What experience do you base this statement upon? I serve in the military and can tell you that the writers of military doctrine are typically senior (O-4 and above) officers with post-graduate degrees. These are people who have devoted many years of their lives to military professional education. Like any manual, the possibility for a typographical mistake exists. There is an official channel for readers to submit errors that they find. In this case, you can submit your errors to the Maneuver Support Center of Excellence at Fort Leonard Wood via DA Form 2028, which can be mailed or emailed:
Send comments and
recommendations on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to > > Publications and Blank Forms) to
Commander, MSCoE, ATTN: ATZT-CDC, 14000 MSCoE Loop, Suite > 270, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473-
8929; e-mail the DA Form 2028 to
<usarmy.leonardwood.mscoe.mbx.cdidcodddmpdoc@mail.mil>; or submit
an electronic DA Form 2028.