It would be nice if the thumbnail previews expanded when you click them. I don't use Firefox so I'm not going to install these, but I'd like to view them in more detail.
I think this is brilliant, and kudos on 1) getting the domain name and 2) getting TC on board as a judge.
I do wish I could test redesigns without having to install another plugin (I already have WebMynd installed), but hey, the screenshots are pretty good, since you can't really change too much about the mechanics of the site. It'll be interesting to see which ones make it into the main WebMynd plugin.
It doesn't cover the advertising; it just pushes it down. There isn't enough room to go three wide (Google, WebMynd, and ads), so it's clearly the best balance of user experience/not being evil I can think of.
Agreed. Either block the ads completely, or show them. For a site so completely based on data, giving them bad data by covering their ads so that it appears to the site that they are being shown, but they aren't, just seems wrong.
Ughhh..... I apologize in advance to any who may have designed a custom Google theme but I'm not impressed by any of them. None of the themes were anywhere near as clean and ergonomic as the plain Google theme. Give me plain text any day. Fancy pictures just slow page load times and strange background and text colors just make it hard to read.