Publish an official blessed and supported way of daemonizing processes. Yeah sure, you can use Apache commons-daemon and others of it's ilk. And it will work. But it will feel hacked together (at least it does to me).
2. Fix Dependency hell!
Publish a blessed / supported / standard of supporting / managing different classloaders. Java has this great mostly unused mechanism (classloaders) for managing dependency hell. It would be great to have platform (maybe even language) level support to make that easy to do and a standard way of building software.
This is fixed by process supervision software such as systemd -- no need to implement it yourself. Just leave your application running in the foreground.
Project Jigsaw (modularising Java itself and introducing a module system) will be a serious attempt at solving a part of this problem but may not land in its entirety for Java 9 (modularising the source code landed today on trunk). OSGi claims to solve the application layer part, but many developers I speak to have mixed results, primarily due tooling support etc.
Publish an official blessed and supported way of daemonizing processes. Yeah sure, you can use Apache commons-daemon and others of it's ilk. And it will work. But it will feel hacked together (at least it does to me).
2. Fix Dependency hell!
Publish a blessed / supported / standard of supporting / managing different classloaders. Java has this great mostly unused mechanism (classloaders) for managing dependency hell. It would be great to have platform (maybe even language) level support to make that easy to do and a standard way of building software.