How are your personal property rights being violated? If an ATI graphics card lied and claimed to be an nVidia card and the drivers cause it to overheat and catch fire, who is at fault? Should you be required to QA your drivers against counterfeit products?
Edit: nobody has shown that the driver is intentionally writing the ID to 0, the counterfeit chip isn't even close to the same circuitry and could be screwing up a legitimate instruction.
This isn't a misconfiguration issue, or that Linux bug that bricked certain SCSI devices. No, they are explicitly asking the counterfeit chip to rewrite its USB PID to 0, which renders it unusable.
It's been proved by reverse engineering the FTDI drivers and annotating the code. It exploits some edge case in which the counterfeit device does not behave exactly like the original.
Wow they could have planned this misadventure a bit more carefully. Having decided to do this stupid destructive thing, they should at least have resolved not to admit they did it on purpose. The general public would have much more sympathy if the story was "after lengthy investigation, we've determined that the bug only affects counterfeit products... we have sympathy for all victims of counterfeiting." Instead, they've gone for "in your face, you cheap bastards!" Honesty is not always the best policy, especially when you're evil.
This isn't about damage from a lack of precautionary measures. It's about damage due to the drivers doing something completely irrelevant to ordinary use- code that has no reason to be in the driver in the first place.
If the drivers caused it to overheat because of an oversight, then that's just sad. If the drivers caused it to overheat because the company went in and wrote, if(counterfeit) overheat(); then they're liable. Surely this should be obvious.
Edit: nobody has shown that the driver is intentionally writing the ID to 0, the counterfeit chip isn't even close to the same circuitry and could be screwing up a legitimate instruction.