in their best interest.

Netscape cut their own throat. Blaming Microsoft was just whining.

Software patents, including Stacker's, are far more destructive to innovation than anything Microsoft could ever do on its own.

SCO, well... OK, there's no way to spin that as anything but evil.

Companies don't have agencies or personalities. People do. You're aware that a huge portion of the people responsible for the shenanigans of previous decades have left the company, right? Give the current crew credit.

While I can tolerate most of your post, Hanselman's blog is not silly. Well it is, but not in the disparaging way you mean.

Netscape killed itself.

That's not why we call them incorporated. 'Body' or 'corpus' are synonyms for 'organization'. They are called corporations because the embody some coordinated effort, not because someone realized "hey, this organization seems to have a personality. I'll call it a corporation."

No, 'incorporated' is another way of saying something is a legal entity independent of those that create it.

But since corporations tend to assume a lot of the traits of the people that run them and are given significant subsets of the rights normally afforded to real-life human beings the line between corporate identities and persons can blur to the point where we are allowed to ascribe (some) personal traits to corporations.

The reason they are called corporations is language and vocabulary. The word is like body, as in the body politic. The etymology of corporation is Latin compare "combine in one body" or "persons united in a body for some purpose". That is why we have the word. Everything you added is modern and irrelevant to the question of why we use this word.


"The modern joint-stock corporation has many sources in medieval Europe. First among these was corporate law itself. Although the era is commonly referred to as "feudalism," for the hierarchy of individually owned "fiefs" of land and control of serfs as fixtures of that land, large amounts of wealth in Europe were actually controlled by corporate entities. Chief among these were church lands, the corporate entities being dioceses, religious orders and the Roman Church itself. These entities controlled a substantial fraction of the land in Western Europe. Furthermore cities (with varying degrees of political independence), merchant guilds, craft guilds, and many charitable entities (such as hospitals) were legal "corporations," i.e. artificial and perpetual legal persons under law. Some basic issues in corporate law (for example, when are officers individually liable for acts of the corporation, and when the corporation is liable for acts of its agents) had already been solved in canon law and urban law long before the joint-stock corporation."

and more on the "Origins of the Joint-Stock Company"

My personal favorite is the OS/2 2.0 fiasco.

>This is not about Microsoft just doing 'stupid stuff sometimes' it is about institutionalized criminal behavior sanctioned at the highest level of one of the largest software companies in the world.

Welcome to American corporate culture :)

You have to keep in mind that Microsoft had a monopoly for a very long time. While their actions may, in your world view, be "criminal", as a corporation Microsoft was acting completely rationally. As a public corporation, they have an obligation to maximize value for shareholders. You also have to keep in mind the historical context: back then, there was no such thing as "social responsibility".

> As a public corporation, they have an obligation to maximize value for shareholders.

I keep hearing that but I don't actually believe that is true.


Perhaps obligation is a poor word choice. I meant it more in the sense of the invisible hand and rationality. As a rational actor, Microsoft was maximizing their utility, given whatever their utility function/curve is.

By that reason we should all go into the drugs trade. I don't buy that for a second. Rational actors are not normally driven to illegal behavior unless someone makes a decision to that effect saying 'damn the consequences, let's commit this crime'. That's a very dangerous line to cross. It came within a whisker of getting Microsoft to be broken up and I can't believe that they would have taken that risk if they knew that was a possible consequence. And I firmly believe they should have been broken up, that would have sent a strong signal that anti-competitive behavior is not acceptable. Instead, now we have a bigger mess.

Maximizing shareholder value would also include, I suppose, keeping the company reputation good enough so that talented people would still want to work with them and their products. That's not what happened here. I too was a Microsoft enthusiast once, but their bad behavior made me turn my back on them. Jacques and myself are certainly not alone in that decision.

In theory, yes, and these days reputation plays an extremely important role because of the massive amounts of network effects social media and the like provide. I was never a fan of Microsoft because they historically shipped substandard products. (I remember the days of windows 3.1 on my p2)

My post was merely trying to indicate that what Microsoft did in a monopoly position is not in any way unique or special. Every monopoly will behave in this manner, because corporations are rational actors.

Either that, or there is something about this theory that is usually the sociopaths who end up in top managerial positions.

If you aren't allowed to criticize a company because "as a public corporation, they have an obligation to maximize value for shareholders," then that means their profitability calculation no longer has to include bad PR, because nothing will be bad PR once someone like you points out that the corporation had to do it--it's all very circular.

> As a public corporation, they have an obligation to maximize value for shareholders.

I wish for a world where this utterly dishonest lame duck trope stops appearing as frequently as it does.


You're way out of line. I dislike Google and Apple right about as much as I dislike Microsoft, the only difference there is that they seem to have a lesser string of convictions behind their names (for now, give them some time).

If you really took the time to go through my posting history you'd see that I'm pretty evenhanded.

Of the big companies I use google where I can't avoid it, don't have a facebook account, there is one apple product in this house (a 2007 issue iMac which I keep running for testing purposes), my phone is an ancient (and indestructible) Nokia and I have an active twitter handle. That's about it.

So no, my M.O. is not exactly to just shit on anything Microsoft, it's just that Microsoft was - and is - worse than most. See: patents, intellectual ventures (you didn't really believe that MS didn't have a hand in that?), subversion of various legal proceedings against MS and even after being convicted using their lobbying power and business muscle to avoid their punishment.

That's probably a record for any tech company, feel free to list examples of worse behavior in the software world if you're aware of any.

I personally focus on fixing them. I was glad when Vic Gundotra was fired, and I think even Facebook is better than the old days.

I've also been pretty unforgiving about things that Microsoft did in the past to crush competing web browsers, competing standards like OpenGL or ODF, Linux or open-source in general. And sorry, but I do not agree with that article by Hanselman.

Thing is, I treat companies like I treat people. Legally speaking, isn't that what they want, in the US anyway? So if you violate my trust, it's goodbye until I see serious amends being made.

However I must say that with this move I'm finally ready to forgive Microsoft. I've always seen .NET as a platform created for achieving lock-in with Windows, the ECMA standard (while better than Java's JCP, which is a farce) I've seen as an attempt to paint a turd and Mono, while a wonderful effort, I've never seen as good enough. Open-sourcing .NET is a wonderful move, because now we've got a credible alternative to the JVM and this move couldn't come with better timing, given the dickish moves by Sun/Oracle against Apache Harmony and Android's Dalvik / ART.

And don't get me wrong, compared to other people I do not have double standards in this regard. I've been a Google fanboy for years, but my eyes are wide open now and I'm making moves to escape their lock-in ;-)

> I treat companies like I treat people

I would say this is a really bad strategy. According to unwritten HN rules, I should now start explaining why I think there are differences between a company and a person, and why they should be treated differently thereof.

But I won't. :)

Why? Do you disagree with the concept of voting with your wallet?

How else can you get companies to listen to your needs? And my needs as a developer and a user are simple - I need my privacy, an open web and a healthy open-source ecosystem. And I'll vote with my wallet and I'll bitch against any company that has a problem with that - and I'll also encourage alternatives that cater to my needs.

The world would be a much better place if all people behaved like this IMHO - oh, so are the shareholders a company's top priority? Not my problem.

> Do you disagree with the concept of voting with your wallet?

That concept is fantastically distopian. The concept "voting with your wallet" is practically abject propaganda. We have a word for this already and it's not "voting:" it's "purchasing" or "bribery."

>How else can you get companies to listen to your needs?

With words. The very thing you are using right here.

>...things that Microsoft did in the past to crush competing web browsers, competing standards like OpenGL or ODF, Linux or open-source in general. >I must say that with this move I'm finally ready to forgive Microsoft.

Well that didn't take much.

Well, it's not a single event thing, but a series of events.

Upgrading IExplorer to something that can be called a modern browser and helping to estinguish IExplorer 6 is another event. Replacing Balmer was another event. Partnering with Xamarin (instead of crushing them with patents) was another event. Releasing Office Mobile for Android and iOS was another event. Etc...

As to why they are doing this, I don't really care as long as they are aligned with my needs. Plus I'm allowed to change my mind, depending on my mood :-)

I like Hanselman's blog a lot, but I found that post pretty disappointing. The reason there are a lot of people running around saying "Microsoft killed my pappy!" is because Microsoft actually did kill a lot of people's pappies, back in the day.

When someone comes into town and shoots your pappy, it's not something you forget or forgive easily. The burden is on Microsoft to prove that they're not the same company as they were back then, not on the people they wronged to get over it.

At this point there is literally nothing Microsoft can do to win these people over. They've done everything they could do short of porting the Windows UI to Linux (and even then... this and Powershell brings it pretty close). They're a huge contributor to open source, they support Linux pretty heavily on Azure, they open sourced their .NET as seen here, they listened to their customers on Windows 10, they're doing great things in mobile, putting out great hardware in the Surface line, pushing IE forward to match their competitors and the changing web, and that's just getting started.

So no, at this point it is on the Microsoft haters to get over it. And if you can't get over it, then just ignore it. As someone who works partially in the Windows world and thus is interested in Microsoft news, I'm tired of Microsoft news being flagged off the front page constantly. I'm tired of seeing something about Windows and the comments being filled with people hating on Windows 8 for bullshit rather than good discussion about the article. I'm tired of seeing great news like this and have people say "yeah but in 1994 they...". That was 20 years ago. Fucking get over it. Microsoft sure has.

If Microsoft is still doing things wrong, it's completely overshadowed by their detractors constantly shutting down legitimate discussions with their insane rambling about the past.

> That was 20 years ago. Fucking get over it. Microsoft sure has.

Some stuff from 2014, maybe that will help you to see that Microsoft has definitely not 'gotten over it':


And that's just a very limited list.

>"a bribery scandal involving distributors selling Microsoft products"

I'm not sure Best Buy reflects that poorly on Microsoft.

>"They reportedly have raised over $5.5 billion from many large companies including Microsoft, Intel, Sony, Nokia, Apple, Google, Yahoo, American Express, Adobe, SAP, Nvidia, and eBay, plus investment firms such as Stanford, Hewlett Foundation, Mayo Clinic, and Charles River Ventures."

Again, doesn't reflect that poorly on Microsoft.

>Munich reverses course, may ditch Linux for Microsoft

Is a software sales company supposed to not sell software? That's what they do. How does that reflect poorly on them?

You're hating a corporation for doing what corporations do, and hating a tech company for things tech companies do. Like I said, it's time to get over it or just shut the hell up and ignore it. I understand that your religion tells you to hate Microsoft. But some of us don't subscribe to that line of thinking, and you're ruining it for the rest of us by controlling conversations and shutting down discussions.

> I'm not sure Best Buy reflects that poorly on Microsoft.

Best buy didn't enter into it, you probably did not fully read the link. This was about Romania, not about the USA.

> Again, doesn't reflect that poorly on Microsoft.

It does, because IV is best described as a patent troll in a nice suit.

> Is a software sales company supposed to not sell software? That's what they do. How does that reflect poorly on them?

Because they struck a deal to relocate their headquarters to Munich if and only if the government would ditch linux.

I don't have any religion, I'm just against companies that engage in illegal acts. That 'some of us don't subscribe to that line of thinking' is a pity, I'm not shutting anybody down, nor am I controlling the conversation. In fact, I'm happy that MS open sourced this code.

I agree Intellectual Ventures is a patent troll, but are they that involved with Microsoft? Their founder Nathan Myhrvold is the former CTO of Microsoft (he left in 2000), but I don't see any other connections.


> You're just being an asshole.

Ah ok, that explains it. 'Nutjob', 'Asshole', when arguments fail resort to namecalling. I've got nothing against you, but I have my personal reasons for disliking Microsoft, I don't know what it is you want from me but you seem to be taking this a bit too personal. Try not to associate too much with your favorite brands, lest someone would start to think you have a stake in this.

Note that I'm here with my full name and rep out in the open whereas you're the HN equivalent of an anonymous coward.

Pot, Kettle, etc.

For the record, jacquesm has been civil while detailing his criticisms of Microsoft. The irony of your post is that you are behaving like an asshole, but you don't see it that way because you are blinded by your loyalty to a singular entity or opinion/viewpoint. It's ok to disagree with someone (though I disagree with pg's stance on down voting b/c you disagree), but it's not ok to resort to name calling just to prove your point.

I'm sorry, I don't see jacquesm being all that civil. It started off well enough, but they have been spreading FUD ever since. The links they're posting about how "evil" Microsoft has been this year have been argued against, but jacquesm never bothered acknowledging that. They just continued repeating "Microsoft is evil", which is exactly what has me so pissed.

If you don't try to follow Microsoft news, you might not see how frustrating it is. Everywhere on the Internet (save for Paul Thurrott's site) shuts down any Microsoft news immediately, drowning out any legitimate conversation with complaints about how evil Microsoft is. And if you challenge that by saying they work just like any other company, the troll says "yeah but I hate them all" followed with "this article is about Microsoft, not about Apple". Yet only a certain few companies manage to draw such ridiculous levels of trolling. Hell, look at the Amazon Echo announcement the other day. Two articles made it to the front page, and both were filled with "but NSA lol it's a trap".

If I'm an asshole, it's only because I bothered to call out jacquesm. I'm not going to apologize for anything I said. jacquesm is trolling this article with deception and bad intentions, ignoring any arguments they don't like or doesn't fit their worldview, and most certainly is not civilly defending their criticisms.

I really cannot stress my frustration enough, and I see it in others as well. If you don't use Microsoft products, it's easy to think you're just having fun and not doing anything wrong when you come into a thread and begin a discussion about everything Microsoft has done wrong. For some reason, Microsoft is one of the few companies where this is socially acceptable on the Internet, and people like me are shut down or, like you are doing, called a shill. I'm not loyal to Microsoft. I'm running Windows 7 in a RHEL 6 VM, using Firefox to post this. But guess what, my livelihood depends partially on supporting Microsoft products, so I follow them in the news.

All I want to do is make the point that coming into Microsoft threads and saying "Microsoft is evil" is not being a good citizen, not being productive, and not being civil. And if that's all you have to contribute to the thread, you're being an asshole.

I think it's hilarious that jacquesm can get away with focusing on the word "asshole" in my last comment, though, and ignoring the one point I've been repeating since the beginning:

Ignore it. Just move on. Go comment on articles that are interesting to you, involving companies or people or organizations you don't despise. Just stop fucking dragging down legitimate discussions with the line "they're evil", and stop pulling the defense "I just don't like evil companies, that's all". You're not innocent.

This is a fairly weak and circumstantial list, in my opinion.

Also, name a player that isn't equally or more abusive? If you mention Apple, Google, or Amazon, I'm going to disagree.

> This is a fairly weak and circumstantial list, in my opinion.

That's fine by me. I think they should really wise up and start to play nice. If IBM could do it then Microsoft can too.

> Also, name a player that isn't equally or more abusive?

Why, does that excuse them?

> If you mention Apple, Google, or Amazon, I'm going to disagree.

I would agree with that myself, so I won't be naming those.

On the IBM front I think you need to reconsider. http://mobile.bloomberg.com/news/2013-05-02/ibm-says-justice... (apologies for mobile link). I've read your comments throughout this thread, and am curious, what will MS have to do to get back in your good books? As far as I'm concerned, they're far less shady than google, oracle, yet your own views seem to be against giving them a chance.

That's a good question. Let me think about that.

Do you work for IBM? You know they have a history of missteps as well. Did you hear about that thing in WWII?

Well as your parent post indicates MS did a lot of bad shit. "oh I screwed you mommy over again and again, no worries, no foul, now we are chums, lets be all buddy buddy and sing Kumbaya in a circle" doesnt work all that well in practice and neither should it. That is what learning from past experiences is about.

When a behavior gets institutionalized, it is likely to repeat more often than not. It requires exceptional evidence and time before for trust to be regained.

A person rises up in a typical institution by following and embracing its institutional patterns. When they have their back to the wall how unlikely are they to fall back on their old patterns, heck they neednt even have their back on the wall. Now if someone gets get screwed over by them, no ones more to blame than themselves. As they say, "fool me once ..."

It is entirely possible that someone else does similar damage to your business in an unethical way, but if one goes to a repeat offender and gets treated that way, the shame is on him / her.

