I was diagnosed with Lyme disease when i was in elementary school, ~5th grade. No rash was noticed. It wasn't until days later than my knees had swollen so bad that I couldn't walk without significant pain that my teachers and parents actually did anything.
Antibiotics and god awful syringes to extract the fluid in my knees. Even though I've been without pain in my knees since, it's left me with a life long hatred for high impact things like running.
I'm now 27. I'd generally say that I feel just fine. But on the other hand, "foggy brained" is also something that i'm pretty sure my Mother, and close friends would pin me as being.
Sounds very much like my symptoms (intense knee pain/swelling and no rash), except that you don't mention low-grade fever and jaw pain (which I had). I was eventually on crutches and had an enormous amount of fluid (orange) removed from my knees. Cortisone helped a great deal.
For whatever reason they tested me for everything under the sun (rheumatoid arthritis, gout (!), etc) before testing for Lyme. I wish I knew then what I know now.
Antibiotics and god awful syringes to extract the fluid in my knees. Even though I've been without pain in my knees since, it's left me with a life long hatred for high impact things like running.
I'm now 27. I'd generally say that I feel just fine. But on the other hand, "foggy brained" is also something that i'm pretty sure my Mother, and close friends would pin me as being.