Use it or lose it, it happens to the best of us. There is only so much I can remember at one time, I don't even worry about it, so long as I can find a way to look it up. I wish I had a photographic memory. Knowing that I don't, I don't obsess about remembering the details only the high level over view of things.
Typically for short command line options, I've noticed that if I stick with the first character of the word that immediately comes to my mind while contemplating, I'm able to recall it much easier and even after a longer time. Maybe something to do with how my brain is wired so sticking to the natural instinct results in repeatable results. If the option takes the last <n> lines from the file, "tail" immediately resonates so "-t" makes more sense and sticks to memory longer. Of course, with increasing no. of options, this strategy becomes less reliable.