Yes, but as my post indicates, they've done a lot of good stuff since the bad stuff they did 20 years ago. They've had exceptional evidence and time, but hating Microsoft is just the thing to do in some IT circles. It doesn't matter what MS does, the cool kids will still hate them.

And that's fine. I just don't want to hear about it. You're mad. We get it. You don't have to like them, all we ask is that you stop bringing it up in every thread. See also: bringing up Google Reader in every Google thread or bringing up the NSA in every thread about cloud providers. We know bad things happened. But you're still dragging the thread off-topic.

> I just don't want to hear about it.

... and therefore people should curtail their speech ? stop talking about relevant things that transpired ? May be you are a tad shaky on the concept, lets burn all the existing history books and those about to be written.

> They've had exceptional evidence and time

That is your opinion. The way it works is that you dont get to decide for someone else who has lost the trust whether MS has done enough, its the prerogative of the person who has lost the trust. The waiter at a restaurant chews on the serving and says this food is perfectly fine and you must push it down your throat isnt a very solid defense of the food. The buck stops at the desk of the restaurant patron.

And who said 'hate' ? That seems like your construct. Its a question of choice, should one buy into the MS ecosystem or not. Every person makes his / her own choice. I for one am now more willing to invest time in learning F#, but quite queasy about being dependent on that ecosystem financially.

> But you're still dragging the thread off-topic.

Oh really ? what exactly was off-topic in the thread and why. As I said, perhaps you are a little slow on the concepts.

> the bad stuff they did 20 years ago

False, and this has been amply demonstrated on this thread. But the time is not relevant. What is the relevant is the confidence / assurance that it wont happen again and the wisdom or the lack of patronizing a repeat offender. Why did those bad things happen, and why wont those things happen again. Whoever wants to use their products need answers that satisfy them. Different consumers will have different standards.

Perhaps it is good teachable moment for corporations. Deliberate and repeat actions can continue to affect them long after. If those in charge were so concerned, they perhaps should have thought it through. After all you make the bed you lie in.

A parting thought, those bad shit, they were far from an impetuous one off.


IMHO the long list of items you added to the restaurant analogy does not make the analogy a more accurrate representation of the relationship of Microsoft to the users of their products.

In fact (again IMHO) your description is laughable if it is intended to accurately represent Microsofts's efforts to reconcile with users it has wronged in the past.

Microsoft simply hasn't put in anything like that kind of effort to instill confindence in their good will toward their customers. Obviously srean probably agrees with me on that point.

> So please just go away.

Telling srean to go away is just not in the spirit of this site. He/she (I honestly don't know which it is) has been reasonably civil, and did not attack you personally. You simply don't agree with him/her. He/she has contributed reasonably to the conversation, so you have no valid reason to ask him/her to stop commenting on the topic.

And lastly (again, IMHO) your comments appear to be much more troll-like than his/hers. You have been much less civil in this conversation than srean.

And I'm not going to ask you to "go away" :-D

(edited for a typo and a missed "/her" )

Many people who hate Microsoft do it as a pavlonian response to years upon years of fighting against crappy Microsoft products. People who'd like to spend 90% of their time creating instead spend 25% creating, 30% watering it down enough to be easily "cross platform", and 45% of their time figuring out why-the-fuck-it-doesn't-work-in-Internet-Explorer. This is the same browser where merely calling console.log threw an error until surprisingly recently.

I met a bunch of the IE folks at CES 2012, and I honestly believe their trying to be better web citizens. They are still slower than I'd like, but IE isn't quite terrible anymore. I have friends who work at various browser vendors, and I don't sense any lingering ill-will towards IE.

That said, I certainly understand why some people are slow to get excited about Microsoft. You don't have to be middle-aged to have personally experienced the bad side of Microsoft.

The problem with this argument is that even if there were multible open source platforms you have "cross platform" problems. Any deversity will result in extra work. So you can either have the one thing to rule them all, or you will have to spend time on doing it for everything.

I admit that IE was shit and it did cost a lot of time. But how about we get over it? They admitied that IE was shitty and now they are doing much better.

There are products from other company that used to be shit, now they are better and people dont still hate on that.

Also, dont think im a idialist who does not remember the past, I was optimizing for IE6 not all that long ago.

Sometimes is justified, never say never, but it will take short of a miracle for me to trust Internet Explorer in any way, shape or form after setting back the Open Web for years (I know that IE 11 is way better, but to little, to late)

Now saying that, I think that an Open Source .NET stack is a wonderful thing! I like C# a lot.

Hanselman is suggesting that we should just say Aww, shucks! and give Microsoft a big hug?

He has so completely missed the deadly point that he's accidentally echoed it in his own post: Tons of people feel that Microsoft killed their Pappy.

Nadella's actions tell me one thing: the free software movement has threatened their bottom line.

This is not the time to back down, it's not the time to forgive and forget.

This is the time to review the Halloween Documents!

It's not mainly that free software threats their bottom line, it's rather that mobile and cloud is the future, and traditionally their bottom line was of course server and desktop.

So they are being very aggressive in the cloud and mobile area which is understandable. But where does this leave .NET, visual studio etc? Those are no longer the tools with which megacorps make their intranets, or where Photoshop and Call Of Duty is made. Cloud and mobile is about scale. They want thousands of cloud apps and mobile apps to be made. They can give their tools away and make money on tablets and azure. Azure runs Linux!

So making the tools free is a natural step in becoming a service company. Making them cross platform is natural since Microsoft now sells cross platform services.

No one thinks Microsoft isn't only concerned with their bottom line. It's not a charity. But that's not to say this is some kind of greedy trap. It's probably a good move for both devs and microsoft.

Good points. Except:

>But where does this leave .NET, visual studio etc? Those are no longer the tools with >which megacorps make their intranets, or where Photoshop and Call Of Duty is made

.NET was never the tool where Photoshop and Call of Duty was made, but a significant amount of mobile apps and games nowadays are made using Xamarin and Unity, tools that run on top of Mono, a cross-platform implementation of .NET. If anything the Microsoft announcement brings Mono and .NET closer together. And I think you will find that a significant (if not majority) proportion of megacorps do run their intranets on SharePoint. SharePoint is and has been customisable using .NET libraries and tools.

Sorry with the CoD/PS remark I was referring to their decision of making Visual Studio community edition, not the open sourcing of .NET.

VS will of course still be used by megacorps to make those huge apps, and ms will still charge them for it.

The free VS + open .NET just means single devs and startups have fewer reasons left to pick e.g node, jvm or Python as their platform. unlike before, these small players are very interesting since one of them is making the next minecraft and will host it on Azure.


How many of the "non-criminal new microsoft generation" do you see there? My guesstimate: 33%

The post says Microsoft was convicted of anti-trust for "for bundling a browser in the operating system that couldn't be uninstalled or easily replaced."

That is not true. Microsoft was convicted because they told 3rd party computer manufacturers that they could not purchase Windows if they intended to install any additional browsers. Not only is that illegal, but it demonstrably harmed innovation in web browsers for years.

I don't believe Microsoft killed my pappy, and I use MS software every single day. But I also don't believe in minimizing or misrepresenting the facts of the past.

No one else seems to be complaining about it, so it may just be me:

Your link just drops me at the front page of his blog. Searching for it through Google leads to a result, but clicking on that link also takes me to the front page. Is there a mirror?

Here you go:


On the Google search result next to the url is a tiny dropdown arrow. You can click that arrow and select Cached.


This is partly what inspired me to write a wishlist for Satya in the first place.

From that post, interesting foreshadowing discussion on HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7181029

The modern pappies are Microsoft own technologies. You invest heavily in them, and then they are abandoned.

I seem to remember they even tried to make obsolete the Win32 API. Their strongest asset.

I am sure Nadella deserves credit, but I think the real genius behind this is ScottGu. Whoever it is, its a welcome change.

Don't forget Scott Hanselman... I don't think this all would have been possible without any of these persons though. They all deserve some respects.. Even the ones who aren't always visible or the ones who already left Microsoft ( Eg. Phil Haack has made the switch to Github probably because of his opensource work in Microsoft)

They started opensource within Microsoft under Ballmer, so he deserves some respect to. But i'm sure Nadella is making more room for improvement and betting more "all-in"

I just know some people at Microsoft use *nix tools all the time, Asp.Net MVC took over some awesome RoR features, they integrated NodeJS, LocalDB is the alternative for SQLLite and etc...

Microsoft does everything it can to integrate good features and they won't go away anytime soon. They also have the best compatibility in any programming language i know (with .Net) to be a safe bet for businesses...

Hell, even VB6 still works (any Windows Server and a RDP connection) and that has been released in 1998 => 16 years ago!

Policy is made at the top. I can't imagine this happening under Ballmer, though I agree with you that others (Miguel for one) have a lot to do with this.

The open sourcing moves were in the works well before Nadella was CEO.

Agreed. Just look at what Ballmer did with Office for iPad.

The process to open source .NET would have almost certainly started before Nadella became CEO.

There's no way they decided to release the source and have it ready within 9 months.

Satya was holding the head of Cloud & Enterprise division, which has .NET and Developer Division within. He may have been preparing/planning for this long before he was appointed as well.

That might not be true at all. Open sourcing something like .NET is not trivial but it certainly is not a 9 month job. It could well be started within Satya's time.

There is a way. Their source may have been well organized and license problems known already.

It's hard to imagine something this big could have been planned and executed within 9 months. There's no doubt that Nadella is moving things in the right direction, but some of these plans must have started taking shape before he took over.

I'm not sure if there is any topic I am passionate enough about to post 22+ comments on a single HN news story about.

You must really, really dislike Microsoft.

Actually I though my initial comment was quite nice and reasonable. I'm genuinely happy that MS chose to opensource this code and I really hope that they will continue down this path. So no, I don't dislike them that much (no more than Apple or Facebook), I just won't use their products.

The wolf hasn't even finished zipping up the crude sheepskin costume and folks are announcing their plans to go visit it. It's alarming! :/

>I'll never switch back to MS for what they've done in the past

I wish more people were open to admit things like that. It would greatly reduce the time I've spent the last few months arguing over products and technologies with people who keep the fact that they don't hate the product's quality directly but indirectly, given that it was made by a company they don't support anymore.

companies have to support people (customers, developers), not the other way around.

Do you honestly think this initiative began under Nadella? Open-sourcing any code at a behemoth the size of MS is a glacial process, and I can guarantee that so much code would not have been open-sourced from scratch in 9 months.

> I'll never switch back to MS for what they've done in the past...

I know people have their pet peeves, but IMO, opinions are better based on empiricism and data are than in infinitely repeated anecdotes:


(Spoiler: it follows Betteridge's law. Disclaimer: it was published in 2001, so it does not account for any shenanigans post-2000.)

>I'll never switch back to MS for what they've done in the past

I'm not sure what they've done to receive such hatred. They are just a technology company and are trying to sell the product.

> I'm not sure what they've done to receive such hatred.


I simply decide not to buy into a certain company's products and services because I recall some misdeeds from the past and that's equal to hatred?

As for what they have done, I thought Microsofts history was chronicled enough that it doesn't need repetition, especially not on a website for 'hackers'.

But if you need pointers, you can go visit groklaw.net (if it is still up) to read about SCO and Linux, you can read up on the Stacker case and you can try to figure out why Microsoft ended up in court over IE and a long list of other not so nice things they did in the past.

I don't understand this attitude. Microsoft's behavior (especially recently) is not out of line with the other tech giants. They are for the most part ethically indistinguishable - so whose products and services can I buy into? Who do you recommend?

I think some people just have moved on. Heck, a lot of people here were not in tech when Microsoft was doing bad stuff.

Stacker: 20 years ago. IE Antitrust: 10 years ago. SCO: 10 years ago.

They're still doing bad stuff today, just on different fronts. That said, I hope they give Google and Apple a run for their money, those are (probably) just as bad.

The last ruling in the SCO case was a mere 4 years ago.

> They're still doing bad stuff today, just on different fronts.

I mean no disrespect, but what's the bad stuff being done my Microsoft today?

That's going to be quite a list. The highlights:

Abusing their patent portfolio directly, ditto through proxies, continued attempts to subvert open standards, bribery to use Microsoft software in various third world countries (and in Romania too, and Germany for that matter) and many others besides but those alone would be enough to not make me go back to using their development platform.

Just out of curiosity. When did Microsoft bribe anyone in Germany? I have never heard about that.

I have my own wishlist:


It also includes things MS has done in the past that is not too late to fix.

Patent threats and lawsuits against Android OEMs.

Locking down computers using UEFI Secure Boot and taking control away from the owners of the machine.

Sabotaging the office document standard process at ISO.

Corruption in cases where governments explored switching to alternative operating systems.

Working against software patent reforms.

All these happened within last 5 years (and continue to happen).

hm, maybe pass that question to someone from finland?

The anti-trust result put Microsoft under US Federal oversight for 10 years. After 10 years, the Justice Department found Microsoft ignoring requirements they were supposed to supply them and extended that oversight for an additional two years which just ended in 2011.

Ok the brief they submitted in the java case was just last year. they believe that APIs should be copyrighted and should be controlled by those who build the first implementation. Which is just great news for anyone ever building anything.

How many years ago was the Windows8 release?

Was that a scummy trick? Or just a dumb move?

It is not hatred, decades more of experience. Throughout the 90's and early 2000's Microsoft abused their monopoly position to the detriment of many. Open source options were much more limited then than now. The only reason Microsoft is changing now is that they have no choice.

To me it seems just survival evolution. I can assure that if your ancestors and my ancestors had not killed and raped lots of people, it would be very unlikely that both of us would be here today discussing this.

And what would happen if we took those same actions today? Cultural notions about what is acceptable behavior have also evolved. Microsoft's behavior may have been accepted 100 years ago, but not today when there is more freedom of choice.

> They are just a technology company and are trying to sell the product.

If you reword things enough, nothing makes sense. For example:

"I don't see why Stalin receives such hatred. He was just a politician, and tried to stay in power so he could keep following his vision."

Where are the millions of people killed by Microsoft?

That is not the point of the comparison; the point is that in the same way someone could use an euphemism to describe the behaviour of Stalin, "they're just a technology company looking out for their shareholders" etc. is an euphemistic simplification of why people are wary, if not hostile, towards Microsoft. I might as well have said a bee sting doesn't hurt less just because you call it "a tiny injection of fluid that quickly dissipates"; but I totally reject this squeamishness about strong comparisons when the point of the comparison isn't comparing the "strength", but something else.

But since you brought it up: who knows? How can anyone measure how many people were put out of business and killed themselves because of the ruthless tactics of huge corporations? How many people have wasted how many hours paying for their inferior products, or trying to make them work, and to how many human lifespans does that add up? It's impossible to claim any company "killed X people" that way, but to think the net effect is somehow clean and unbloody is also naive. To put it crassly, some people didn't take to the boardrooms because that is more humane, but because it's more effective, because robbing and killing people is inefficient. Doesn't it make it as bad as Stalin, but since Stalin isn't the baseline for how bad something has to be to be unacceptable, that is irrelevant.

Also, imagine a world where Linus Torvalds had done something else, and a bunch of other factors had worked out slightly differently; as far as open source goes, Microsoft DID try to kill it, they spread as much FUD as they could, they handed out their products to schools and universities for fear of them breaking free, and only now when they still lost they are starting to play nice. So as far as software and software freedom is concerned, Microsoft did kill plenty.

And now imagine repelling the Conquistadores; not because they reconsidered, but because even giving it their best shot, they could not kill enough to totally submit everyone like they originally planned, and had to regroup or be wiped out themselves. And now I am supposed to be grateful and let bygones be bygones? No. Others can do that, but I can't respect them for it, at best despite of it. And you know what, I don't like Apple either. So I'm the position of loving computers and programming, but none of the big players, anymore. And I don't have to chose a side, I can find them all lacking. Because they are not to be compared to each other, but to the behaviour of intelligent humans with dignity, and the vision of an actual information age that empowers and liberates people, instead of just seeking to capture them, so they can be fed any old uninspired BS that is made shiny and big with all the capital leeched off the masses. This doesn't change in a few years or decades, or without fines or even prison sentences, for that matter. I'm not buying it for one second.

