In Java, everything extends Object, so something like List<Object> will let you put anything you want into it. I should play with more languages, I didn't realize that was an uncommon feature.
"Object" as in Java is a type for any tagged box type. Primitives, such as "int", don't derive from Object, but can be promoted to a corresponding boxed type, such as "Integer".
The story is a little more complex in C#, where ValueType derives from Object and "value types", both primitive and user-defined, are truly subclasses of Object. Types not derived from ValueType are considered reference types.
This is a consequence of lack of generics and comes from Smalltalk.
In languages where genericity is supported, you don't need a common base class with a pre-defined set of methods, as you can give type constraints.
Java could also have done it with interfaces, but those were the days OO was becoming mainstream and interface (component) based programming wasn't yet well understood.
Did I read that right about the range operators: triple-dot (...) is like the inclusive range that perl, python, ruby (etc?) denote with double-dot (..), and in swift double-dot (..) is actually a special range operator that excludes the upper limit?
If so, that seems backwards, and too late to fix :-(
I always thought that Ruby had it backwards, so I’m glad it’s different in Swift. I think it makes more sense for the triple-dot ... range to mean an inclusive range, because you type an extra dot at the end compared to the double-dot .. range, and that extra dot means that the range includes an extra number on the end.
* Python has no dots for ranges, it has a range() builtin function and it has slices which uses colon (e.g. some_array[1:42:2]). Both range and slices exclude the upper bound
* the Swift operators makes a surprising amount of sense (where Ruby's make very little): the longer operator yields the longer range and `0..10` yields a range of length 10. Think of it like this: the "center": dot is the range itself, the left dot includes the left bound, and the right dot includes the right bount. Thus `..` is "range with left bound included` and `...` is "range with right bound included"
Python has much more sensible range operations (based on slice syntax for array slices, or the arguments to the build-in 'range' function) that are unrelated to this.
Ruby (and coffeescript, and perhaps perl) uses a..b to indicate a closed range (i.e. including b), or a...b to indicate a half-closed range (not including b). Swift seems to do the opposite. My guess for how ruby (or predecessors) came up with this was by copying bash (or sh?), which has only the .. version.
To be honest, the .. vs. ... distinction is really confusing and error-prone, and a bad bit of syntax to include in any language, period.
I can't talk about the comparison to perl/python/ruby, but yes, using the triple dot includes the upper limit, and using the double-dot excludes it. For the typical (for var i=0; i < count-1; i++) scenario, you'd using the double dot (i in 0..count).