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Blame the british. In pre-colonial India women had extensive rights, including property rights. The dowry is exclusively controlled by her so that she can have economic independence if she needs it.

In post colonial india property rights were taken away from women so that the dowry was transformed from something to help your daughter to a payment to your son in law.

While I certainly believe you, I'd still love to see a reference for my own curiosity.

I have only looked at a wikipedia article so far, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dowry#India which mentions how it changed at the end of the section

The saying goes that the sun never sets on the British Empire. And according to xkcd, this is still true even today - https://what-if.xkcd.com/48/

This is primarily because God doesn't trust the British in the dark.

He shouldn't, Heaven likely has some interesting natural resources.

I bet it doesn't have a flag either.

No flag, no country..you can't have one.

Thats the rules that I've just made up and I'm backing it up with this gun.


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