> it is nice to see them try hard to become a nicer player in the software eco-system

They're just trying some desperate measures to stay relevant. You already know MS is institutionally evil.

You can understand and even state that these changes are a consequence of a new CEO that has different ideas and behavior compared to previous CEOs. And you even "blame" by describing the previous CEO as a "madman" but still don't want to give Microsoft a chance because at one point in time some previous higher-up made a decision with which you did not agree. Makes PERFECT SENSE!

Yes, it makes perfect sense. Maybe not to you but it does to me. See, if in the future some other CEO sees an opportunity to screw over a competitor, to try to destroy a viable eco-system based on open source tech or to destroy a company just because they can they may remember the case of Microsoft, and maybe that will steer them in the right direction.

I wish Microsoft the very best but I want no part of it and I'm totally free in making that decision based on their past behavior. Microsoft has had their chance with me, I probably developed as much or more code for the windows platform as I did for other platforms but right now I would consider myself pretty silly if I switched back to MS just because they may have changed their ways and deserve another chance. Those are not lightly made decisions, there is a huge amount of time and effort invested and I already switched once because of their behavior.

That said there is enough going on in the present that makes me wonder just how much they have really changed, they're still dragging their heels post judgement in several court cases where they have been ordered to start cooperating and have pulled a substantial number of annoying tricks in the recent past.

Never mind the 'microsoft tax' (which I paid on this machine even though it never ran MS software for even a single cycle) and so on. So yes, it makes perfect sense.

I feel like the last couple years I've been cheerleading for MS and telling people how much they've changed, how open things are becoming, and how awesome the development experience is. It's fallen on deaf ears or met with resistance, but today's announcements are really gonna drive the point home. Developers need to start looking more seriously at C#/.Net.

The Scotts (Hanselman/Guthrie), Miguel De Icaza and so many others have worked tirelessly on this, and we (.Net Developers) owe them a ton of gratitude for helping to make sure this ecosystem doesn't wither on the vine.

> Developers need to start looking more seriously at C#/.Net.

I don't think they need to. They might if they have some particular need in it, but there are way more interesting things to learn if you are interested in something new, like Rust of example.

Rust is neat. Great for hobby stuff. But it hasn't even reached 1.0, and I highly doubt you're going to get enterprises to bet their infrastructure on it.

You could have made that remark at some point in time about any open source technology that eventually got lots of enterprises to bet their infrastructure on it so by that standard Rust will do just fine. Of course there is no telling what the future holds for Rust and other novel pieces of open source code but I would not dismiss them out of hand this easily. See: Linux, Apache, PHP, Ruby, MySql, Postgres, GCC and tons of other very successful open source projects that at some date in the past were pre 1.0, fragile and buggy.

Yeah certainly not yet, but some enterprises bet their infrastructure on C++, and I think Rust has a real chance of being competitive in that arena in the long run.

Yes, but Rust is on the final stretch to 1.0 with a finite set of features to be implemented before release. So soon we can get enterprise to look at it.

For serious stuff that you need right now there is C++.

I don't think there is much overlap between the use cases of C#/.NET and rust. Rust would be a low level systems programming language, i.e. a replacement for C++.

While C++ has a place in the .NET ecosystem, there is a reason that C++ and .NET are different beasts and still exist side by side as different universes. CoD and Photoshop are C++, they would probably benefit from being Rust applications.

While in the past you would be well prepared if you knew (say), Haskell, C and Python, a good lineup in the future could be e.g. F# and Rust instead.

There is an overlap with languages like C# and Java in areas which are usually supposed to be served by systems programming languages. It surprised me in the past, but I guess big amount of developers can be the cause of it. For instance, why would you write Hadoop / HDFS in Java? Or mobile systems in C#? I'd write such things only in systems programming languages. But I guess some thought it's OK. So overlap does exist because of what's used in practice, not because they are theoretically close in approach.

How would Photoshop benefit from being Rust?

Is C++ broken? I'd say with the C++11 and C++14 changes, it's getting less and less "broken" from the complaints usually levied at it.

Too little, too late IMHO.

Also MS has always come across as very opportunistic, giving the impression they will drop support for this if it serves them better.

Nonsense. :)

Unity has really driven home the popularity of Mono as a cross-platform code platform -- there are tons of people using it who wouldn't necessarily consider themselves .NET programmers. (yes, I realize there's a mix of library, language, and APIs in that soup).

But Mono merging with real .NET crossplatform support suddenly makes it a viable api for all sorts of non-microsoft use.

Back in the day, I remember how badly I wanted the dataset controls from .NET -- they have all this nice built-in functionality manage partial datasets from MSSQL to client memory and then sync multi-edits back to the database again (round trip). It's possibly the best round-trip data controls I've ever found in a library and it's mostly unheard of outside .NET circles. It makes the libraries that jQuery and Rails use

We have a lot to learn from each other -- I'm glad that MS has taken this step forward to embrace cross-platform again in such an open way.

That's my feeling as well. No amount of opening stuff can fix their reputation at this stage. Unless they'll completely drop all their crooked practices, which is not likely.

What company is not opportunistic? They are by definition.

That is why I said "very opportunistic".

That's not a meaningful distinction here. Let's not avoid the interesting part of this discussion with semantics.

Until people understand the power and assistance that VS really gives you, it will mostly fall on deaf ears I think. The massive reduction in cognitive load w/ VS2013+ ReSharper is just astounding to me. Yet I've met, work with, and read opinions from people who claim it's a slow piece of crap dinosaur that does nothing but hinder development. You'll pry their Vim and Sublime from their cold, dead, brute-forcing hands.

I agree that VS and ReSharper together are a great way to code. If only they ran on other platforms. It's almost tragic.

Until MS makes VS 20XX Professional cross-platform and free, I don't think they'll get much traction. I gave the a shot when I still used Windows via the Express editions. The fact that I had to jump between 3 editors to do anything and still didn't get NUnit integration is ridiculous.

Many languages can use the Eclipse, IntelliJ or Netbeans platform. The JVM provides a true multi-platform target as a first class idea. MS might be trying to do this, but they are really behind. I wonder if the world's most past.

From: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/AnnouncingNET2015NETAsOpenSour...

"There is a new FREE SKU for Visual Studio for open source developers and students called Visual Studio Community. It supports extensions and lots more all in one download. This is not Express. This is basically Pro."

See... I'm neither. I'm a single developer working on mostly closed source projects. As a result, I don't benefit too much from that. Also, I have a Mac and an Ubuntu laptop. So again, not much love from MS.

Now I admit this is the early days of their open source push. That's fine. But until they make VS Pro free, across the board, I doubt non-MS shops will really pickup the platform. There isn't much of a win without VS. Heck, most MS devs are so VS centric that you'll probably get nothing but confused looks if you did use an alternative IDE and said that during an interview.

> See... I'm neither. I'm a single developer working on mostly closed source projects.

From the actual site for VS Community [0]:

> Q: Who can use Visual Studio Community? A: Here’s how individual developers can use Visual Studio Community: Any individual developer can use Visual Studio Community to create their own free or paid apps.

Sounds to me like you do fit in that category for this edition of VS. That being said, .NET development definitely does still seem very VS centric, but things seem to be changing. The experience of using sublime text + omnisharp[1] doesn't look too bad.

[0]: http://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/products/visual-studio-com... [1]: http://www.omnisharp.net/

If you are less than 5 developers ;) then you're good. Check the details!

It depends on what you're using it for.. I use Xamarin Studio(monodevelop) to work on a bunch of stuff. It works great. It falls down a bit trying to do ASP.NET stuff, but with the new open source push, ASP.NET vNext etc, this should get much better.

They have opened up the source on large chunks of the .net family compilers. Developing a decent ide on top of Rosalyn should relatively easy (as developing an ide could be). And while Rosalyn ides won't be as good as visual studio, Rosalyn should give them a fairly significant leg up.

I know it's silly but I'm tearing up. I grew up with .NET but neglected it for years because of moving to OS X, iOS and web dev. I played for some time with Xamarin and I'm so happy this is where MS is going. <3 Scott & Miguel, I'm sure they both had a lot to do with it.

Is this Microsoft's runtime or Miguel's? I can't work out whether:

- he's made it (if Mono is everywhere and now blessed by Microsoft)

- he's ruined (if Microsoft's original Windows-only .net runtime is now everywhere, and there's no need for Mono)

EDIT: apparently it's both - https://twitter.com/shanselman/status/532558786486370304

What I've overheard on some podcast discussions is that they are taking the multiplatform Silverlight runtime, and have enhanced it to be a headless server-type runtime instead of browser-plugin-UI-focused. It doesn't include all of the windows-only features of the CLR and BCL, but has all you need for ASP.NET vNEXT.

I think Xamarian made a very good move in getting into cross platform toolkits, rather than just relying on support contracts for Mono. At this point I think they're in a position where Microsoft Open Sourcing the .Net runtime isn't going to hurt them too badly.

I would expect that Xamarin's role with Mono is analogous to 37signals\Basecamp is to Ruby on Rails. Neither organization makes money developing Mono nor RoR. They make their money supporting and consulting organizations that chose to use the software that they are developing.

Me too. I went from OSS stuff to .Net in 2009 and fell in love with C#, and eventually Visual Studio. It's nice to see the two worlds merging and moving forward.

According to Scott Hanselman they are also open sourcing their new RyuJIT and even the GC. Incredible!




Apparently the .NET runtime and Mono will merge:


I have been working with .NET for 11 years since 1.0beta (On the same application, i.e. have been continously pushing a massive codebase through every released version of the framework yet!), so to me this so huge. It has felt like I would have to go do Javascript, or go back to java, if I wanted to leave the .NET ecosystem or do something radically different. Not anymore. Feels like not just Windows-based server (asp.net) and desktop (WPF/WinForms) apps are .NET based in the future, but a good chunk of what today is Node.js, Java, Objective-C and so on will be .NET, and hopefully F#, in the future.

If you want a high-level lang runtime with good IDE support, you can just use .NET now. You know, unless you want Ask toolbar.

So, you'd rewrite in JavaScript versus dealing with Mono?

Not sure I follow you here, rewrite what?

Sorry my misunderstanding. When you said it sounded like you'd have to go to Java/JavaScript, I thought you meant for the application you've been writing.

Either way, I meant that even before this announcement, Mono was a choice (I use it at fairly high-scale server apps) in many cases. It wasn't C# and Windows or Java for anything else.

Yeah, Mono was at least realistic in the last year(s), but it was always a bit of a guessing game whether something was going to work or not.

Having an official linux/mac os ASP.NET will be huge, even if the functinoal difference is minor compared to Mono. Just knowing it will work tomorrow, and after the next major release is huge.

Yesterday I would rather have chosen Node.js than a .NET solution for a small service on Linux, simply because it's safer. Tomorrow I'll be back to rather having pineapples shoved up my nose than write JS.

Node's like, one of the worst choices, due to the idiotic package manager. They ship essentially every function call as a separate package. It's actually a thing to take a dependency on "sha1" and literally pull in a package just for that one bit.

Using Node/Grunt/Bower to build a straightforward run end site (just to compile static outputs) required npm installing over 13 thousand files. Now imagine on a build server, starting clean, each time? Yeah, it takes a very long time just to download that stuff or do anything with it. Insane.

And at the end of it all, it's just JavaScript on the server, like ASP did in the 90s. With a cumbersome async API. OK.

And then add sometimes not properly defined version dependencies (or developers abusing version numbers a bit) and you have a dependency hell when running npm update -g will almost definitely break something.

I love yeoman, great scaffolding tool, but it depends on so many packages that sometimes it simply doesn't work because some package it depends on did something silly. So once you have a working set up, don't update it if you absolutely must.

That shouldn't be the case in 2014.

You really should not be installing dependencies for anything globally. Instead, add them as dev-dependencies and call them in the package.json `scripts` property. The only npm package you really need installed globally is npm itself, and you can almost always let the package manager handle that for you.

If you would have shown me this headline 15 years ago I would have thought it was an onion article. Who would have thought they would have come this far?

It was a totally different world for development 15 years ago though. These days web applications are taking over what used to be in-house developed Windows apps. Those in-house apps represent a huge amount of software development. I think that market mostly dried up for Microsoft. Linux and open source software rule the web app space. On mobile it is Android and iOS.

C# is a nice language, better than Java for sure. Microsoft has a long way to go yet to win back developers (lots of dirty tricks in the 1990s) but at least they are heading the right direction now.

It was a totally different world for development 15 years ago though.

Yeah, now Microsoft are dead.

15 years is a long time. The culture changes because new people coming in have different ideas and upbringing. People that any company recruits have different ideas about OS than they did 20 years ago.

For instance, one of the movers here is Scott Guthrie, who joined MS in 1997: 17 years ago.


And let's not forget thsi from Hanselman: "I've been here pushing open source and the open web for over 5 years and things are VERY different." http://www.hanselman.com/blog/MicrosoftKilledMyPappy.aspx

The culture changes because new people coming in have different ideas and upbringing.

Market forces and realities impact Microsoft's decisions far more than culture does. The reality of the Microsoft stack right now is that very few people are choosing it as a greenfield option, and those already invested in it are looking at alternatives.

Just a few weeks ago I wrote about a new project I was initiating, choosing Java as the platform. Understand that I've been a Microsoft stack developer for many years, but a variety of inertia, platform support, ease of getting setup with the development tools, and trust in the platform reasons made Java the better choice.

But this announcement changes the equation to some degree, as have Microsoft's various other opening up directives. Microsoft no longer sets the technology agenda, so choices like this are simply a reaction to that new reality. That isn't being cynical, and the changes are very welcome, but Microsoft didn't just punt the old timers and now they see the light.

> Microsoft no longer sets the technology agenda, so choices like this are simply a reaction to that new reality

Also very true, the culture didn't "just" change. It's another reason why anyone hating on MS while ignoring Google, Facebook, Apple et al is living in the past.

> Who would have thought they would have come this far?

The sad thing is: these massive changes are only chipping away at the entrenched opinions.

They've been doing this bit by bit over the past few years, yet I keep seeing this[1] kind of stuff at every turn (find my reply here[2] for a true tidbit of irony).

We can be a very religious lot at times.

[1]: http://compositecode.com/2014/04/09/ive-officially-sent-this... [2]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7526525

I'm not so sure, I kind of feel like this is them following Embrace Extend Extinguish, except they realized they moved to step 3 too soon so they're going back to step 2 or 1. I do not have faith that they won't try step 3 again later.

In a nutshell, that's my problem. Once bitten twice shy. Even so I'm happy that they are moving in this direction, let's hope they do it some more.

Absolutely. There is zero regard for open source from Microsoft here. At the very least they must be trying to return to the "developers, developers, developers" days. With Bill Gates punching the clock, it's really anybody's guess what the real motivation is here, but it sure as hell isn't all the things we know and love about open source.

> Absolutely. There is zero regard for open source from Microsoft here.

What would it take for you to say "gosh, now Microsoft has regard for open source!" ?

If the answer is "nothing, I'd never say that ever" then you don't have an opinion, you have a fixed religious belief.

And how does your threshold for Microsoft differ from the same for Apple. Google, Facebook et al?

When its history shows otherwise.

What specifically has to be in the history? What yes-or-no test, what action that hasn't already happened?

Major projects open-sourced on GitHub under MIT licence? Check. Runs Linux, java and PHP in the Azure data centres? check.

It sounds like you have a fixed religious belief instead of an opinion. Every day must be infuriating for you! You're too much of a fanboy to consider that Microsoft isn't your friend, or that other people have opinions counter to yours. But I've already put too much food beneath this particular bridge of yours.

Hahaha. Projecting much?

Microsoft is a company, like many others. Some divisions do things that are friendly and benefit me, sometimes, because they want to sell things. That's realistic.

I'm well aware that onions differ, which is why I ask about people’s reasons for holding those opinions, so that I can understand them. Of course, it's equally likely that people will resort to bluster and accusations instead of answers when they really don't have reasons, rather than examine themselves.

I would be in disbelief 5 years ago. Its a new microsoft

The politics of this are interesting, and IMO related to the decline of the PC as a platform. Suddenly Microsoft is the outsider crying for "openness" and "freedom" while hammering on the gates of the Google/Apple ecosystem.

