yep, absolutely not a surprising reaction if one looks at just visible connections between top VCs and other elite here in the Valley and In-Q-Tel, Palantir, etc... (and if one looks at the amount of invisible ones... Valley has always been doing a lot for Military Industrial and these days it is Intelligence Industrial Complex - don't get me wrong, i'm really grateful for the Valley existence as the greatest technological R&D center :)
I actually find it very refreshing that he is so up front about it, and he's absolutely right that the programs that Snowden revealed have been more or less an open secret for many years.
Probably we have to consider that he was saying this on CNBC, which is a financial news channel, and in that context he had to represent his interests, which include all the people who's money he is managing. I suspect in another context his views on this would be far more nuanced.