Your ingredients list for getting Watterson on the web is missing one important thing: him wanting to start showing his work to the public again.
Who knows? Maybe this little thing he did with Pastis was him testing the waters. He might have been asking himself "Do I still have it? Do I still WANT to have it?" by drawing these. Maybe he's toying with some sort of return. Maybe he's about to drop some awesome personal graphic novel that's been brewing this 20-year-sabbatical. I know damn well Universal/Gocomics would kill to set up a new presence for him on pretty much any terms he wants. Half the web cartoonists he met via showing up on Stripped! would probably do it for free.
But does he want it again?
I mean, he retired into aggressive anonymity for twenty years. He might have recharged. He might still be completely burnt out.
We can't know. And that's entirely what it rests upon.
Yeah, but that's the thing. With a web comic he can do whatever he wants. Pure freedom. What he wants, when he wants. Hundreds of people would pretty much work out all the details for him just to put it on a page somewhere, I would imagine. And it's not like he'd have to come out of hiding, either. The web pretty much allows you to do as you like in that regard as well.
Sure, it's just wishful thinking, but it wouldn't be that hard to give him an outlet to do as he pleases, assuming he wants to do something.
Who knows? Maybe this little thing he did with Pastis was him testing the waters. He might have been asking himself "Do I still have it? Do I still WANT to have it?" by drawing these. Maybe he's toying with some sort of return. Maybe he's about to drop some awesome personal graphic novel that's been brewing this 20-year-sabbatical. I know damn well Universal/Gocomics would kill to set up a new presence for him on pretty much any terms he wants. Half the web cartoonists he met via showing up on Stripped! would probably do it for free.
But does he want it again?
I mean, he retired into aggressive anonymity for twenty years. He might have recharged. He might still be completely burnt out.
We can't know. And that's entirely what it rests upon.