For Microsoft, it's less bad if everyone switches to an uncontrolled platform than if they switch to a platform locked in by a competitor. The embrace/extend/extinguish logic works the other way when Apple are driving it. (They've done fairly well at killing off Flash, and Silverlight never stood a chance in this environment)

The decline of the PC as a platform are greatly exaggerated. The only thing that happens is that upgrade cycles have gotten longer because PCs in use are good enough, the operating systems are good enough as well, so people don't feel the need to buy new ones every one or two years. I've got a 4-year old laptop. I only had to replace its battery, still works fine. Meanwhile I've got an iPad and an Android tablet (received as a gift) and both are gathering dust. What do you know, tablets are declining - too big to fit in your pocket, too small to do anything productive.

If anything, Microsoft was hurt to get on this bandwagon in the first place. I guess they had to, too bad that they followed the Windows/iOS model, instead of following the Android one. If they would have released Windows Phone as an open-source platform, maybe they would've had a chance.

But I digress - there's a lot of opportunity to improve desktop operating systems. Too bad that Microsoft decided to release a desktop / tablet hybrid. What a dumb idea that was.

> For Microsoft, it's less bad if everyone switches to an uncontrolled platform than if they switch to a platform locked in by a competitor.

Exactly, these companies want openness only as long as they are the underdogs. Check out what happens with Google - broken IMAP in Gmail, broken CalDav in Calendar, dropped Exchange support, dropped XMMP support in Hangouts, PNaCL as their own version of ActiveX, Drive still does not have a Linux client, etc...

> [Apple has] done fairly well at killing off Flash, and Silverlight never stood a chance in this environment

Well, I'm actually glad that they did that, because it encouraged open standards to emerge. It would have never happened if Flash survived the mobile world. No, my pet peeve with Apple is that their App Store policy prevents Firefox from happening on iOS. And that's not what I consider a platform I can build on or an operating system I can use.

> Suddenly Microsoft is the outsider crying for "openness" and "freedom" while hammering on the gates of the Google/Apple ecosystem.

Just like Apple.

Apple only became open source friend after being acquired by NeXT (this is actually what happened inside).

The old Apple from the Mac OS 1 - 9 days was anything but open.

I'm skeptical that Apple is currently very open source friendly. I'd like to see some statistics of what % of their software products are open source (including libraries and tooling of course) compared to other companies. I'd like to see what % of their open source products were built from scratch by Apple (not through acquisitions/hiring like with LLVM).

I agree with you.

Some people just label it as open source due to LLVM, Webkit and everything else posted at https://opensource.apple.com/

While forgetting that is a tiny part of the whole eco-system.

> The politics of this are interesting, and IMO related to the decline of the PC as a platform.

Why would this signal the death of PC? If anything this is most closely related to the death of Windows Server, since a ton of application development is done via the web.

"Signalling the Death of X" is a horrible term to use.

Mainframes have been dead since the early 80's. Yet IBM maintained being relatively strong until only recently, surviving 30 years on a "Dead" platform.

I said "decline" rather than "death"; this isn't Highlander, there can be more than one platform. It's not as profitable and certainly not as trendy, but it's not vanishing yet.

"Microsoft is […] hammering on the gates […]"

I see what you did there.

It will be interesting to see how this will work in practice.

C# will port over just fine. But the .Net libraries? System.Windows has little to nothing in it, and right now using things like System.IO.* on Linux and Mac is just asking for trouble.

What are they going to do, hack in System.IO.* Linux support after the fact? Or just add Linux.IO.* which is even more of a hack. In either case you're going to get very messy very fast.

The .Net libraries absolutely could have been designed with cross platform in mind, for example if they put the IO libraries in System.Windows.* and several of the other Windows-specific APIs.

As it stands the .Net framework/libraries are very Windows locked. So much so you'd almost have to scrap them and start over to make it more platform agnostic.

"What are they going to do, hack in System.IO"

System.IO works very well on Linux/Mac right now. It was one of the first things implemented by the Mono team.

Having ported numerous .NET applications, all of which do fair heavily file I/O (the most common use case for System.IO), the main sticking point has been code that deals with filenames and paths. As in "/home/billy" vs "c:\Users\Billy". A hour or so of cleaning up your code and making use of Path.DirectorySeparatorChar and IsRooted is all I've needed to do.

"As it stands the .Net framework/libraries are very Windows locked"

This shows a lack of understanding of the .Net framework. Yes, if you used crazy Microsoft specific WCF libraries for networking protocols instead of industry standard stuff, or used WPF for graphics, that going to be a problem. But there are literally thousands of classes providing a fairly comprehensive set of data structures, network protocols, etc that are completely untied to Windows or Microsoft. If you are using something in System.whatever you are pretty OK.

P.s., Sockets aren't in System.IO, they are in System.Net


I wouldn't call that an insult, much less a passive-aggressive one. Maybe it's time to get a bit of fresh air; the world's not out to get you.

...or maybe it is...just not billyhoffman.

Mono has been doing just fine. Yes, you can't rely on WinForms, even though a port exists. You can't do COM, that's for sure. But that doesn't mean that Mono is not valuable for what it is right now.

Microsoft doesn't need to provide compatibility for the Windows specific bits, as those bits are not part of the Core. And a platform like .NET has enough value in open-sourcing just the Core (i.e. whatever goes in the ECMA standard). For example it's a perfectly acceptable strategy to use GTK# on Linux, WinForms on Windows, MonoMac on OS X and Xamarin.Whatever on iOS / Android.

On System.IO, indeed there are differences between Winsock and Linux's epoll or BSD's kqueue (i.e. notify on completion versus notify on ready). There are differences between the 2 models, but I don't see that as a problem for System.IO and if you think it is a problem I'd like to read an explanation as to why.

Personally I'm very excited about this announcement. I avoided .NET for years and preferred to settle for the JVM because I do not like building on top of proprietary things. If they are really open-sourcing the .NET runtime, whilst uniting their efforts with Xamarin, that's really good news. Now hopefully the ecosystem around .NET will follow, as .NET needs an open-source oriented ecosystem and needs one badly.

Microsoft's focus on this release is the server.

Mono plans on contributing to the effort our cross platform changes to Mono, to make .NET work great on Unix.

Details here: http://tirania.org/blog/archive/2014/Nov-12.html

After reading most comments here, the linked announcement, your blog post & some other websites, I only have one question left. If Microsoft releases their code under the MIT license, will mono follow suit and stop using the GPL?

From Hanselman's post:

"ASP.NET 5 will include a web server for Mac and Linux called kestrel built on libuv."

I've been playing around with kestrel/asp.net vNext (Which I guess is now 5) on Mac, and while it's still rough, it's a good dev server.

I don't think they are open sourcing the client libraries like WPF and Win Forms. Like you are alluding to, what good would it do if they did since it is 99% Windows only functions in there.

They are open-sourcing the server side code. I think this means your ASP.Net apps can run on Windows, Linux, Mac OSX all from the same open source code base. No worry about Mono incompatibilities and bugs.

> I don't think they are open sourcing the client libraries like WPF and Win Forms.

I didn't allude to that.

To be fair thats pretty much exactly what xamarin have done for ios, android and mac.

Yep, and check out System.Console for some horrors in the mono runtime.

System.Console isn't something that most apps rely on. It's handy for printing something out in a tiny one-file test app, but generally not relied upon for bigger apps.

Are servers / daemons not a common usecase? Most, if not all, of the apps I write on a daily basis do not have GUI.

Is this on a UNIX? If so, yes, it's common to write to stdout/stderr there. Not in Windows, though - anything which is long-running tends to be a Windows Service and there's no point writing to System.Console from there because no-one will see it!

I haven't done much .NET on UNIX but if I was doing so, I'd probably want something a bit more UNIX-friendly than System.Console, though I know it does have the ability to deal with different streams.

Are you saying core .NET libraries are worthless?

Because in that case what's the point? Why not just use Java.

I'm sorry, but I have literally no idea how this post follows from the one you replied to?

> I'm sorry, but I have literally no idea how this post follows from the one you replied to?

Literally? Well it is visually displayed under it and to the right :P

Damn, I liked my joke...

Links to some examples?

Ofcourse someone will have to write the linux/osx implementations, but I don't see much in System.IO that would be asking for trouble.

The CreationTime on DirectoryInfo would have to be faked, and it's not entierly clear if FileSecurity would map cleanly to posix acls, but nothing sticks out as being fundamentally incompatible with linux at least.

As far as I understood, they are really slimming down the core .NET CLR (runtime). Most of current BCL .NET libraries will be exposed as separate nuget packages, which makes it really convenient.

Somehow reminds me of the Microsoft/Novell agreement, will wait to see how it turns out...

This is epic. Peter Thiel was right about creative Monopoly.

The new Microsoft under Satya Nadella has totally changed the direction of Microsoft in just a few months. They had one of the best and rock solid development platforms and research division, and loyal customers. The new Azure cloud (Online + On Premise) along with the opening of .Net will change the playing field.

I'm sure this is a great new for us developers. The change to work on one of the best runtimes, on a platform of our choice and on one of the best programming environments.

Great job Microsoft!

>The new Microsoft under Satya Nadella has totally changed the direction of Microsoft in just a few months. They had one of the best and rock solid development platforms and research division, and loyal customers.

While you might be right about having a new leader and creating change, but this is not something that happened in the last few months. This has been building up for years. I think it started with IronPython and IronRuby, then other things started popping up too.

ASP.NET vnext has been on github for a while now.

You're right though about this all being really great news.

IronPython and IronRuby never really had corporate backing - and the few resources devoted to them had been moved away fairly quickly.

Thus their fate today.

The difference, this time, seems to be high-level policy and a complete change of direction of the entire developer division.

I'd pin more of this on Scott Guthrie and Scott Hanselman, really. They have been championing this kind of behavior for years within MS.

But it's Nadela who allowed that vision to move forward.

A vision this large cannot move forward without buy-in from key executives, and it is unlikely for the execution to take 9-months. Therefore, like other comments have postulated, the work had to have begun long before Nadella took over as CEO.

Let's say, for the sake of argument, that this announcement was made under Ballmer. How many of you would trust this announcement/take it at face value? Even going by this thread, there is a deep distrust of Microsoft's moves, and that is despite all the positive press that Satya has received for creating a more "open" Microsoft.

IMO, the biggest change that Satya's moves have resulted in is a change in the "perception" of Microsoft's intentions. The non-Microsoft community trusts his intentions, and by association his actions, more than they did Ballmer's. I don't blame this lack of trust, heck I subscribe to it. But attributing all of these decisions to just Satya shows a lack of appreciation for how decisions of this magnitude are made at a company like Microsoft.

And his being an executive at a corporate giant made this a very unorthodox and risky move. Having a great idea and a sound methodology is one thing; betting the future of one of the largest technology companies in the world on it is entirely different.

Not really if you understand how large corporations work. I think Nadella being a former dev and understanding the importance of it has a lot to do with it.

In large corporations, initiatives like these do not originate from the top. You're right that Nadella was probably more receptive to this than his predecessor, but a lot of the heavy lifting for this had already been done by some very dedicated teams within MS over the course of years.

> Peter Thiel was right about creative Monopoly.

This is coming after a decade of Microsoft losing ground on the server side to Linux and on the consumer side to Apple. If anything, it shows the positive effects of keeping a large firm out of a monopolistic position.

Could somebody please shed some light on this? I'm having a hard time digesting Thiel's book, and I see this development as a perfect example of competition being positive.

Actually this doesn't have to do with Satya. This has been brewing for years. It is at best naive to think this was done in a few months.

No one thinks that the development of this stuff happened entirely because Nadella is CEO. They think it was allowed to finally be released and promoted because Nadella is CEO.

Huge corporations have a huge number of things brewing at any given time, most of which don't make it to market. Executive decisions are a big reason why or why not. And Ballmer was repeatedly and emphatically on record that MS software should revolve around Windows.

Here's Github repo: https://github.com/dotnet. Wow, these things are being released under MIT licence - who would have thought .Net would be more "free-er" than Java?

In other news:

* Visual Studio 2015 and ASP.NET 5 will support gulp, grunt, bower and npm for front end developers.

* OmniSharp is a family of Open Source projects, each with one goal - To enable great .NET development in YOUR editor of choice - http://www.omnisharp.net/.

It's amazing that there's not a concrete word about license (and patent grant) choice in the press release, or on the page(s) for MS Visual Studio Community Edition.

Someone should remind MS that we've been burned before by "open source" that turned out to be "open for what fits MS, not what fits you".

All that said, I'm happy to see this under MIT!

Given that the primary issue with .NET/CLR ecosystem adoption was not lack of implementations but unclear situation with software patents, I don't think MIT is a wise option. It's certainly up to Microsoft, but anything with an explicit patent grant would be a much better idea.

They have given an explicit patent grant:


> Visual Studio 2015 and ASP.NET 5 will support gulp, grunt, bower and npm for front end developers.

Holy Gates! It's like they're listening or something. Can't wait.

According to the announcement on visualstudio.com about the Community Edition, it isn't just for students and open source developers. Basically, only enterprises or companies with more than five developers need to pay.

"To further support cross-platform mobile development with .NET, as part of their strategic partnership, Microsoft and Xamarin announced a new streamlined experience for installing Xamarin from Visual Studio, as well as announced the addition of Visual Studio support to its free offering Xamarin Starter Edition — available later in the year."

Well that should make a lot of people around here happy.

Nope, now I don't have an easy thing to complain about in Xamarin threads.

Joking aside, there are a lot of surprises coming out of MS, this is all quite nice.

http://tirania.org/blog/archive/2014/Nov-12.html here is what Miguel of Xamarin has to say

So here is a 700+ comments thread about MS products without one single occurance of the word that is associated most with anything MS: bloat.

We have a serious problem with generations of so called software engineers growing up with the perception that this kind of code flatulence is ok to be released to the world.

We need more programmers with real knowledge to solve the problems the world has today. These really good guys feel offended by such bloated systems and like minimal, efficient solutions. MS has lost the ability to attract these elite programmers forever and it is today a propagator of an anti-concept of software and software development.

Already too many people are not seeing the obvious. They believe MS produces acceptable operating systems, while anybody with real knowledge can only laugh about these caricatures of computing systems - this is doing so much harm to the whole IT world and therefor to the real world.

Bloat, bloat, bloat. Incredible. We must actively prepare to not let this illness float into the world of elegant, slick and efficient open source products. This is a dangerous bloat attack against the world of free thinking - be prepared to fight the invasion of miriads of dumb zombies! Neanderthalers are still out there, many of them, to fight the evolution of homo sapiens sapiens.

I hate the term bloat. It's unquantifiable and is always inevitably in the eye of the beholder. It's a trick meant to make people think there is some objective measure being discussed, but in fact it is just a subjective 'gut feeling', that tends to be 'I don't like this software.'

I'd suggest if you want to criticize this release, you do so on a specific basis. You're generalizing not just about bloat (which is a relatively meaningless term) but also Microsoft itself. If you feel the .NET framework is bloated, then be specific. What does MS's operating systems have to do with the release of the .NET CLR and frameworks? These are two completely different pieces of work.

Of course there's some bloat, but this makes our lives easier every day. Developers now can focus more on solutions and less on code.. The wheel was already invented a long time ago, don't you think ?

Please tell us which slick and efficient open source products do you use.

C# is the most modern, and one of the best languages we have in the market. Linux is the best platform. Hope to see them truly together. Thank you MS guys for the contributing into world industry.

Linux as the best platform is subjective! It isn't the best for desktop use, not for me anyway.

C# has been available for Linux for years.

I would argue that C++ is also a brilliant language, and is just improving and improving.

But anyway, just another platform to write another language on. More employment opportunities for all of us.

I seriously hope this pushes out Java closer to graveyard of forgotten languages. Java had been rotting for a long time without significant progress compared to modern languages including C#. It's only advantage had been that it was cross platform. Now it's owned by lawyers-driven Oracle which is as worse as things can get. Also I really want to stop worry about having my mom install crapware like Ask toolbar and say No to Update Java every single day.

While I agree the damn Ask Toolbar thing is abhorrent, you could just check the "Suppress sponsor offers when installing or updating Java" box at the bottom of the Advanced tab in the Java control panel.

