There always seems to be a deep prevalence to think that the government is a purely objective, magic entity with no agenda or bias, rather than consisting of people, each with their own agenda and bias, like everyone else (and worse, consisting of parties that create strong group biases and agendas).
Even if you assumed the government perfectly represented the people, it would possess a very blatant agenda and bias, in the form of representing said people and what they vote in favor of.
I'd argue governments as political entities - keeping in mind what it takes to win in politics - are far more likely to hold extreme biases and agendas.
Any government system of reviewing universities will possess tremendous bias toward whatever people are in power that oversee such reviews. They will obviously rate universities that meet their favored criteria higher, matching up with their world-views about education / societal issues / etc.
Even if you assumed the government perfectly represented the people, it would possess a very blatant agenda and bias, in the form of representing said people and what they vote in favor of.
I'd argue governments as political entities - keeping in mind what it takes to win in politics - are far more likely to hold extreme biases and agendas.
Any government system of reviewing universities will possess tremendous bias toward whatever people are in power that oversee such reviews. They will obviously rate universities that meet their favored criteria higher, matching up with their world-views about education / societal issues / etc.