I know ... I'm surprised they didn't add a "Beware of Jaguar" tab on which to place that option.

As for java going to the graveyard -- don't hold your breath. Not that I mind - I actually enjoy coding in Java, given the tools & libraries that are available. Heck, I really don't even mind the language. I'd appreciate better handling of value types, and continued improvement of the GC (both to make it more cache friendly and to provide better control of pause time vs. performance), but really, I find it comfortable and productive.

This makes a lot of sense for Microsoft. It doesn't in any way cheapen or lessen the .NET business at all, if anything more things will be built on .NET which will lead to higher sales of things like Azure, which for a lot of non .NET devs has almost 0 mindshare.

I've never heard a Ruby or PHP developer list Azure as a potential deploy target. That is a real problem for Microsoft, even though Azure can do a lot of the same things AWS or Google's cloud does.

Smart move Microsoft.

Microsoft only acts right when they're losing. It took the loss of dominance on the web to begin to produce a standards-compliant, modern browser. Silverlight never really took off because it had such limited OS support. And, now that they know beyond a shadow of a doubt they can't win the mobile device market (and are even losing some of the laptop market to Chromebooks, and Android hybrid devices), they'll grudgingly open up their developer tools and support other platforms.

I am, of course, happy to see it. But, let's not get too excited about what good Open Source citizens Microsoft have become. Let's let their actions going forward determine that.

> Microsoft only acts right when they're losing.

Can you expect anything more, really, in the end? It's why we have to always be vigilant against any company taking a stranglehold on any technology. My biggest question in nearly any technology choice these days is "to what extent does this lock me in?". Because the only thing that really keeps these companies working in your favor is the threat that you can, and will, leave if they don't.

I'd say the consumer laptop market is also looking a little scary for them - I think consumers mentally categorize all laptops into two broad groups: "Macbooks", and "garbage". And based on the fact that every major laptop vendor fills out their budget end with embarrassingly bad devices, it's not really an unfair stereotype thanks to the bad reputations these companies have built for themselves.

Can anyone clarify for me, does this include WPF? I remember I wanted to run a few apps off github on linux and they used WPF, which mono doesn't support.

Otherwise mono seemed to run pretty much everything i threw at it. Can someone with .NET experience clarify for me what this will enable that mono doesn't (yet)?

In other words, if .net will continue to be riddled with windows only API's I'm not really interested.

The article seemed to mostly focus on the server side of things, but I'm not really sure if they can pull many devs over to writing application servers on .net. It will be hard competing against Java there.

No WPF from what I can see, it's just core stuff, ASP.Net and (proprietary?) Android/iOS support. WPF and Windows Forms appear to be remaining closed source and Windows-only.

Server side makes more sense. WPF is an UI framework, even it includes WPF, the user experience will be bad just because it looks so differently than native apps.

OTOH, WPF apps already look different than native apps on Windows. Look at pushbuttons for example, they are completely flat in WPF and have a gradient in Win32. (WPF controls are not drawn via uxtheme, but have styles defined in XAML.)

WPF is part of a trend I believe to see, going away from strictly consistent UI styles:

QT used to emphasize simple widgets that you could theme consistently. With QT quick the emphasis is on individual per-app styles themed with css (but you also have the old widgets). Very similar situation in GTK3, where cross-desktop themeing is deemphasized (they removed support for changing theme colors, hid the theme changer in gnome-tweak-tools, and some developers advocated removing themeing altogether). At the same time, individual GNOME3 apps experiment much more with nonstandard widgets and CSS than before.

Windows 8 "Metro" apps are similar. With the simple, clean design language, I thought they would be really design-by-intent. A la "I want a list here, and I want to link it to a detail view. My elements have these properties. Build me a CRUD interface and spice it up with these colors." and it would generate a Metro UI. But instead, after playing with Visual Studio, I find it's almost the opposite: "Place a rectangle at these coordinates, a label there. When the user clicks here, run that code." There is very little in the development experience to encourage consistent UIs, and you have to look up stuff like recommended font sizes manually on MSDN. Naturally, it makes it impossible to upgrade the UI style over all apps in a later Windows version.

Same in Android. Try to make an app look up-to-date, even on currently unreleased OS versions is impossible. UI code is way to low-level, considering a huge fraction of apps are just fancy list-views.

I could go on for a while. The point is that (unfortunately) UI consistency is not a priority nowadays (maybe except on OSX), at least when it comes to tooling (the efforts of many developers to still make consistent UX/UI are very laudable). And compared with the competitors, you could write at least as nice apps in WPF.

Great news, but I think people need to realize this is really just Microsoft pledging to merge and support what Mono has already been doing. You won't magically be able to take a WPF app and run it on your Mac. You will however be able to write a server app or maybe simple command line tool that runs on Mac & Linux. It's great news to see Microsoft acknowledging and supporting Mono, but there isn't a magic switch that will flip and everything suddenly works on every platform.

Right. And that is a good thing. Java has shown us that no one really wants write-once-run-everywhere GUI software, as it never feels "right" or at-home on guest platforms

So because Java shown that then it is a good thing to try for? Does Java represent to you a sort of a unbeatable limit that no one could possibly pass? Have you ever seen a JavaFX app?

This is huge.

A few months ago, we decided to write a big new software component at $work, basically a service layer that is going to accumulate lots of business logic. We discussed several programming languages, and thought that a statically typed language might be a good fit (we mostly did perl and python so far). C# was dismissed pretty quickly, because .Net was closed source, and Mono had the reputation of being a bit second rate (possibly not well-founded, but also hard to debunk for somebody not in the community).

I mentioned that Roslyn was also open source, but it was hard to convince anybody when the "main" implementation was still closed source (and we're very much an open + linux shop).

If this had come a year earlier, we might have picked C#. Maybe there'll be another project here in a few years...

What ever you were designing, it's almost certain that a more expensive, and mission critical system than yours was already built with C#. Objecting to a major language as C# because it's "closed-source" seems irrational to me.

Why does it matter if it's open or closed-source? It's not like you can realistically invest time to dig in the source code and modify it, in the rare case that you found a problem. C# had huge amounts of money invested on it, probably more than your entire project you were planning.

> Why does it matter if it's open or closed-source? It's not like you can realistically invest time to dig in the source code and modify it, in the rare case that you found a problem.

Except that exactly this has happened with lots of libraries that we use, and sometimes also language implementations.

Compilers and interpreters aren't any more scary than other projects, really.

What did you end up picking?

Being a fan of Android and Microsoft for years... I truelly hope that Google would discuss about changing from Java to C#... They don't have to change to c#, but this would be a win for both of them (Microsoft and Google) and a huge loss for Oracle/Apple.

It's called Xamarin.

Yeah and it costs one grand a year. Plus it's playing constant catch up with Android SDK. I remember moving files manually or my projects wouldn't build (when Google made some change in folder structure that Xamarin hadn't reacted to yet). Don't get me wrong, I think it's awesome, it just has some limitations that are beyond Xamarin's control. Plus it's pricey.

Hot toes in springwater! I had figured out that since .Net was proprietary I really should ween myself away from the sweet, sweet F# and learn some clojure but it seems Microsoft has stumped on my plans for self improvement. Immutable by default, algebraic datastructures with pattern matching to boot, great concurrency story and now actually open with permissive licence. Mind. Blown.

Wasn't F# already open source? And it runs on Mono.

This does bump F# up quite a bit in my estimation, though; I never loved that Mono was a reimplementation of a proprietary platform.

"We are open sourcing the RiyuJit and the .NET GC and making them both cross-platform."

That's incredible!

Apparently the .NET runtime and Mono will merge:


reading that tweet brought back feeling of the whole Rails, Merb merge. Awesome to hear!

I hope this positively affects projects using outdated versions of Mono, like Unity. I'd love to see them move to a more up-to-date version of .NET, and I wonder if this could enable them to do that.

I hope not, this way we will see a bit more of healthy competition in the indie game engine space. This is something Unity desperately needs.

Honest question from an outsider: it looks like Epic and Crytek have finally gotten around to moving in to the "low-end" of the game engine market. What's still unique about unity?

1. A much better language - C# with some integration with the best IDE (Visual Studio).

2. Being first to indie market: community and asset store.

Laziness. And your graphic designer can use it. As a lot of engine, it's nice when you want something simple very quick. But when you want to tweak it or make it things more specific it's a lot of time a pain in the *.

It can save time in the beginning and you will prototype early.

Easy to use and easy to access.

I work on a team with a graphic designer who cannot code at all, and is doing amazing things with Unreal Engine. This includes coding shaders (yes, shaders!) using only the blueprint drag and drop system. You just set up how you want it to look, and the system compiles it to shaders under the covers. The technology is super amazing.

The revolution in competition for indie game development platforms is here. I don't know why Crytek is doing, but Unreal Engine is very usable and amazing technology.

To be fair visual programming is a known territory for designers:


Also Unreal Engine will be fixed soon ;) - Xamarin is working on C# scripting for it.

1. Not having to use C++, which should result in code that is harder to optimize but at the same time less work on memory leaks and other bizarre bugs.

2. Effortless porting. See 1.

2. Stock assets delivered with the engine - that's pretty valuable if you're indie.

"Oh, shit", said Oracle.

Good, hopefully this pushes Oracle to refocus, reinvest in Java.

Competition is good. Microsoft still have megatons of work to do to catch up Java (mindshare or tooling wise).

Really? I think they are catching up fast on the mindshare front. Java is not cool anymore, it's grey and verbose, and I think C# has got nicer features. Also VS beats the pants off Eclipse any day.

Silicon Valley is all OSS/Java.

ElasticSearch, Hadoop, Cassandra, HBase, HDFS (mixed with C).

Newer infrastructure for big-data are either Java, Scala, Clojure (one or two tools).

Some of the startups also use Java (not all). I rarely see C#. So yes, C# is not catching up yet.

Sorry, Eclipse + Ecosystems (that include plugins/integrations and whatnot) = beats VS any day (with or without pants). And if you have money, IntelliJ is right around the corner circling VS.

I think people don't realize that comparing the Java and .NET requires dragging the community, the platform, the tools, the plugins, and everything else in-between.

I granted in Windows/Desktop .NET is the king. Everywhere else it's the other way around by a long margin.

.NET is big in enterprise too, not just desktop.

People keep saying that Microsoft/.NET is "big" in enterprise but I have not seen real data.

If by "enterprise" you meant WalMart bought ten thousands license of Windows 7 OS for their workstation then sure...

But let me offer a different point of view: SAP, IBM, Tibco, Oracle, Salesforce (not too big yet but they are entrenched), NetSuite (same level with Salesforce), Workday. Mostly Java...

Maybe it is the mid-level I am thinking of. The transition from active directory server to sharepoint intranet to .net web projects is pretty standard for many companies. An unscientific search on indeed.com results in 38k for java developer and 27k for .NET developer.

Deploying .NET to linux is pretty huge.

Good, hopefully this pushes Oracle to refocus, reinvest in Java.

I just hope they simply let it die at last. Of course, that's a subjective opinion, but Java is so ugly, that it's enough to keep me away from getting more into Android development.

The options aren't that great either considering they don't necessarily stood the test of time like Java does...

2015 is going to be a year of Microsoft.

It may be a bit premature to say that, though 2014 looks to be the year that I started liking Microsoft again.

We shall see. There is lots going on, both from Microsoft and from the rest of the OS community. It's definitely going to be interesting.

I doubt. It should be a year of Linux desktop, haha. Wayland with drivers from Nvidia, KDE 5 and Mozilla Shumway are supposed to be coming. And also Daala video codec and Steam Machines / SteamOS. Quite a number of breakthrough developments for 2015.

This is really a great move. C# is an awesome language and deserves to have a future on Mac & Linux. Microsoft is changing for sure.

It is really a big news, I'm a .Net guy over couple of years. When i started with .Net i thought why i have to buy everything for development ? Now the day have changed and we found Microsoft in the open source community race. Thank you Microsoft.

Visual Studio is awesome, specially debugging when it is in Symbol server debugging.

Though i hate the thing 'Not Responding' and your OS is freeze. When your solution growing with 50+ project, it took 4-5min to open and by any chance if you click the solution it will hang.

I see so much emotion in this thread. Yes, I was there to witness what M$FT (ha! take that Mr. Gates!) did around the dawn of this millenium as well, but we had all felt that the times they were a-changin' when Slashdot retired the Bill-the-evil-Borg image already. It's just Microsoft refused to adapt until now, which e.g. made them miss The Mobile in its entirety.

So, Microsoft is finally adapting. But what are they actually doing? Why did Microsoft finally decided to make .Net cross-platform? What's in it for them?

Look at what's in this shiny new package: They've open-sourced just the core runtime. They are not open-sourcing Visual Studio. Or WPF. Or SQL Server. Or Active Directory. Or Office.

There's one thing the Linux ecosystem is pretty good at: Scaling, both up and down. There are technical reasons for that, but none could possibly be an issue for a software powerhouse the size of Microsoft. There are also commercial reasons for that, most important being: You just can't beat free.

So that's what Microsoft is finally moving against -- Dear startup founder who is afraid that licensing costs will eat him/her alive while his/her "Growth Hacking" strategy is working, dear embedded programmer whose tiny IoT device that just can't cope with the whole Windows mumbo-jumbo, welcome to the Microsoft platform -- You can now safely run your C# on these free platforms as well.

So, Microsoft is finally back in the game. They even seem to be playing nice. But the question in everyone's mind is: For how long?

> So, Microsoft is finally back in the game. They even seem to be playing nice. But the question in everyone's mind is: For how long?

I think a better question might be: what next? (Disclaimer: optimistic MS employee)

Is this an abandonware move? Does it mean .NET is on the way out, and Microsoft's way forward is something else? A year or two ago, Microsoft was talking about the future of application development being Javascript/HTML/CSS.

I doubt it. The .NET ecosystem is strong and C# is still the only way to write code for Windows without growing to hate the platform.

This is likely a response to the impending release of Android Studio and Android 5.0 -- there are a lot of developers warming up to Android development that previously weren't involved.

Not only that but Java/the JVM drives the bottom line of a lot of places where it matters (mindshare, money).

Now, with a patent promise amd a MIT license, any chance that android could build on .Net going forward?

That would take more than a few non public meetings betweenn G and MS I guess but possibly better than having to tiptoe around Oracle in the long run?

Only by either breaking compatibility or including two managed runtimes on every device.

Really other than the C# language itself, there's not much to recommend the .NET core stuff over the ART runtime (which is in the process of replacing Dalvik). .NET has much broader library support, but that has to be balanced against the need to ship a lean(ish) runtime (c.f. the installed size of a Windows Phone image vs. Android!).

And if Google really wanted to play games with source language (which they don't seem to), there is no shortage of very decent JVM-targetting environments either.

Microsoft people correct me if I'm wrong - but this feels like a decision Ballmer never would have let pass?

This feels huge to me as someone that has always been on *nix variants but that has been told the .Net environment is amazing as long as you're willing to pay/work on Windows. I still probably won't switch over to C# or F# any time soon but it's good to know I could actually work on a WinMo app if needed.

This is massive. I love the C# language, and hopefully this will lead to wider adoption, and usage on more architectures/operating systems.

This is going to be a huge boost to ClojureCLR, IronPython, and F#. I think F# especially is going to take off in popularity now that its best VM target is going to run on Linux and Mac.

I hope so. F# is a really nice language. Microsoft Research is an amazing lab with some very bright minds working there.

It'd be nice to be able to use some of the fruits of their labor without having a steep entry fee to evaluate it.

Thanks MS, this is a good move.

This is such a bitter sweet announcement for me! I had just made up my mind to stop language hopping and settle/focus on Python and Go for backend development. But now C#, my first love, has come back to whisper sweet nothings in my ear!

Still this is great news and kudos to Microsoft for taking this bold step in the right direction.

This is amazing. But I really, really wish Microsoft would buy Xamarin. I know it sounds counter-productive - they're doing great work on their own - but the subscription costs associated with Xamarin hold it back. MS would have every motivation to release it for free to try to corner the app development market.

Together with the Visual Studio Community announcement https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8595855, this is great news.

I've always missed the power of visual studio when programming for open source platforms. This can change things a lot.

There's no indication from that that you'll see a Linux or OS X port of Visual Studio. They might, but they haven't said that.

This Community Edition is extremely similar to the Express Edition, except with some limitations removed (e.g. extensions enabled) and some new limitations added (5x team members max, which the Express Edition doesn't have: no limit).

The Express Edition can be used to produce and publish commerical software. It says so right on their home page [0].

[0] http://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/products/visual-studio-exp...

Still great news, even without a port of VS to OSX or linux. Personally I'm perfectly fine with using a windows PC as my development station, as long as I can create cross platform .NET code.

Extensions enabled on the community edition is great news for people who can integrate awesome tools like resharper

Could work on this have started before Steve Ballmer left? Maybe he took my 2007 email to him more seriously that his response let on:


Good move, but (too) late.

The move is designed to attract iOS and Android Devs to .NET.

But let's see:

As an iOS developer, I've invested years in learning Objective-C and Cocoa, UIKit, etc. Now I'm starting with Swift. I'm sure a lot of iOS devs feel this way. Besides, if I can't use it from OSX, then I'm out.

Why should I forget everything and learn C#/.NET ? If I want a write-once-run-everywhere thing, then I could go for one of the miriad Javascript or HTML5 cross-platform frameworks or C++ with Qt, JUCE or the likes.

Same thought pattern applies for Android/Java - why would a seasoned Android/Java developer want to learn a whole new framework and programming language ?

Is C#/.NET so much better than Java/Android or ObjC/Swift that it mandates switching to it ?

This doesn't seem like a mobile play at all, honestly.

They're opening the core, and large portions of the web server stack. This points to it being a play for web development, not native mobile.

There are some additional integrations with Xamarin - but Xamarin isn't owned by MS nor is it the key highlight of today's announcements.

I should have read TFA before commenting :)

But that is even more puzzling. The backend space is so crowded with native, scripting and exotic languages, that I really don't see how they can attract hardcore c/c++/go/node.js/python/ruby/perl/php/erlang/haskell/lisp or Java crowds to .NET.

Maybe it's exciting for existing .net developers to be able to deploy their backend apps on linux servers.

You could have said the same thing about several of the languages you listed, even within the last 5 years. The difference here is that C# already has a massive userbase.

I am curious how .NET MVC will progress now. It was considered to be a decent offering. It is of course lacking the ecosystem.

I think it's much more of a "I already write C#, so now I can write apps for other platforms without needing to learn their language!"

That leads to further evangelism at conferences, more talk about how C# is great and the platform is excellent, etc. I think they hope to persuade entire dev shops to switch over, rather than single devs, in a very long-term sort of way -- even if it's just a small percentage that change, the press is potentially worth it. MS has an image problem, and this would help mobilize their core to speak to more of the good parts.

This is my interpretation: Microsoft's biggest threat right now is that to be a viable mobile developer at the moment you pretty much need to buy a Mac and embrace OSX. Once you have done that you are obviously not running Visual Studio any more but will be using XCode and cross platform tools like Eclipse. Then you are further extremely unlikely to write things in C#. So this is about saying to the existing C# developers, "don't leave, don't buy a Mac, we are going to support you to write everything you need (Android, iOS etc.) without leaving the comfort of Visual Studio".

The article answers many of your questions. For intstance, it announced support for Linux and OSX.

C# and .NET let you dev on OSX, Linux and Windows, then deploy to OSX, iOS, Windows, Windows Store, Windows Phone, Linux and Android. Your only other real option for that kind of portability is C / C++, but. Well, you know, then you're working in C / C++.

When you use .NET to target iOS, you still use all the iOS frameworks. It's not like those cross platform Java widgets. The only thing that changes is that you don't need to use ObjC or Swift. Yes you have another stdlib, but your main investment in learning the UI and other platform specific stuff is not lost.

F# really is so much better, too. And C# is pretty great if you haven't embraced the holy lambda yet.

Just on a 'I can see the code in the stack traces' is benefit enough. I envy android devs being able to do that, while with apple code it's a bunch of binary.

You can see the comments that the platform dev put, which helps you deal with their assumptions about edge cases that are not documented. You can also see how they develop for C# internally to get ideas how to make your app better too.

Maybe it's not so much about drawing developers to them but trying to keep existing .NET developers from straying?

As you say this news is great for C# developers. The rest of us couldn't care less.

I really wish they'd make Visual Studio run on other platforms as well... I suppose they'll work on making Office run on Linux next, or at least a full version of Office that's entirely web enabled would be nice too.

Great news, but something else drew my attention: the related stories. I got, among others:

"Microsoft Announces Windows 2000 Certification For Microsoft Certified Systems Engineers"

"Microsoft and Samsung Reveal Windows Powered Pocket PC For GSM/GPRS Networks"

"Microsoft Office 97 Family of Applications Honored With Industry Awards"

"Microsoft Invests in General Magic"

"Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 Beta Download Demand Overwhelming"

Ignoring the time machine aspects, I wonder what made their algorithm come up with these stories. They mention "Microsoft" and "Net", but that is about it.

"Microsoft and Samsung Reveal Windows Powered Pocket PC For GSM/GPRS Networks"

.. in 2003, four years before the iPhone launch. I wonder how that one got messed up? Carrier brokenware? Inadequate hardware?

Windows Mobile was so so soooooo bad.

Holy shit, now I don't feel like I wasted so much time learning C# and .NET.

Link to source code: https://github.com/microsoft

Does this mean that Mono will no longer be necessary for cross-platform C# use?

Open-sourcing .NET doesn't magically make it work on other platforms (a not-insignificant chunk is Win32-specific, for example). But it certainly makes the Mono team's job easier.

Nope but Microsoft is making it work on other platforms. From the opening line:

> and expanding .NET to run on the Linux and Mac OS platforms.


They say open source, but not which license they're going to use. It may not be possible to integrate with anything in practice, or as free as developers would like it to be.

It's MIT (and there's also a patent promise).


> They say open source, but not which license they're going to use.

AFAIK, it will be MIT licence.

Edit: Yep, MIT. It's not like it's secret: https://github.com/dotnet/corefx

It would pretty dumb of them to take this step and then pick a license which wasn't permissive enough to make it happen. Plus, given that they mention they're working with the Mono team on this, I'm sure they're going to get good advice.

Mono (the code) and .NET Core will merge (per Scott Hanselmann)

Microsoft will (in partnership with Mono the project) ensure that .NET core and server stacks run on Linux and OS X.

They've just demonstrated deploying an ASP.NET MVC5 application on Linux, running inside a (Linux) Docker container and being remotely debugged from Visual Studio on Windows. Which seems to indicate that they are already pretty far down that road.

Would love to see that demonstration, do you have a link for that?

In reading the article, it sounds like they're going to work with the Mono team to bring it everywhere.

They've announced a .NET core CLR for windows, mac and linux - supported by Microsoft - so sounds like there'll be options (either use Microsoft or use Mono)...

(source: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/AnnouncingNET2015NETasOpenSour... )

No I think they are providing open source libraries of the server stack which is written in c#. Still needs mono to compile to linux/mac but now mono won't have to (re?)implement those, they can all share the same MS c# code

Only if it's easy enough to port, and I doubt it would be. Although Mono will definitely gain from the original source code.

It does say that they are "expanding .NET to run on the Linux and Mac OS platforms".

"To further support cross-platform mobile development with .NET, as part of their strategic partnership, Microsoft and Xamarin..."

I would be pretty shocked if MS just suddenly dropped their won linux/mac implementation. Xamarin and the mono team have been working on this for a very long time. MS is just bringing them further into the "legit" fold

Yeah pretty much. Miguel is going to have te rewrite everything.

Wow - I have to say I'm impressed. I wonder how extensive the cross platform support is, and what sort of work has gone into targeting iOS? What does this mean for Xamarin and Mono?

Wow. The new Microsoft indeed.

If there are any MS people in this thread: I would pay for Visual Studio for Mac and Linux if I could also use its GUI designers on those platforms. If I could write a GUI front-end in C# and design it with VS and ship it for Windows, Mac, Linux, and possibly others, then I'd definitely pay money for that.

Right now we've got Qt, Java, and possibly HTML5+node-webkit for that, and none of those are anywhere near as good as MS's GUI tooling and IDE.

No mention of which license they are using?

.NET Framework 4.6 and its Reference Source source is being relicensed under the MIT license, so Mono (and you!) can use the source code to the .NET Framework.

Link: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/AnnouncingNET2015NETasOpenSour...

I think that it is an MIT license, if I've found the correct project on http://www.dotnetfoundation.org/netcore5

You can verify yourself at the source :)


I can't find anything but if I remember well almost all other open source project by microsoft are under apache2

Wow, writing in C# for Mac, that's almost like heaven.

You can already do this today.


What do you use for GUI apps? GTK or native Core.Graphics libraries?

I bet you a million dollars he uses Xamarin.Forms ;)

Xamarin.Forms is not supported on Mac.

Nor Windows, nor Linux. I know that. The OP didn't specify a platform.

Still, I should take that million dollars and hold it in escrow for you two.

Xamarin.Mac is all about native Cocoa app development in C#.

I want to believe this, but I just don't. .NET is so much more than just the core libraries. There will be a long time until it's on the same level as Java. I hope Microsoft proves me wrong, of course (C# is an awesome language, F# is not bad either), but I will believe this when I see a distribution of Visual Studio running both on Mac/Linux and on Windows (i.e. the same executable, same as Java).

> the same executable, same as Java

I couldn't care less about binary compatibility. As a developer, I'd rather have 100% (or 99.99%) source code compatibility. I don't mind setting up different downloads or running different builds, as long as I can do it from a single codebase that doesn't have thousands of #ifdef WINDOWS equivalents.

I will believe this when I see a distribution of Visual Studio running both

VS isn't built (entirely) on .NET but uses lots of C/C++ underneath. So it shouldn't be confused with .NET itself running on these OS.

IntelliJ is written in Java, but has entirely separate distributions for each supported OS. As an user of the app, why would I care if it's the same executable?

Even as a developer, cross-platform binary compatibility doesn't enter my top 10 list of important things for a programming language. Java is paying a pretty hefty price in language features (like type erasure) because things originally compiled for Java 1.2 still has to work on the Java 8 runtime. Is it really worth it?

Microsoft doesn't have a cross platform gui toolkit to open source. WPF (What Visual Studio is built on) is Windows only. If you want cross platform apps they would have to be built with bindings to GTK, Qt, or some other cross platform gui toolkit.

I don't see anywhere in the announcement that Visual Studio will be cross platform. That would require porting WPF, which isn't mentioned as being ported. It looks like they are concentrating on making web platforms multiplatform.

Why would you only be convinced if the IDE runs on both platforms. You realize that the IDE and the CLR/Runtime are two different things right?

Any non-trivial GUI program will do, really.

Ah got it, the IDE is the benchmark or litmus test of the cross platform compatibility.

Doesn't MonoDevelop count then?


Or do you mean an application from Microsoft? Because I believe Microsoft has actually been using Mono (via Xamarin) to publish applications on iOS.

I started as an open source programmer. Then I got a job as a .NET programmer. Now I'm an open source programmer again.

Feels good :)

I don't think you understand what open source programmer means :) You have to actually contribute to opensource projects to become one. Just using them means nothing.

What makes you think I haven't :) I spent several years as a Debian package maintainer, plus the usual mix of patches and bug reports to several projects.

Ah, ok :) I didn't mean to offend you (if you took any!)

Maybe he works for Microsoft?

I know this won't convince many hardcore Unix people who are used to the command line, but Visual Studio is still an absolutely incredible piece of software, and I really, really wish I could run it under Linux.

Even if you are a command line ninja, amazing autocompletion, magical debugging with inspection are pretty wonderful.

IntelliJ IDEA runs everywhere and is a lot smarter than Visual Studio out of the box. The community edition is not only free of charge, but open-source as well. Visual Studio needs the Resharper plugin by IntelliJ, to be able to call it a modern IDE.

It also has really good plugins for many languages, besides Java, like Scala, Python, Ruby, Javascript, PHP, Clojure and Groovy.

My colleagues that are doing Ruby development are saying that it's the best IDE for Ruby. Whereas myself, as a Scala developer, I'm saying that it's the best IDE for Scala - the Scala plugin for example is still not as smart as the Java functionality, but has everything you'd expect out of an IDE, like amazing autocompletion and magical debugging with inspection - personally I feel that IntelliJ IDEA for Scala is better than Visual Studio for C# without Resharper.

Its only problem is that there's no support for C#. This is because people doing C# are doing it on Windows with Visual Studio, so there wasn't demand. But say that demand increases for cross-platform stuff due to these moves by Microsoft, IntelliJ IDEA will probably gain C# support and if IntelliJ the company is the one that does it, then it's going to be darn good.

So don't get me wrong, but for cross-platform stuff alternatives already exist and even if Microsoft releases Visual Studio cross-platform, problem is that it will have serious competition, plus they'll have to poor serious resources into it and frankly I'm not seeing it happening - IntelliJ IDEA is built in Java and runs on the JVM, hate it or love it, for IntelliJ it is easy to port it to other platforms. Visual Studio on the other hand, well, it probably has very Windows-specific guts. So a cross-platform port probably won't happen.

But what I'm seeing happening is a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse (hopefully IDEA, since it's my favorite). And from what I understood there are things in project Roslyn that IDE authors could use to jump start the nice stuff, like completion or refactoring support.

> Visual Studio needs the Resharper plugin by IntelliJ, to be able to call it a modern IDE

You didn't say what Resharper does, and why other IDE's need it to be called modern. Is this an advert for Resharper?

> like Scala, Python, Ruby, Javascript, PHP, Clojure and Groovy

You listed one middling language among 6 top languages. Is this another advert, trying to promote a language by associating it with the oft used ones?

> You didn't say what Resharper does, and why other IDE's need it to be called modern. Is this an advert for Resharper?

It's clear what he meant for everyone who hasn't been living under the rock for the last 10 years. Don't blame him if you are clueless.

> You listed one middling language among 6 top languages. Is this another advert, trying to promote a language by associating it with the oft used ones?

Heh? It's a list of some languages supported by that IDE.

Did you have a bad day, or are you just confused?

> IntelliJ IDEA runs everywhere and is a lot smarter than Visual Studio out of the box. The community edition is not only free of charge, but open-source as well.

Perhaps he meant "automated code refactoring" but used a brand name instead. I've never knowingly used Resharper whenever I've used IDEA community edn, but perhaps it's been running anonymously beneath the surface. That's why I asked what it was. His whole comment read like an advert for brands like IDEA, Resharper, and Groovy so that's why I questioned it.

Resharper is an add-on for Visual Studio, it doesn't exist as such in IntelliJ.

Finally! One of the major players has finally decided to really push cross-platform.

Looks like it's time to finally learn F#

This cache link gives me a 404 :( and the actual link is not working as well.

I've updated the link. Does it work better now?

Btw, if you copy the original link into the Google search field, you get a search result with the page, and then you can just view the cached version by clicking on the small green arrow at the right side of the URL.

Yes, that's the first thing I tried, doesn't work for me. Also your updated link is not working.

Loving this. Recently started working on a project with my brother who loves MS .NET stack and I have no experience in it. I was really skeptic due to the reputation MS has of being closed source and license heavy. I could not have chosen a better time hopefully!!

Never in Microsoft's history have they ever followed through on a promise of multi-platform support for their infrastructure. They've tried multiple times but they always end up bailing on it or half-assing it to death.

I wouldn't believe them this time either.

This completely caught me by suprise. Will .NET see a comeback now? Or is it too little too late? In any event, this is a huge move for Microsoft who has historically avoided open source(ive always thought of yhem as the anti-open-source company).

"Don't call it a comeback."

IMO, it never really went away. It's still huge in enterprise.

Truth, they are still there. Like many other Microsoft products they will likely be here for many years to come (with or with going open source). I just meant to say that it seems up till now we were seeing a decline in the .NET community. I know more than a few MS pro's jump ship, including at least one MVP.

Faith in C# restored. Amazing.

What happens to Xamarin business model now?

It improves it.

We now get all these bug fixes for all of our products across Android, Mac, iOS, PlayStation, Xbox and every other embedded system we support.

Some details:


I like it how .NET Core has a more permissive license (MIT) than Mono (LGPL).

Let's hope that lowers the costs of Xamarin. It's a great product, but even Microsoft realizes that, in order to achieve wider adoption, you need something close to the freemium model, like Visual Studio.

This is your fault. Thank you.

It will improve because of proper support for dot net in IOS and Android. They will evolve but I think they are well positioned.

This is pretty cool. Java (the platform) is finally getting a much needed competitor and alternative. And a VM that was built from scratch to support multiple languages.

The next decade will be interesting.

Is there going to be a Visual Studio for the mac? I write a lot of vb.net utilities in Windows for my day job. It would be awesome if I could work on that stuff natively on my MacBook.

Excellent job, Microsoft.

I didn't think I'd ever see this happen. Java is my bread and butter but this could be a game changer.

Edit: It probably won't be for me but just saying who knows, some developers might prefer C# over Java on Linux and Mac. Too bad Microsoft is 13 years to late for me on this. They had my interest when I was beta testing Visual Studio .NET 2002 but by 2005 when I saw how far Java had come and got a taste of the power and Cadillac nature of Eclipse; it would be tough to turn back now.

This is fantastic! I've been waiting for the .net train to pull all the way into the OSS station(as a Linux engineer) :) I wonder if .Net native will also be open sourced.

     Developers can get started with Visual Studio Community 2013 here.
<<link is not working>> http://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/products/visual-studio-com...

I think they meant here? http://www.visualstudio.com/news/vs2013-community-vs

thanks, i was searching this thread to get the correct link.

Considering Scott is probably watching this.. What do you think about the near future about running vNext projects on a simple Raspberry Pi (= low-end configurations).

Yep. Some folks are already doing this.

Microsoft had designed .NET to be independent of platforms. But the strategy advices they got were mostly wrong; so they did not release it for other platforms. Open Source alternatives existed (Mono) but due to unavailability of committed support enterprises did not endorse it. Now there is very little hope that the *NIX users will now use .NET languages.

It was a great platform though. I was impressed by the it when I first went to Teched in year 2002.

This is really big news. I'm not sure why Microsoft is doing it, though? Seems like a great way to completely kill Windows in the server market.

Bear in mind Microsoft will happily sell you Linux VMs running in Azure.

ASP.NET running on Linux servers doesn't magically make people want to buy Linux VM's at Microsoft.

Why would that be the case? Significant portion of Win Server licenses are for MS SQL, Sharepoint and Dynamics, which I doubt will be able to run on Linux.

I don't see people using IIS switching to linux either... I know I wouldn't.

Neat. Maybe eventually they'll open source the OS too, but .NET is probably more significant.

I wanted some more specifics regarding licenses and found this page helpful: http://www.dotnetfoundation.org/projects

Hopefully one day they'll support the entire Java runtime so that I can deploy Java apps to the JRE or .NET.

Microsoft's CVP Soma Somasegar will be answering questions about today's announcements on TechCrunch article -- in comments -- at 2:30pm Eastern today.


Microsoft's CVP Soma Somasegar will be answering questions about today's announcements on TechCrunch article -- in comments -- at 2:30pm Eastern today.


So that does that means for linux developers like me, who want to start dabble in .NET ecosystem. Where MONO stand in this?

Any guarantees about patents? Can using and extending .Net will cause in the future claims of software patents violations?

    Microsoft Corporation and its affiliates (“Microsoft”) promise not to assert any .NET Patents against you for making, using, selling, offering for sale, importing, or distributing Covered Code, as part of either a .NET Runtime or as part of any application designed to run on a .NET Runtime.

    If you file, maintain, or voluntarily participate in any claim in a lawsuit alleging direct or contributory patent infringement by any Covered Code, or inducement of patent infringement by any Covered Code, then your rights under this promise will automatically terminate.

    This promise is not an assurance that (i) any .NET Patents are valid or enforceable, or (ii) Covered Code does not infringe patents or other intellectual property rights of any third party. No rights except those expressly stated in this promise are granted, waived, or received by Microsoft, whether by implication, exhaustion, estoppel, or otherwise. This is a personal promise directly from Microsoft to you, and you agree as a condition of benefiting from it that no Microsoft rights are received from suppliers, distributors, or otherwise from any other person in connection with this promise.
From https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/blob/master/PATENTS.TXT

The absurdity of betting your livelihood on a Microsoft 'promise' aside, to me this reads as a green light to use, but not extend, the .NET runtime.

MS still doesn't get free software, and probably never will.

Edit: My bad. "As part of a .NET runtime" means you can extend it. But I'd be no less nervous about using it because it is not a license, merely a 'promise' with questionable legal weight.

.NET newbie here. Could someone explain me if thanks to this it is currently possible to write GUI multiplatform apps?

I think it is possible using Mono (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mono_(software)). More details on platform specific frameworks: http://www.mono-project.com/docs/gui/gui-toolkits/

It's possible but the windows ui libs like Windows.Forms and WPF won't be included in the core. You have always been able to use monk+Qt and this will likely improve now. See e.g MonoDevelop.

But isn't Mono supposed to merge with .NET now? So in the end will I be able to use VS to this purpose?

Also I am seeing that last version of https://code.google.com/p/qt4dotnet/ is 4 years old?

Not sure what will happen to Mono, I believe they will continue to live side by side, and Mono will include parts of the now released framework source.

There are a number of Gui toolkits to choose from, see e.g. http://www.mono-project.com/docs/gui/gui-toolkits/

All should work with microsofts framework just like they do with mono.

I'm glad the new CEO isn't stuck in the 1980s! Props to Microsoft. I hope it isn't too late for them.

For a long time I have held off on embracing .NET even though it offers certain advantages over the JVM ecosystem because it was clearly a Windows-first, everything else second ecosystem. If this changes that then I might for the first time in a long time take a second look at it.

Next up (hopefully): Windows core subsystems (basically everything minus the GUI shell, a la Darwin)

I wish Windows was Unix on the inside.

What would be the benefit of that?

Updates without rebooting.

Does anyone know if this means an OSX/Linux version of Visual Studio might one day be possible?

I am hoping JetBrains folks will port their suite of .Net tools to other platforms. Since the core of these tools is already cross platform (JVM-based), it may happen faster than Microsoft does to Visual Studio.

Most of the JetBrains products won't be relevant when Roslyn ships. Visual Studio 2015 already ships with many ReSharper features out of the box, with the ability to add the missing ones being made trivial by the new Roslyn APIs.

I definitely won't be running ReSharper in VS 2015.

Microsoftie here. Pure speculation on my part, but Visual Studio in its full form might be one of the most impressive pieces we have at Microsoft - but definitely one of the most complex. Good intentions aside, bringing VS over to *nix would involve a gigantic amount of (costly) man hours...

That would be nice. Then I can use Atmel Studio on Linux

They faked being kind of opensource so many times that I'll believe it when I'll see it.

Not GPLv3, watch out for patent issues.

Patent promise only covers .Net Runtime, so don't touch the rest of the stack.

Yeesh, give it a rest already.


These are different articles, they might related to the same news, but very different takes. This one comes from the founder of Mono.

It will be interesting to see how this works out, and how many resources are put behind it. If it does allow developers to choose to work on Linux/Mac for .NET development, it will put a lot of pressure on Windows to create a great product.

Does anyone know whether the full-server side .NET stack open sourcing includes C++/CLI?

My experience has been that .NET interop with C++ code bases using C++/CLI was much smoother than with PInvoke. It would be if that were cross-platform too.

In general, open sourcing is helpful decision (it's also a practical business decision in several cases)! And the possibility of running C# on *nix really creates opportunities in a way that contributors grow. It's a win-win.

Potentially great news for Unity game developers. Unity uses an ancient version of Mono that doesn't support all sorts of sensible things. Maybe now some future version of Unity will have a more cutting edge .NET library.

Unity has been developing their own runtime for a while now to get away from the mono licensing costs of using a new version. I'll be interested to see how they react to this turn of events.

All this reads like great stuff, and as a developer I applaud the work. But, I haven't read anywhere how they intend to make money off this stuff. How does going open source and cross-platform make them money?


Congratulations Microsoft. Welcome to 2014! :) Although I will say, since it took so long I would still expect the community to be somewhat skeptical / cynical, and / or slow to adopt / buy in.

Hardware requirements: 20 GB of available hard disk space

Since we are here, could someone please explain me how is it that it takes so much space?

This is a huge amount of tech resource. Don't know if it will actually bring to something working on the other platforms, but for sure it will help projects like Mono which deserved a little help.

What happens to mono now?

Also its great to have an engineer at the helm of microsoft again.

Good strategy Microsoft!

Read the article, looking for the download link to the open sourced code. Is is bundled with the VS2015 preview (4.4GB iso)? If not, were and how can we access the code?

Does anyone know if this builds for anything but Windows yet?

"the full server-side .NET stack and expanding .NET to run on the Linux and Mac OS platforms"

so that means I can write GUI-based desktop apps for Linux in C#, right?

cool :D

There is mono.cairo, at least.

It would be a great moment to restart the Iron Ruby project http://ironruby.net/

It's a different article of course. But I gave you an upvote anyway. Way too many "MS Open Sources .NET . . .. " links right now.

And the hanselman blog won't load for me.

To be fair massive interest in this is expected given Hacker News' population.

Next step is to change all "\" to "/" and make drive letters optional to enable a better cross-platform experience :)

what does iOS developer get out of it? What's the implications for iOS & Mac developers? It would be nice that I can finally develop iOS and Mac apps using C# and .NET coming from a seasoned .NET developers to iOS developer. But doesn't Mono can just do that already? Besides Apple will never approve apps not written in Swift or Object-C (exclude PhoneGap).

You can do this few years already with Xamarin. Thousands of developers are doing this today. What this changes is better .Net framework compatibility(less bugs) because Microsoft .Net source code will be reused.

Good news :)

For Microsoft though, doesn't this mean (ironically) loss of business, because many people will no longer have a reason to run Windows?

Good to us, and good to Microsoft.

Great news, but this platform should be born as Open Source since the beginning. Anyway, before late than never.

So when are they going to stop suing android for having the nerve to try to interoperate with their shit FAT filesystem?

It's like slashdot on april fools day!

If only this included a revival of IronRuby.

And, moonshot, but — giving IronRuby/IronPython as much prominence as PowerShell.

And IronPython! (yes, it works, quite well actually, but porting of numpy etc seems to have stalled years ago IIRC)

Well, I was mentioning a revival of IronRuby because it was totally abandoned. I didn't know the state of IronPython, but last I checked, it was still being developed.

I want both to be available, though.

I am not so much enthu about the open source part but more fascinated by the fact that it is cross platform.

Great. Now release visual studio "native" for OS X and I'd have a look at it. Having to run an emulated windows just to fiddle around in a fairly heavyweight IDE sucks.

As nice as C#/F# is, the real fun comes from the powerful IDE. And I just don't do windows anymore, except for occasional gaming (and this only until I finally buy the new retina iMac and throw the last PC at home away).

Does nvidia NSight now work with VS community edition? They say VS community is fully extensible edition.

I just want to add my $.02. It's about fucking time. They should have done this 15 years ago.

That might have been difficult, given that .NET is only 12 years old.

Actually it goes back to 1999 and was a project that involved HP, Microsoft and Intel. The first release was in 2002 and it was public knowledge in 2000.

Oh aren't you so smug.

I was at the 2000 PDC when they announced C#. We are now just shy of 2015. My 15 is more accurate than your 12.

Announcing occurs at vaporware stage. Realeasing is what makes it real. So do your math again.

Do your math again. We were given Tech Preview CDs at the time that contained a preview versions of .NET. So yes, we were able to write and experiment with C# and VB.Net code back then.

I was actively looking for a cross-platform replacement for Perl at the time and while C#/.NET was exciting it was also a huge disappointment because it was yet another "runs on Windows only" Microsoft technology.

I don't see how you can tell me that I am wrong when I was sitting there with the CDs in MY hand 14.5 years ago actively disappointed because .NET was NOT cross platform like Perl and Java.

I'm done arguing this. This is stupid.

Tech Preview CDs or demo is not releasing. It is a totally different thing. But oh well.

How does this impact the future growth and adoption of mono as an alternative open-source platform?

I love the direction Microsoft is taking towards open source and targeting multiple platforms!

I'll believe in cross-platform .Net when Microsoft releases Sharepoint for Apache.

This is a good move by Microsoft, but from what I can tell this is only happening because Microsoft no longer has its dominant position.

Now that Microsoft has proper competition from Apple and Google it has to start playing nicer.

It would have been much more benevolent of them if they were still the monopoly power of 20 years ago.

Yay for competition.

Microsoft still has an absolute monopoly in desktop OS: http://goo.gl/oBY93k .

And microsoft never had a monopoly on mobile (smartphones + dumbphones)

So, what exactly has been changed the last 20 years? In my country (Belgium and my work also sells computers / laptops), practicly all laptops / notebooks / desktops are Windows (we have a sister company which is a computer store)...

The mobile OS is the big change. So where as Microsoft still has control of the desktop OS, the desktop OS is a much smaller share of the whole OS market.

I'm coincidentally in Belgium too :) Any chance you work for CoolBlue then?

No, i work for an smb in Belgium andere freelance 2. You work for coolblue perhaps?

Finally. Do you think this will significantly hurt the virtual machine industry?

My instinct is that people at MS are freaking out right now about Docker specifically. It's hard to say which decisions were "coaxed" into place with Bill Gates advising the new CEO, and which are attempts to strategically react to the negative mindshare of Azure against everything going Docker. First we have the "news" that MS is doing some mystery thing with Docker (which really must be a matter of semantics, because for an OS which didn't have symbolic links until 2008, I can't imagine it's possible to bring something like LXC to the Windows kernel), and now this news about Microsoft "open sourcing" a portion of their development tools, from the same company paying TV shows to awkwardly use the phrase "Bing it". If anything, it's just an interesting time to be alive.

> My instinct is that people at MS are freaking out right now about Docker specifically.

All, right, why would you say "freaking out" specifically? MS has a habit of adopting good ideas from elsewhere, and I don't think containerisation is any exception. Maybe they see not supporting it as a strategic weakness, but shoring up strategic weaknesses is business as usual for any large company, not "freaking out". Throwing chairs is freaking out.

We know that .Net is rolling out containerisation features in 2015, including but not limited to docker integration. Going all in on any tech is an odd way to "freak out about it".

Whatever, kid.

The dream of writing c# on a mac without having to fire up a VM is so so close :))

good work MS!

I see this as a last ditch attempt by Microsoft to stay semi-relevant. Of course this was the great promise of .NET to begin with, but it seems rather late to exercise the option now (some 15 years or so after .NET was created)-- a very desperate move by a dying empire.

Also as part of the announcement clang will get some Visual Studio love!

Does this mean WPF will be made available on Linux and Mac desktops?

Is is the clear yet when Microsoft will deliver .NET for Linux?

I'm starting to like MS without Ballmer (no offence Steve)

Someone somewhere is spinning at mach 1 in his grave..

I'm curious what this means for mono, then.

I do wonder what this means for the mono project

According to Scott, both projects will merge together:


They seem to be cooperating with Xamarin, to some extent:

"To further support cross-platform mobile development with .NET, as part of their strategic partnership, Microsoft and Xamarin announced a new streamlined experience for installing Xamarin from Visual Studio, as well as announced the addition of Visual Studio support to its free offering Xamarin Starter Edition — available later in the year."


The way I see it, I still need a Windows machine to run VS. I will consider their platform when I can develop for it on MacOSX.

What does this mean for ReactOS?

I don't think it moves the needle off of "irrelevant".

nothing? they are implementing windows, not c#

ReactOS seems mostly meant for supporting old Windows applications (a very noble effort). So... nothing?

If the support for osx and linux depends on xamarin, the future of .NET on those platforms is very dubious.

Why would that be the case ? I think Xamarin has done a pretty good job on pushing the boundaries of C# and the framework on Mac and Linux.

Mono's SIMD is one example: http://tirania.org/blog/archive/2008/Nov-03.html

It does not.

Don't feed the troll.

He didn't gave even one argument. Just spilled some venom.

But it was already opensource more than 10 years ago. I remember compiling the ms .NET runtime on FreeBSD.

Will this wipe out Mono?

Please say yes.

Thank you Microsoft!

Hacker news karma jackpot! ~200 karma to 1800 in one link.

aka "We're actually facing competition from open source now, so we're going to listen to what people have been saying for years. Love us?"

You know but this is actually very good. This in the end will make it better for the developers. And I loved that the licensing is MIT instead of Mono's LGPL for the runtime.

This will allow Jetbrains to create a good Intelli(j|n) IDE for C#. :D

You really need to step back and look at how much Microsoft has already changed under the leadership of Satya Nadella.

It does appear that he has a completely different vision of what Microsoft will be in the future compared to what Ballmer had.

The devil you know eh?

Microsoft has being at the locus of so much bad behaviour in the tech sector that I really have to wonder. Even if Stallman started running the company, how much could it change?

I'd say it started long before Satya Nadella became CEO. However it is definitely continuing in the right direction.

aka "Thanks for giving us what we want, but you're so evil that I can't get past the $ in the name Micro$oft."

Stay closed source? People bitch.

Open source the software? People bitch.

Can't win.

Well I'm one of those people that bitched for as long as the CLR remained closed-source. Not anymore :-)

What a day :)

    '...show me the code.'



Thankyou Microsoft.

The key points seem to be:

"Available Wednesday, Visual Studio Community 2013 is a free, fully featured edition of Visual Studio including full extensibility."

So, it sounds like this will replace the Express edition and let you install extensions like you can in the Pro version.

"Visual Studio 2015 and .NET 2015: build for any device - Built from the ground up with support for iOS, Android and Windows, Visual Studio 2015 Preview makes it easier for developers to build applications and services for any device, on any platform."

It almost sounds like you're going to be able to run VS2015 on different platforms, but I doubt it. Maybe you'll run the web version of VS2015 to develop from Mac/Linux?

"To further support cross-platform mobile development with .NET, as part of their strategic partnership, Microsoft and Xamarin announced a new streamlined experience for installing Xamarin from Visual Studio, as well as announced the addition of Visual Studio support to its free offering Xamarin Starter Edition — available later in the year. "

This is very interesting - .NET is going fully cross platform but they haven't bought Xamarin...are they planning on competing while keeping their frenemies close or something else?


"Today we’re excited to take the partnership to the next level, by announcing:

1. Support for Visual Studio 2015 – Today, we released support for the Visual Studio 2015 Preview release, which includes Xamarin templates that make it easier to discover and download Xamarin from within the IDE.

2. Free Xamarin Starter Edition for Visual Studio Users – Today, Microsoft announced a new, free edition to Visual Studio—Visual Studio Community. Visual Studio Community contains support for extensions, which means it will be Xamarin compatible with from day one. We want to help make Visual Studio Community a tool for anyone to create native apps for iOS and Android, so we are announcing our plans to enable our freely available Xamarin Starter Edition to work with Visual Studio Community. We are also doubling the size limit on apps that can be created with Xamarin Starter Edition, so that you can build even more capable apps for free. This will be available in the coming weeks.

3. Special offers for MSDN Subscribers – We’ve worked with Microsoft to create a 20% discount for Visual Studio Premium and Ultimate MSDN subscribers to purchase Xamarin Business or Enterprise Editions, or world-class mobile development training with Xamarin University, available up to 60 days after the Visual Studio Purchase."

So the free Xamarin users will get Visual Studio support, but us with Xamarin Indie still have to use Xamarin Studio? I just want to use VS with Xamarin! But I guess that won't happen, because that's the only worthwhile reason to purchase their Business subscription (and the whole >5 employees clause).

Yes ... I'm in the same boat, however the 'core' of my app I developed as a PCL, the substantial part of developing for which I spend time in VS and using Resharper. Xamarin Studio is pretty OK, but VS is damn good to develop with.

One theory I've read is Microsoft wants Xamarin to stay third-party so Microsoft's competitors continue working with them.

Xamarin is working with a great many companies who would think twice about working with Microsoft directly. This way Microsoft can shove money to Xamarin to forward the ecosystem without scaring anyone.

Not only that, but Xamarin's independent existence is like free insurance for companies choosing .NET - even if Microsoft were to drop support (unlikely, but look at Silverlight), Xamarin would continue providing a viable way forward for the language and runtime. Now that MS's .NET is open source, Xamarin's .NET is like OpenJDK - Xamarin is a governing body and authority for the language/API if Microsoft were to drop it. So it's good for Microsoft to have Xamarin as an independent entity.

Xamarin is IntelliJ, and Mono is OpenJDK

More like Xamarin is IBM. From http://openjdk.java.net/faq/ ... if you replace these words from that FAQ, it's remarkably similar to the current .NET situation (even though Xamarin is much smaller than IBM, the amount of attention each company gives to language & core framework development is probably on a similar scale).

> Oracle and IBM announced in October 2010 that we will collaborate in the OpenJDK Community to develop the leading open-source Java SE implementation, and make the OpenJDK Community the primary location for open-source Java SE development. Oracle and IBM will support the OpenJDK development roadmap that was proposed before JavaOne 2010, which accelerates the availability of Java SE across the open-source community.

Nice theory... but they went the opposite direction with Nokia.

I don't think they'd have any issue purchasing Xamarin and importing/re-branding.

Nokia is a totally different case, so doesn't invalidate his theory.

Nokia sells to consumers, so there wasn't the problem (as his theory suggests) of corporate clients not wanting to have business with MS.

Not saying that his theory is correct, just that it's different case to Nokia.

Nokia was also definitely pre-Nadella. The Xamarin theory supports Nadella's whole "cloud and mobile services" schtick.

AFAIK, Nokia didn't want to be affiliated with MS...not the other way around.

The iOS and Android part don't make sense to me. Surely you won't be running VS on your iPad? So are they saying it has support for compiling to iOS and Android? Wouldn't they need to mention Xamarin in that sentence for it to make sense?

I think it's just an oddly-worded sentence. They're saying that you can use VS to target multiple platforms (including IOS). They're absolutely not saying you'll be able to run Visual Studio on an IPad.

I doubt the idea (at this point) is to "RUN" Visual Studio on iPad/Android...

My money is on the App Creation naively in VS 2015 - via Xamarin or similar plugins - instead of having to rely on tools like Eclipse or IdeaU.

I think I'd lose my mind if I could develop apps in Visual Studio and C# instead of having to use Java and pay $1000/year for Xamarin.

It would destroy Xamarin if they made it free to develop C# for iOS/Android.

Highly depends on what the deal between Xamarin and MS is. For example they could work out a deal with Xamarin where they would provide free access under same terms as Visual Studio community (the >5 people) and Microsoft could pay them more than enough to cover their loss while promoting their development stack.

Doesn't Xamarin have a load of other stuff around testing and the like?

It could just mean a move away from Xamarin as a core development tool into producing things which support development on these platforms.

I highly doubt Microsoft will release and support Linux/OSX/iOS/Android API bindings.

What will likely happen is Microsoft will :

* open source the core libs

* open source the JIT

* make sure it works on all platforms

* open source the ASP.NET and port it to Linux/Mac so they can separate Azure from being a Windows only cloud service

Xamarin then packages these in to Mono and Xamarin.iOS/Android providing a layer on top of MS core stuff. Microsoft will then be able to sell .NET as a truly cross-platform solution and make VS/Azure more popular where it's probably losing to other OSS ATM.

I agree re Linux and OSX but I could see iOS and Android. The scale of mobile is such that if you want to be relevant in the way MS have historically, they're two platforms you can't ignore.

I believe they mean you write code in VS and target Android/iOS/etc for builds. It sounds like it's moving more towards a regular IDE than very .NET specific.

It does not sound like you can run VS on different devices.

At the moment .NET is making great inroads into all mobile platforms (mainly due to Xamarin's iOS and Android platforms). The one area where Microsoft needs to push more i son the server side: to be able to develop ASP.NET apps and push them to Linux servers. You can do it now but not as smooth and stable as it should be. When this happens, then the circle is complete: you can write both client and server code in C#/F# from within Visual Studio.

Quite a powerful combo at that point!

i think the potential for F# just got bigger and better with a brighter future!

this pretty much highlights the whole movement at Microsoft +Xamarin: (and directly answers most of the questions in this thread) Microsoft intends to make Xamarin's job a lot easier and realign its developer-oriented strategy in the same direction

Scott Hanselman outlines it concisely here (http://www.hanselman.com/blog/MicrosoftKilledMyPappy.aspx):

Delivering on its promise to support cross-platform development, Microsoft is providing the full .NET server stack in open source, including ASP.NET, the .NET compiler, the .NET Core Runtime, Framework and Libraries, enabling developers to build with .NET across Windows, Mac or Linux. Through this implementation, Microsoft will work closely with the open source community, taking contributions for future improvements to .NET and will work through the .NET Foundation.

“A strong, open source, cross-platform CLR opens significant new options for building large server-based systems,” said Brian McCallister, chief technology officer, Groupon. “This significantly expands the choices developers have when finding the right tool to solve their problem. I’m very excited to have access to the quality virtual machine and tooling of the CLR without having to completely rework our production infrastructure in order to run it!” ____

this will be of great interest to those already using the CLR as it gives more incentive to those developers / dev shops

First we have to see it as a standard Debian package.

Then we have to look at its memory usage, GC pauses, locking issues.

It is much easier to say than to port correctly a large, very complex code-base to an alien platform. (Mono has been written from scratch, if I recall correctly).

This demonstrates the importance of documentation in the framework wars. What could Microsoft possibly gain from open-sourcing .NET? They already have a few thousand great developers working on their jeweled prize, designed to lure developers to the brand as resolutely, and immutably, as possible.

.NET going open source is Microsoft admitting that, despite its best efforts, developers still want to know whats going on behind the curtain, whether the mirror really works, and just what kind of smoke is being blown up their ass in the effort to capture their minds and bind them to the brand.

To be fair, the source code for most of the core .NET libraries has been freely available under a "reference source license" for a very long time now. You could look behind the curtain, you just can't modify or redistribute.

So it was not really 'open' then, was it? More like "sources available for reading only" ..

Yes, but this open-ness is irrelevant to your point - "developers still want to know whats going on behind the curtain"

Then what you're saying is that this is hardly news, and hardly of note in any sense other than they're going to give the community .. what exactly?

I welcome it. And still think it is 10 years too late. 2.0 was a blast and provided higher quality of life and speed of contemporary JAVA. If they had made it multiplatform back then the world would have been different.

They probably didn't have the resources back then to make it multiplatform. It would be a distraction from providing the core features of the platform. Now that the platform is mature, it's a good time to do it.

You mean they could release Rotor under crap licence? But could not make .NET multiplatform? Doubt it.


This was the CLI

I guess it's now easier to create cross platform desktop apps using Visual Studio 2015? Does this mean I can finally make iOS apps on Windows? I'm downloading the 2015 preview to try it out.

Oregon legalized marijuana on Tuesday. Microsoft open sources .NET today. They say miracles come in 3. What's next?

adobe brings photoshop to linux crosses fingers

I get married.



This is big news; it probably warrants two or three front-page posts. :)


Self advertising by ms... What a surprise!

A couple decades late to the party, but surprising nonetheless. ^_^

This is a very bad news. .NET and Microsoft must die after apppl.

MSFT Pls fix ODF before you claim to be open!


Well, fuck me and call me Shirley...this is awesome news.


True to form, the links to github are broken.

After recently using Microsoft's online tools (OWA, web-based office, etc.) and the IOS version of OWA, I'm shocked at how bad the UX has become.

Recently, there was a bug that makes the IOS OWS client replace its standard icons with emoji. It's been over 90 days and the bug is still not fixed.

There have recently been a lot of bold decisions at Microsoft. If anything can turn around a dying company it's this kind of approach.

Not sure why the downvotes. I'm rooting for MS to be successful.

Didn't downvote you, but maybe because that sounds a bit anecdotal. Also for a "dying company", they do very well.

True, though it was clearly voiced as anecdotal and not pretending to be otherwise.

MS is doing well but there have been a number of shifts in the landscape MS has yet to successfully navigate.

Too little, too late. At the end of the day, you're still being forced to pay a company to use their shitty software. Once you lose developers, you lose the race.

The thing is, it's anything but shitty.

C# is one of the best languages out there for generic enterprise work and app development, and there's a magnigicent next gen language in F# thrown in, and a great web framework.

I keep hearing that, as if people are trying to convince themselves. But the fact is that it just doesn't exist out in the wild like its alternatives. What's more, anybody who thinks Microsoft is embracing open source by doing this is kidding themselves. There is only one motivation behind everything Microsoft does, and it isn't bringing open source philosophy to its products. Hint: That philosophy serves to undermine Microsoft's single motivation. I'm sure this comment -- while more thorough and reasonable -- will also be downvoted into oblivion because of the fanboys in here high on their own dreams. Microsoft is not your friend.

> Microsoft is not your friend

Nor is google or Oracle. So who is? To put this in perspective you need to look at the alternatives. Getting a free (as in speech) source CLR/BCL/JIT/Compiler and a free (as in beer) IDE is pretty sweet.

Sure, you can do python or Node.js, but it's not covering all that you can do now with .NET. Only java/jvm really competes on "everything except high perf" (from enterprise to mobile to cloud etc.).

And in the java universe you may end up with Ask toolbar, Eclipse and tears on your keyboard.

> So who is?

Linus Torvalds, RMS, Guido van Rossum, and a very long list of other open source contributors who were writing open source code before it was 'hip' or good PR.

Those guys do (did) some great things. However, I wasn't asking about who was a cool developer or great OSS personality (Or a crazy person or obnoxius mailing list asshat for that matter :) )

I meant, when it comes to choosing a platform/language/IDE for enterprise dev or mobile/cloud dev, there are lots of options but most of the "big" ones also come from megacorps (Oracle, Google...)

What scared people most about .NET is usually the closed nature (will they continue to develop it? will they charge more tomorrow?) and the fact that it only runs on windows which makes it more expensive. When it's open sourced and available for other platforms, it's no worse than the alternatives in that respect.

I think people didn't trust MS because of Android patent extortion fees (which they still do BTW) and Mono was covered only partially by patent promise. I still don't know if every part of Mono is "patent promise" covered (by MS).

I don't believe MS would sue some random ISV but let's assume Google today forks Mono - will this be safe for them to use ?

"C# is one of the best languages out there for generic enterprise work and app development" - i see you have great tools if cs is soooo good.

For enterprise work I'd actually agree that nothing beats C#.

I also love Haskell, but let's be honest - it won't get me hired, or at least not here in Bulgaria.

"For enterprise work I'd actually agree that nothing beats C#." - i'm sad to read this. It's a pain to develop even a simple thing with c#/java because of the 'great' lang design and ugly tools. "I also love Haskell, but let's be honest - it won't get me hired, or at least not here in Bulgaria." - with a toy lang, nobody(if sane) will hire you.

"with a toy lang, nobody(if sane) will hire you"

C# is the "toy lang"? How old are you exactly?

I think he called Haskell that. Booo

Well, that's equally bad, just from another perspective.

As if the market demands and hirability is all that matters (and that said in a forum of hackers and entrepreneurs! Lots of which have actually businesses run on Haskell, Clojure, LISP and other "toy" languages)...

I've reverted to WIN32 because users can run a single file, bare bones EXE without the Permission Police blocking you.

Too often users aren't allowed to install programs. A simple program that can run on anything since XP is a good solution around Microsoft's sandbox strategy and DLL hell and install programs are big problems.

With wine you can even run your simple EXE on Linux and Mac. Native x86 means you run faster than these virtual machine based solutions.

Are you talking about the .NET misfeature that gave managed programs running from network shares less permissions than native programs running from the same network share? Because that was removed a long time ago (.NET 3.5 SP1?).

i think hes saying for less dependencies, and portability, and no required elevated users, and speed: its best to write it in straight win32. i agree and ill chime in down here in the downvotes. i think a lot of authors like the op and myself if we want a speedy app we have to go to win32 api only. c# is slow and even MS doesnt use it in windows desktop mgr or IE. ex: without hw accelleration the hearts game is unplayable on a 2ghz machine. with raw win32 api thats not a problem

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